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As you know not a regular on here. Skimming through the article on Harry and Mrs Biden, what a load of self congratulatory gobbledygook! I’m surprised either of them can walk without someone guiding them as they have their heads firmly stuck in their own derrières.
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Christ, that meghan has absolutely no poise or decorum whatsoever, does she? You would have thought she would have had some instruction , or something?
She always looks like a fucking sack tied in the middle, as well.
You are SO right!

But she was given etiquette and protocol instruction by the Queen's staff when she was welcomed into the Royal family.
She didnt listen to any of it because she thinks she knows better and believes she is the most elegant and divine woman ever.

Can't teach someone who doesnt listen.
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Hot off the heels of this previous post in thread #136

I hear Meghan has landed the starring role in a remake of the 1979 Joan Collins classic...

Meghan has now been lined up to star in another classic reboot.



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Churchill's Ghost

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There was a wonderful line in one of the comments on the Duke and Duchess of Windsor article: They lived lives of splendid uselessness.

So apt for the current duo
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Don't know why she is worried about a squint, that is the least of her flaws! Her main ones are within her soul and cannot be rectified by any knife wielding surgeon.
Smeg's flaws:

Face and shoulders
Knees and toes
Knees and toes
Face and shoulders
Knees and toes
Knees and toes
And eyes and hair and chin and nose
Face and shoulders
Knees and toes
Knees and toes
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I have just been reading a few twitter comments and they are discussing something I had picked up on that I don't think we have mentioned. She quite often seems to be talking to herself. Particularly when surrounded by others like the RF, you see her mouth moving but no one seems to be looking or listening to her its most bizarre.
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Noballs has praised the military community "in a poignant speech". He just can't let go of the one and only part of his life that he loved and could really relate to. No responsibilities, pretty medals, lovely suits pressed by underlings, told what to do so didn't have to think. Now he's had to think for himself he's fallen flat on his face. The camerarderie he clings to and constantly relives exists only in his mind, as he was a liability rather than an asset, and his childish XBox approach to the taking of human life has been exposed to the world by no less than a Taliban leader.

Of the 3 military appointments he held, Hon Air Commandant RAF Honnington has been filled. I couldn't find out anything about the post of Commodore in Chief Small Ships and Diving so don't know if that's been filled.

Interesting that the post of Captain General of the Royal Marines is still vacant. Noballs held this hon. post from December 2017 to March 2020. Interesting too that since 1901 the longest period that the Royal Marines have been without a Captain General was a 4 month gap between the previous incumbent standing down and Prince Philip taking it up in June 1953.

As PP stood down in December 2017 and Noballs took over until March 2020, the RM have now been without a CG for 18 months, unprecedented in their history.
This appointment is in the gift of the Queen.
Is the post being held open quietly for Noballs to return? If not, are they afraid to fill it in case it triggers the paranoid and psychotic former CG?

Someone has made a decision to leave the Royal Marines in limbo, and the RM deserve better. Noballs was a disaster and a cringe-fest, and a new CG worthy of the post should have been appointed by now especially since the RM were ditched by NoBalls for his Ho, BeyBey and Bob Iger so that he and the Ho could filch charity money meant for the elephants.
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liar liar

VIP Member
Hugs to all. That is why the victim numbers keep rising, as they are counting those dying of this mysterious cancer. We pray every single day that my brother doesn't get it because he was right there for the fire and the collapse and breathed that air, unaided, for half a day as he was unconscious, between two cars, for an unknown period of time, and then when he was found by a fireman and given some oxygen, he decided just to walk north.... he walked up to what he was told was Harlem. People gave him water and tried to send him to a hospital but he was caked in dust and folks were still worried there might be chemical or biological agents, so no one would come near him. He wandered NY for 2 days and nights until he got to Chelsea Piers where there was a police-organised ferry to get people over to NJ. They firehosed him to get the "agent" off - everyone was in hazmat suits. He got over the Hudson and walked to his house in NJ.
We called and called and there was no answer. I started when I saw the first plane go it as I knew he worked on the 85th floor and knew the plane had gone in below that. No answer. For three days. He had left his phone on his desk.

So yeah - I'm still angry. And yeah, I sob at all the documentaries. Yeah I remember having to reassure my mother who was traumatised, but since so many of her friends and neighbours in NJ also had the same tragedies, everyone was in their own shock bubble. She never recovered. I suspect she had a mild stroke from the trauma.
I hear everything you write. In the UK there was a piece about a small place in Canada that had like 200 re-directed planes land and the kindness given by a community of only 10k to all of those confused passengers. So moving. I've watched the documentary 'The Falling Man' twice - just sad and rips your heart out. Take care.
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I love Freda to bits!!! I imagine her as a more sympathetic version of her green outfit avirtar, possibly because that's when I joined :ROFLMAO: And I love that she champions diffident newcomers like myself!
Another vote for the Freda love here too.
And i love Chita
And Scotch Mist
And Pom Bear
And Cassandra
in fact i love the whole bloody lot of you.
This thread is the sanest place on the internet.

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We didn't know what was going on. It was such a beautiful day & we were outside thinking how strange that there were no planes going overhead. My sons loved all things military & when the jets went over us, they said wow, those were fighter jets. We live in PA some distance away from where we were in the woods, so just happened to be in the area.
Probably best you and your boys didn't know what was going on. One thing I learned much much later is that although there were loads of fighter planes up in the air at the time - and I guess in particular over DC and of course where United 93 was, those planes had been scrambled in such short notice that none of them were armed: they were up in the air and expected to ram the plane if they found it - to take it down. I guess it takes 15 to 20 min at best to load missiles onto these jets and they simply didn't have the time. In an interview with the female fighter pilot that was one of those over DC, as she was running down the hallway after getting the call, her squadron leader said to her "I'll ram the cockpit" and she said she knew that meant that she would need to ram the tail. She said she had to get it into her head that there was no other way - because the instinct for her was to protect the lives of innocent US citizens and here she would be taking them.

So the cali-cunts can honestly go fuck themselves.

I'd love Hawwy and His Ho to meet that fighter pilot. They can compare notes of their accomplishments in the military and as an independent, feminist female role model.
Pew-Pew Hawwy (my new name for him - that cunt) would have to explain to her the army of protection officers he drew into the line of fire so he could play royal "Action Man" and impress the ladies at the local bar. Tell me GI Gary - how much did you have to pay them to keep quiet? We've heard you were more violent in the boudoir than the battlefield. Fucker
as for you MissyHo - close your mouth and your legs. Keep both your traps shut -- all they do is attract flies.
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I drive past this sign regularly.
I don't know what it means and I don't think I want to know.
I have visions of a yard of well used vaginas ready for recycling (or not).
Should we invite pinocchio to a reception there?
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Gander. I worked for an airline at the time. We had several planes diverted there. The crews said the people from the town were absolutely brilliant.

I was in a Costco and everyone was crowded round the TVs thinking the same. We thought it was one of those promo videos they play on a loop. Then someone ran in from the car park saying it was real. The entire store just fell completely silent.

No idea how true this is but I just saw something on Twitter saying Kate had gone to PC directly with her concerns about Smeggy's behaviour but he gave her the brush-off. Fits in with the rumours that CH did nothing to address the staff bullying claims at the time. PC was allegedly instrumental in helping to erase Smeggy's past, and Catherine was forced into playing nice.

If TQ/PC try to sweep the investigation under the carpet to protect the Harkles yet again, I really hope William defies them both and speaks out.
What a fool Charles has been. The bullying allegations date back some time so they all knew but did nothing, covered up for Minge and NoBalls and allowed them to thrive unchecked. Catherine should have been supported and the problem dealt with but it was swept under the carpet. Head in the sand time, a big mistake but par for the course. Never complain never explain really means "Don't investigate, Ignore it".

He was an idiot to walk her up the aisle, and they went along with the lies about Thomas Markle when they probably knew the truth. Like with the fake pregnancy, suicide, the lot. There was a big stinking bi-racial rat under their noses but they pretended it was not there.

Charles worries me as he's stubborn, sensitive and weak which is a dangerous combination. He may be kind and lovely to work for but he's crippled with baggage and isn't in good health. His anxiety about Camilla as Queen Consort will undermine him when he takes the Throne and leave him open to attack. He's a good man, but I don't think he'll be a good king if the way RF matters have been dealt with over the last 2 years are anything to go by. William seems to be a different kettle of fish.

As time goes on we are finding out more and more about what's been going on, and I think the RF have handled everything badly. We could have been free of the Snarkles and the Monarchy would be in better shape. Instead the Royal Family are rattled and wondering when the next attack is coming from the "much-loved family members" in Mondeceito.
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Well if she had it corrected like that then it failed.
I've said before, in my opinion the reason she rarely drinks is that when she is pictured (by the paps) relaxed her bonk eye becomes evident.
It's also one of the reasons she always flicks her "ON" switch when she sees a camera lens. You often see her literally going from sombre face to HI! I'M MEGHAN, SEE ME SMILE AND SHINE BRIGHTLY! It's not just a luvvie thing. It's because if she relaxes the bonk eye shows so she needs to always be aware of that 'flaw' in her look.
Don't know why she is worried about a squint, that is the least of her flaws! Her main ones are within her soul and cannot be rectified by any knife wielding surgeon.
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I understand where you're coming from here. And equally I can understand the pain felt by so many. I only have to read a poem written during the First World War to feel the tears rise at the thought of all those young men killed on the battle field. And I wasn't even born then. I find it all deeply moving. Our family has some letters written from the front at that time. The man who wrote them died in battle. The letters are heart breaking. But how many people think about those soldiers now? Other than on Remembrance Day?
That war changed our lives as well. As did the 2nd World War. I don't believe we should ever forget but people do.

Theres a verse in the song 'And the band played Waltzing Matilda'

Now every April I sit on my porch
And I watch the parade pass before me
I see my old comrades, how proudly they march
Renewing their dreams of past glories
I see the old men all tired, stiff and worn
Those weary old heroes of a forgotten war

And the young people ask "What are they marching for?"
And I ask myself the same question

People move on but I don't think the people who witnessed the event do. I think it's the generations that come afterwards. The people who weren't born at the time.
We should remember 9/11 but perhaps the focus should be on those people who died afterwards. By which I mean looking into the cancers etc that occurred to the first responders. The people still suffering.
I have an uncle who died at Flanders Field in World War I. He was 21. My mother's older brother...

frederick heimburge photo.jpg
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Didnt she say it in the “extra” clips that Oprah broadcast after the original interview?
I think Oprah also asked her about her father but Henry’s wife didn’t want to discuss that. Oh no, leave your family out of it eh you hypocrite?!

aaah but she's 'lost' her father.
and her name.
and a baby.

and her marbles.........................
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Chatty Member
This is why Meghan fled the scene. Every time Meghan went out to meet people on engagement she risked being unmasked. Her interactions with children and ordinary folk showed just how unnatural she is. Always over acting, always playing up for the camera, the shameless and endless merching and over the top PDA's.

She is better off preaching from the ivory tower via a prerecorded video message where every word is carefully scripted. But even then, she still comes across as phony and preachy.
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