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I'm not defending the lack of knowledge, and I'm most certainly not insulting our Murican cousins, but they and a lot of the world see Murican soldiers in a bad situation in various places and assume it's totally an American offensive. I can understand that. This one though, is/was most definitely Good Axis versus Evil and was a combined effort to keep a lid on a very volatile situation.
It's like I said elsewhere, the world was preoccupied with fighting covid and we took our collective eyes off the ball re the taliban creeping and multiplying across the outlying towns and villages heading for kabul.
I'm still angry and saddened that last month I watched Biden in a press thing. I watched it because I was concerned at a few things I'd read and seen re the Afghan situation ... BUT Biden assured everyone it was under control and not to panic and "Kabul WILL NOT FALL to the Taliban" Will it be like the last days of Vietnam (he was asked). " NO, there will be no helicopters on roofs evacuating people at the last minute." I was not much reassured because ... Biden :rolleyes: .Nah, it was people hanging off planes risking their lives to get the fuck away. Lying/stupid old cunt. Had he been more honest or even just fluffed around the question then more people would have read the room, got a heads-up and got the hell out of there to safety.
I know America is none of my business and we've no room to talk, but by fuck I feel sorry for them stuck with that senile lying old Kamala puppet.
Agree. I've been watching Fox news and it's been said many times by army bods, the process for withdrawal is civilians out first, then all the military equipment such as guns, helicopters,etc, then lastly the troops. But Biden did all that in reverse! And where is smegs bezzie mate Kamala? Great Vice President she turned out to be. Not
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Scooby is backtracking the sugars are attacking him and the Daily Beast is suggesting relations between him and the Harkles are fraying as a result of the new chapter
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Scotch Mist

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Am looking forward to hearing more of Scrotie's garbage when the revised 'Finding Falsehoods' is released.

The Harkles are looking increasingly desperate and don't seem to realise that the world really does have 'Sussex fatigue'. Their problems and claims are so petty. OK real racism isn't petty but the Harkles haven't clarified exactly how the RF were allegedly racist towards them because they couldn't even get their stories straight on the Orca debacle.

The Harkles don't seem to have grasped that the world has far bigger problems to concentrate on now and we don't need to hear platitudes from unelected twats like them.

We also don't give a rats patooty about the secret Christening for the invisible baby or who the godparents are.
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Wackie Jeaver

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BIB. For me it's not so much that, but more that she refuses to use one or two word responses. Examples ...

That's not true -------becomes "In the interest of truthfullness, which as everyone knows is what I stand for and believe in from the depths of my heart and have always stood up for, I feel it necessary to point out that your statement is factually innaccurate and possibly even worthy of litigation against you."

I agree with you ---------becomes " I honestly can't let your statement go unremarked on as to the honesty and perfection of everything you have said and my husband also wishes to add his praise for your amazing insight into a situation that few people in the world understand in the way those fully educated on the subject (such as ourselves) truly do.

So a 3 word response literally becomes 50 words and a 4 word response becomes 59 words. It's quite bizarre.
This is so funny! One of my jobs is translating French into English (written word) and I once said to a French friend and colleague how many many many words they used when it could be said in English in about three! She wasnt insulted but it led to a discussion about Shakespeare vs Voltaire... which I think I lost as she went to the Sorbonne and I ... um... didnt.
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It's relentless isn't it. Exhausting almost all this PR /Humanitarian crap they spout and latch onto. What they fail to grasp as their ego's are so HUGE and they are STUPID that the Clinton's achieved something, as did the Obama's both Presidential families, even if you don't agree with their politics they made something of themselves. Sadly, the Clinton's have used their foundation badly and I hope they are investigated and found to have mis used funds, especially the Haiti charity money, they failed to follow through on their pledges there and now it's in an even worse situation.
6 and wife have achieved nothing and as se know trading of their entitlement. Just want them to STFU .

Remember Tourre on Twitter, he mentioned when 6 was here for the Diana statue, he went awol for a while and was said to have had a secret meeting, but left in a foul mood....I wonder if he had a meeting with some money people to extend credit etc... and this is why all this desperate attempt to spin more PR /Netfilx return to Uk to make a film about Invictus/their time in the UK as royals. It can't go on without some BIG $$$. It's just unsustainable.

On another matter, did anyone read that article about 6's wife in charge of all the money and wants receipts for everything from 6? It mentioned that she is very " careful with the purchases for both households". inferring they each have a base ? Interesting :unsure:
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And you know what really pisses me off they still think they can have a reconciliation with TRF what fuckin planet are they on
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So in other words they are raising money to pay for the staff and running costs not the actual charity.

And in their case to give the impression of being charitable.
Don't forget that.
Their virtue signal is bigger than the bat signal over Gotham city x 10

This is also why a lot of people stopped donating to the "big" charities and sought out local small charities that they know don't pay staff a humungous salary. Staff have to be paid, of course, but not hundreds of thousands.

Not defending Meghan and Harry but how can we ever be sure our donations reach the people we want to help if the cause isn't on our doorstep so we can see first hand?

Sometimes I just shake my head in despair.
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Saw this on twitter, calculations about approximately how many books Harry would need to see to give the amount of money he said to charity.
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From the Aussie news. Also, kangaroos are violent as fuck. My friend was running a few years ago and spooked a 'roo that was hanging out on the jogging path. My mate ended up with cracked ribs and covered in scratches and bruises. They don't mess around!

Look at the film crew in his sunglasses - staged as F@ck - they aren’t even wearing crash hats


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How long before his "friends" get sick of him catching lifts on jets for free? If he was as wealthy as they would like us to believe they would have their own private jet..... blagging free flights , sofa surfing at Perrys.... A lot of taking, not much giving ...
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I hope that all these rumours of Meghan being upset at her brother on Celebrity BB are just a joke. ;)

Look at how Harry's approval is being used by Gary Janetti to endorse ''The Prince''
The Prince creator reveals Prince Harry’s response to controversial show | Metro News

‘I don’t know if Harry has said anything to Orlando about it, but I know before the show premiered, he was aware that Orlando was doing it,’ Janetti said, according to reports. ‘And he seemed to have a sense of humor about it.’

If you have a sense of humour and your name is being used to endorse a black comedy featuring your 8 year old defenseless nephew, Prince George, then I am sure they will be finding it side splittingly funny that Both Thomas Markles are making money out of the association with Meghan herself!!

Maybe as part of their condemnation of world events, they could mention the awfulness of using Prince George's name in an inappropriate cartoon?
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Looks like Scooby is going to be thrown under the bus! combination of karma and being markled - karmarkled!
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Chatty Member
The constant public mention of 'Mental health issues' could be counterproductive, they are outwardly the Parents of two small children and both have indicated thoughts of self-harm or suicide.

It's only really a matter of time until one or both of them launch into a self-destructive attention-seeking fervor and arouse concerns with the US Social Services.
How extremely unfortunate that there are two innocent children who will be deeply influenced by two such weak, self-centered, zero empathetic individuals. No other family around to buffer the narcissism with decency and common sense. No grandparents, aunts, uncles, to guide them. Only phony, woke, materialism and dysfunction will surround them. This upcoming pseudo awareness generation will be a bloody nightmare.


So just because Charles and William stood their ground and wouldn't let Hairyface have his own way, he makes yet more of a fool of himself. They have nothing to answer to Hairyfairy. Get over it.
They are trying so hard, in so many ways to get some attention from those they shat on. However, they are no longer being indulged or placated by the RF. I say, well played. Best thing is to sit back, ignore them and watch the implosion.
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So their latest word salad bullshit, as seen below. They waffle about "when any person or community suffers, a piece of each of us does so with them". Right so is anybody going to remind Hazno that he was a part of the Afghanistan conflict. He did two tours there. Forget which side he was on, and whether he actually saw any action or was just nursemaided the whole time - in theory he could well have caused suffering to people of whichever side. They've even been so stupid as to include a picture of him partaking in a bit of warmongering alongside the drivel splurge.

I think it's a bit rich to lecture us about suffering now, when he was a part of the whole conflict back in the day.

You can't really talk about suffering in connection with wars and conflicts, and bang on about humanitarian efforts, when you were a part of those same conflicts back in the day?

Anyway who elected the two clowns as spokespeople for the world. At least your Bidens, Trumps, Clintons, Bush, Blairs, Macrons etc all underwent some sort of electoral process and were voted in to the positions from which they speak. How dare the chumps of montecito think the world needs to hear their thoughts. They need a reminder that they weren't elected, and they most certainly haven't earned their way to speak for the world. CUNTS.

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I do too freda19 - it was heart breaking seeing the coffins go through wooton Bassett, he was shielded from the shit of war, how he could promote being a war veteran is embarrassing for him xx
There is this guy I follow (Dan Bongino), and he's a former policeman and worked in the Secret Service for Bush and Obama. Anyway, he was reading a letter from a veteran about the situation in Afghanistan, and the letter was really heartbreaking. It said something like how they felt like they forfeited the right to be with their loved ones in the afterlife because of the things they had to do because it was war, and war is ugly. I bet Harry never had to deal with anything like that, or if he did, he was sadistic enough to not spare a second thought about it.
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