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Pahahahahhaahhahaha!!! It was due to his calm nature in a crisis I’ll have you know! I haven’t the heart to go digging through that whinge fest but I’m sure that was his account. They also claimed that the neighbours were paid to have CCTV on their property pointing at hers….
And yet they had to use clips of other people being followed by paparazzi to try to pretend it was happening to them 🤣
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It was reported that PC told the Stoat in an angry phone call that Catherine wasn't going, so the Ho couldn't go either. PC told the Stoat direct family, no wives, owtte and there was much arguing. I did wonder if the Ho threw a tantrum to deliberately cause chaos and delay the Stoat. If Catherine had gone and the Ho had been refused, they'd have screamed blue murder.

@Evangelina would be able in her cryptic way to explain this shift of blame onto William and Catherine. As someone posted earlier, repeat the lie often enough and it becomes fact. It seems that William and Catherine are the road-blocks to reconciliation and that Chuck's fatherly love has won the day, but there's a whole different story running underneath.

It's noticeable that in the press readers comments Charles, Camilla and the Stoats are attacked by real people. On the internet bots and trolls attack William, Catherine and the Cambridge children, but leave the Stoats, Charles and Camilla alone.
Real people -V- paid bots and trolls.
There's a lesson here but I'm not sure what it is.

Cinny, you're spot-on about the newspaper comments versus social media. It's become more obvious to me this past few days. Ever since "Darling Boy"s Coronation plans were announced.

But quietly began after William's Poland trip. Go figure. :unsure:

Royal-watching Twatter is an absolute mess right now. Several of the well-known "pro-RF" accounts have suddenly turned on the supposedly "workshy" Waleses, and the W&C-supporting accounts. Tumblr's not quite as bad yet, but there's still an undercurrent, and previously friendly bloggers are arguing with each other about the Waleses and unfollowing each other.

Some long-standing accounts are even being accused of wishing death on KC3 and/or labelled "haters", merely for pointing out that he'll have a relatively short reign. And that the way it appears to be going, there's a solid chance the Harkle mess is likely to be kicked down the line for King William to deal with.

For some reason W&C are under fire for their parenting, their workload, their staff, their social media, their projects, their homes and even their clothes. Basically everything.

It feels very.....coordinated...all of a sudden. From somewhere. Almost like a collaborative attempt to destroy their high popularity.

I'm sure @Evangelina has thoughts.

So very glad we've got this place. A little oasis of sanity, friendship, support and humour.
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I still don’t know how to spoiler but we’ve had 2 more lambs! I’m exhausted - they arrived early hours this morning! 🐑
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All these ridiculous articles about Archie, do they really think a child's forth birthday in California is in any way going to trump a King being crowned in the UK, a Coronation. Do me a bleedin' favour.
The oldest one in the uk is in my neck of the woods, 1853.
it's hexagonal and has a vertical slot
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I have just watched the TRG video. Some of those doodles have only ever been posted in here because I trusted everyone to not share them outside of Tattle.
The video creator clearly reads these threads.
Obviously youtube creators with large numbers of followers and advertisements in their videos receive payments from youtube per view. I, the artist receive nothing even though I am named as artist.
As I said before, I was stupid enough to post drawings and put them in the public domain which means anyone can share them. I just posted my doodles for a bit of fun in here, never thinking of a bigger picture.

People ask for a book and previously asked for mugs tshirts etc.
I tried the mugs and tshirts route and it was all very stressful and as many of you already know, my account at the Print on Demand company was closed and I was blacklisted because the cartoons were deemed racist/hate/against their T & C's etc.

I was (still am) very shaken by that.

Also while the merchandise was available to buy, a grand total of 2 people bought anything for which I received £3.00.
I looked at other Print on Demand sites and all were too complicated for me to navigate.

Regarding a book, I am not technically adept enough to do it.
I read about how to do it online but it makes my head spin.
I don't know how to do it and is all the hassle worth it anyway. I don't know.

I feel sick for being thought to be racist. I feel bad that the pics are thought hateful when I only meant to be comical and to poke fun at people who are self-important/self-serving and horrid.
I am struggling with myself to be honest and the older pics ( that are called racist) keep surfacing even though I have revised them.

Nothing ever goes right. Everything I try fails.
I am aware that we should not go off topic in this thread so I have put this in a spoiler.

Sorry, Mods for going off topic but I'm just responding to comments I'm tagged in.

I'm not in a good place. Not good at all.
@Chita bollocks to those pratts and don't let the bastards grind you down, you are worth far more than that.

We luv ya Chita and just carry on carrying on , but I could send the CAS around tonight and Tom will do a solo of The Snow Todger but don't forget the salmon.

Cheer up chuck we are all mates on here and Nuttynana will fight your corner and smack them all in the bleeding gob🐱🐱🐱.

Those people are not worth a pitcher of warm spit
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@Chita I'm so pleased you've had recognition on The Royal Grift for your talent. She doesn't just compliment the cartoons, she mentions how astute you are too. She wants you to put together a book.

I hope this is the good fortune you were hoping for and I hope that it brings all your dreams true. You deserve it. So delighted for you. ❤
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How can anybody take this buffoon seriously. His whole life is a series of lies and coverups. He says things which he thinks are funny and presumes we will all split our sides laughing at his infantile humour ……
That's what happens when you surround yourself with sychophants and/or paid employee's. Harry's got half a foot in the 'real world' now and no one can stand the cunt.
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God I want the entire RF to go all out at the corrie. I want them blinged up to the eyeballs and dripping with gemstones. Beautiful clothes made of the finest cloth. Gold carriages. The pomp. The ceremony. Silver trumpet fanfares. E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G.

Knowing that Meg will be watching and crying :ROFLMAO:
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Chiswick Flo

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May rota is up and guess who's off on the 6th ? :D corrination🍾
My French colleagues were rather bemused to see me jumping up and down, clapping my hands and squealing with delight in front of the rota board though.
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Never mind the interviews, Netflix , the bloody book , this is even worse.

Harold’s coldness , his lack of warmth and sympathy towards Charles, his badgering to get ILBW up to Balmoral because that’s what she wanted , in case PoW might be there is so awful, that alone should remain in Charles’ memory for a very very long time.
I was actually really shocked when I read it and so crass to put it in “ Spare” obviously thinking it made it him look good !!!??! …boasting about berating his Dad whose mother had just died…So ironic that compassion & empathy trips off his tongue when he is completely lacking in empathy .
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But this is the proper way of things surely?

children of the dying person, it’s not a pap op it’s the loss of a human being. The Wales children needed their mum, and it’s not like in my family or anyone else’s - she was The Queen! There were still, probably distressingly, legal things to do and ensure protocol was met.

this is just bullshit in my opinion
Why are all these cunts lining up to blame Catherine for Smegs not coming to the Coronation, can they not add one and one together and see how much this helps Smegs?

The whole family has got plenty to be pissed off with TW about, and if C is annoyed about this, it’s down to the massive stress created for the whole family when Sparry insisted his psychopathic wife attended the deathbed of a woman she barely knew and had spent the past two plus years disparaging - not because C wanted to be there (close though she was with TQ). Sparry and Smegs behaviour was UTTERLY DISGUSTING and Sparry still thinks KC was in the wrong for saying no!

C and the entire family are well within their rights to despise Smegs and cut her out completely and I don’t know why this is even a point of discussion within the papers? She’s been a complete and utter cunt! Actions have consequences! Do the papers not understand why their popularity ratings are in the toilet?

I just wish Sparry wasn’t coming either.
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One of the comments suggests that she did this in Canada too..
Isn’t it detailed in Harry’s book or on netfucks? He had to guide her to the police station when she was working on suits in Canada because she was being hounded, and the police said they couldn’t help so he used his army training to get her home and she fell to the floor crying yet again? And I thought she’d left suits when they were together?
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Chatty Member
Seriously who does that? Inviting adult strangers to a 4 year old's party?! She should be inviting his playmates. Using a 4 year old for networking seems so weird.
Someone remind me what high profile party they threw for Archie's birthday last year? Oh that's right nothing because there was no significant other event happening for them to try and overshadow, in fact if I remember rightly Harry was out playing polo.
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Their photos in the official coronation souvenir programme

View attachment 2109008
I think this photo could be a subtle dig ...... 'this is the most recent photo we have of all the family together ..... before The Gruesomes got above their station and thought they could go it alone.' Also a further dig 'Look how well we get on with the grandkids, who know and love us'

Obviously, if all was well there would have been a full family photograph with the flatpacks included as well.

As my late father used to say "Stick that in your pipe and smoke it," Harkles 🖕🤪
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Scotch Mist

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I really think that the ILBW mantra in life is "I will shout out that I am important, until the world believes I am important". She is been doing it since school and hasn't worked. But she simply has no plan B.
It's that old mantra that if you repeat a lie often enough it becomes believed as the truth.

I used to work with a liar who was a master at this ploy, if you mentioned that she was late for work she'd go round telling everyone that she wasn't (especially the people who hadn't noticed) then they would become her minions backing up her story and anyone who thought she was late was accused of being the liar.

Smegz obviously lives by this mantra. She simply thinks that if she believes it then it must be the truth and anyone who says differently must be beaten in submission.
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