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New According 2Taz. I think Taz is the best of the YouTubers.

Errrrr .... Cass I just noticed that this reply post has nothing at all to do with what you've written above! 😁
:LOL: No worries, sort of thing I'd do too. ❤

Wasn't it said that TQ suggested she got a job ie. returned to acting, and they would make enquiries with their contacts within the UK industry. Smegs said she didn't want to go back to acting all she wanted was to serve the RF and to do whatever they wanted her to do. I think Noballs even referred to it in the 'interview.'
Also read that PC had suggested to Haz she go back to work as they 'couldn't afford her'. LOL
I think the Queen did this because she knew Princess Grace of Monaco personally. When Grace married whatshisname, she thought she'd be able to continue acting. She was devastated to discover she couldn't and very unhappy in her marriage. The Queen probably thought smegs would feel the same. Big difference between the careers of Grace and smegs of course.
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I still disagree with you re the handling. Let's say Brenda ditched them last year, pre THAT interview. What would be the result?
I'll tell you, it would be an absolute tsunami of interviews and invites and red carpet invites and yadda yadda yadda, and tears, many tears, left eye, right eye, go "How the Queen cut us off, for no reason. We did nothing wrong. All we wanted was privacy and security for our children. They were horrible to us, so unkind, how could they do this? We are just Romeo and Juliette, young lovers fighting against the odds. It's cos I is black innit. Racism. They can't bear to look at my biracial face so they threw us out. We're so sad. Diana would love us."
They'd be dining out on the story from then until eternity. The Victims above all victims. The St Harkles of victims the world over.The poster couple for victimhood. The symbols of the tyranny of those hateful brits. Hidden under the avalanche would be the big wedding, the love bestowed on them, the money wasted by them and on them. The bullying they did. Anyone daring to speak out would be cancelled. Gone.

Instead we have them whining like babies for attention so much that the positive vibes toward them ran out months ago. With no big fanfare the Royals have taken it on the chin and simply referred to them as "much loved family members", letting them rant and rave and throw their teddies out of the pram . People are finally saying "Hang on, I thought the Family were cunts?:unsure: That's what Smeggy and Hal said, but they've invited hal to that funeral and the unveiling and were fine with him, and their wreath was visible at the funeral.And now they are tramping over our war graves and calling our 1st amendment bonkers. The 1st amendment that allowed them to piss on their family in public. That lets them make videos for the party they want in power. And why is hollyweird not embracing them.:unsure: Have the big names seen things we peasants have missed? and why is he lecturing me on my carbon footprint while taking private jets. Why did Doprah not challenge their statements like she does other interviewees? Is it cos she is black too? But on her acting profile she calls herself caucasian and all her squeezes have been rich white guys. WHY DON'T THEY SHUT UP!"
And still Brenda says nothing. Just pops Coronation Street on, grabs another slice of pizza and wonders what they'll do next for the attention she is refusing to give them.

Their name is mud. Hollyweird won't touch them. Money is running out. Hazza looks like a corpse. They are being ridiculed. Their titles mean diddly squat, trashed by their own hands and big mouths, so why bother risking bad optics by removing the titles ... yet.
What's not to like about the results of the Royal Grey Rocking campaign ?
I'm still fine with it.:m

I'm happy enough.
I agree whole heartedly with everything you say @Freda 19. Some folk wants it to move faster, and I can understand that, but patience is needed. Stories about their failures, lies and deceit are coming out almost daily without the RF doing anything. I would love the thing to bring about their final downfall to be the report about their bullying and maybe a nice little best selling book written by the victims ....... now that I would buy!
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Chatty Member
Bloody hell they have, just been on Arsewhole site. Almost 3,000 names listed - written in white on a black background under the heading 'In Memoriam' and the date. No other message or words of condolence or sympathy.

I wonder if they have permission from all the families of these victims to print their names? If I was unfortunate enough to have lost a family member that day I would demand they remove their name from their tacky site immediately. I would not want my family associated in any way with that pair of grifters.

How can they not know when it is better to say nothing at all.
The level of entitlement this woman has is astronomical even for a narc. Someone tell she has no political power nor influence over anyone remotely intelligent!
Its so embarrassing how she jumps in to give her 2 cents on all matters when others more prominent than her show restraint and sfu. It's disturbingly tacky to assume authority on all matters especially when one is only the wife of runnaway sixth in line to a monarch he no longer reps
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The issue people have is that, although officially not incorrect that she uses Dr in front of her name, it is the height of misplaced pretentiousness to expect people to refer to you that way in all contexts.... the equivalent of Smeggy demanding that her staff refer to her as "Duchess" or "Princess" (both are officially officially on paper correct - as she is married to a prince - but not practiced). Jilly doesn't have a PhD. she officially officially has an Ed.D. It still confers upon her the official official title of "Dr" but it is not really used in practice when introducing someone except in official academic environments. My father has two PhD's - one in applied mathematics and the other in econometrics. He was a professor for 10 years and was surrounded by other professors who ALL had PhDs.... None of them expected to be referred to by the students as "Dr". Not one. Not one referred to their colleagues as "Dr" - except at ceremonies. My dad never waltzed around introducing himself as "Dr ResidentMerkin". Ever. After he left academia, he went to work in the private sector and it was only when he was asked to be an expert witness in a major class action suit was his title brought up as it was to emphasized the legitimacy of his opinion on the subject matter given his credentials. Jill is swanning around demanding that Dr be used all the time. It is the equivalent of the HRH for the Duke and Duchess of Hazard. Technically correct but "please"
The issue I had with it was that the Doctor stuff had never come up before the 2020 campaign. At some point when Joe ran this time, the "Dr. Jill Biden" stuff was suddenly all over the place and nobody had ever heard of her getting a doctorate before. It was an obvious PR move and it pissed me off. The First Lady is not an elected official and I am not voting for her. We had other much more important concerns-- BUT DR. JILL BIDEN LIVE PRE-RECORDED WITH JOE FROM THE BASEMENT AGAIN. Jill is smart, so that gives us legitimacy that you know who doesn't have, never mind Joe can't form complete sentences. Same with H&M. Dr. Jill Biden is doing this thing with Harry, and she has a doctorate of education, so that means Harry's legit, folks. Because college educated people have never done anything stupid.
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Chatty Member
I said previously that i think the RF are seriously worried about Friar Tuck harming himself so are holding back but thinking about it again i thinks it's even more that they don't want TQ's legacy to be The Queen who stripped her grandson of all titles and ostracised him from the RF. We want her to be remembered for all the right reasons and not have that sullied by the two weasels in California.
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Wackie Jeaver

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I had my father and brother in the towers on the day. They survived but the scars are HUGE. If these two donuts DARE to jump on THAT bandwagon? so help me ....

Dear God. I am so happy for them, and you, and all your family and friends that they survived, but can totally understand that the scars are HUGE. Much love to you and yours.
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Why? It’s 20 years ago. Most of those tweets and statements are purely performative at this point...
You're wrong. It was a lifetime ago, it was yesterday. Our world will never be the same, checking in for a flight will never be the same, going through security will never be the same, the death, the horror and terror of that day is now part of our lives whether you remember it or not.
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In a way, it might be quite nice for Lili to have christening in the UK, it extends an olive branch and allows her to be introduced in person to family members.

So I dont really care if the RF do set up a family christening, or invite H & M to do a family trip over to the UK. but it would be best if it could be a quiet and private affair. without publicity or any fuss!

I think its often difficult with family, you might hate their guts, or hate what they have done, but they are still family and usually they are missed to some extent. I admire people who are able to cut family members out of their lives completely, I have never been able to do this!
They don't deserve an olive branch from the RF or the British public or Commonwealth citizens.

They need to rot in their own misery.
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I still disagree with you re the handling. Let's say Brenda ditched them last year, pre THAT interview. What would be the result?
I'll tell you, it would be an absolute tsunami of interviews and invites and red carpet invites and yadda yadda yadda, and tears, many tears, left eye, right eye, go "How the Queen cut us off, for no reason. We did nothing wrong. All we wanted was privacy and security for our children. They were horrible to us, so unkind, how could they do this? We are just Romeo and Juliette, young lovers fighting against the odds. It's cos I is black innit. Racism. They can't bear to look at my biracial face so they threw us out. We're so sad. Diana would love us."
They'd be dining out on the story from then until eternity. The Victims above all victims. The St Harkles of victims the world over.The poster couple for victimhood. The symbols of the tyranny of those hateful brits. Hidden under the avalanche would be the big wedding, the love bestowed on them, the money wasted by them and on them. The bullying they did. Anyone daring to speak out would be cancelled. Gone.

Instead we have them whining like babies for attention so much that the positive vibes toward them ran out months ago. With no big fanfare the Royals have taken it on the chin and simply referred to them as "much loved family members", letting them rant and rave and throw their teddies out of the pram . People are finally saying "Hang on, I thought the Family were cunts?:unsure: That's what Smeggy and Hal said, but they've invited hal to that funeral and the unveiling and were fine with him, and their wreath was visible at the funeral.And now they are tramping over our war graves and calling our 1st amendment bonkers. The 1st amendment that allowed them to piss on their family in public. That lets them make videos for the party they want in power. And why is hollyweird not embracing them.:unsure: Have the big names seen things we peasants have missed? and why is he lecturing me on my carbon footprint while taking private jets. Why did Doprah not challenge their statements like she does other interviewees? Is it cos she is black too? But on her acting profile she calls herself caucasian and all her squeezes have been rich white guys. WHY DON'T THEY SHUT UP!"
And still Brenda says nothing. Just pops Coronation Street on, grabs another slice of pizza and wonders what they'll do next for the attention she is refusing to give them.

Their name is mud. Hollyweird won't touch them. Money is running out. Hazza looks like a corpse. They are being ridiculed. Their titles mean diddly squat, trashed by their own hands and big mouths, so why bother risking bad optics by removing the titles ... yet.
What's not to like about the results of the Royal Grey Rocking campaign ?
I'm still fine with it.:m

I'm happy enough.
You are right in all you say, but for me there is far more to this than the Harkles trashing themselves. It's irrelevant that their names are mud and they're on the rocks. Who cares? They're worthless. But the RF are priceless, and to me the self-trashing of one worthless party doesn't justify or equate to or validate the damage to the other priceless party. This is the one point I am making, just this.

Never mind the heartbreak and trauma to the RF, we can all take satisfaction that the treasonous turds are on the skids? For me, NO, it's not a quid pro quo. In the process of trashing themselves and becoming mud, the Harkles have destabilised and undermined the Monarchy, are still doing so, and have plans to carry on doing so. Being mud does not stop them.

Charles and Camilla were just getting things together when Minge appeared, after careful PR and hard work gaining more public approval. Vital as he will be taking the Throne and needed to get ready. Diana had died down. William and Catherine working hard as the Monarchy's young future, Sophie and Edward - all the special 7 pulling together. There's no question that they've all been damaged and this is dangerous for Charles with renewed speculation about Diana's death at the hands of the RF, the spillover of this onto Camilla who will be very vulnerable which will impact Charles, the films of Diana's death, plots to kill off Minge, racism, suicide..... It's been deliberately resurrected from the crypt by the vile and vengeful loose cannon who is the son and brother of those he is intent on destroying.

Noballs is only able to do this because as he said in Porker "I am a Prince.... I was born for this". I can understand why the RF went along with the blackmail for a while and hoped it would all work out in the end but that was a long time ago. Noballs and Minge have shown themselves to be liars and psychopaths so I do not understand why his titles and place in the LOS are not removed. Instead he's writing memoirs and making films to damage his family, and these WILL damage his family no question.

Add to this that Noballs has been allowed to destroy himself. Son of the King then brother of the King, seemingly on drugs, always close to the Throne and always dangerous. It's this position by birth that's important not their trashy lunacy and this is why he should have been neutralised a long time ago. Instead we've now got the joke LOS, where two cuckoos who may or may not exist and who may or may not be related to Noballs are actually in line to the Throne. The impossibility of their ever being in a position to take the Throne isn't the point. I dont believe it's OK for them to be in the LOS as it doesn't matter because there's no chance they'll take the Throne. They should not be in the LOS. Full stop. It was just more appeasement,

Nothing is done to stop them, there's a weird passivity like with Andrew who's shooting game and hiding at Balmoral.

If as @freda19 suggests above, HM ditched them and stripped their titles, I can't see there being a tsunami of red carpet invites and wah wah interviews, or them dining out on their self-pity. A year ago, yes there would have been a tsunami as Freda says, but not now. Those days are gone. The whole of the UK would cheer plus half of the USA. H&M are soiled and dirty, and the only ones weeping into their smoothies would be the bots, sugars and Scrotie ButtPlug. What are the RF waiting for? The poisonous memoirs rushed out in time to ruin their Christmas, to pick over with the family over the turkey? The whole of the RF seem to have group Stockholm syndrome.
ETA yikes what a long post I didn't realise
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YES the list is public.
Unless the person(s)/organization Arsywell stole the list from has a bone to pick... Before giving a more specific answer we need to know exactly what you're suing for and what your damages are (every cause of action needs a very specifically defined claim.)
Rare is the time that one can find something useful in Twattersphere - here is one of those rare times
" Harry said on OW interview when mourners sincerely grieved for his mom, "Why they don't even know her"! Why is Harry commerating thE 911 victims on his website when he doesn't even know them. The duo's acts like its a Monarchy or an Embassy. Sickos. They're private citizens. "

and Now I can remember when it was that U2 paid their respects to the victims - they played the Superbowl in 2002, Jan - I think. So while they didn't have an explicit connection or ambassadorial "role" per se, they were commmemorating it on an important occasion to emphasize unity in the face of a recent act of terrorism.
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liar liar

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They need to STFU about it just like every other bandwagon they jump on. They only give a shit insofar as it gets them attention, and everybody knows it. If they put my family member's name on their website like that, they would find out what it means to have a lawyer so far up their ass they can taste sheepskin. The victims' names and lives have almost become a public domain property at this point and I would never have allowed that to happen to a relative of mine.

I feel is very appropriate for HMTQ to give a statement since people from all over the world died in the attacks, including 67 British on that day and I wouldn't know how many suffered with aftereffects. Further, as one of our allies I would expect the head of state to make a statement.

I know the BBC kind of stinks but at the time they were streaming live news 24/7 and everyone here was in hysterics. I needed to get the news from someone who wasn't crying on screen or to be ambushed by someone looking for a relative with a missing person poster on camera, and this guy was on almost all the time. I think his name was Peter Sissons. It was so nice to be able to watch someone who was calm and just delivering the news without losing it on screen, because when they're not upset, you're not upset. The stream was pathetic, small and grainy but I would take that guy any day over the morons we have reporting the news today.
Yes, a very good point of publishing the names of the fallen without permission. I hope they are sued. This has particularly sickened me. So politicians have to grab their moment - we all know that. However, these two are completely superfluous to any kind of tribute.
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Lady C did say the comment was made by Princess Anne but then explained it was not a critique of Meghan as a woman of colour but as a Hollywood-Californian-American who didn't understand the culture. She was less subtle than brother Prince William who just advised caution, Princess Anne said she wouldn't fit in. Subtext - never, ever.
At least that is how I understood it.
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Found this article on Murky Meg retweets - 👇🏻

@Chita you’re drawings are great, full of observations and very funny - I salute your artistic talent (I cannot draw for love nor money)

Us Tattlers need a birthday cake ready for Hazzno’s big day on the 15th (so excited - not) could you design a cake on our behalf ready for his arrival back to these hallowed Isles (even though our Scottish cousins may need to deliver it or even one of our owl/falcon patronus’s)
We can let him know how / what we think of him 🤔🤔🤔 oh and no candles necessary in case they set her nylon weave on fire ……. On second thoughts let have loads of them
Thank you 🥰🥰🥰
What a load of bollix. Socal is her home turf. She schemed and planned her return there, so why in hell would she have trouble settling in?
Mylilpony is still her mate, they're just keeping it under wraps because of the race accusation ... not good optics for our black princess pinocchio to be seen shmoozing wiv jessie-wessie.
As for No6 being busy all day with business calls and meetings etc? OH PUH-LEASE! :LOL::ROFLMAO::LOL::ROFLMAO::LOL: When he's not practicing his juggling he's feeding the chickens and crying in his 16 bathrooms over losing his pretty uniforms.
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Thomas markle snr interview on Sunrise

Talking about all grandparents being deprived of all grand children. HaS had offers from zeveral lawysrs pro bono, but he won't. Has tried to call and leave letters for Doria but no response. Had good relationship with m all aling, became difficult after H. M told thomas to tell other kids to stop talking about her. Photos that caused problems were total setup. Said Samantha was conned into getting Thomas to do photos. Thomas said he is sueing photograoher. Thomas has doubts about suicide. Thinks m dramatic and h failure for not getting her to doctor. Believes M is the controlling one, says H acts like 12 yeR old boy. Said she was bought up to have self confidence.
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