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I am not sure if Hazno is that bright!

He is used to people doing things for him behind the would be happy to let her Meghaness, lawyers, agents etc negotiate the Netflix deal for them. And he is used to things being arranged for his own ... although .Invictus is his project.... I doubt if he actually did much of the legwork to make it happen. Hazno also lives in his own rarefired world, where I imagine he thinks that companies and people are charitable out of the goodness of their hearts
So I would imagine that it has come as a bit of a surprise to him to realise that he and his wife are pulling out of the Amazon special fundraiser for Invictus, because of Netflix!

And although they could perhaps do a special for Netflix, Im not sure how it works if Amazon have already heavily invested in Invictus, and future filming and promotion rights etc?

Then again they may have been forced to cancel the event because of covid...and its just that the press are letting them have the criticism because....they can?

oops.....I hadnt realised that the event was due for June 2021........ Oh well....there surely is no way they can replicate this event now, as Amazon would surely have a legal right to first refusal on the live show!
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Slightly off topic

On the secret celebs thread someone posted a link to a thread on vipers nest mumsnet where a former showbiz PR was taking questions. Claims she has been told the William rumours are true and the Harkles have been stitched a kipper. (Second hand info so pinch of salt time).

The BIB confirms what many of us here have been saying :devilish:

On topic: he’s a traitorous cunt and she‘s a grifting whore...............and a cunt!
God, is that place still on the go? I went on there once over a decade ago just to ask one question (after I'd got my head round all the DH,DC, DS, DD bollocks) wish I hadn't bothered. I've just opened a brand new salt grinder & chucked the whole thing over my shoulder for owt that's put on there 🤣
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Flipping Hell !

Chatty Member
Found a bit more about it in amongst the comments

Doria targeted Thomas Sr. because of his financial position. She pursued him to try to elevate her career status and increase her prospects. He married her when his ex-wife had custody of his first two kids, Samantha and Thomas Jr. When the Markle kids got to be teenagers, their mother gave custody to their father, which really pissed off Doria because she did not want to be a stepmother. Then Doria's cousin and Thomas Jr. hooked up when very young (11 and 14, I believe), conceiving Meghan. They were both just kids so Doria and Thomas Sr. raised the baby Meghan as their own. This destroyed the Markle family because the two original Markle kids basically lost their father. He doted on the new baby, and poured all his real parenting into her while Doria was bored to death. She hated being mistaken for Meghan's nanny because that's what she was. She was not her mother, and she did not look like her. Samantha and Thomas Jr. went adrift; they had all kinds of problems and no father to give a damn. I think Sr. felt guilty about the circumstances; his son did knock up D's cousin and he couldn't prevent it because he was rarely around; always working. The marriage was not what Doria expected and made increasing financial demands. Thomas Sr. sacrificed his own finances to set her up in her own travel agency, which went bankrupt and Doria served time for tax evasion. When she left Meghan at age 11, she allegedly went away to prison for tax evasion. Her prison record was scrubbed earlier this year. I've read that Doria's financial exploitation of Thomas Sr. led to his also declaring bankruptcy in order to pay her what she wanted. Who knows if part of that was to keep the secret about Meghan's parentage. But Doria's a viper, like MM. Doria and MM got the best of Thomas Sr., bled him dry, just as they're doing to Harry now. Thomas Jr. and Samantha tried to warn the RF and everything they said has come true. I don't think MM ever loved Thomas Sr., only used him. Like Doria. I don't think either of them are capable of forming attachments. Poor Archie!!!
Childhood photos of Meghan show her with afro hair and some photos when her roots are coming through now you can see she still has afro hair
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A bit like the phoney engagement photocall..when she said..she didnt know who he bullshit..we are not wrong chick..we can spot a bullshitter a mile away.
Prince Harry is so stupid..she said \i didnt know who he lie..and he said I hope she loves me...oh my days..both living a lie.
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Flipping Hell !

Chatty Member
The “Netflix deal” is window dressing. PR fluff
This lady appears to be in the know.

Misleading. They signed on like MANY production companies who sell their shows to Netflix. They have to raise the funds themselves to produce the shows & Netflix will only buy them IF THEY LIKE THE SHOWS. If not, they wont”

“They're not working for Netflix. If you don't have a contact, its hard to sell your shows to Netflix. All Sunshine Sachs did, was get them through the door so harry can sell his "shows" to Netflix. If netflix doesn't like them, they won't buy them.”

Basically, they banged on every door in Hollywood.
Disney, Apple, NBC all refused to work with them.
They are still being funded by the BRF.

My personal opinion is that they are trying to create a buzz.
The only thing they can sell is the RF’s secrets. And if they hit that nuclear button, it’s game over. No title, no more funding.
I'm sure she has every little detail catalogued ready to use when it suits her and if Harry doesn't stop her he's lost everything
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Yes, it's not quite as easy to strip the titles as people think plus TQ was mindful of the Govt being involved with Brexit, and now bigger issues like C***D and the economy. Also İ think TQ was thinking of security for the Sussexes in letting them keep the titles for now.
Plus it's very dangerous territory for the Royal family to acknowledge their titles can just be taken away, that they mean nothing, plebs might get the idea we don't need the monarchy. 😱
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They were grown men, she had no control over those issues at the time. I''m not sure what you think she should have done unless you expected her to check their underwear for signs of recent sexual activity every time they returned home.
Bring out the tin knickers Freda! 🤣

Going back to the Netflix crap..... I'm waiting for old Harold Ginger boy to start talking with a lisp. He's had those sticky out gappy front teeth since he lost his milk teeth, how long before the Merkin insists he gets clear braces to fix them, before he's suitably fit to go in front of cameras regularly?
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I love it Pom ❤ thank you

I find her silence a bit suspicious. I wonder if she's been paid to keep quiet or if she's received threats from Smeggys stans.🤔
It's very odd how quiet Sam is, especially as she was so vocal at the start.
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Thank you 💕😃 xx
You're welcome 😊 x

Looooool I promise not to tell 😄 x

That's great to hear you was in the audience 😃 x
''Look at what you could have won'' 🤣🤣

Like, somebody from Walsall or Widnes would have any use at all for a frickin speedboat! The darts and the tankard were more use as an ornament on the mantelpiece 🤣 we went only because two of our darts team went on the show & their partners refused to go 🤣 x
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Flipping Hell !

Chatty Member
It's simple. Netflix have bought the Harkles tell-all Royal documentary (or a series of them) . They're going to throw in an elephant documentary or two as a sweetener but basically this is about Harry and Meghan selling Royal secrets.

After they've done their Royal bit, the deal will fizzle out.

It will be interesting to see if Oprah has a piece of their production company.

ETA The NY Times story says that Harry and Meghan will appear on camera in documentaries so that's the 'tell'. We know Megz has been shopping a Diana-style documentary for a while.
You could have something there, to get the deal on the kiss and tell story ,they've demanded a job as payment
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Can somebody post the video of Meghan going through the car boot only to be told off by security. That really makes me laugh. I wish she would do a live interview and they would play that video asking her about it 😂
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