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Murphy Brown

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Harry also doesn't seem to realise that they were able to make demands and ask for special conditions from people like Oprah precisely because the BRF never gives interviews like that.
Harry has now given at least half a dozen televised interviews.

The scarcity factor is out the window. Good luck to either of them demanding question approval, asking for editing approval etc etc.
They don't have anything to offer anymore - scarcity was the only thing and they've both well and truly fucked that, like Rory McIlroy circa 2015.
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I'm possibly in the minority here, but I think reconciliation is the way forward. As things stand, the CaliCunts are loose canons and are causing havoc for all sorts of people and institutions (not least the RF and the Army), but if there is a reconciliation it will be as a result of negotiation and compromise. While the idea of that leaves a nasty taste in my mouth, the old adage of "keep your friends close and your enemies closer" comes to mind. Reconciliation means they would be back under some sort of control and gagged to a certain extent. They would have to toe the line because if they don't, they're out for good.
The fly in the ointment is that it would never be reconciliation that Harry and TW would want, it would be having their demands met. In their eyes, there is nothing to thrash out then reconcile over. They have done nothing wrong, the RF have done nothing right. In their eyes. Even if common ground was found, the truce wouldn’t last, because there will always be a hint of blackmail in the air. Trust has gone, what is left that is worth anything ?
they should stay away from the Coronation because they have insulted the British public, who have paid for them, they should be ashamed to show their faces. To be fair, they have insulted most countries. Where can they go and not be met with derision ?
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Murphy Brown

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I watched a short segment of the Stephen Colbert interview in which Harry made a derogatory remark about how the interview was going and Stephen Colbert put him firmly in his place by asking how his penis was. You could tell Harry didn't like it at all and he was acting as though Stephen were an impertinent footman, or something.

This is someone who has spent his entire life having people kowtow to him. If he thinks the British press are bad, wait until he finds out that the Americans don't give a tiny fuck about where he sits in the line of succession. His ego will implode completely.

I agree.
Also, I think Tom Bower needs to shut up now.
As you said, those journalists write an opinion and then people believe it as fact.

Most people are mocking them and treating them as a joke, but the more Tom Bower keeps saying they are a threat, the more people will believe him and they cease to be ridiculed and start to be taken seriously.

Having said that, Harrys stupid comments about his killing and revealing the layouts of the royal residences is dangerous, so maybe Tom is right after all.

Meh. TB is piggybacking off this as a press tour for his own book. He'll shut up soon enough. I wish one of Harry's own staff would write a memoir revealing the layout of Harry's house, he'd need so much therapy we might never clap eyes on his shifty rodent face again.
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I agree it’s a difficult 1- RE the coronation. If old Charlie boy doesn’t invite them, then the ginger whinger and TW will go on every American tv programme known to man and moan about racism and unconscious bias and being excommunicated blah blah. If they are invited and go, all media spotlight will be on them, poor KC3 won’t get the attention his coronation deserves. Plus they’ll record every conversation, every interaction, every look will be noted as some slight on princess perfect and her lapdog. So in a way Charles is between a rock and a hard place. Personally I don’t think he should invite them, the damage has been done and now he’s attacked Charlotte & Louis that’s it. Game over
BIB - honestly, I feel like that ship has long since sailed. Almost everyone will know and understand why they were excluded, especially after the last few weeks. The ones that wail about racism are going to wail anyway, and since Sparry has now insisted that they never said the RF are racist he’s even managed to scupper that argument. I bet Smegzy is fuming about that one!
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Chatty Member
Thank you for starting the new thread Lollipop_panda and congratulations Spangly on the title.

Reconciliation means that the RF and the UK would have to apologise to the gruesomes and they would be king and queen of the Commonwealth and USA.

H is in the Guinness Book of Records so is the most popular royal ever and has confirmed what H said that they are more popular and do the job better. Why else would the USA wokery be fawning over them.

It was a book of complete rubbish but it has beaten any other book on the royals and even his brother's Earthshot book which he will be relishing.

I cannot see how the RF can survive these two.

Could the gruesomes backers think they could buy a castle for a private home or theme park.
Why has no journalist investigated who was backing them. We know they only made $50,000 during lockdown. Why only 1 set of public accounts.

I am a million threads behind again.
Thing is, they’re not being fawned over in the US. They’re mostly non-entities here. The Netflix series isn’t in the top 10 and likely has been for while, no one cares about her podcast, she gets low key mocked by writers in her print interviews, he did a 60 Minutes, a middling late night chat show and a tabloid magazine shoot and they still can’t hack even basic Hollywood industry party invites when it’s literally the season of industry parties and functions.
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Thanks for the new thread.

I'm hoping that the bodyguard Harold assaulted comes forward to talk about his treatment. It's disgusting that he should have been attacked for doing his job. Perhaps all the others that have been on the end of Harold's bad temper could also start speaking about him?

I'm not convinced about these rumours of Harold beating up prostitutes and hope they're not true. If Harold is embroiled in a scandal as bad as Andrew then the monarchy are in big trouble.
I don't believe old flap ears would allow the cun t to be in the firing line, bloody old fool should hang the ginger gorm out to dry, just boil the fucker!!!
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Congratulations to Spangly on the thread title.

However, I’m massively disappointed that whoever it was the gave us “Harry Todger and the Knoblet of Fire” didn’t submit it as a thread suggestion. So, please, pretty please submit it.

Best title EVER!
They did submit it.
But it got fewer votes than the one that won.

However, if they submit it again, I will vote for it again.
I think it's good enough to try again.
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Chatty Member
Thank you for the new thread @lollipop_panda and the great title @spangly.

I can't think of anything for the recap. Harry and smeg are becoming background noise because they just say the same thing over and over again. I still believe that he has no one around him who actually cares about him. If there was, he wouldn't have released this book because they'd have stopped him from doing it.
He's made himself look every bit as horrible and slimy as she does. From the highest of social classes, she's dragged him into the gutter and she'll happily leave him there when she gets a better offer.
She constantly goes on about 'their love story' but only Harry sees it as a love story. No one else does because that relationship is a nightmare. She knows it's not a love story because she's the narc who spotted a mark and is making the most of it.
I seriously hope that they don't get invited to the Coronation, it will cause damage to the RF throughout the nation. No one wants them here.

If it is the RF seeking talks I think it’s only because they are truly worried for Haz.

As I said last thread I think KC set the coro on Arch’s bday to ensure they would be in the UK and so would arch; just so he could see his grandchildren.

Wouldn’t it be a turn up for the books if KC3 invited TM snr so he could see the gran kiddies too.
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The pr puff pieces have told us since last year their plan was Netflix series, book and magic reconciliation in time to appear at the Coronation. That's not how real life works you can't plan to make crazy accusations and slag off your family in tv shows and interviews then demand they apologise to you and bring you back into the family you have ridiculed.

They are falling down out of the headlines again he has shown himself in the worst possible light. As their dear friend OW once said you can forgive someone and love them and not have them in your life. Majority of people wouldn't blame RF for having nothing to do with them.
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Churchill's Ghost

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I noticed in the photo of her in the that white monstrosity at The Jubbly that she is not wearing stockings. Seriously? She couldn’t even put on a pair of tights for something being watched by billions? So crass…so devoid of class.
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Murphy Brown

VIP Member
Who the fuck is that idiot? What we want is a Royal Family that isn't a reality TV show. Ugh. I feel sorry for ordinary Americans represented by cunts like that. Again, it beats me why these people care so much about Britain? Sort out your own fucking country and leave us alone.
Where's their respect for different cultures and races? Why don't they get angry at Scandanavians for being predominantly white? Or the Dutch?
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Chelsea Handler didn’t hold back in her opening monologue at the 2023 Critics Choice Awards on Sunday evening.

The 47-year-old comedian teased Prince Harry and his recent memoir, “Spare.”

Niecy Nash-Betts is nominated for ‘Dahmer.’ ‘Dahmer’ became the third highest viewed show on Netflix, which a combined watch time of 1 billion hours,” the “Chelsea Lately” host quipped.

“Which, apparently, is the same amount of time we’re going to have to listen to Prince Harry talk about his frostbitten penis. Enough already,” she went on.

The ceremony gathered the hottest stars in Hollywood on Jan. 15 at the Fairmont Century Plaza Hotel in Los Angeles and was broadcasted on the CW.

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This is odd, as The Times said they had the information from a Senior Palace Source. I wonder if there's been a U-turn, or KC has floated the story to gauge public reaction as he has a habit of doing? Roya Nikkhah is The Times Royal Correspondent and I don't understand how she can have got this so completely wrong with quotes etc. She looks a fool with this false story and surely would never have run it just on the Stoats say-so without checking with the Palace? Especially after all the Stoat lies? It doesn't add up.

Maybe talks are going to be held, and they won't be reconciliation talks but negotiations, and will be held in secret to avoid a media circus. They have major issues to deal with and staying silent won't solve them. Now-circulating rumours of violence covered up? We won't be told.
Meanwhile the line is that KC is holding firm and being strong, not engaging with the Stoats and only communicating through solicitors. I don't believe it. Look where staying silent has got them.

Tom Bower says
"The possibility of a second book will have given palace officials "the most pause" as they fear more "embarrassing revelations" and "vitriolic accusations" from Harrry."
Roya was just on Piers show and said her source told her about the peace talk thing but Piers immediately shot back with "and my source, who is very high up, told me today that is not true and that KC is livid and there is no talk about peace or reconciliation". (Wonder if his high source is Camilla lol)
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Why did Harry deem his non public apology tour post Nazi uniform to be a sufficent apology for wearing a Nazi uniform but Clarkson's public apology is insufficent? Just like with Kate apologising after the bridesmaids dress incident, apologising with these two is taken as an admission of guilt, they always expect to be forgiven but never forgive

On that did Harry ever apologise to the Pakistani community?
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Chatty Member
The story about the King wanting to reconcile and both sides accept their wrongs originates from the US

Not a UK source!

( Neil Sean )
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It seems to me that reconciliation is good PR for both sides. On one hand we have cali cunts who are bleating about it for a while, on the other side we have RF. Optics for RF could be: it's obvious Harold is in very poor state, it's known that you should appear to agree with mentally ill, so let's bring him gently to the fold.
Even if Harold agree, there will be flood of articles about how 43 is "devoted" mother to stop her from meeting. If whole family appears, there is a chance for kids to be taken by social services:)
Is he mentally ill, or just a vindictive bastard high on weed?
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Still find it crazy how they were actually IN the UK when the Queen died and that Meghan has been on the scene for all these big historical events. I hate that they have overshadowed alot of the past few years it's so sad
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