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VIP Member
To be fair, I think they were originally produced for film / TV, not for psychos who were pretending to be pregnant.
To be authentic, they need to weigh about 2 stone and have a Bit which presses into your bladder so you pee every 5 minutes.
Now I’m thinking; does it have poppers?
Can you imagine going to a public loo and the Whole belly dropping down with a “thwump” in the stall next door...?! 😂

Has she popped over on a private jet to give him a quick blow job?
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VIP Member
Interesting read by Forbes here:

HarperCollins is a subsidiary of Rupert Murdoch's News Corp, whose London tabloid, The Sun, is one of the mass circulation London tabs that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle chose to boycott.
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Flipping Hell !

Chatty Member
She doesn't even wobble a bit when getting back up - when I was that pregnant, I would had to have put my hand on the floor, to give myself some leverage! (I wouldn't have been able to have got down into that position, legs together to start with) Actually, I would have probably just stayed down there until someone hoiked me up under the armpits!
It says account is private when i looked ?
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VIP Member
I've only actually seen a tiny snippet of what she said....I should really watch it before I!
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VIP Member
Squatting. Their own money would buy them a tent a camping cooker. I doubt it there is enough to even buy into a trailer park. Right now they must be deeply indebted. All the trademarking and websites will have cost dearly. And Sunshine Sachs won't work for a song, too.
figured love la but houses espcially in the neighbourhoods they'd want to live in would be 2million min and that's being nice.
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VIP Member
No video. But it didn’t take her long to jump on the bandwagon; from the safe distance of her LA mansion
Still don't like her, but to give her credit.....
Its actually quite a good speech! Quite thoughtful and meaningful. A bit word salady, but probably perfect for the American teenage audience its intended for!

After all her poor me stance the past few months, its the first time for ages Ive seen her do or say anything positive or meaningful. Shame so many other aspects of her are just so me me me…

Look up the term Boston Brakes. Mercedes asked for the car to do a full forensic check, they were refused. They asked repeatedly and were refused repeatedly throughout.
How can anyone get a clear picture of what really happened on that night? Too many stories, too many conspiracy theories...added into the fact that the driver was drunk and Diana wasn't wearing a seatbelt, (the only person who was wearing the seatbelt, survived...).
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VIP Member
Oh! Just catching up on the thread and our favourite person has just cropped up on Good Morning Britain. She has shared a video with Immaculate Heart School (her old school maybe?) Talking about remembering the LA riots when she was 11 yo. Firstly, she is "sorry" that they should be learning about this as a history lesson, rather than a reality all these years later.
Piers Morgan spoke to Meeghan???
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Well-known member
Well if you know more, with respect , please tell me, of course I followed Diana's death and all the correspondence and theories, I went to Diana's home Althrop just after the funeral, the evidence theories have been thoroughly investigated. In fact from what I remember the channels were opened up again several years ago ,
There’s a wealth of evidence out there from very credible sources. It doesn’t take much to find it.

There was no reason to bump Diana off. None.
She was divorced from chas, had her payout and shared custody and was doing her own thing.
Now some might say she was an embarrassment flitting around the world with various blokes and gay guy friends , but I tend to think that her behaviour after the divorce was proof of how flakey and unreliable she was, so the while the Firm might have been rolling their eyes at her latest shenanigans it didn't impact on them at all. She wasn't their problem any more. They'd have known that she was getting stuff out of her system, flying her kite, and would run out of steam and settle eventually.To bump her off would only bring negative attention back onto them just as the divorce fuss was settling down. Now had it happened before or during the divorce being settled I'd be suspicious, as would everyone I think. Post divorce? Nah.
So no, the conspiracy theories don't impress me or change my mind.
No, it was nothing to do with any of that
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Well-known member
wasn't Dianna not wearing a seat belt and the driver was drunk? For what reason would this not be anything but an accident?
Too many contradictions to list here but you can find all the facts of what happened that night easily. a book by Noel Botham is a good start. After reading that I started to follow up all the other credible witness and other professionals comments. I had an open mind but have been shocked by the information that is in the public domain. If it was a straight forward 'accident' why has the French governement archived the information/files of that night for 75 years? That has never happened before. You have to question it.
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