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Love this photo, says it all....... View attachment 1956731
Our Queen knew. She just knew what a bitch she was. I would have loved to have known what her personal thoughts about her were. You just know Prince Philips would be bloody priceless 😂😂

I know this was posted above but it made me laugh if this is suppose to be Harold he’s way too much hair 😂😂😂. He’s a laughing stock. 😂😂😂
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If you don't say sorry and pretty please then I'm not coming and the wife's not coming ............ I said, If you don't say sorry and pretty please then I'm not coming and the wife's not coming ...... I SAID, IF YOU DON'T SAY SORRY AND PRETTY PLEASE THEN I'M NOT COMING AND THE WIFE'S NOT COMING ...... Well, We're not coming then... I hate you.... I HATE YOU ......
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My sentiments exactly.
She's just asked to be allowed a few moment s of reflection. A few moments???? She's already waffled on for ten minutes.
She always does, wee pest. I, a Scottish woman am absolutely delighted she's going. Poisonous individual.
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If you don't say sorry and pretty please then I'm not coming and the wife's not coming ............ I said, If you don't say sorry and pretty please then I'm not coming and the wife's not coming ...... I SAID, IF YOU DON'T SAY SORRY AND PRETTY PLEASE THEN I'M NOT COMING AND THE WIFE'S NOT COMING ...... Well, We're not coming then... I hate you.... I HATE YOU ......

Final offer: we are coming, you must send a private jet and I wanna wear my uniform and smeagol gets the emerald tiara.
Final, final offer, OK we'll fly first class, I want a front row seat, and smeagol will wear the Spencer tiara.
Final, Final offer, please send a car to the airport, can we stay at Frogmore? Pretty, please, I will be so so good darling papa and smeagol will show you her boobs.
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I am not bothering with the gruesoms currently as nothing much is happening so am using the time to catch up on RL stuff I will prob come back fully for the Coranation , re this stoat will not be playing any part The only Duke who is taking part is William as a whole chunk has been removed from the service Mr & Mrs Stoat will be in the cheap seats with The Yorks as they are all none working Royals this has been said loads of times already just becuase some twat on twitter or utube say stoat is taking part does not mean He is that includes the red tops so no need to get angry or upset over it really not worth the stress
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I think her plan might have been to merch the hell out of the kids but I don't think they are cute enough. The Wales kids are very photogenic, the Sussex kids not so much. It's not a question of their heritage, biracial kids can be equally photogenic, it's more that I think the Sussex kids don't live up to the perfect lifestyle image that M had in her head.
I still think Harry put a stop to her plans of merching the children.
He is full of anger and hates it when photos he hasnt got control over appear in the press.
He is obsessed with press intrusion and wants to protect his children from it.
He resented those "official" photos he had to pose for growing up and he sees it as being served up on a plate for public consumption.
He hated having to do it but did as he was told.

Now he doesnt have to and hes making sure his kids arent photographed either.
So I think this is the reason we don't see them properly.
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Another coronation chant:

Aah Aah
He fell on the doggy bowl

I'll leave you to guess the tune 🤭
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Hindsight is a wonderful thing. I was reading about Minge's Coat of Arms and came across the description below to which I've added my comments:

The Duchess bears the arms of her husband impaled with her own.
We're off to a suitably grisly start.

On the sinister side, a songbird Argent wings spread... gorged with the Coronet of the Duke of Sussex.
Ostensibly a bird on the left-hand side. Reversed as we look at the image. Remember this for the final sentence and the meaning of the bird. Is sinister a double-entendre? She has certainly gorged herself on her husband's Royal status.

The three quills represent communication and the power of words.
And we thought it was a sweet nod to her calligraphy! Little did we suspect that she would launch a war of words on the RF, leading to the immortal 'Recollections may vary'.

The songbird with wings elevated as if flying and an open beak represents the power of communication.
Remember it is on the sinister side. Think of Minge's letter to her father written to tug at heart-strings.

I may have gone a little Dan Brown, but the signs and portents were there. She intended to sing like a bird to achieve her end.
Excellent post , @The Wicked Lady , can you explain the red marking I’ve annotated and its significance please ….


Hang On , I’ll magnify it for you to interpret …..


What does it all mean ???? 😉😉
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That's why the overseas keep the press stories going - to cause confusion and stir the pot against the RF. Remember how concerned we were that they came for the jubilee then after we knew that HMQ had played a blinder.
Looking back we've been concerned about a lot of things regarding Wank and Yank ... PP's funeral, Jubilee, TQ's funeral, Netflix series, Podcasts, The Bench, Spare and how many of these have, in the end, proved to be anything other than damp squibs? NONE.

The only thing that they have ever done which caused a problem was the Orca interview until it was proved that most of it was total lies.

Let's face it, they are just big failures in every department and coming or not to the Coronation will not make one iota of difference to how the majority of people now perceive them. Personally I hope they don't come as I feel they will try some childish prank to become the centre of attention but, as everything else they try, it will fail and make them look even more stupid if that is at all possible!
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Harry really has become a whore for money. It's quite sickening. I didn't think I could despise him anymore than I already did. Pitiful excuse for a human being.
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The Wicked Lady

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(The Stoats) "have still not decided whether to attend the King’s coronation, sources close to the couple revealed.

The Mirror can reveal that neither the King nor Prince William have spoken directly to Harry and Meghan about their attendance at the event.

Harry, 38, is understood to want a summit with his father and brother ahead of flying to the UK from his family home in California."

By zoom? Not a good way to sort things out and the Ho would be on his shoulder.

The Stoats won't come if the atmosphere is "toxic like at the PJ."

Express. Yes Express, but likely true
"But according to a report by the Express, the seating plan for the lavish do on May 6 is expected to leave Harry and Meghan Markle frustrated as "precedence" is given to the Prince and Princess of Wales and their brood."
I think a Zoom summit would be just the ticket.

Harry: Good evening Pa and Willy.
Charles: Ah, darling boy! I can't hear you.
William: You're on mute Harold.
Charles: What's that odd background he's got? Oh, it's Meghan.
William: You've frozen Harold! All we can see is your bald patch bro.
Charles: Never mind, we tried. Goodbye darling boy.

Charles and William collapse in floods of laughter joined by Catherine, Camilla and the men in grey suits.
In distant Montecito a soup tureen smashes against the wall.
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This Lady C woman, does she really know anything, everything I’ve seen on here just seems to be stuff we’ve heard already. Nothing seems to be really revelatory from her or anyone else come to that.
Everyone talks a lot but what actually happens? Not much in my opinion.
Lady C broke the news that the Queen had died. Apparently to break it before Meg (or her mouthpieces back in the US did)… so I believe she has access to a lot of information.

Thread closed before I could post this .

QUOTE="Scotch Mist, post: 13945237, member: 64723"]
I bet they're going to get loads of 'returns' and publishers hate that. Every book store has been over saturated with books and the demand isn't there. I haven't seen anyone buying or even looking at the book when shopping.

We all knew from the start that the juiciest bits would come out in the media. The days are gone when content could be kept secret. If the editors at Penguin Random House really paid Hazno millions then they have badly miscalculated the demand. I bet the book is a huge loss for them.
I wonder if the crap sales and backlash will make them cancel the next 3 Hasno was contracted to provide? Even better if they demand a partial refund of the advance, but even if that is not possible, The Reeks would be enraged at not getting their complaints and bile out there.

Oh, I have all my fingers and toes crossed that they cancel any more books from the whinging man boy! Don’t want to hear anymore.
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Neither of them even acknowledged the Queen
If looks could kill ...... TQ's face says it all, she had Smeg sized up long before the wedding took place. It must have been heartbreaking watching this knowing her dim witted grandson had fallen prey to this bitch and she could do nothing to stop it.
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I think that to my own sanity I tend not to believe this accounts. If I shut the sourceless news from the past month and try to build an opinion based on my observations alone, I would say that KC3 and the POW have been very aligned in what concerns the Harkles. We could see more than once, but last time it was on the Christmas Carols concert the affection between the King and Queen and the Wales's. And, if we take the same scrutiny of the Harkles children - and we see they seem uncomfortable with their parents - to the Wales's: we can say that the children look quite comfortable with their grandfather which is a sign of a relationship that is close: we all remember Louis request to move to his grandpa's lap.
It is also my belief that KC3 waited too long to be king and has a vision for his reign and that he is a narc himself so he won't be submitting to the Dimwit & TW.

I think that the decisions concerning the Harkles invitation and/or presence at the Coronation are being debated by KC3, POW, their teams and the Government/diplomatic institutions. Don't think it will ever be a decision of a weak old father nor I believe that POW will be offended or making demands.

Apart, of course, from the whole family demand of never being privately with them. That is probably the most clear condition for their attendance.
Ah, like a cool breeze @FrancesDundee80
I find the world bonkers enough as it is already, so much disinformation, warmongering & vested interest gussied up as important news.
It takes so much to hack through the nonsense to what matters & needs attention, it’s exhausting just keeping on a even keel.
Thank goodness for the sharp eyes & straight talking here.

Back to a quiet dark room for a lie down…
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A description of my superpower and what I’d do with it would involve the words “twats”, “lying“, “malicious“, “traitorous”, ”sycophants”, “cunts”, “one-way”, and “Uranus”.
Would love to put up some hidden speakers, have a microphone and do a commentary of them arriving at the Abbey.

The Cunt and Cuntess of Call have just fucking arrived, the Cuntess looks like sack of crap and her hat resembles a pisspot , her make up has been slapped on with a trowel and resembles an over ripe Jaffa. She swayed her box like body walking down the aisle and looked like an arthritic mongoose.

As they walked in the bleeding entire congregation stared and laughed at them whilst they were all wearing their frozen d ick badges and all holding up the finger.

They were sat with the minor royals in the centre and two spaces either side of them were empty and someone had put a whoopie cushion on both seats and great hilarity was had by all.

The ginger Cunt was sulking and grinding his teeth while cuntess was gurning and glaring atCatherine whole looked superb.

They were held back after the service to let them out last so the transit van could pull up outside and shove them in the back.

As they reached the Abbey steps someone had left oil on them and they both fell head over to arse down the lot of them and the cuntess wasn't wearing knickers and the waiting crowd while laughing until they pissed theirselves thought there had been a total eclipse at the sight of her ming e exposed and all the crabs running after her.

The Tattlers were in attendance and throwing tomatoes and dogshit at them and that Fucking moron @Nuttynana had a cannon full of stale cats piss aimed at them and The very rude, gobb y Tattlers, and you know who you are, had obscene words written on flags and they are being sued by the Douches for insulting them and hurting their Fucking feelings and have told the press that those Tattlers are as common as shit.

Camilla had to turn her throne into a commode because she pissed herself laughing, the other Royals were all pointing at them and mouthing CUNTS at them

The Dire and Douche will not visit us again.

Their new titles are Ming e and Shagitt!
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