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Agggh, just went back to copy and paste the comment, but cant find where I was. One comment leads to another and another. Totally lost. Will keep searching.
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cosmo girl

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Just been down the rabbit hole that us YouTube and have been listening to things that put a different spin on Smeg and now I can safely say I'm gobsmacked....not to say sickened by her and h as well if he's in on it.. god help us..ill never view chrome in the same way ever again..🤢
Can't say anymore and don't know if I believe it.time will tell...
Take care my friends❤😘🤗
Sadly this is the first time I'm truly serious,I know,a first for me...
OMG! What did you find out? 🙏
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I've only noticed that, and it's from a few years ago too.:eek:
I was showing my mum some images of smeggy. I don't let the mammy know how much I abhor the bitch because the mammy is a 'love everyone' type of woman and would kill me if she saw some of the things on here:m ... but I digress ... anyway I asked her to judge her age. She put her in early to mid forties and said the thick waist is because of her having her recent baby:cautious:. I said she was thick waisted before that and the mammy said, "Well maybe she had a baby back in her youth as often happens and hasn't been able to get her original waist back." She called her a well preserved mid forties."
Same here. Well, not really as my mom bitches about them as bad as we do, but she judged her to be eary 40s, too!

The bit about the waist is interesting. :unsure:
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Found this in the quora comments burried deep within a run in with someone sticking up for m.

The point I am making is that I’m not sitting around waiting for my parents to fund my lifestyle. Harry is lazy. Period. And Meghan who I’ve known for 20 years lays on her back to get men to help her up her game. But if that works for her, good for her. If she had come by it all honestly none of this negative publicity would following her the way it is. You appear to be impressed by someone who has used the casting couch to her advantage—she thinks—so good you found a role model. Nice chatting with you, as well.

And this...... A little treasure trove of things to be found.

the list of senior staffe to leave the prestigious service of the royal family rather than be treated like field hands is uncontestable. And public exhibitions, like turning fee paying patrons out of their seats at Wimbledon, so she cvould watch tennis amif a bank of empty seats was memorialised on film. A small but telling incident was where she arrived at a chairty meeting, where the CEO was due to speak and had beautifully coiffed hair and makeup, ready to face the cameras/ When she did the respectful bobbed curtsey, Montrous Meg grabbed her by the head, rumpled her hair and clothes, and elbowed her out of the wa

way to get her own photo snapped.

Edited to get the last bit in.

A bit more on Thomas paying the bills

Thomas Markle has produced the receipts for college. When she graduated, he also set her up in an Apartment and supported her while she sought out acting jobs. NOTE: Claimant is Meghan Markle in article below: Thomas Markle said he paid the duchess' college bills, even after she landed a starring role in 'Suits' “The document adds: "After graduating, the Claimant went back to Los Angeles and her father found her an apartment and supported her financially while she looked for acting jobs. When the Claimant married for the first time in 2011, Mr Markle wanted to contribute to the cost of the wedding and so he sold his Facebook shares and contributed $20,000," it went on, referencing the duchess' previous marriage to "After the Claimant started working in 'Suits,' she did send him financial gifts occasionally, although he was still repaying her student loans, as stated above," the document continues. "However, since May 2018 she has not supported him in any way, despite the fact that, as she knows, he has been ill and therefore has medical expenses, not all of which are covered by his insurance." It is unknown when the case will appear in court, and both Buckingham Palace and the Mail on Sunday are yet to comment on the latest developments.“

One of the comments here says Doria is not her mother, and there are photos 🤔

Sorry, the link isn’t working for me. Will try and hunt down the comments,
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Team JCM

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Everyone will probably get a turn at some point hopefully. I love words and dickingaround with them but I've been greedy/fortunate to have had a few titles so I'm avoiding doing them but happy to urge others on.
Anyhoo, back on topic. I'm glad the Fame Vixen video validates my theory on Sasha. The girl saw an opportunity and grabbed it.

We don't want logic though, we want smeggy bashing and lots of it.:m
She's a cunt.

Honestly? In my opinion that's a load of bollix.
"What if ... just suppose ... if I said ... "

Just say it ffs and stop wasting time babbling incoherently.
Sounds like she has it in for MLP and is somewhat slightly on the fence re smeggy. Very odd annoying waste of 10 minutes :mad:

I agree. I only ask my mum as a last resort. She's done her child rearing and much as she loves my sprogs calling to visit, she also loves to see them go home.😅 Not everyone is a doting touchy cuddly granny living her life through her grandkids but they all love the kids, some just express it less obviously or want their own lives child free. I prefer to let my mum have her own life rather than make her accommodate minding kids regularly.
Gotta admit though, my granny was a cunt. A nasty vicious vindictive old bitch who played mind fuck games with us. If I'd been entrusted to her care daily I wouldn't be the well rounded kind thoughtful human being I am today.😇
One of my Grannys was just like urs - a nasty okd bag. Interesting the impact they can have on you in hindsight.
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Fame Vixen on the background to the MLP BLM débâcle
Sasha Exeter is smart and has used the situation to her commercial advantage, so kudos to @freda19 for calling it on the last thread.

interesting comments towards the end of the video that Jessica is not crazy ( unlikeMegz) so has been trying to distance herself from Meghan so didn’t want to throw her support behind the BLM campaign as it would tie her back to meghan too much.

so maybe MLP wasn’t being racist but she got a dish full of Karma served up cold

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I vary between believing that he is an unaware dupe and thinking that he does know and is complicit with all her deceptions. I'm not sure how she could cover up her true age as it would be difficult to pull off in the UK but American laws are different to ours so perhaps it is possible to do this in the US?

For example he may have no idea about some stuff, maybe like the clothing scam she pulled with Jessica ripping off the royal family. I'm only saying that because most men have no idea what their partners really spend on clothes and have little interest. That sort of thing would be easy to hide from him, however some of her other scams must be obvious to him. If we accept that she was using a moonbump for her pregnancy there's no way that he couldn't know about that.

I wonder what happened to him that has led to this obvious lack of consideration for his family and thinly disguised disdain for the British public.
He obviously doesn't give a shit about all the money spent on them for so little work and his sense of entitlement is quite disgusting.
She looks older due to the smoking and sunbathing, but she attended a respectable private school and a big-name private university. All those education dates line up.

Haz will have friends who make good money as influencers and brand ambassadors, so maybe he was persuaded this was part of being 'modern'? He's well known to be a dim bulb and has spent all his life sending his bills to Charles so hasn't got a clue.

Does anyone else think Haz might be back in the UK already?
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Scotch Mist

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This site comes up with some interesting answers to the questions. Not many comments yet.

Well I don't know about anyone else, but to me it's all a bit of a laugh 🤣😁🤣
No need to write an essay about it! 😄
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Scotch Mist

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Thanks Poppea 😃💕 x

I'm English in the UK but saw them in the Spar in Vienna, I love seeing different spellings and languages on items I see in England ..I find it fascinating x

Sour cream is another flavour I saw in Vienna..wouldn't be too keen on that one myself lol 😄 x
oh and cheese flavour, that be ok :D
In my experience German crisps are much better than UK crisps.🧸 I bet Poppea will agree 😆
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Wish the little tosser would wake the hell up!!!!! She's using him so badly. He's like her little puppy bouncing after her, tug a wagging. Unfortunately, I have no clue about the visa situation/requirements.
We might end up experts in both matter till the thing is over between them :giggle: Her little 'friends' will keep us up to speed ;)
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First time I’ve ever seen an article that the Harkles actually wanted to move into Windsor Castle. Thank fuck HM saw them off.

It's all to do with Harry backing the ban of singing swing low sweet chariot at rugby matches because the song is some how linked to slavery and racism
Yes, Prince Harry is trending
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Maybe she doesn't think enough of her acting to call her an actress (even if it's a former one), not much of a Duchess to be called one either, a hooker might cause a lawsuit, so she had to settle on a businesswoman (as business/money seems to be her main occupation these days...😂😂😂)
Maybe code for pro fessional
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How do we know it’s Harry on the plane?
Don't know, just a general assumption I guess? Someone wrote to what.meghan.wants and said that it was definitely Harry at LAX (wearing a baseball cap). We'll just have to wait and see.
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