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My favorite thing about some Americans abroad is that somehow the topic always goes back to how they do things in America, and why it's so much better there. I've actually lived in the U.S. for many years so I'm used to it/it doesn't bother me, but my partner is Scandinavian/Dutch and raised in Norway and all the endless chatter and American supremacy infuriates him. Sometimes he pretends not to hear them so they'll go away. :LOL:

Come to think of it, Megs does a similar thing where she’s consistently trying to push her unsuitable ideas and way into the Royal Family. Even without any relevant experience or understanding of the culture or institution, Smeg thinks she can do it better.
Thank goodness my future Merican extended family are not like that 🤣 x
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With a plastic fake doll as a child and abandoned rescue dog in canada..thanks for reminding me..I forgot how shallow there are! lol x

Yep dollar signs

Dollar signs cancel out camera flashes...who knew...answers on a postage stamp with the face of HM the Q and not Meghan the Melgomaniac. Millions of Uk GB pounds count for nothing..they are a total disgrace..spending hard earned tax payers money in a global pandemic on a huge mansion..I have no idea why the world is not speaking out about their hypocracy and self entitlement.
Absolutely spot on. Do as I say, not as I do, the law is now their word salad spew. Him apparently being triggered by cameras is the biggest load of BS ever, like you and others have said, he's perfectly fine when there's a dollar or two involved. The doublest of epic standards that is.
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Btw I’m loving all the film titles. Reminds me of a porn cinema I used to pass every Friday at the Gare du Nord in Paris that had wonderful porno play on words with film titles. Made me chuckle every week without fail 😂😂😂
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Can the Queen take away a dukedom?

Both a duke and a duchess are ranked next in line behind the ruling monarch. Not only were these titles bestowed on the newlywed couple by the sitting Queen of England, but it is also only by the will of the queen who can remove an entitled royal member from their appointed duties and status.Jan 1, 2020

Will have to keep reading up on this.
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Pom Bear

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Young Harry smoking..I never saw him smoke before 🤔( not my pic)


I really really hate it when I have to agree with anything fucking Piers fucking asshole fucking gobshite fucking Morgan, the cunt, has to say! 🤬
Piers fucking Morgan 🤭 x

Why do my posts join an old post even though there is a 43 min gap between the new and last one 😶
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All this nicey nicey charity work with little kids. Can't imagine her ever doing what Diana did and shake hands with Aids sufferers and leprosy patients.
Copying Princess Margret who was the first to visit with HIV positive persons...

And she was doing the hospital rounds because she was too lazy and too stupid to remember the names and details of the charities and those who worked there. The briefings were tiering and boring and she could not be bothered with them. It was much, much easier to sit with ill or old people or children, just asking how they do, cooing and holding their hands. She did good, but it was more of a result of her lazyness she went this path and ended up being adored for it.

Princess Margret didn't cosy up with strangers, as she wasn't brought up to be touchy feely with everyone, but she did read to the Aids patients for example.
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Scotch Mist

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Sweet ginger and American Mustard 🌭😆

OMG I'm getting ads for donor embryos now😬 is anyone else getting them on here?
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The Dyson the dollars and Diana who?

No wonder they did no wordy elaborate tribute to Diana. They knew they were about to open up her grave and shit on her coffin with netflix holding the shovels. Treacherous cunts.
Cant wait to hear what William has to say about this
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Scotch Mist

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Ok which one of you is hadenough283 in the comments section? :unsure: 😂
😁 They make some good points but forgot to mention the moonbump and Archiedolls secretive birth via surrogate. This seems to be an open secret now, the press know and the special services know along with many of the general public. When they lose protection it will come out.

Vanity projects by talentless, egotistical, narcissistic people, how can it go wrong,

unless they do a new version of the apprentice, applying to be Archies new nanny, called ‘the nanny’
They can critique the nanny’s, give them tasks like reading to a child with a full nappy, Meghan critiquing the emotion, running with one of those tricycles things away from ‘paparazzi‘, and at the end of each episode one of the nannies is fired. Dora can be a paid consultant That’s where their talents lie 😂
LOL I'd watch that 😆
The nannies would also have to merch Archiedoll successfully creating an Archie brand and baby products 😁 I'm surprised that they haven't pitched that one to Netflix.
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Oh, my! These sugars! But even a sugar sometimes hits the truth, alas they don't realize it... I'll stick with this part of their nonsense

doing as much charity work as they've been doing together. We can judge their actions and see the two are in lockstep
and actually go on judging them by their charity work and their actions...

Judged by how much charity work they have done together and where and what that "work" actually was and their actions they are still despicable, money and fame hungry impostors.

mene mene tekel u-parsin

Still waiting for the u-parsin part, but I got time :whistle:
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