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I think it's great that Hazno is donating $1.5 million to Sentable - but a) Isn't it a bit vulgar to reveal how much you are donating?

b) It's very optimistic to believe that a portion of the proceeds of his memoirs is going to generate to $1.5 million!
What happens if his book flops?
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I particularly enjoyed this paragraph
So the upshot of all of this is that Scobie is not a reliable commentator about the Sussexes. Maybe now no one will use him as a commentator, because he is obviously a liar!

Im now curious, Why on earth havent Me again and Harribo sued Scoobie, and his co writer, and the publishing company that is publishing the updated Finding Freedom?
Let alone sue ing People Magazine for misrepresentation?

Why ignore all those American companies, who actually said and published the comments they dont like, and instead send lawyers to the British Press?

The hypocrisy stinks!!
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We know support and interest in the RF will be very high during next year's Platinum Jubilee celebrations (there's never been such a milestone before and people are very fond of the queen) hence why the harkles have timed this book release. A) to cash in on the public interest B) To tarnish the monarch's legacy so that this dreadful book will forever cast a shadow on her and her family

It's narcissistic revenge on epic proportions and one that needs to be countered urgently
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I think he bought a one way ticket so that he could have BP pay for his ticket back. He’s too skint to pay himself. In his mind, why should he? He showed up, did his quarantine, was hoping for whatever meetings he could have, let them pay. He showed up with a crumpled suit and his hair wasn’t neat. He couldn’t get a trim or have his suit pressed? Please. He expected everything to be done fir him.
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I'm actually reasonably impressed by the likely accidental use of the word multilateral.

But I am confused how they can split two tragedies and describe them separately. I know it fills up page space, and I've written enough essays that I know how to successfully use two words where one will do. I am exceptionally erudite at times.

But isn't it a shame that Haiti leaves them heartbroken because of the developing humanitarian disaster, whereas Afghanistan only leaves them speechless. Presumably there's not enough beaches in Afghanistan to worry about the people there. Not many holidays taken to that country is there?

And what are the many layers of pain? Is that like when you stub your toe and can't talk for the pain and then it settles into a dull throb and a lot of swearing?
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Thing is, she forgot that the most elevated tier of society - they'd already met the Queen.

They've chatted with Prince Philip ( RIP:cry:) Some, like the Obamas have stayed with Prince Charles and Camilla, and they have said goodnight to a little Prince George in his dressing gown.

So when she did that interview, how arrogant to assume that no-one would have already formed their own opinions, that no-one already knew the Royal Family? Her fanz might be gullible enough to accept "her truth" but the reality is, the upper echelons of society will have known the extent of any lies. Because they already knew the Queen. Personally.

I think they are on Team Brenda...there has been a conspicuous lack of any congratulations from any serious A++listers on the birth of Lili, or invites for the Harkles to anything...anywhere...

The Faux-Royal Speechless Announcement et al is just proving publicly what was already quietly known behind the scenes, it seems.
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Harry and Meghan #134 Big Brother's down under stealing their thunder!
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I'm not defending the lack of knowledge, and I'm most certainly not insulting our Murican cousins, but they and a lot of the world see Murican soldiers in a bad situation in various places and assume it's totally an American offensive. I can understand that. This one though, is/was most definitely Good Axis versus Evil and was a combined effort to keep a lid on a very volatile situation.
It's like I said elsewhere, the world was preoccupied with fighting covid and we took our collective eyes off the ball re the taliban creeping and multiplying across the outlying towns and villages heading for kabul.
I'm still angry and saddened that last month I watched Biden in a press thing. I watched it because I was concerned at a few things I'd read and seen re the Afghan situation ... BUT Biden assured everyone it was under control and not to panic and "Kabul WILL NOT FALL to the Taliban" Will it be like the last days of Vietnam (he was asked). " NO, there will be no helicopters on roofs evacuating people at the last minute." I was not much reassured because ... Biden :rolleyes: .Nah, it was people hanging off planes risking their lives to get the fuck away. Lying/stupid old cunt. Had he been more honest or even just fluffed around the question then more people would have read the room, got a heads-up and got the hell out of there to safety.
I know America is none of my business and we've no room to talk, but by fuck I feel sorry for them stuck with that senile lying old Kamala puppet.

Biden has been a liar for years. I know I sound like a conspiracy theorist, but Trump won the darn election. Massive cheating went on to get Biden in. The democrats thought they had cheated enough to get Hillary in in 2016, they made darn sure that Trump didn't get in this time. This crap wouldn't have happened like this under Trump. Nobody showed up at Biden's "rallies", Trump's rallies were overflowing. The puppeteers wanted this destabilization to happen.
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Fabulous ❤❤ well done tattlers! With the invasion last night I forgot to say thank you @Carpediem69 for the new thread and fab title @Chita !

What do they mean "he bought a one way ticket" had he no intention of going back to megaslut?
I must admit I didn’t understand why that was included either. It made no sense.
As if he was going to leave his wife and children back in the US.

Oh hang on, the penny has just dropped…
Henry bought a way way ticket because it was all he could afford and he expected his family to pay for his return flight!
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Just seen this on the Hinch thread, thought it might be more fitting for a certain "Royal" couple 🤭
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Happy Lady

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The Sun is reporting this as well. On Saturday nights I get my sims married off and then they set each other on fire. They could at least wait until tomorrow morning!

So The Sun and Mirror are both reporting the same, practically word for word. I've felt so uncomfortable with the Gruesome's childish lies and games. They are an absolute embarrassment to the royal family, a disgrace to her family, and I can't understand why anyone would ever want to know them any more.

What I want now is revenge. I hope the Queen's lawyers take them to court, and I want it televising so that I can watch their every grimace. I wouldn't want to be their lawyers as they won't have a chance in hell. 🤔🤔🤔😅😅😅
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Updated bits to the DM article.

That is such a stupid stupid comment. Did not take full ownership. Load of crap. If you weren't the cause of the problem how can you own the bloody thing?
It's like me saying because I'm Austrian I should own Hitler's mistakes.
They're not my mistakes so I don't need to own any of them
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So just because Charles and William stood their ground and wouldn't let Hairyface have his own way, he makes yet more of a fool of himself. They have nothing to answer to Hairyfairy. Get over it.
Why don't the Gruesomes 'own' up to all the lies they have told first then see what is actually left for PC and PW to 'own their part' in.

Statements which have been proven to be false are still out there ... not withdrawn or apologised for ..... this pair really take the biscuit.

Sort your own house out Mr & Mrs Snarkle before demanding others do.
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People have quoted his tweet to point out that an attack on the institution IS an attack on the Queen
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Cant quote, but Andy was Not Popular with the navy (my dad was serving at the time). Basically all the usual arrogant bastard, dont you know who I am shit.
True, he was intensely disliked and was a shocking snob. One story goes that on boarding his first ship and meeting the captain he shook hands, introduced himself and then said " You can call me Andrew", to which the captain replied "And you can call me "sir" ":m
BUT, on the other hand, during the Falklands he was quite gung ho. One mission to airlift men from a burning ship wasn't going well and they were told to pull the helicopters away from the dangerous fire and smoke and leave it to a boat rescue team, but he remained hovering over the ship using his helicopter down draught to disperse the acrid smoke to give the sailors a chance to escape overboard for picking up that way. I read this on a military forum, so it's not a puff piece from the palace.

BiL was on one of the first ships to reach South Georgia - word was PA was an arrogant p@ick BUT he did not hide away and did his duty. He was one of the pilots hoovering over the ship (Gallahad I think) when it was hit to fan the smoke away from the men who were being rescued. A very dangerous manoeuvre if the ship had blown up.
I don’t like PA BUT I don’t believe we can take away from him that he did serve very bravely when he was deployed to the FI and was not protected by others.
OOPS, sorry, I didn't see your post and just posted the same thing. My bad.😢
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Agree with you Kitty. Waiting for Charles to streamline the Monarchy will be too little too late to undo the damage that's being done now and needs to be dealt with now. The RF seem to operate in a time-delay warp, where stable doors are meticulously bolted according to protocol after the feral nags have trashed the premises and pissed on all the hay and food.

Uncle and nephew, both glaringly and publicly entitled privileged and arrogant. The public perceives that they are unaccountable and the public perception is bang on the nail. They pay no price for their actions. Talk of modernising the Monarchy is meaningless while allowing this louche buffoon who hobnobbed with a convicted sex offender, and his dimwit treacherous nephew, to trample over everything we hold dear.

It says in the DE and DM that HM is lawyering up in preparation for Noballs's memoir next year. Again, too little too late as in the meantime it's great publicity for him while he plays the Sport of Kings and merches his shady charities. Porkswordsman and Epstein acolyte Randy Andy remains Colonel of the Grenadier Guards even though he's stood back from royal duties.

Minge will never let Noballs go, he's her ticket to relevance, and they will thrive like bacteria in Biden's chaotic and immoral political culture. It will cover a lot of their sins, but if Trump gets back in he would create a far less favourable climate for them. I hope he does.
I’m no expert on American politics but Biden looks like a rabbit in the headlights and where’s Harris? I’d love to see Trump back in just to see the Harkles combust.
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