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I think we have to remember the Coronation is work as well as a family occasion. At work we all have to deal with people we can't stand. Catherine will be fine. She'll put her game face on and be supported by loving family. Behind closed doors, who knows but I suspect there won't be a warm welcome.
But The Coronation is a State occasion, so it is just ‘work’ …KC3 should have knocked this on the head months back …by saying ‘ No H won’t be invited as it’s a State occasion but I always invite him to any family occasions ‘.

The BRF call themselves the Firm….can you imagine a firm or company whose former employees
  • slag off the whole company,
  • sue an ‘arm‘ of that company for perks / security when they’ve left ( still ongoing) ,
  • have a bullying of staff enquiry , some of those staff still work for the firm.
Then you invite them to the biggest party celebrating that company !!!
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Ah, like a cool breeze @FrancesDundee80
I find the world bonkers enough as it is already, so much disinformation, warmongering & vested interest gussied up as important news.
It takes so much to hack through the nonsense to what matters & needs attention, it’s exhausting just keeping on a even keel.
Thank goodness for the sharp eyes & straight talking here.

Back to a quiet dark room for a lie down…
That's why the overseas keep the press stories going - to cause confusion and stir the pot against the RF. Remember how concerned we were that they came for the jubilee then after we knew that HMQ had played a blinder.
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I watched the full South Park episode this evening and thought it was quite humorous. Even my long-suffering husband (who tolerates my rants about the Harkles but doesn’t otherwise consume much information about them) understood all of the show’s references and enjoyed the episode. I will say there was a slight bit of irreverence to QEII at the beginning when they depicted her funeral, but it was brief and very tame for South Park. In fact, I think it’s pretty clear that the show’s writers like the monarchy and can’t stand the Harkles. I found it interesting that there was absolutely no reference to Farche or Legless Lil. There was, however, a very funny and somewhat lewd scene involving “The Prince of Canada’s” blue todger.
Well, if she wasn’t lying on the floor sobbing about something before, she will be after seeing this. Can’t wait to see the full episode. 😀
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A bit of information about narcissists.

Disclaimer: this info was told to me by a mental health specialist but there was a lot to take in so any mistakes are mine.

Research is being carried out because a disproportionate number of narcissists develop Alzheimer's disease and they aren't sure why. So far, scans have shown that narc's brains are different structurally and narcs have higher levels of stress hormones.

When a narc develops Alzheimer's, they can get very nasty because they find it harder and harder to maintain their facade of perfection.

So, anyway, my narc mother has been permanently detained under the Mental Health Act for attacking a nurse so here we are 😬
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This lady is lovely, and I think her views on Sam Markle's court case is very true. If she wins MM is going to counter sue and challenge and keep on lawyering up and as this lady says MM has a string of Harvard lawyers and they will go on and on until they break Sam , mentally probably and financially. Which is an awful thought for this of us who believe in justice and good winning over evil. It appears that those old fashioned views of the world are very naive now which is very sad :mad:

Maybe Sam should settle after the deposition, when some of the answers have come out and proven again she has lied. I don't think, sadly. based on this video, that Sam can win, she may end up loosing more than just money and her good name. Please God, let Karma come along and blight this pair VERY SOON
I wouldn't be too sure about MM having more money to burn than Sam. LCC keeps saying Sam has powerful backers, which makes me think ANL. Not only would it mean deep coffers for the case, they would also write about it non-stop and it would wind Who + Why up like nothing else before!
Win-win-win, even if Sam looses. 😁
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I wish I had a super power and that it was invisibility, what I could find out, are the children real, is Hasbeen really as daft as a brush as he seems, Do H and Me-again have tremendous rows about the book that went wrong, are they coming to the coronation, hey I could go to the coronation and trip her up, what does KC really think about H.
But most importantly, I could sneak into Ashley Coles' place and see if he has any remorse for what he's let happen?
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Happy Lady

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I like Charles. He's not a pushover but he is continuing to carry out work that his mother championed. I was really happy when he announced P&POW had immediately passed to W&C.

I now need him to make Edward and Sophie Duke and Duchess of Edinburgh - and stop faffing about over it.

Andrew has not been found guilty of anything and so Charles should include him as normal during the coronation. Andrew never spewed rubbish about his family. His only downfall was mixing with the wrong people - but he admits that.

As for the Markles. Has Charles agreed to invite them, as another poster upthread suggests, so that in the future, after divorce, at least he had his youngest present. There is surely no other explanation. I hope, for that reason alone, he attends, but he should leave old ostrich legs behind. I will never forgive Who for all the unnecessary hurt he's caused his family.
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Again, discussing the gruesomes with a friend, and unwittingly, she provided me with a possible thread title. Spouting a proverb, (after wine!)she came out with
One good turd deserves another!😀
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I dont want her to come to the coronation BUT if she does just imagine how uneasy and uncomfortable she will feel, it will be fun to watch.
I get what you are saying. But if either of them come it's a slap in the face to Catherine and I feel sick about it. SICK. It just tells me one thing: Bully's always win. Charles can FUCK OFF if they come, that's how I feel about it. ...but yes... maybe the LONG GAME is the way to go, it's just so hard for me to handle seeing those cunts on English soil again, makes me feel dirty and grubby.
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Scotch Mist

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Am reposting this as it was at the end of the last thread. Does anyone think that William might have demanded not being photographed with Hazno?
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Mock Turtle

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His spokesperson isn’t doing him any favors, it’s showing him as entitled as ever.

None of these events are about you, just sit down and shush and shush or even better don’t come.

I think the RF have gone completely silent on personal communication which is frustrating them. As a duke and son of the new king he will be invited but they will be seated according to their actual rank, not the pretend one they had when he hung about with William. We know that isn’t good enough so in their eyes it’s a snub.
They won’t be invited to anything personal as they can’t be trusted to not reveal private conversations.
This ‘toxic’ comment also reveals what we suspected, that no one talked to them at either of those events either and they were frozen out and managed.
Unfortunately precedence wise he does have high rank. When QEII died, all her kids (bar Charles obvs) were immediately demoted and Sparold was promoted. Sons rate higher than siblings.

I know the invitation being extended has driven lots of you mad but I think royal protocol has meant that it basically had to be. You can’t fully exclude the third highest ranking male! And don’t forget the coronation is distilled protocol, everything having to follow strict ancient rules.

What’s driving Sparry and Smeg mad is that KCIII is obviously chucking out precedence. He’s clearly ranking working royals higher than them. They’re not getting the balcony which is probably just the Waleses, I’ll be stunned if they’re allowed in the carriage procession and yet I’m sure the Wessexes, Anne, Alexandra, Gloucesters and Kents will get that.

I’m pretty sure the palace has planned this so that the Narcles almost have no choice but to decline. They will have been given blunt info about what to expect; poor seats, no summit beforehand, certainly no apology, no Waleses contact whatsoever, no role to play, no carriage procession, no uniform, etc. The RF won’t be protecting them from the boos. The pair know it will be excruciatingly awkward, ‘toxic’ and the deathknell for their ‘brand’. The RF tick the protocol box, look magnanimous by inviting them but engineer a refusal. I’ll be amazed if they come but if they are idiotic and hypocritical enough to brazen it out anyway, it will be absolutely hysterical to watch, not least because I’m pretty sure they now hate each other and that will be on display as well the booing! 😂
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Scotch Mist

VIP Member
You have me intrigued now. Can you share the question? I'm sure that if you've decided to change jobs there will be others to apply for that are more suited to you. 💞
Well my current job is not very challenging and quite boring but it's easy enough (and leaves me lots of time to Tattle 😃). My husband said that I would be mad to take a job that would give me a small payrise but would be stressful all the time at my age and I agree with him.

The reason I wanted to leave my department was because there's an enquiry going on and there's a good chance that the service might be cut back in a year or two leaving me at risk of redundancy.

After the experience of that interview though I'm not so keen to try out for more jobs because I'm a lazy bitch 😄 and those competency based questions are definitely more favourable to people who haven't been working as long as me. For example me saying that I was nominated for an award for being excellent at my job (which I was last year) is not good enough because you have to give examples of how you did something. When you've been working for 40 years it's not so easy to remember specific examples. Experience and a good work record counts for nothing unless you can phrase your answer exactly as they want. I'm convinced those questions are ageist because you sound like a twat giving an example that happened years ago.
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