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Chatty Member
You know what, I really can't bear to read any of Scrotie's made up BS rubbish about the Duke & Duchess Twunt and Twuntess:
how wonderful they are;
how close they are to HMQ;
how kind, thoughtful and considerate they are;
how they were picked on, bullied, and were the victims of racism by the RF and us Brits;
how they have survived and thrived since leaving the RF & UK;
how they don't need to be Royal - but how they latch on to every slight Royal link and leech it dry;
And on, and on, and on,... Making up lie, after lie after lie...

I am fatigued with them, but I also know that they are guaranteed to trigger some rage in me at some point in the future with their sense of entitlement and continuation of sheer bloody fucktardary!
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Things are not going the way they hoped they would.
Its all blown up in their faces.
Lies, lies and more lies.
The Royal Family ignoring them, and the whole of Great Britain & the Commonwealth against them.
Have a nice life! 😀😀😀😅
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Why would Hazno go along with backers funding their lifestyle? Unless he really is so stupid he'd think they were friendly benevolent billionaires with no agenda?
Remember Marc Ganzi, the jet owner which flew Hawwy back from Colorado ?

And now watch this:
Year 2011

"His ‘entry fee’ of £60,000 – and those of two other professionals – will be paid to the charity by a wealthy ‘patron’.
Opposing Team Audi comprises Ru, Melissa Ganzi’s husband Marc, who made a reported £50 million from mobile phone towers, polo professional Juan Bollini, and frozen bread entrepreneur Scott Devon.''

It seems that only the British have some kind of confusion (wrong word) about the constant onslaught on the RF.
And yes, backers do exist, see a random Canadian scribbler(''journalist") having the funds (100 million $) exactly given by a ''interest group'' to challenge Andrew to a Jeremy Kyle level of ''lie detector'' test.

It should be clear by now that for certain groups(some very rich ones) destroying, changing, re-claiming... are valid, productive goals.
There will be always a excuse found: feelings, social impact, ''truth,'' ''justice,'' etc.

The rich are bored, and this is just a extension of the usual party, hookers, drugs, jet setting lifestyle, a artificial creation of ''purpose'' for many purposeless existences.
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Will here to all Tattlers, we had a family meeting yesterday with only relevant members present The Gurners Grimm and the Fat Pork as well as his Ginger ex Raleigh were excluded.

Needless to say the "ladies" all consumed lots of Fuckharry cocktails along with the new one now named baldycunt after the Kween of Kuntycal .

We needed to agree a plan for when the Ginger Cockerel comes over.

Gran wants him stuffed for a BBQ with a skewer up his arse, Caff wants to smack him in the kisser wearing a knuckleduster and naughty Cammy wants to put his dick on a serving board and stab it with a pickle fork. Annie is going to trigger him with her horses who afterwards will crap all over him and Z is going to hold him while hubby uses him as a punchbag.

The Ladies got so pissed they were all doing wanker signs to his photo while Cammy lifter her arse and farted on him unfortunately the hilarity resulted in them all pissing themselves. Thank Christ for TenaLady

When they had all sobered up it was agreed that Ginger Tom would be knighted for his service to the Crown and is now called Sir Thomas of Ginger, the rest of his squad have all been awarded an OBE and @Cassandra333 has been awarded a medal for her pussies bravery and commitment to the cause.

They all ended up singing rugby songs led by M about a girl called cringe who gave the whole team a singe with her red hot minge

Royal standards were kept at all times until Gran mooned at his wedding photo and started them all off again.

Update next week when that fucking, bastard book comes out

All Tattlers to be mentioned in despatches in gratitude from the family

@pombear Sir Tom needs a ceremony photo for his Knighthood day please can you oblige him and he promises not to piss on your flower bed🐱🐱
And here is Sir Thomas of Ginger in all his glory, wearing his monocle over his blind eye. 😃❤


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Can‘t see AOC being very happy with the whore messing around on her stomping ground.
The incumbent of the 12th district (the congressional area that was mentioned) has been there 11 years and is 75 years old but I’ve not seen any indication that she wants to quit. These people don’t seem to like giving up their seats.
Just the person to go for ......... She likes picking on the elderly, thinks she knows better than them ........ BIG mistake!

Daily Star ......

"An updated version of Finding Freedom, an unauthorised biography of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, has claimed Prince William was upset that private family matters were being aired in public.
Authors Omid Scobie and Carolyn Durand chart the Sussexes' past year, from when they left the UK after stepping down as senior royals of The Firm to alleged tensions at the Duke of Edinburgh's funeral in April.
The legal team for Harry and Meghan have said the authors do not speak for the couple, and they did not "collaborate" with them, nor were they interviewed for the book"

So it's an 'epilogue' of fiction then ........ just like 'The Crown' or 'Prince George'.
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I was thinking the best outcome for us tattlers is they lose princely a ducal titles, stay in awful wedded togetherness and we still have something to tattle about. It is too nice a community to lose.
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Anyway, best I shut up about fuckface Farthing.

Smeggy does a liittle skid while wearing Doris's bedroom curtains.

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Going back to the muppets saying they considered releasing the name, even if they did release it, all this person has to say is no I didn't say that, and what can the eejits do? They are the proven liars and have no credibility left.
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I read the other week that Hairy is going to reveal who his real father is in his book of fractured fairy tales.. oops I mean memoir,... he is obviously only claiming this to help sell the book... anyone with half a brain has to know he can only say one person is his real father and that is Charles... Imagine if he claimed it was any one else.. he is FUCKED... no titles no line of succession nothing at all.. I know some people think Diana didn't meet James Hewitt until two years after Hairy was born but thats been proven wrong.. apparently Diana knew Hewitt long before hairy slithered out.... Can just imagine the brainless one thinking claiming any one else is his father will damage the monarchy and not
Diana and her sisters knew quite a lot of the posh cavalry boys ;). Hewitt is just the mug who got found out and held his hands up (for cash, of course. So very hazza).

Anyway if that's the core of the exciting 'memoir' then wake me up when the yack yack yacking has died down.

OOH, just thinking, if he wibbles on about his time xboxing bravely battling the taliban in Afghanistan then he'll look even more stoopid beccause of the incendiary situation there at the moment (and no doubt into 2022).
He's going to markle himself from chapter 1 right through to chapter 3,496 isn't he. Bring it on.:m

Thank you , I really hope so . We have a little rescue from China , he’s amazing and you are absolutely right , adopt don’t shop if you can 😎
Our mutt is a rescue. She's smarter than my kids.
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Point being, that in bi-racial families you will wonder about how they'll look - thank God our grandson didn't inherit our pale, pasty skin

Ridding Harry‘s future children of the ranga gene would’ve been cause for celebration.

This is a delightful article. Not sure where it’s from but it’s a next week’s release.
Hollywood has-beens. It’s wonderfully brutal.

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I guess some other celebs have talked about friends before, but they don't just sit around issuing statements like this all the time. Everything they say reeks of "doth protest too much." Nobody is zooming with them unless lawyers are present.

This is the way. (I need a Mandalorian icon)

I've wondered about that too. It's hard to tell how pale he really is in pictures and video because lighting always plays into that and it's not like you can compare skins in real time. I know that red-haired men get picked on, and as a pasty, super-white female myself, I have had a lot of comments over the years. You would be stunned at what perfect strangers will say to you as adults, never mind what kids will say and do. I'm sure that he was bullied over it, and that he knew it was one more thing that made him different. I deliberately chose someone with some color to them because I wanted my kids to not be freakishly white like I am, and I kind of thought at first he might have chosen her at least in part for the same reason, but I was crediting him with way too much foresight at the time. So maybe they started saying "the baby might be dark and that's a good thing," Haz translated it as "they're bullying me for my red-headedness again" and that really did piss him off.
Genetics is a wonderful but confusing thing. Both my kids have dark hair but pasty skin from the Irish side of the family. My father is Bulgarian and yet none of my kids got any colour in their skin. So going in the sun for them only results in a red burn and freckles. Loads of freckles which they were bullied about in childhood. It never got bad though they just laughed it off thankfully and kids moved on. Bullying happens with children, they will latch onto something and go with it. I’ve been blessed that bullying never got bad and my kids didn’t suffer from it. But I have seen gingers being mercifully bullied, why I will never understand as I think red/ginger hair can look stunning and beautiful. Oh well, humans are a strange lot. LOL

I got an email about the Time 100. I didn’t click on anyone until mr and Mrs fuckface popped up. Then they want your email to vote further

Plus they’re doing ok at the moment!

Why anyone thinks they should be considered is beyond me
Thanks I voted. Got to get them down and HM up. I did notice though that the votes do seem to favour the woke side of things unfortunately.

I got an email about the Time 100. I didn’t click on anyone until mr and Mrs fuckface popped up. Then they want your email to vote further

Plus they’re doing ok at the moment!

Why anyone thinks they should be considered is beyond me
Thanks I voted. Got to get them down and HM up. I did notice though that the votes do seem to favour the woke side of things unfortunately. Do we know what kind of newspaper Time is? Woke?..

Lady C's latest plunging right in.

Are Thomas Markle and Smeg partners in crime? Thomas Markle heartbroken at being dismissed in same way as Trevitty Trev. Struggles to accept enormity of rejection. Will she do the right thing and make contact wth him before he dies?
Only a sociopath thinks like Smeg. Facial expressions tell us everything A narcissist thinks they are special and unique and all attention on them - special above even TRF. Did not seem nervous at wedding - smug like the cat that got the cream. Samantha and Thomas Markle know who she truly is.
Rumours of friendly zoom calls with PW and Catherine?
Prob. PW and Catherine will attempt to mend fences at some point for appearances and civility's sake but they are too wise and have been too damaged and betrayed by H & M's behaviour to trust them or zoom them anytime soon.
What happens to Haz when Maggot dumps him? Can he return to UK and will he be welcomed and trusted in TRF again.
Hard to see how Haz would ever be comfortable living back with TRF or they be able to trust him. Background fear of Haz's suicide so they would prob. welcome him back into fold. Problems with 'resourcefulness' Haz has learnt - incompatible with being a proper royal. PW dismantled Fab Four because of distrust of Smeg.
Truth about Haz's time in Afghanistan needs to come out - Haz needs to tell truth eg gunner not pilot, guarded by ghurkas in bunkers. Lady C points out dilemmas of royals serving in military. Being protected v. carrying out dangerous duties. Haz apparently wanted to serve but was prevented. İf anything had happened to him, his comrades would have been discredited etc. so for their protection too. İn contrast Prince Andrew in Falklands was a genuine hero.
İf H re-integrated in royal duties (without Smeg) - will be problem but Haz will reach into positive side of personality to appear genuine.
Do H & M now regret supporting Biden? Biden is a metaphor for America's decline (commentator opinion not Lady C's). Smeg adept at jumping off sinking ships (sailing ships) when no longer heading towards her required destination. Smeg is concerned to find a way to milk the situation without scuppering a possible political career.
Latter part of video some discussion of current world situation, China, Republican and Democrat presidents...
Thank you so much for the recap. I appreciate it so much as I don’t have the time or patience to listen at the moment. 💕💋

I think this supposed racist comment is a load of rubbish. If anyone said it, it was Noballs with his juvenile sense of humour - didn't he admit saying it a while ago? He'll have sniggered about it to Minge, who scented a racist PR opportunity, carefully guarded her horried little lie and then used it when the time was right in Porker for maximum damage.

All the stand-ins and dolls used in videos and pap shots have been clearly Caucasian, like their "Caucasian model" mother and rebel redhead Apache pilot prince father, and look nothing like Farch's maternal convict gran Dritto. The Dearborn in particular was blindingly white and rosy, although disappointingly unresponsive to Noballs's pounding of the Start button on its arm to get it to burp or whatever for the press.

Yet they're still whining about the colour of the doll / photoshop / Gavin 's skin. Trying to pin a racist comment on a RF member, who didn't say it anyway but if they had said it they were in reality commenting on the likely colour of the skin of a prosthesis. Maybe some clever Tattler might know what colour babies prostheses normally produce?

Further excitement is added by the tittilating snippet that the guilty RF member is aged between 50 and 100. The internet is fizzing with speculation. Not. But they didn't say it, sneaky Noballs did. You couldn't make it up.
My heretic views only, tin hat on etc.
I am so over this racist comment crap they spew. If there was a genuine racist comment made that offended them , name the person and give that person a chance to apologise, explain, whatever. Mostly everyone talks about how the child they are bringing into world will look like especially if there is a mix. Heck, my hubby and I have Irish in our background but I have a Bulgarian father so we talked about skin colour wondering if our children would get some of that beautiful olive skin from my dads side. They didn’t. LOL.

Was that racist? Was that being insensitive? I know it doesn’t compare to a mix of white and black but I find it very hard to believe that any discussion of skin tone etc was meant to be racist. I feel it was a comment made in the usual conversations about their children but has been hijacked by Megabitch.
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Well, if the sixes want to be charitable, and show compassion close to home, my beloved Lake Tahoe is on the verge of being devoured by a beast of a fire, my friends, family, my old community have been evacuated and there is little hope of stopping the fire. Vast areas of forests and wildlife are being destroyed. So megs wanna send a few sandwiches and diapers to the 50,000 people who have been evacuated?
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Quote: IF someone said something that was racist ( probably a York , as @freda19 says 🤣) Why didn’t he go back the next day and say how offended he was , have a showdown

Because that would take balls and hairy's were safely tucked away in sixwife's handbag.
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Wackie Jeaver

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Sorry, OT but the scenes from Kabul airport following the explosion/gunshots/explosion are absolutely awful :cry: :cry: Meanwhile, I live by the sea and the air ambulance is very very low, trawling the coast, and every possible emergency service is in attendance apparently, sirens going like mad :cry::cry:

The Gruesome Twosome are still cunts though.
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Listening to Biden give a speech is like listening to the kids at primary school who couldn't read very well. They pause and cough and take ages to get all the words out and it's hard to be patient with them. Only difference is listening to those kids made the listeners fall asleep but when Biden speaks it looks like he's falling asleep in the middle of a sentence.
Now he's saying he's going to hunt the enemy down - how's that gonna work then when you've pulled all the troops out?

FFS how did this guy get voted in?????? [Was Trumpo right and the result was rigged?? Makes me wonder]

I don't know which is worse, the Biden style of speaking, or a Harry/Meghan public address where they waffle on saying lots of words that don't actually mean anything.

EDIT - both styles. I hate 'em both.
It was beyond rigged. Trump wasn't perfect, but people felt like the US had a chance with him in office. Hardly anyone showed up at Biden's rallies when he bothered to have one. 7 months since Biden's been "in office" and it's all going to hell in a handbasket.
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Scotch Mist

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As it's quiet I'm going to put a lovely pic up of @Scotch Mist on the front cover of Time magazine which I made last year 🥰❤ Well done Scotch Mist 💖😘 xx.

View attachment 734702
🥰😁 Thank you Pom - wot an honour 🎖❤
I'm sorry but for a proper Time cover you have to do the devil horns. You arrange the M over the head so that they have horns on their head. Time seems to do this to a lot of people, even the ones they like.

View attachment 734718

So a Scotch Mist cover should look like this:

View attachment 734719

You make dear Scotch look like there are horns with the M, but you also say The People's Hamster and do fluff headlines. Time used to have really good, hard news but it's all biased fluff now.
🤣 Wow 'the people's hamster' 🥰❤
Thanks so much that's fabulous 💋

When am I going to be interviewed? ☺😊
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