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Scotch Mist

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I try to imagine what KC3 and PW are thinking about the possible outcomes for H. The real damage H has caused is by revealing what an arrogant, deluded dumbarse he must be; in my mind it sows some small seeds of doubt that the rest of the RF are nothing but average intelligence (with the advantage of good education), albeit with unusual money and clout. But in today’s social media-fed world, how long can they keep up the centuries old charade that the King is chosen by God? At best, the RF are senior tourism employees with an entrenched profile. HMTQ was a one-off, not possible to replace.

I have to think that the reason they all keep quiet and don’t give impromptu interviews is so that they don’t reveal themselves to be less than their vaulted public image. Look at what happened when Andrew started running his mouth. He just came across as an arrogant, deluded twat.

I’d be quite content to see KC3 left in post as a figurehead even-if he does prove mortal and caves in to his darling boy. But the mystique can quickly erode and I think KC3 would be wise to yield to majority public opinion. No way there is a future role for H in Britain as long as taxpayers are footing the bill.
I don't really think that anyone thinks the royal family are anything other than ordinary people born into an extraordinary position. Of course their intelligence will vary as much as in any other family and they have good and bad points like everyone else, they also shit just like the rest of us.

In my view they should try to maintain their mystique by not giving interviews, remaining as neutral as possible politically and not making knee jerk ill informed comments. The late Queen was excellent at this and never made a speech that hadn't been carefully prepared.
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As Hazno is so against Camilla being crowned Queen I think he might not turn up for that reason.
I think they will be spitting with rage as William is the only person other than KC with a role to play, Cam getting crowned which Hazbeen will hate, Kate in gorgeous, far superior outfit and jewellery which Smegs will hate, second row shunting which both will hate, not to mentioned getting booed to shit on the way in…

Why the fuck would they come?! (Except desperate for publicity/relevance/for content to merch).

They should just give up! (On life!)
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Hopefully the summit meeting Hazno wants won't happen and he'll realise that he really isn't welcome.

If I was William I definitely would not be making any attempt to hold talks and would be expecting an apology from Hazno before that could happen.
If I was William and Hazno is allowed to come I would take it as a personal insult to my wife.
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They were managed (and booed) at PJ and managed (and made disrespectful fake fools of themselves) at the funeral. I predict they will be managed and booed at the Coronation, he will look like he’s chewing a wasp again and she will be dressed in some sack of shit with a rope around it, looking square and haggard and orange. The booing will be worse than ever. No one in the family will be speaking to them. It’s going to be stressful and miserable, they have no role in the ceremony and they are going to look like utterly pathetic spiteful non entities in footage blasted around the world. Then they will have another fake birthday party with no guests, a poison cake and the well travelled striped sofa. AND THEY WILL NEVER APPEAR AT ANOTHER ROYAL EVENT UNTIL KC3 DIES AND THEN WILLIAM IS IN CHARGE!!!!!

This shit show is nearly over! Let’s celebrate 🎉 🥳
But you say they were ‘ managed’ …
Platinum Jubilee - photos staged through the window at Trooping the colour, car window pap, photo of Lili released / claims Queen attended birthday party,
Queen’s funeral - photobomb the Queen‘s coffin arriving at BP, Balmoral shenanigans, walkabout, will they/ won’t they attend state reception, sitting down in middle of Queen’s funeral ( WTF!) , uniform squabbles ….

And then He went back to California and wrote all about it !!!
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having a quick browse on Insta the morning and Delphina , Nacho's wife has put up a reel off horses and feature The Tindalls, :D Must have been when they did the photo shoot with them down in Australia . Mike and Zara riding along together. I think Delphina and Zara are now thick as thieves and maybe with that pic of her talking with Hazenoballs at the polo was whispering a bit of advice in his ear. Which not doubt the wife didn't take kindly too and now they too have been ghosted at the Markles. They should count themselves lucky, the Tindalls are so much nicer
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Re the Spare book ‘success’ : our local library grouping has got v good online reservation system, where you can see how many copies they have, how many on order, how many on reservation queue and where you are in that ranking. Spare never had any kind of queue - I did a dummy order pre publication and later and went straight to top of ranking, before cancelling, They had 18 copies, which is the sort of order they would have for a new book by a popular, bestseller type author and there would normally be at least 10 before me in the queue.

So the books were bought ( at library discounted rate) but how many were actually taken out and read 🤔 ?
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Maybe, and some countries want to leave, but there are others in line to join, I think. I never fully understood the Commonwealth, tbh, today I think it works as an economic union of sorts. But then again, I am no expert. And I agree that, at the time of her death, HMTLQ was a unitarian figure and consensual one. But I remember the 90's when TRF was far from popular and not even TQ was that popular. And then they turned the public opinion around. I think we are still far from that wide sentiment and although KC3 may not be consensual, there's the promise and hope of W&K.
As a New Zealander with a full Anglo-Saxo/ Celt lineage I can tell you that we still have strong emotional connections with the “old country” even if nobody can remember a relative who actually came out here. Like in America, those with an Irish background can be against the Crown as it represents oppression and as many came out in the Potato Famine, there’s a degree of entrenched bitterness that is fading with time. However, we share an enormous history and have fought as allies to defend western freedom. It shouldn’t be underestimated that Aussies, Kiwis and Brits also share a disturbingly cynical sense of humour and world view and have a deep affection and understanding of each other’s culture. I’m not sure Canadians are as attached to the UK.
I think the Constitutional Monrachy has a lot to recommend it. Hazza and his barnacle of a life-sucking,bottom dwelling wife just need to get a dose of the rack and Tower treatment
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It was someone who was being kowtowed to by her new family and someone who also had external people telling her that she was potentially worth a lot of money. These self-interested advisors would make their cut on that potential and Meghan was their money ticket. The kowtowing bled into the latter and she presumed the whole half in/out plan would also be agreed to. The idea of commercialising the royal brand is and always will be verboten. Being a glorified Instahun with the royal seal of approval was never ever going to be allowed. If she was reasonable and wanted to genuinely do podcasts and make content then I am sure some agreements would have been reached to allow for that and they could push the boundary of royal neutrality in terms of being commercial. The actual subjective quality of the output indicates that the whole thing was a money grab to begin with. That the output veers towards victim playing indicates that they had nothing all along in terms of ideas, talent or originality.

In short it is the two of them clapping back against those who simply can't give them what they want. The only thing that will stop them from constant sniping will be the constant motivating factor of money. When Meghan said in The Cut article said she never had to sign anything preventing her from speaking out I would take that to be an attempt to enable exactly that to happen i.e. make me sign something in order to shut me up but in return I want x, y and z. Money, security, public apology etc. I guess the silence from the family is them adopting a "We don't negotiate with terrorists narcissists" approach. The idea of the Sussexes being unreliable with their integrity having a big question mark over their heads helps fuel that strategy frustrating as it is to people following this. However, more people are cottoning on to the idea of them being exhausting perma victims. The likes of the Louise O'Neill article championing them is the kind of fodder and influence they have now sunk to. Wrung out for the benefit or profile of others. Their stock has truly plummeted and you can be sure they'll be at the coronation trying to eek out the last bit of reflected glory they once had in abundance and which they gloriously (and unnecessarily) squandered.
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What happened to all the shit about a beaten woman that was all over the place a few weeks ago? That seems to have gone very quiet just like any thing else H&M don't want to come out.
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You’re in our database Princess…and you too Prince. let’s look at changing that brand then…
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US based attorney here. Please note the below are general statements in response to your question (and a few others I've seen here on the board), and there are variations from court to court:

--Megan has been trying to get this case tossed at an early stage of the litigation before discovery. In US courts, that is a very difficult thing to do before discovery takes place. So I am not surprised this is going to discovery. That is not reflection on the merits of the case at all.

--discovery consists of written interrogatories/request for production/request for admission AND oral deposition under oath.

--Written interrogatories/Requests for Production/Requests for Admission--you've seen what Sam has asked for floating around the internet. That does not mean she will get what she asked for. Any reasonably competent attorney will object to many of these requests as too broad, not relevant, or unlikely to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence. Meghan's side will probably win some of those objections because the questions I've seen are very broad and not necessarily related to the issue at hand (whether Meghan defamed Sam). They'll fight about those answers, and we may never see rulings on them, or the answers.

--oral depositions are usually a question and answer session on video and under oath. Think of it as an "interview" with a real reporter who asks hard questions with follow up questions and under oath. So to answer your question--yes, this is a "live grilling." They can prep ahead of time for what they think will be asked, but they cannot turn to their attorney with a question pending and ask how to respond. So no rehearsal with a friendly interviewer, and no chance to ask for lifeline. The attorney for Meghan/Harry has a limited basis to be able to object during the deposition and tell the witness not to answer. This why Meghan's team fought so hard for it not to get to this stage. Please note that Sam also will be questioned under oath by Meghan's attorneys.

--Not everything that happens in discovery is posted on the docket. Just because you don't see answers to interrogatories or depositions, that doesn't mean they haven't taken place. You may never see their depositions. You may never see her answers to interrogatories.

--to clear up something I see here all the time--Sam is not asking for $75,000. She is asking for an award "in excess of $75,000. This is standard pleading language that gets you into the right court system. If she wins an award from a jury, it could be more or less.

--can this case still get thrown out? Yes. After discovery, there will be another round of motion practice, including summary judgment motions. The standard for summary judgment is high in US courts, but it is possible the case can get tossed later on with a new round of motion practice.

--will the trial be televised? Assuming it gets to the trial stage, this is very Judge dependent. Most Judges, especially Federal Court judges, do not like their courtrooms to be a circus. Do not count on it.

--why is Meghan referred to or not referred to in the papers as the Duchess of Sussex? The Court will not give a shit about her titles. Meghan makes her attorney drop it in papers they file, which is just breathtakingly arrogant If this goes to trial, there will be motion practice to keep her title from being used in front of a jury because it is not relevant and highly prejudicial.

--can they settle the case? Meghan is the one being sued. She decides if she wants to make an offer and Sam would decide if she wants to accept it. Meghan can offer a settlement package and Sam says no.
I've saved this explanation in here:

Lawsuits/legal action relating to H&M
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This was very interesting, and I was struck by the way TOS still looks at her with adoration ( I didn't watch the Netf@x documentary, ) but the still pic of him looking at her, he is so still in her clutches. He looks at her in a real love smitten way. Maybe they have a long way to go yet as a couple :sick:

what did it say ?????

I managed to get a screenshot.

Also this…
We shall see.

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Pippa M

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When my late husband was quite far gone with Parkinson's and dementia was beginning to set in, I found him rummaging through the drawers in the bedroom. "What are you looking for?" I asked "My speedos" was his reply. "I think they were thrown out long ago" I said but left him to rummage as it was keeping him occupied.
About 15 mins later the lounge door opened and in he jumped with a "Ta Da" and stood there, arms outstretched wearing nothing but his speedos! Bearing in mind he was about 75 years old at the time but I couldn't help myself and I howled with laughter, neither of us could do anything with laughing so much.
This is why a few posts back I said give me a man who has a sense of humour and can make you laugh every single day. Other things fade but his sense of humour was always there.

To keep this OT ...... I bet Hazno won't wear speedos or we would see he definitely hasno!
What a wonderful memory of your husband. I had to giggle and am still smiling !

On topic... *insert rude word of choice* Harkles.
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I thought everyone knew that the queen had died before they announced it it seemed quite obvious but I’m happy to believe she does have inside knowledge if it happens.
LCC wrote the first book about them. Was, in said book, the first to adress their having no attention span thus jumping on bandwaggons, the planning of cashing in from day one, her keeping SS, her manager, her lawyer, heavily hinting on surrogate and a lot of other stuff. Her book has turned out to have been mostly accurate.

I am sure she has sources inside. She even said something or other was told to her by a royal cousin. She seems to lack sources in the servants halls and amongst the courtiers, which the press has, but then she ain't no journo but a biographer.

But she seems to adress topics we are discussing on here in her podcast. OTOH, she goes by viewer questions and those could be asked by lurkers or participants of this thread.
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They'll come they're shamelss (and neither will miss out on reinforcing their royalness which for them =💰💰).
The only condition they'll demand is when outside being ushered in with other royals - to avoid booing. Once they come in safely they'll probably break off from other junior royals.

Photographer of the decade whathisface will release birthday photoshop of Archie underneath mommy and papa's palm trees
Back to us naturally 😂
If they are ushered in with other royals, I recommend football style chants.

NEW GAME: What football style chants should the crowd sing if Who & Ho go to the coronation?


Harold how's your todger?
Harold how's your todger?
You need some cream?
You need some cream?

Set to conga music 😁

OMG, OMG, the crowd could even conga to it (oh please make it happen) 🤣
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