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Sorry to double post but what would be better in my mind is to include people who actually have real jobs and skills. Teachers, doctors, hairdressers, graphic designers - people who can actually offer real advice about how to get into a certain career or industry, women who have taken maternity leave or experienced unemployment giving guidance on how they came back. Not a bunch of celebrities who have never had a real job. What is Adele going to tell a unemployed ex-admin assistant that will help her get back into work? What is Stella McCartney who got to where she is by having a rich Daddy going to tell a woman with no qualifications struggling to put food on the table? But of course, 40 real life people would have got nowhere near the coverage or attention but might have actually been useful.

Maybe the women who left their jobs because they didnt want to work for her any more could help mentor people in how to cope with situations like that and how to move forward into finding a new job.
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Pom Bear

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Could @Scotch Mist or @Pom Bear or anyone else possibly find a photo of Sid James and put it alongside the Epstein one of Minge from the last thread? I've decided that he's her father which explains a lot about Compton and Doris and Thomas etc and why the RF didn't want Sid James walking her up the aisle. The pap shots in Rosarito were to throw us off the scent, while the real daddy was in the East End of London all along!
Bit by bit Tattlers get closer to the truth!
I've added Sid James in the pic lol 😀😄🥰😘 x.

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I'm currently experiencing a troublesome state of affairs from one of our neighbours - she taps me for money and cigarettes. Wish I hadn't given her anything in the first place - she rang our doorbell at 10.30pm 😭
Knock it on the head. Lie, use any excuse or be blunt but get it stopped. Be warned, she will resent it and bitch about you, but fuck her.

Been there. Started with 50p to make up enough to put on her leccy card and progressed weekly. She even used my washing machine a few times. "Poor girl", I thought. "Out of work and getting by on benefits" I thought. Like fuck she was:mad: ... I hit the fucking roof when she had the nerve to sit in my home and ask my bloke for advice about her ISAs. HER ISAs !Plural. Cunt has ISA's and is begging and scrounging off a working family. After the chat with hubby re ISA's I saw her out to the gate and was rather blunt. " Don't ask me for money ever again and buy yer own dog food. Cash in one of your ISA's if you are feeling the pinch. OK ? Byeee" She stormed off in a huff. Thank fuck she moved a few months later, though I miss her little doggy. (which I was buying dog food for alongside my own mutt's food). Cunt.

She was probly a fan of the Cali cunts.
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The good news us that Murky Meg is back on Twatter and the bad news is this:
View attachment 699512
I hope that this is true because I can't wait to find out how William bullied the bully bullying his own staff and how Charles paid for a hitman 😁
So, let me get this right...
Granny is cold and abusive, but let's name our new doll after her?
Charles orchestrated the Paris crash (he is delusional, how would a 12 year old at the time "know" this. Must wear a tin hat.)
William bullied Smeg (aka said no to all her demands & saw straight through her...)

The prat is showing the world what a fool he is.
"If" this is what the book truly reveals, they need to cut all ties finally. We all know it already, but there is no respect and no loyalty, other to his wife's narcissistic schemes.
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The way she pushes him forward is so patronising, as if she were royalty and he was the pleb. I would get really annoyed if someone was constantly touching me like that when there was no need. She treats him like a backward child.
That touch on the back seems to be a signal or instruction.
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Apologies if this has already been said but this 40 X 40 is just self-promotion for anyone involved. Let's be honest it's a completely mutually beneficial deal, every single person who signed up knew that this would get big media coverage and therefore they could make themselves look like caring philanthropists helping the little people by giving a whole 40 minutes...not even an hour! It takes me about the same time to dry my hair for god sake. What is 40 minutes going to do? By the time they've got to know the individual's situation it will all be over. It's also incredibly egotistical, "oh look I am so perfect and knowledgable I can help anyone". These people on that list are not her "friends" as she claimed, they are just people whose own agents and publicists got a call from Sunshine Sachs and who thought a bit of "charity work" might make them look good. I'm not even convinced this was even her idea rather her team came up with options for ways to give her some much needed good PR.
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The Wicked Lady

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I can't stop laughing at Hazza juggling through the window. Not so much the prince he was born, but the man he has become! Wifey set him up to look a complete idiot. I did wonder if it was supposed to be like an art house film where the juggling symbolises his many roles as husband, father, CHIMPO etc. I also had a look at urban dictionary which said juggling means having multiple sexual partners. Then I cracked it - wifey will encourage him to move on to fruit, then clubs and finally knives!!
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Forgive the “dumb” question, but how can a company or organisation donate “40 minutes”?
Is it their CEO that will do it in behalf of the company or are they expecting/ordering their employees to do it in their name?
(Or - more likely - are they just joining onto the virtue signalling train?)
I doubt if any of the woke twats on that list will actually spend time talking at someone who needs help. It’s a PR stunt, designed to make them look caring and compassionate. They’ll pat themselves on the back and tell each other how wonderful they are. Other woke twats will tell them how wonderful they are. Not a single person will be actually helped by this stunt.
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Australian tv are on the ball again.They asked how can Meghan give job advice when she quit her job with the Royal family after two years.Also why does she not talk properly no wonder Harry is out doors juggling!Sorry don’t know how to do links or I would put it on here
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Bugger Up are giving 40 minutes :rolleyes:

View attachment 698055
OK, call me dopey, but I only vaguely recognise about 12 reasonably big 'names' on that list.
And about 19 or so are agencies, charities, even Butter-up and Random house, plus the bakery and smartworks who they did something with so are clearly returning the favour. Steinem, it's a Dem thing. Adele, it's a hazza sympathy thing.
Honestly, I feel a million times better now. She must have spent weeks months phoning around bullying and begging asking these people to put their names on her list. That's quite hilarious.:m It's like the dopes on FB who have Nail Bars and weight loss scams and Pizza places on their MAHOOOOOOSIVE friends list. They ain't yer mates, they're people making money off you ya silly cunts.
I'm a tad embarrassed for the few actual 'names' who are on the list, but hey-ho, you silly abused twats, suck it up buttercups.

Oh and it's fat Melissa Mc Carthy ... not Mc Cartney.
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It’s a style for curly textured hair and I can only assume it will stay in better in that kind of hair than for straight hair that will often slide out of a braid without excessive pulling on the scalp. The move towards natural hair being accepted and celebrated is brilliant. Weaves and extensions and chemical straightening can destroy peoples hairlines - famously Naomi Campbell as well - and wreck their hair, cost a fortune in money and time.

Didn’t Eugenie go on twelve holidays one year or something ridiculous before she got a job. They were very much the pampered lazy princesses for a while. And the hats at Williams wedding were very badly chosen. It doesn’t fit with the streamlined monarchy and i think they were told to get jobs. Might have rankled as william and Catherine certainly continued to go to France and ski and Ibiza and the Caribbean until the kids came along.
BIB - to be fair to William and Kate though, they have a future of relentless duty and scrutiny ahead of them. You can’t blame the RF for giving them a few cushy years before the grind kicked in. The York girls have lives of gilded idleness ahead of them.
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Hmmm, I dip out for a bit and come back to find the two are still cunts. 🤔 Nothing new there then. I'm almost at a point where I don't actually care about the royal family anymore. It's their life and choices etc, but they can mend their own hell when it hits them.

Another big day and another bandwagon jumped. I've been enjoying the Olympics this last few weeks to cleanse my mind of the montishitshow. Perhaps bandwagon jumping can become a new Olympic sport for the wokesters?

Why do these idiots think they are the right people to set up charities on mental health, employability, wellness etc? They honestly don't have a fucking clue about the genuine plights the average person will go through at least once in their lifetime. If they think they can cure these things with an app and a bit of guidance from another clueless idiot then they are seriously deluded. I really wish celebrities or influencers who get involved with serious subjects such as these would at least try to understand a bit about the subject and how damaging it can be jumping on a bandwagon instead of championing tried and tested methods, research, literature, charities and organisations already available who take these things as seriously as they deserve to be. I honestly find the initiative's that the two publicise offensive and their delusionally dreamy way of delivering the message of their causes. It's fucking ignorant and offensive in its romanticising of issues that really are ruining people's lives.

Happy Thursday folks.
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This is actually bad, but it's also the thing which when I tried to explain made me look like a RF basher.

The biggest problem will be the potential of the Harkles manipulating Euge with a promise of Andrew's rehabilitation.

My own opinion(speculative) based on factual precedents:
Andrew is clueless about this, even as a youngster he was a recluse, loner.
Now he is also cut off, so uninformed.
If he knows (Charles going after him) he is in many instances rightfully angry. (not about money, security,)

Fergie is playing the clown, and Bea is probably trying to look like someone uninvolved.

The aftermath of this(if their long term plan succeeds) will inevitably be about parallels drawn between Charles-Andrew, and between William-Harry.
The unfavorable view would end on William, based on the "documented" (some very true, some big lies) things which originate from Charles - Andrew.

I hope I'm full of shit of course.
Well it was Beatrice who convinced her papa that doing an interview about the Epstein shite was a good idea. So I don't think anyone in that branch of the family knows their arse from their elbow re what goes down well with the plebs.
The only downside to that is that it makes them perfect fodder for the more machiavellian in their circle to use as trojan horses.
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According to the Telegraph:

The campaign appears to have taken inspiration from the Nelson Mandela Foundation, which in 2009 invited people to “start with 67 minutes” of helping others in recognition of the 67 years the former South African President spent in prison.
Mandela Day was described as a “global call to action that celebrates the idea that each individual has the power to transform the world, the ability to make an impact”.
The 40x40 literature adds: “Together we can contribute to a global wave of compassion and positive change” and “Together, we can help unleash a global wave of impact

Meggy's caught plagiarising again. They really are just empty vessels, blindly casting around for something that will stick and failing miserably.
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heh heh
headlne on GB News right now......

Meghan at 40
Duchess never fails to advance her own brand.
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Chill JAR21, yes I would like to know whether she exists. And if she does, then the poor mite will need help/rescuing 😱
Personally I don't give a shiny shite about either kid any more than I do about any zeleb's crotch goblins.

Oh wait. I care about Katie Price's eldest boy. His weight is exploding and he has regressed in his interactions with people and speech and behaviour ... and looks perpetually terrified of her new thuggish rent-a-penis. Now THAT is a young man who needs rescuing.:cry:
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