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I remember two months ago a lot of people demanding TRF to address the documentary, later the book. Their silence has proven to be the best strategy, as the Harkles by their own words and actions have discredited themselves. As much as I appreciate everyone's opinion's, I respect a lot the men in grey suits. In the Harkles war, they have been prudent and efficient. I am pretty sure they are dealing with the coronation in a fashion that will be positive for the king. Even if we can't understand it right now.
The only faux pas was Lady SH. Because it was the one time they acted in haste and emotionally - and they were played in a dirty move designed to taint the Wale's visit to Boston.
I still give them the benefit of the doubt. They seem to know what they are doing.
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I am commentating lots of bleeps though but trying to pronounce Cunt in a refined, posh way is beyond me!
We need @Nuttynana on the BBC commentating the coronation:

"The guests are arriving at the Abbey.

Here we have the Wales family. The Prince in the uniform of ...oh I don't [bleep] believe it! The [bleep] cheek of it! [bleep] [bleep] [bleep] [bleep] [bleep] [bleep] [bleep] [bleep] [bleep] [bleep] [bleep] manky [bleep] minge [bleep] [bleep] [bleep] [bleep] [bleep] pair of [bleep] [bleep] [bleep] [bleep] [bleep] wanker and his [bleep] [bleep] [bleep] [bleep] [bleep] [bleep] Montecito you [bleep] cunts.

And now we see The King has arrived in the State Coach and you can see The Queen by his side.... Woah. There's Johnny. Yoohoo Johnny! Johnny!"

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I can't believe KC ever thought that not inviting them would cause more bother.
When ginger made his 25 comment he handed it to them on a plate, all they had to do was say they wouldn't be invited due to security risks. It would all have died down by now but instead with still 3 months to go we have a 3 ring circus!
There's no way she's not going to come. She'll walk down the aisle at Westminster Abbey with a moonbump that big it'll knock the cross off the altar whilst she's still only half way down the aisle. It's all very well saying they'll be 'managed', we all know what they're capable of, the whole shebang is already all about them KC, QC and the PPOW will be mere extras. 😡
They were managed (and booed) at PJ and managed (and made disrespectful fake fools of themselves) at the funeral. I predict they will be managed and booed at the Coronation, he will look like he’s chewing a wasp again and she will be dressed in some sack of shit with a rope around it, looking square and haggard and orange. The booing will be worse than ever. No one in the family will be speaking to them. It’s going to be stressful and miserable, they have no role in the ceremony and they are going to look like utterly pathetic spiteful non entities in footage blasted around the world. Then they will have another fake birthday party with no guests, a poison cake and the well travelled striped sofa. AND THEY WILL NEVER APPEAR AT ANOTHER ROYAL EVENT UNTIL KC3 DIES AND THEN WILLIAM IS IN CHARGE!!!!!

This shit show is nearly over! Let’s celebrate 🎉 🥳
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No and every time I read the word todger It Puts me in mind of Charles Dickens Oliver Twist character the artful dodger (I really, really could have spent the rest of my life quite happily never knowing that word as it pertains to Harry)🤢🤢🤢

There's a Dickens character named Dick Swiveller.
I kid you not.
Old Curiosity Shop.

And heres dodger....

artful dodger 001.jpg
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Scotch Mist

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Thanks for the new thread and title. Great recap @Cassandra333.
This must be what Lady C was alluding to towards the end of last year when she laughed and said that we would all enjoy 2023.
Whatever it is I wish it would just hurry up and happen and it’s not one of those things that just fades away.
Nothing to do with the court case apparently.
I suspect it’s something to do with surrogacy but that’s just my own thoughts.

As usual I'll believe it when I see it.

I really want the surrogacy to be exposed but fear it will never happen properly and will continue to be an open secret on social media.
More and more people now believe they used a surrogate but until it's exposed in the mainstream media it will continue to be dismissed as a conspiracy theory.
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It’s so interesting looking back on when you joined this thread. I joined in 9 March 2021. Two days after that shit O interview which aired 7 March 2021. I know I stumbled on this thread, thankfully, because I couldn’t find any place where I felt safe to say how passed off I was with them. Everyone seemed to be on their side and against the monachy.

I am surprised at the date as I felt that interview was not as recent as 2 years ago. It seems such a long time ago but it was only 2 years ago. It puts things in perspective for me anyway that HM only died last year and I never believed the monachy would deal with the idiot duo while HM was alive. Simply it was never her style, she was a stickler for ”never explain”.

So in reality KC has not really had that much time to do anything truly radical, even though I may wish that from time to time. Cut off their …… I say, if only we lived in the Tudor times.

Thank Heavens for this thread and all of you beautiful Tattlers who are here with me to share my frustration. It’s a nice feeling to know that I can come here and be heard. I’ve got myself all nostalgic now by going back.
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After the invitations have gone out and the traitors' flight plans are in place, the coronation date should be changed to three days earlier 😂

I can see it now, 25 & 43 sat in an empty St Paul's Cathedral* wondering where everybody is 🤣

The coronation will be taking place at Westminster Abbey but this is the genius that is the stoat we are talking about ;)
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I heard that Sophie asked to be in the car so that madam knew exactly what they thought of her - she wouldn't and won't try anything with her where as if the car was shared with Catherine I suspect there would be games.

Interesting to see who she is babysat by if they come and seated separately - Anne maybe a contender this time too.
I'm only guessing obviously.
But I would say there was no question of her being allowed in the same car as Catherine that day. The overseas pair were given more importance and courtesy than they deserved in the way that they were included. But that would have been far too much.

Besides, I never saw the PoW exude 'don't fuck with me, you two' vibes the way she did at the Windsor walkabout. I think she would have said no way, if that was proposed. Meghan underestimated Catherine as people like Meghan will do, when someone is polite and nice. She thought that she could spout all sorts of crap about Catherine and those whom she holds dear and then come along and share her lipgloss 😉 just like the er fun times, of old.

Hence all the gazing at her like a lovesick calf on that day. And the attempted hand on arm before the funeral ceremony as the overseas pair got into their seats.

I like to think that Sophie said, put her with me, I will deal with her. We all saw the look Sophie gave her on the green goblin outfit day where Meghan actually seemed to momentarily lose her rictus grin when she caught that stare. 😁

I enjoy just imagining the frost in the car on the day of the funeral. 😁

P.S I am way behind on the threads 😁
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Comments are good. A couple of screenshots for those unable to see twitter.

View attachment 1957537View attachment 1957538
I know someone who had a night out with Harry and his friends. Not much to say other than, they were not allowed to take pictures. The grey suits appeared as if from nowhere, told them not to take pictures, delete what they had and they slunk back into the background.
So I call bullshit on this. “Dodgy girls”. Condescending prick.
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BIB: So what would happen if Edward and Sophie refuse to bow and curtsy to the Stoats? Is there some sort of “punishment” for not doing so? Would KCIII make Edward and Sophie go stand in the corner, put them in time out, or send them to bed without their dinner? Given that the Stoats have been allowed to run amok with few repercussions, it seems like there aren’t any real consequences for refusing to adhere to royal protocols. I just can’t see the Stoats bowing/curtsying to William and Catherine, so why should Edward and Sophie be expected to take the high road and treat the Stoats with respect?

I sincerely hope the Wessexes aren't put in that position, either in public or in private. They don't deserve that, and in public it would be particularly demeaning and disrespectful. Especially for Sophie who does so much for the RF and the UK worldwide, and who raises awareness of important causes at the highest levels, like the ICC and the UN.

Having said that, I never thought the then-Cambridges would give up their position in the procession at the Commonwealth service, because Harold was upset about being left out. Even if William suggested it in the first place, it should never have been the solution to reduce William's status like that, and certainly not in front of Commonwealth leaders and TV cameras. I'm still quite angry that HM and/or Charles thought it was remotely acceptable to do that rather than tell Hazza to put up or shut up.

When KC3 was PoW, there's no way he'd ever have accepted a reduced ceremonial role at important events, or some kind of equal status, because TQ wanted to pacify a resentful Andrew. So hopefully he'll never do it to William in future, and that how Harold was managed at the Jubilee and HM's funeral is the new norm.
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Thread closed before I could post this .

QUOTE="Scotch Mist, post: 13945237, member: 64723"]
I bet they're going to get loads of 'returns' and publishers hate that. Every book store has been over saturated with books and the demand isn't there. I haven't seen anyone buying or even looking at the book when shopping.

We all knew from the start that the juiciest bits would come out in the media. The days are gone when content could be kept secret. If the editors at Penguin Random House really paid Hazno millions then they have badly miscalculated the demand. I bet the book is a huge loss for them.
I wonder if the crap sales and backlash will make them cancel the next 3 Hasno was contracted to provide? Even better if they demand a partial refund of the advance, but even if that is not possible, The Reeks would be enraged at not getting their complaints and bile out there.
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He is fecking unbelievable 😡
That pisses me off no end. The man-child has no conception of “total neglect”. He may have turned to drink and drugs because that was what he was determined to do anyway. He had a roof over his head, clean clothes, food, company, advice and medical and psychiatric help; perhaps he should converse with some of his ex military colleagues who are sleeping on the streets to find out how their experiences compare to his current situation……one which he only achieved through his father and brother cosseting him along and getting him the help and intervention he needed! Have I ever said how much I despise the Reeks?😉🤬
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when you squeeze a fart and forget you're wearing clothes 3 sizes too small. and a moonbump. 🤣 🤣

Screenshot 2023-02-13 at 20.24.22.png
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Happy Lady

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If the gruesomes do attend the Coronation I'm sure the booing will be much louder than we've ever heard booing before. More people are becoming aware of their lies and feel that they are trying to harm the monarchy. Haznobrains may have been born a royal, but he shows total disrespect towards everything he ever once stood for.
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Funny you post this as I was chuckling to myself today that a literal prince of one of the most powerful countries on the planet, is referred to as “Hazznoballs” and a plethora of other very unsavory names. Like, WTF, Dude?!?!?! You literally had anything and everything you could ever want and you chose some skanky two-bit D list washed up actress to be your wife and then insulted the shit out of THE most powerful and respected woman on the planet (God rest her beautiful soul!)?? Trust me “Just Harry,” when you kick off one day & have to face “the big guy,” I hope you feel inordinate amounts of shame, you sad sack of puerile, Iguana shit!!!! 🤮🖕🏻🤣🤣
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KC should remember who's paying for all this, the long suffering UK taxpayers. Maybe he'd like to foot the bill then he can invite whoever he wants.
Completely agree….I’ve put this in previous thread but I’ll repeat ..

Forget the BRF’s about the public ..

  • He’s still suing the Government , who pay for the Coronation ( with taxpayers‘ money) ..surely a conflict of interest .
  • He insulted the Military and those who work in connection with British interests were placed on a higher level of security as a direct result of his words in his book….if he can come to the Coronation , why has the security level not dropped for certain public ??
  • He’s insulted the public, the most recent by saying the British are ‘ credulous’ ( gullible)
  • He‘s insulted the Commonwealth consistently.
  • If , God forbid, there is an attack at the Coronation, it doesn’t matter whether this had been planned for years, the perpetrators will claim it is related to H’s comments , as this is how propaganda works !!!
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Aw diddums. Does he honestly expect a welcome party

TRG. Scandals of royal palaces

I think, if they are stupid enough to come for the Coronation, things will be even worse for them. At the PJ everyone was restrained and respectful as it was a celebration to honour her Majesty and the world was aware of her frailty and that this would, very probably, be the last major celebration for her. Now, although KC is getting on in years, he has not reigned long enough to get the rock solid support and admiration that his mother achieved (let’s face it, the public were protective of the wee soul; not so KC at the moment). So, in summary, I think the gloves would be off from the moment they stated they were coming and the comments would be relentless throughout. Boo-ing?….I think that would be the least of their problems as the Brits can be quite witty with their barbed commentary. Stay overseas and do us all a favour…and let KC and his family have a proper ceremony without fear of what The Reeks are up to……let’s face it, KC is likely to be hung for a sheep as a lamb because they’ll accuse him of not inviting them/inviting them to a toxic environment knowing they would be abused/humiliating Them by sticking them in the cheap seats. Can’t stand The Reeks🤬
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It usually takes the South Park team circa 6 days to produce an episode. It makes the show unique as it is capable of using topical and up-to-date humour. If I was Meghan I wouldn't be dropping to the floor because they are taking the piss out of them. I'd be dropping an email or making a call so I could ask if I could shadow their production team to learn how to actually produce quality content so quickly.
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