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Title by @docmum. I love this one, short, sweet and straight to point. Well done! This was the second most popular post in the thread. Only beaten by one of @Chita's wonderful cartoons.


We don't like the harkles.
There was a discussion on poncho's.
The Coronation - will they? Won't they? So annoying. We're all a bit sick of it.
Samantha's court case - Judge refuses to dismiss the case. We are all rooting for Samantha.
Lots of photo's of 'Spare' accompanied by books with better titles for haz's autobiography. Great fun!
Harry's virginity - older woman turned out to be 2 years older than him.
Older woman is not impressed by being discussed in his book. Total invasion of her privacy.
We all hope that the older woman has been paid huge amounts of money by the press/media. Goddess knows, she deserves it.
The location of Harry's lost virginity has been noted on Google Maps.
Smeg is making friends with a 200 year old Getty Billionaire. We're thinking of Anna Nicole Smith (RIP)
The Getty family are not impressed and are keeping a close eye on the situation.
We agreed that pashmina's aren't for everyone.
Major Johnny remains popular but then everyone is in comparison to Wallis and Vomit. Plus he's good looking.
There was a game/posts on pub names.
Some idiot asked King Charles to bring Harry back. King Charles said 'Who?' Hence the title of the thread.
Some other idiot said that King Charles should hold up Archie whilst wearing his coronation robes. Yeah, right.
Rumours continue that smeg will go into politics. Particularly as she's getting close to a Getty.
As always, lots of cartoons, memes, photo's, jokes and all the rest.
If I've forgotten something please add it.

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Hahaha, yes in France you can go to a public swimming pool in a trunks.
I also have friends and uncles who like wearing Speedos at the beach/their own swimming pool when they work on their tan. There are also plenty of old men just used to wear Speedos and you'd rather not see 😆

I think KC and QCC wear the appropriate swimsuits for their age
When my late husband was quite far gone with Parkinson's and dementia was beginning to set in, I found him rummaging through the drawers in the bedroom. "What are you looking for?" I asked "My speedos" was his reply. "I think they were thrown out long ago" I said but left him to rummage as it was keeping him occupied.
About 15 mins later the lounge door opened and in he jumped with a "Ta Da" and stood there, arms outstretched wearing nothing but his speedos! Bearing in mind he was about 75 years old at the time but I couldn't help myself and I howled with laughter, neither of us could do anything with laughing so much.
This is why a few posts back I said give me a man who has a sense of humour and can make you laugh every single day. Other things fade but his sense of humour was always there.

To keep this OT ...... I bet Hazno won't wear speedos or we would see he definitely hasno!
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Scotch Mist

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Daily Mail article 11th February, main points

"The Royal Family is ‘fully expecting’ both the Duke and Duchess of Sussex to attend the
Coronation and invitations – including those for Harry and Meghan – are expected to be sent out imminently.

Those close to the family, however, say they are braced for a reunion with the Sussexes. If the Sussexes do attend the Coronation, they will be spectators and will not form an official part of the ceremony.

There is the added complication that while the Earl and Countess of Wessex are working members of the family, they have not yet been awarded a Dukedom as conversations continue as to whether they will be granted the Duke and Duchess of Edinburgh titles by the new King. This means that, as things stand, they would technically have to bow and curtsey to Harry and Meghan.

But it is thought that the choreography of family members on the day will mean that they will not be put in that position publicly.

Palace sources have made it clear that the Sussexes will be invited to attend the Coronation, but will not have an official role in the ceremony, nor will they be invited to appear on the balcony at Buckingham Palace."
It's quite scandalous that Edward and Sophie are still ranked lower than the Harkles when they actually work as part of the royal family really.
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Organising a coronation involves lots of intricate planning.......

drawing straws 001.jpg
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Pom Bear

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I'm now on thread 🧵 305 😀 x
Had an idea for a pic when I saw the pic of Meghan on The Cut magazine 😄 x..

What the end result looks like ...


What she really looks like.

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Thalia are you ok. It must of been scary when you were told about the nurse. 🤗
My mother had been deteriorating for quite some time and it was a real struggle to get any medical help. She was psychotic (hallucinating) & got picked up by the police several times yet her GP (who I think is scared of her) kept insisting that there was nothing wrong.

Very long story short, the fantastic mental health people have been at pains to reassure me that the nurse is fine and they've dealt with worse. I'm not convinced that they're telling me the whole story about her behavior though.

She really only has me. My dad & brother are dead and her grandkids don't want anything to do with her but, with her mental health team's blessing, I've broken off contact because I just make her agitated and angry (no change there then). She's safe being well cared for.

During this whole situation I've experienced every emotion possible but it has been cathartic to see that the problem is not me and that professionals have struggled to cope with what I had to deal with even as a child.

Anyway, that's enough of that. Let's get back to dissing 25 & 43 ;)
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I personally think newspapers are just making up stuff about the coronation, just like they make up rubbish all the time. it’s different every day, then they can say ‘look we were right’ just because one of the stories they’ve printed has proved to be correct, never mind that the others we’re just crap.
Haven’t read newspapers for years, don’t believe a word they print, the date on the front page is the only accurate thing in those rags.
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I'm only guessing obviously.
But I would say there was no question of her being allowed in the same car as Catherine that day. The overseas pair were given more importance and courtesy than they deserved in the way that they were included. But that would have been far too much.

Besides, I never saw the PoW exude 'don't fuck with me, you two' vibes the way she did at the Windsor walkabout. I think she would have said no way, if that was proposed. Meghan underestimated Catherine as people like Meghan will do, when someone is polite and nice. She thought that she could spout all sorts of crap about Catherine and those whom she holds dear and then come along and share her lipgloss 😉 just like the er fun times, of old.

Hence all the gazing at her like a lovesick calf on that day. And the attempted hand on arm before the funeral ceremony as the overseas pair got into their seats.
The way she power stomped over the gravel, I think she was even in front of William at one point, she was so furious they had been yoked into a walkabout babysitting those two who threatened to do their own. Fair play I was impressed. Less middle class mum, more princess Anne.
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Chatty Member
US based attorney here. Please note the below are general statements in response to your question (and a few others I've seen here on the board), and there are variations from court to court:

--Megan has been trying to get this case tossed at an early stage of the litigation before discovery. In US courts, that is a very difficult thing to do before discovery takes place. So I am not surprised this is going to discovery. That is not reflection on the merits of the case at all.

--discovery consists of written interrogatories/request for production/request for admission AND oral deposition under oath.

--Written interrogatories/Requests for Production/Requests for Admission--you've seen what Sam has asked for floating around the internet. That does not mean she will get what she asked for. Any reasonably competent attorney will object to many of these requests as too broad, not relevant, or unlikely to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence. Meghan's side will probably win some of those objections because the questions I've seen are very broad and not necessarily related to the issue at hand (whether Meghan defamed Sam). They'll fight about those answers, and we may never see rulings on them, or the answers.

--oral depositions are usually a question and answer session on video and under oath. Think of it as an "interview" with a real reporter who asks hard questions with follow up questions and under oath. So to answer your question--yes, this is a "live grilling." They can prep ahead of time for what they think will be asked, but they cannot turn to their attorney with a question pending and ask how to respond. So no rehearsal with a friendly interviewer, and no chance to ask for lifeline. The attorney for Meghan/Harry has a limited basis to be able to object during the deposition and tell the witness not to answer. This why Meghan's team fought so hard for it not to get to this stage. Please note that Sam also will be questioned under oath by Meghan's attorneys.

--Not everything that happens in discovery is posted on the docket. Just because you don't see answers to interrogatories or depositions, that doesn't mean they haven't taken place. You may never see their depositions. You may never see her answers to interrogatories.

--to clear up something I see here all the time--Sam is not asking for $75,000. She is asking for an award "in excess of $75,000. This is standard pleading language that gets you into the right court system. If she wins an award from a jury, it could be more or less.

--can this case still get thrown out? Yes. After discovery, there will be another round of motion practice, including summary judgment motions. The standard for summary judgment is high in US courts, but it is possible the case can get tossed later on with a new round of motion practice.

--will the trial be televised? Assuming it gets to the trial stage, this is very Judge dependent. Most Judges, especially Federal Court judges, do not like their courtrooms to be a circus. Do not count on it.

--why is Meghan referred to or not referred to in the papers as the Duchess of Sussex? The Court will not give a shit about her titles. Meghan makes her attorney drop it in papers they file, which is just breathtakingly arrogant If this goes to trial, there will be motion practice to keep her title from being used in front of a jury because it is not relevant and highly prejudicial.

--can they settle the case? Meghan is the one being sued. She decides if she wants to make an offer and Sam would decide if she wants to accept it. Meghan can offer a settlement package and Sam says no.
Welcome, @moodykitten! I’m also a U.S.-based attorney, and agree with your post and analysis regarding the discovery requests, but wanted to add a few things. Since Sam’s case is filed in federal court, the scope of discovery is narrower than it would be if the case were in Florida state court. In addition to showing that the challenged requests are relevant to the issues in the lawsuit, Sam will also have to show that the requests are “proportional to the needs of the case, considering the importance of the issues at stake in the action, the amount in controversy, the parties’ relative access to relevant information, the parties’ resources, the importance of the discovery in resolving the issues, and whether the burden or expense of the proposed discovery outweighs its likely benefit.” That standard is going to make it even more difficult for Sam to overcome a challenge to many of her discovery requests.

BIB re: whether the case will settle: I just wanted to add (for those who may not know) that either side can initiate negotiations. So, Sam can make a settlement demand, putting the ball in Meghan’s court to accept or reject the offer. I am curious as to whether Sam made any sort of settlement demand before she filed suit.

Re: the amount Sam is suing Smeg for: I’ve posted here multiple times about how Sam’s suit is not limited to $75k. Unfortunately, the newspapers (I’m looking at you, Daily Mail) keep erroneously saying “Sam is suing Meghan for $75k.” I certainly don’t expect every journalist to know all U.S. laws, but I do expect all journalists—irrespective of where they’re located—to do their homework. They don’t even have to research the law on this particular issue - all they need to do is read Sam’s complaint, which explicitly says she’s seeking “in excess of $75,000”, per the jurisdictional requirement. I think many journalists are just lazy these days and just want to get a story up on the Internet as quickly as possible without doing adequate fact checking.

Finally, for any lovely Tattlers who have read this far without falling asleep, I think it’s worth noting that federal judges are appointed (lifetime appointments) by the President. I don’t know much about the judge in Sam’s case (Judge Honeywell), but I see that she was appointed by Obama, so I assume she’s a fairly liberal judge. Speaking in very broad, generalized terms, liberal judges are typically considered “better” than conservative judges for plaintiffs and tend to allow cases to go to trial rather than dismiss them (again, this is a very generalized statement). That said, Sam’s attorney apparently was concerned that the Obama “connection” could pose a problem for Sam’s case. She filed a motion to disqualify Judge Honeywell last summer, arguing that there is a reasonable basis to question the judge’s impartiality given that she’s an Obama appointee and given that the Harkles and Obamas are allies and strong supporters of each other. Judge Honeywell denied the motion and stated in her order that she has never had any relationship with the Obamas. For what it’s worth, I usually discourage filing motions to disqualify unless there’s a really strong basis for it. There’s a good chance the motion will be denied, and then you end up in the awkward position of having to litigate the case in front of the very judge that you said could not be impartial. 😬
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I feel really let down by the coronation invitation to H&M - as if I've spent a huge amount of time fighting in the corner of a family who actually don't give a shit. Once again the 2 gruesomes win and I'm left thinking that there's no limit to what they can get away with. I've always thought that extending an invitation would be a sign of KC's lack of respect for us, his people - it is NOT a family event after all and our feelings should have been considered. He is a weak king and I am almost done with him.
I agree, however I don’t think it’s a real win for the Harkles:

a) They cannot whine about not being invited
b) They look even pettier and lower while the RF go high
c) They will once again be shunted second row no-marks with zero part to play
d) They are even more despised by the entire family - awks
e) The entire day of pageantry awesomeness and palaces will be a reminder of what they’ve walked away from and can’t get back
f) Smegs will look like shit
g) PPOWs will look amazing and are next up
h) They will get booed to fuck!

I really do wish KC3 would tell them to do one but either way they are going to have a terrible day eaten up with jealousy and regret and aware of how hated they are by the British public.

Suck it up buttercups! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
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Is this the real life?
Is this just Monte C.?
Flooding or landside,
No escape from reality
Open your eyes,
Pick up the Spare and see,
I'm just a rich boy, I need no sympathy,
Because I'm easy come, five mins or so,
Always high, I go low,
Anywhere the cash goes doesn't really matter to
Me, to me

Just killed my man,
Lots of ice against its head, froze my todger,
Now it's dead
Mamaaa, I only had the one,
But now I've gone and thrown it all away
Mama, oooh,
Didn't mean to use your cream,
If it's not back again this time tomorrow,
Then it's gone, then it's gone and nothing really matters

Too late, Willy has come,
Sends necklace down my spine,
Body's aching all the time
Goodbye, little dog bowl, you've got to go,
Cos you're stuck in my behind and that's the truth
Mama, oooh
I don't want to cry,
I sometimes wish Will'd never been born at all.

I see a little silhouetto of woman,
Scarysmeg, Scarysmeg, will you show your Fandango!
Thunderpants and whining, very, very frightening me
Galileo, Galileo
Galileo, Galileo
Galileo, Figaro - magnificoo

I'm just a rich boy my Smeggy loves me
He's just a rich boy from a rich family,
Spare is his book to earn notoriety
Money come, money go, will you give me dough
Ha ha ha! No, we will not give you dough
(Give him dough!) Ha ha ha! We will not give you dough
(Give him dough!) Ha ha ha! We will not give you dough
(Give me dough) Will not give you dough
(Give me dough)(Never) Never give you dough
(Give me dough) (Never) give you dough (give me dough) Ah
No, no, no, no, no, no, no
Oh mama mia, mama mia, mama mia, give me dough

Beelzebub has a Smeghan put aside for me, for me,
For meee

So you think you can stop me and laugh in my eye
So you think you ignore me and leave me to cry
No, babies, flatpacks aren't real babies,
I'm just a lout, just a lout right outta beer

Titles really matter, Anyone can see,
Titles really matter,
Titles really matters to me
We all know that Spare blows...

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Does a video-ed deposition under oath mean that it is pre-recorded and provides his responses to pre-set questions of discovery??? so he will not have to face a live grilling then so we can see him blathering & squirming? if that's the case then I will defer buying my popcorn..
US based attorney here. Please note the below are general statements in response to your question (and a few others I've seen here on the board), and there are variations from court to court:

--Megan has been trying to get this case tossed at an early stage of the litigation before discovery. In US courts, that is a very difficult thing to do before discovery takes place. So I am not surprised this is going to discovery. That is not reflection on the merits of the case at all.

--discovery consists of written interrogatories/request for production/request for admission AND oral deposition under oath.

--Written interrogatories/Requests for Production/Requests for Admission--you've seen what Sam has asked for floating around the internet. That does not mean she will get what she asked for. Any reasonably competent attorney will object to many of these requests as too broad, not relevant, or unlikely to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence. Meghan's side will probably win some of those objections because the questions I've seen are very broad and not necessarily related to the issue at hand (whether Meghan defamed Sam). They'll fight about those answers, and we may never see rulings on them, or the answers.

--oral depositions are usually a question and answer session on video and under oath. Think of it as an "interview" with a real reporter who asks hard questions with follow up questions and under oath. So to answer your question--yes, this is a "live grilling." They can prep ahead of time for what they think will be asked, but they cannot turn to their attorney with a question pending and ask how to respond. So no rehearsal with a friendly interviewer, and no chance to ask for lifeline. The attorney for Meghan/Harry has a limited basis to be able to object during the deposition and tell the witness not to answer. This why Meghan's team fought so hard for it not to get to this stage. Please note that Sam also will be questioned under oath by Meghan's attorneys.

--Not everything that happens in discovery is posted on the docket. Just because you don't see answers to interrogatories or depositions, that doesn't mean they haven't taken place. You may never see their depositions. You may never see her answers to interrogatories.

--to clear up something I see here all the time--Sam is not asking for $75,000. She is asking for an award "in excess of $75,000. This is standard pleading language that gets you into the right court system. If she wins an award from a jury, it could be more or less.

--can this case still get thrown out? Yes. After discovery, there will be another round of motion practice, including summary judgment motions. The standard for summary judgment is high in US courts, but it is possible the case can get tossed later on with a new round of motion practice.

--will the trial be televised? Assuming it gets to the trial stage, this is very Judge dependent. Most Judges, especially Federal Court judges, do not like their courtrooms to be a circus. Do not count on it.

--why is Meghan referred to or not referred to in the papers as the Duchess of Sussex? The Court will not give a shit about her titles. Meghan makes her attorney drop it in papers they file, which is just breathtakingly arrogant If this goes to trial, there will be motion practice to keep her title from being used in front of a jury because it is not relevant and highly prejudicial.

--can they settle the case? Meghan is the one being sued. She decides if she wants to make an offer and Sam would decide if she wants to accept it. Meghan can offer a settlement package and Sam says no.
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