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Interestingly, one of his tenants on one of his farms has just said that Prince Charles asked about his mental health and to ring him to talk whenever he needed to talk.
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Thanks to @JAR21 for the great new thread title
we are still asking why the Cali2 seem to be getting away with their behaviour
Appears they did not receive an invitation to Obama’s 60th birthday party
she has released a video for her (possibly 3rd) 40th Birthday - asking 40 friends to mentor 40 women to assist them with getting back to work
Hazzno was seen juggling (his) balls at a window behind her and she pretended it wasn’t all staged no Oscar this time Smegzy
Many puff pieces and articles released today - could be as many as 40

Tattle forever onwards tattlers 🤣 once more into the fray dear friends🥰🥰
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As much as I hate to say this but the York sisters are social climbers just like the Spencer girls. Since they were cut off from the RF inner circle/funds, they need to rely on their names to bag rich men and billionaires/millionaires.

I don't expect them to be loyal to Gan-Gan or Wills and Kate.
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Thank you Jar and Carpediemfor the new thread.
Is it my imagination or are things getting a bit out of control now PP has gone? The ghastly gurning bug-eyed Yorks have crept out from under their rocks and are being orange and vulgar all over the place, emboldened by PP's absence.

Here is a 44th birthday message to our Kweene

You Gri F ting Ho
You Destr O y all you touch
A LiaR and fraud
CorrupT and Debased
Why don't You Sod Off. And Shut Up

For ever. And take with you
YOur half-wit gurning Capon
YoU are loathed and distrusted by all
With any BRains. Only the Sugars love you

All the BoTox in the world, and Fillers
Will not cOver your evil soul
Or HiDe your cruelty
To Your FAmilies and our Queen
We see You clearly, and you are as old as Methuselah and as dark as sin.

ETA it's all gone quiff...!
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I once had a neighbour knock on the door and ask if she could borrow my dining table and chairs. I was so shocked I said yes. :LOL: They'd just moved in and I didn't know them, hadn't met them. They wanted the table because they were having a birthday party for one of their kids. In fairness, they looked after it and returned it promptly and never asked me for anything again. Still makes me chuckle now (nearly 40 years later!) :LOL:
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It’s almost as if Queen Elizabeth had an audience with the person who owns Goldman Sachs (their PR firm) and said, “Please allow my grandson and his wife to do whatever they choose, give them the freedom they seek.” And the Owner of the company said, “Your Majesty, if we do allow that we are quite concerned they will looks as though they are fools.”

And Her Majesty Elizabeth II, Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland said, “Indeed, yes.”
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What is that birthday video??!!


Awful acting from both MMs.

Vest top and off the shoulder look at me dressing casual since leaving the RF (but don't forget I AM rich this isn't just any M&S vest and I am the duchess) ps I've regained my figure in 2 months and I look 🔥.

Necklace - attention seeking hey y'all guess what the symbols mean? (quick Google search) ah ha it's the kids' starsigns...what a loving celeb mom.
(Ick worse than people wearing their child's thumbprint silver pendant necklaces).

Being British tea & biscuits - reminding people of the UK connection (and obviously taking the Mickey) but we all know she wasn't here long enough for her butler to mix the mushroom latte never mind brew a cup of tea.

Decor - the white company/Jo Malone bland beige and cream style but obviously very expensive.

Desk set up - it's what royals do, Queen does it for Christmas so let's keep that royal trigger.

Video akin to the comic relief PW & Stephen Fry sketch (nah worse on par to the unfunny James bond and Catherine Tate's nan sketch).

Haz being funny juggler, so down to earth and aren't we having a whale of a time in 🥑 district, just needed James Corden knocking on the door.

The message -😴🥗.
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Now we need @Evangelina to return. I miss her off piste take on things and thought provoking posts.:(

@Evangelina ... I'm so SO sorry I inadvertently caused a minor pile-on, please forgive fuckface Freda and come home.
Nothing to apologise for Freda.🤗🤗🤗
Guess it's my fairly rigid style of posting which gives the impression that I'm bashing the RF.

It's not even remotely the intent however.
Its a summary basically of the tricks which the Harkles are using, based on the things which happened before.
Example :
Andrew was not treated equally. (fact) because he was not equal(different minds and times)
Harry's PR, the stans and everyone else now claims/repeats that William was favored, that the Harkles were not protected etc.
Yet Harry was treated as equal, see all the mess which was cleaned after him, all the PR organised for him, and all the staff he had even before getting married.

Everything is OK. ❤❤

All that your Ginger Tom could accomplish is scare the Ginger Idiot that I have. The pee would be the least of my problems. 😂Enzyme cleaner would solve it, but I can't fix the stupid of my Ginger Eunuch.
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Scotch Mist

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Good, Gove's wife can see the cynicism

Love this comment ❤

'Lucky me - I've booked my session with Meg, can't wait for her to tell me all about working on a Yacht ! I've never been on but I know that after a 40 min session that she will prep me to be of service.'
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I visited Highgrove this week and every single tour guide/gardener/waiter I spoke to had a positive story to say about PC. Often how how many small acts of kindness he has done for them personally, or to someone they know on the estate.

Our tour guide said how, in a world of social media and performative kindness, how “refreshing” this was. What’s more, he admitted that prior to coming to Highgrove, he was quite neutral on PC as a person - he now holds him in as high a regard as HMTQ!

He also spoke about a time he was walking through one of the gardens and said a passing hello to a ‘gardener’… only to do a double take and realise it was PC. The whole experience just reaffirmed to me how upset I will be if ‘just call me H’ uses this book to slander his father. PC is far from a Saint, but all these people cannot be wrong.

We also saw the tree house that PC restored for his grandkids, the tree that George planted when he was 2 and is now around 5 metres! I wanted to share this becashe I was stuck by just how “human” PC seems, but also how these acts of kindness are not broadcast to the world to win brownie points - even when public opinion was so against him over the years. It couldn’t be more different fromH&M.
One of my relatives works at Highgrove. They’ve told my mum how lovely Prince Charles is and that he is a great employer who shows great interest in what they do. Apologies but I’m being deliberately ambiguous regarding their gender and job for obvious reasons.
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the musician

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Kate made top 25 ❤

but so did 2 chins ffs 🤮🤮🤮🤮
Why did they refer to Catherine as 'Kate Middleton' but HW as 'Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex'? Guess the wife being friends with the editor helps. A bit condescending to still refer to our future Queen consort by her maiden name when she hasn't been called it in over 10 years.
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Comfort creation via the touch/tactile sense. The target is repeatedly bombarded with information about the importance of "hugs" "warmth" "touch" " of closenes" in conversations.

Its a common tactic of building familiarity when individuals have nothing in common regardless if marriage or distant friends. See the kiss-kiss behavior in high society.

The next stage in Harry's case is the "comfort" effect, his mind now instantly switches to"she is there for me, " which elevates her above anyone else, while he is completely oblivious about the" why. "

Disclaimer :
It can be a nice and kind thing extended towards a insecure individual.
It can be a form a manipulation and control.
So true re the hugging etc.
There are folk who insist on hugging me, when we both know we do not like/trust each other. It bothers the hell out of me because I prefer hugging to be a sincere positive thing and since becoming an adult I know it is more of a virtue signaling thing.
Example, my sis in law persisted in hugging me in front of others, but she despised me stealing her bottomless money pit brother. She's dead now, but to this day my hubby insists she loved me because " she hugged you all the time". He is/was oblivious to the many many underhand jabs she inflicted on me, the type men don't see (ladies know what I mean) and I gave up trying to point them out years ago ... plus she's dead now so ....
The odd thing is that in her last year of life she was genuinely nice to me, no digs, no sniping, and the hugs felt genuine. I like to think that knowing she was on her way out she looked back and regretted being a sneaky little cunt to me for 20 years.
Yah, effusive affection can mean the opposite of how it looks.
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Scotch Mist

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Dolly Parton used to say, "it costs a lot of money to look this cheap."

In Meghan's case it takes a lot of "I know best" attitude to look that crap.
Dolly is a class act compared to Smeggy and a real philanthropist. Smeggy isn't fit to lick her boots.
I've never heard anyone say anything bad about Dolly.
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