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Maybe this has been talked about before, I’m new to tattle, apologies. Did Doria go to prison or is it a rumor? I can’t find anything online
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So it seems that they are copying the Obamas who also signed a big deal with Netflix a few years back and are now making programmes around race issues. 'These include American Factory, a documentary about the culture clash at a Chinese-owned factory in Ohio, and Bloom which is a drama series set in post-war New York exploring the 'barriers faced by women and by people of colour in an era marked by hurdles but also tremendous progress'.
Their production company will also be creating a film adaptation of a biography about slavery abolitionist Frederick Douglass.'

This sounds like the sort of programming that the Harkles might want to pursue. After all Meghan wants to 'train' us all remember. They seriously believe that they have influence. The elite dictating to the masses about what we should think and how we should behave.

'our focus will be on creating content that informs but also gives hope' and, as new parents, 'making inspirational family programming is also important to us'.
It makes me puke that they can spout thiis after the way they treated her elderly father and all of his family (including his elderly grandparents) with plastic scabies offensive whingeing book.🤮
Yes they are copying the Obamas. Here is his word salad when Higher Ground Productions got their Netflix deal

“We all have a sacred story in us, right?” he said. “A story that gives us meaning and purpose and how we organize our lives. A good story is a good story. If it’s a documentary like yours or if it’s a scripted story that helps people understand something they didn’t understand before, we want to see if we can give voice to it.”

Sound familiar? :unsure: Cunts! The lot of them!

On a side note, “American Factory” (an Oscar 2020 winner) was only released through the Obamas production company. They had nothing to do with it’s making. (not having a pop at you here @Scotch Mist ❤ ) This link explains it.

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The more you think about the Netflix deal, the stranger it gets. This announcement did zip to publicise any upcoming project. It's all about the amazing genius of the Harkles brilliant dealmaking talents and puffing up the deal size to $150 million So they haven't built any sort of brand for their production company, or started to build anticipation for the forthcoming **insert Woke-name here** blockbuster Megsplanation doc.

Not only that, they've put out publicity dissing Jeffrey Katzenberg (he flew in to beg them to sign to QuiBi 🥴 ) and by putting it about that their deal with Netflix is $150 million, they've put Netflix in an awkward place with all the many real, live deals they are currently negotiating. Way to go - bet Netflix are not happy at these antics.

There's a great piece in the Telegraph which cannily suggests that Netflix will probably buy in a few documentaries and tell the Harkles to sit on a sofa and introduce them. Would be hilarious if they buy up the old Ardent TV stuff, much of which wasn't too bad. How long though before Harry becomes the face of the Netflix Royal documentaries? Or they twist his arm to allow them to make the next series of the Crown (the rumour from Page Six is it was Harry that blocked it)

If you have a few minutes, read the Telegraph piece (archived for easy reading which many thanks 😘 )for a really good explanation of how this Netflix deal will likely work, then read well-connected Cindy Adams in PageSix

Final thought. They aren't saving Archie for a magazine cover, are they? It's Royal TellyTubbies time..
Read the Telegraph piece...very insightful thanks!
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Proves the apple does not fall far from the tree
and in this case it’s a rotten maggot riddled one

Picture opportunity here lol
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Paula M's new video. If his family lied to take the heat off his back, or PC paid for it then he's very lucky, considering what he did to his family.

What about his trust fund inheritance? I don't know much about that. I know that if he had to use, or has used that money, it would not last long with their lifestyle.
Harry probably has someone shadypaying off his debt or Charles paid in full and final settlement. Interesting how the wording was a Harry paid and not « Meghan and Harry paid ».
Even if Harry doesn’t realise; the RF ate paving their way for the inevitable divorce ( when his title doesn’t open anymore doors) and he has to live in Frogmore, near Granny.
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New thread title is I think ( if I've looked at it right) from Scotch Mist:

Harry and Meghan #41. Harry and Meghan turning tricks, see it all on Netflix.

Can somebody check & do the honours please ❤
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I can't believe that the people in the street seemed to like and support them! Bloody idiots!
I reckon that was heavily edited and that they had a few negative comments on them but decided not to show
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Nooo, you've all got it wrong! She's been HACKED I tell ya. Our lovely Pom would never sell us all out, nope, no way. ❤ I'll rattle a box of gravy bones and that Willie will soon perk up a bit, then we can find a suitable 'attorney' (her-hermmm) to sort the suing out 🤣

Joking aside, I am disgusted at Hazno. One thing I did think he would do is guarantee his commitment to Invictus. No words, it's awful.
I wonder how many of of his "commitments" and "charities" were selected for him by a good PR team and now that he's out of the jurisdiction of the RF and trying to be Hollywood famous, he doesn't give a damn about his old initiatives anymore.

Sad but for your run of the mill person, especially in the U.S., they're probably more interested in a Kardashian than the Invictus games. I'm guessing him and Smeg will guest-star or hop on some random us talk shows/reality TV down the road.
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From the comments on there.

FreddiexxxxxxxFan, Flyover Country, United States, less than a minute ago
I've been reading up on this deal with Netflix. Experts say it is highly unlikely that Netflix paid over $100 million--and that is is to be paid over 5 years. So, that would mean $20 million per year. And at least some of that money is back-ended, meaning in order to get paid, the content Harry and Meghan provide must do well. This is unlikely because the content the Obamas have provided has not done very well. Doubtful H&M's content would be an improvement.

The Obamas got an award for their shit. Not that that means it was good , but yanno, you'd think it might be.
Hopefully this guy is right. If the product content doesn't suit their standard then netflix have a get-out reason not to pay them.
Why is my machiavellian side thinking they've walked into a trap.
Conversation next year.
🔹NF. We aren't keen on the feminism docu you came up with. Been there done that. Anything else for us?
▪FuckFace. Well we have one on female empowerment,interviewing sex workers and writing on bananas and ....
🔹NF. Nope. Been done to death. Nobody cares. Next ...
▪FF. Ok, we have a great one on BLM
🔹NF. That's last years news. Nobody gives a shit.
▪FF Right, ok, so we are planning a series of children's stories about ducks and rabbits, pointing out the physical differences and varying habits and focusing on how they integrate and socialise and equating it to ....
🔹NF. Erm, how shall I put this sugar tits. No. To be frank we were thinking of maybe doing something on the British Royal Famerly. Yanno, maybe an insiders view.Lots of emotive images of you gazing out of Buckingham Castle windows at the dipped-in-paint birdies flying free, and innocently wondering why King William came home drunk last night and pissed in the victorian armoire while clutching a pair of pink panties labeled "not Kate's" ... and why they let their rug rats run around semi naked. You could do that saintly hand crossing thing you do in zooms and say "As God is my witness I will never let my archiedoll live among these heathens." Then haul down the nearest curtains, fashion yourself an escape dress and run down the maul/mall/boulevard pushing the twin stroller containing Ache ... it's Aitch, not Ache ... yeah whatever, and archiedoll, hop in a black cab. When the driver asks "luvaduck what's up with yer boatrace me old china, where ya wanna go?" you can scream "Anywhere away from this hell hole!!!" Cue dramatic music. We'll use Sheeran.
▪FF Well we said we wouldn't and Aitch might not want to rock the boat ...
🔹NF (stands up and ushers her toward the door, hand caressing her derriere in her snugly fitting Victoria Beckham work skirt) listen honey, go home, work on him , erm, I mean it IT. Show him your water bills and mortgage repayment demands, baby needs new shoes etc etc. Get back to me when he agrees and we'll discuss potentially releasing your next payment.

FuckFace sashays out the door, turns around and winks ... "done! Get the cheque ready!"

Oh jesus look at the time. Aargh .
Genius 🤩🤩🤩🤩
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More Harkle PR for Invictus damage control in People this afternoon

Something interesting in what they are saying though.

Last week (Telegraph and Spectator - quoted below ) sources were saying

The couple have signed up to a multi-million pound deal with Netflix that will see them producing ‘inspirational’ children’s programmes and documentaries. Hoping to follow in the footsteps of the Obamas, they will reportedly receive an exclusivity fee of £3.7m, up to £1.5m each year as a retainer, as well as fees for each show produced. A nature documentary and an animated series on inspirational women are already said to be in the pipeline.

But today in People:

“The suggestion or implication is that the duke has decided to choose his own financial benefit over raising money for veterans or the Invictus Games is egregious. Invictus is something that is his creation, there is so much that he believes in. It is one of the most important things to him,” says a source close to the prince.
"It is absolutely untrue that the Netflix deal is connected to the Invictus Games and Amazon proposal," the source continues.
Lawyers working for Harry have written to The Sunday Times to complain, PEOPLE understands. The source adds that there is nothing in the Netflix deal that Harry and Meghan recently signed that stops them from working on projects at other broadcasters or streaming services."

So Netflix didn't bother to thrash out an exclusivity clause. That's normally celebrity Deal 101.

ETA Royal Cash-in Keyword Search Bingo from People: Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex, Prince Harry, prince, duke, prince, Duke. Plus three photos each captioned Prince Harry'
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My tablet is now mucking around with backspace, delete etc too 🙄 making editing a real pain 😠.
I'd completely forgotten about Rebecca Loos!!! Thanks for the memory!
I took out Netflix subscription to get me through Lockdown so definitely thinking of cancelling it now!
We have to remember that they still need audiences for their output and I know I won't be watching their preachy programmes!
Rebecca Loos - is she that bint that went on celebrity X factor with James Hewitt? And got bollocked by Sharon Osbourne for wearing a short skirt & no knickers & while she was dancing about poor old Shazza got an eyeful of Merkin?
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