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I have a houseful for the coronation weekend. Friday night - pub. It’s visible from my dressing room so the kids can roll us home! Then I’m doing a 3 rib roast of beef, a turkey crown and gammon with salads of varying extravagance on the coronation day; then a roast lamb with dauphinois and veg with a trio of blamanche bunnies atop lime jelly grass on the Sunday. Full English on Monday morning before various flights and trains home are caught. And I’ve ordered travel mugs for everyone to take with them on the Monday and will provide scones for the journey. I bloody love food/hosting/people!!!!
What time do you want us Tattlers there Amiyaya !
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Pom Bear

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New thread 😀🧵💖🥰 xx.

Thank you very much for the sweet Corgi vid, it really made me smile and I've watched it over ten times now and added it to my Tattle bookmarks. It has cheered me up tonight Thank you so much 😀😊❤❤❤❤💕💗💖🥰🤗😘 xxxx.

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D. A.

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I think KC needs to stop appeasing Reek & the ho.
It is totally unnecessary to have a photo of the traitorous twats as part of the Coronation memorabilia.
He is never going to make their supporters his allies, all he is doing is alienating those that support him.

Enough now 😡
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Dooley Doo

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Thanks for starting the new thread toninottony and congratulations Thalia on the title.

I wonder if the gruesomes are waiting until after the coronation to release their attack or continue through the media. Scabie poo seems quiet too.

Why oh why didn't Ashley Cole take one for the team. Was he ever a team player. He seems very selfish.
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@Chita The Royal Grift has incorporated your drawings into her latest video - she gives you full credit and says she loves your drawings 😊
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Mock Turtle

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If Charles kept her from going because of Meghas then he is a huge pussy. What was he afraid of? Her wrath? The wrath of Harry? Grow up Charles.

I really don’t like the blame being thrown at Catherine.
I don’t believe for a single second she wanted or asked to go. Catherine has class, unlike some. The people who belong at someone’s deathbed are direct family only and she has the social grace to be well aware of that. Sophie was the only exception because she basically was HM’s daughter, by heart not blood. The PoW’s focus will have been entirely on their kids, not on throwing a diva strop and demanding access to Balmoral. IMO all these shit stirring stories are utterly false and straight out of her classless sister in law’s vicious mouth!

Ouch. Coronation Quiche being made by the palace sounds not very appetising. I’m sure the royal chefs will do it proud but give me Quiche Lorraine any day. I’ve been trying to decide what to serve at my coronation party that is quintessentially British. I’m thinking mini steak and kidney pies on the buffet but without the kidney as the thought of eating something that once filtered piss makes me want to boke so looks like just mini steak pies. There will be other choices as it gets nearer the time but any suggestions welcome.
You should serve some of QEII’s favourites in her memory - jam pennies, chocolate mousse, Earl Grey tea biscuits (yum!), all washed down with a stiff gin and Dubonnet!!
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So, do we believe any of this?

I'm trying to work out whose agenda this is, because it's definitely not William's or Catherine's.

Havent read it because the Mail wants me to allow ads 😁 but I'm calling bullshit on that.

Obviously I don't know the PoW but she strikes me as a very private person, who wouldn't be blabbering about such things. And also, in that situation, leaving aside who it was, I think most people would do what she did.

Plus there wasn't going to be a big gathering at the queen's deathbed, just those closest to her.
Even if Meghan probably hoped to rock up in ill-fitting garments (what else) and take a photo. Shudder.

I am also inclined to disbelieve the recent story about Catherine saying the walkabout with H&M was so difficult. I just can't imagine her confiding something like that to anyone except really trusted family or possibly friends.
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Churchill's Ghost

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Oh darling Chita, take heart and do not let the trolls get to you. For now, please stay here, where you are loved and appreciated. Do not let a small number of bullies prevent you from drawing the truth. As my dad would say, illegitimi non carborundum!
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VIP Member
Lady C plunging right in

French investigation into Archewell? Exposing the Harkles. Money laundering. Elaborate network of companies. Tax avoidance. The Harkles' downfall is not imminent because they are taking advantage of laws to evade tax and enrich themselves.

The Harkles will be a footnote in history? Smeg's attempts at distracting from the Coronation will not be remembered over the years. Substance is needed to have enduring fame.

KC losing support? Less engagements because of less working royals. KC needs to maintain support for the monarchy. He will do damage if doesn't pay heed to the need to be seen to be believed (PP and TLQ's mantra). Lady C believes KC should rope in James/Louise and Beatrice etc. to maintain support for monarchy. KC is obstinate and has caused resentment by Coronation culling. Dramatic reduction in numbers attending compared to 1953. Most UK people want to see the glamour and splendour of dukes in robes, and continuing traditions. Many see KC as too woke and wanting to honour full inclusivity.

Weird Diana stuff? Smeg receiving messages from Diana and alternate spirituality. İnfluences her control of Haz. Ghoulish.

Split nearer? İs Smeg hatching plans now she has achieved her goals? She is now distanced from TRF and creating the narrative that Haz is expendable and she can stand on her own 2 (bunioned) feet. Smeg has isolated herself and cannot re-establish a relationship with TRF. The party's over but the music is still playing and not all the guests have left yet - in decline.
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from Reddit - it does look as if there is something behind his lapel .... if this was a recording device, then this was despicable :mad: at his grandmothers funeral with the purpose of recording his own family who were in mourning. How low can he sink? :mad:


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William & Catherine, Zara & Mike and Peter had all been there that August with their children when the Queen had invited the whole family. Many commented how it could be their last time with her in Balmoral. Louise and little James too. Even Beatrice and Eugenie went.

Harry released through PR that he and his family wouldn't be going. And then when they tried to tour the UK and Germany, they announced again that they were too busy to go to Scotland.

In my opinion, the grandchildren and their spouses except Harry, knew it wouldn't be long and had made peace with her. That last picture of her we were shown told the story.

She was supposed to leave surrounded by Charles, Anne, Andrew, Edward and their spouses. But Harry delayed them.

And had the nerve to throw a fit after snubbing her for years.

The 2-part tale of Frogmore Cottage 🤣

Its still astounding to me that Harry hasn't put together that Peg was the one calling the paps because she obviously didn't want to live in Oxfordshire. She did the same thing in Canada. And then again at Tyler Perry's house. Because she wanted her own mansion in California.

He really is an idiot.
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@Chita im so sorry you are feeling so down. Please don’t take in board the nasty vile sugar accusations. You are a fabulous lovely person with an incredible talent. In no way racist at all. We all absolutely love you and are all sending you huge amounts of love xx. Be proud of your talent xxx
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I think I started the rumour here that it was a pizza delivery guy 😁.

Anyway it all looked really scary... for the guy on the bike, that is! 🤣
you never know with those pizza delivery people. they might be carrying... Hawaiian pizza... *shudder*
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I have just watched the TRG video. Some of those doodles have only ever been posted in here because I trusted everyone to not share them outside of Tattle.
The video creator clearly reads these threads.
Obviously youtube creators with large numbers of followers and advertisements in their videos receive payments from youtube per view. I, the artist receive nothing even though I am named as artist.
As I said before, I was stupid enough to post drawings and put them in the public domain which means anyone can share them. I just posted my doodles for a bit of fun in here, never thinking of a bigger picture.

People ask for a book and previously asked for mugs tshirts etc.
I tried the mugs and tshirts route and it was all very stressful and as many of you already know, my account at the Print on Demand company was closed and I was blacklisted because the cartoons were deemed racist/hate/against their T & C's etc.

I was (still am) very shaken by that.

Also while the merchandise was available to buy, a grand total of 2 people bought anything for which I received £3.00.
I looked at other Print on Demand sites and all were too complicated for me to navigate.

Regarding a book, I am not technically adept enough to do it.
I read about how to do it online but it makes my head spin.
I don't know how to do it and is all the hassle worth it anyway. I don't know.

I feel sick for being thought to be racist. I feel bad that the pics are thought hateful when I only meant to be comical and to poke fun at people who are self-important/self-serving and horrid.
I am struggling with myself to be honest and the older pics ( that are called racist) keep surfacing even though I have revised them.

Nothing ever goes right. Everything I try fails.
I am aware that we should not go off topic in this thread so I have put this in a spoiler.

Sorry, Mods for going off topic but I'm just responding to comments I'm tagged in.

I'm not in a good place. Not good at all.
I echo everyone else's words said to you our darling Chita. You have brought wit, satire and colour to illustrate our ever growing thread here, at times it's been a rough ride with these two and their actions and their effects they have on people, your drawings have often cheered me (and many others up) when it was all getting a bit much and them becoming a drain on one's emotions. I'm sorry that all of this is now bringing you down, but you are better than all of the offended by everything brigade, so shoulders back, head up stiff upper lip and say balls to em' ...we know who you are and what you're not and we love you for it. Hugs x
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