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But remember bing bong is getting too big for her boots according to our P. Anyone seen the new group of lesbians she’s moved on to lol

Tasha grates on me, her voice is irritating and she thinks she’s relevant. H said that K wanted her to block Tasha but H was really hurt her friend would fall out with her over it. But if K was a real friend surely you’d just block T because at this point, they don’t really know T. She’s just a laughing begging voice. If K was like a sister H would try harder. Maybe H wants Tasha. It’s a whirlwind of drama

Apparently because Tasha asked K if she beat her girlfriend up. And Tasha leaked convos she had with K about H. Let’s be honest we all bitch about our friends, is it really that bad?

I wonder how this Caitlyn thing will play out. She doesn’t seem well equipped to deal with H. I think H is just using her as a pass time because I don’t think H has the capability to care about anyone other than herself (yes I’m including S and the cat in this equation)

I can’t see how she’s gonna do a barbering course with her fibro at her mums house you could believe it because she didn’t look capable of life but now she’s a street stroller who goes out every day. Every. Damn. Day. And she’s wondering why part of her PIP was taken away 🤔

Oh no, not seen her new group of pals. Her voice grates me so I don't follow her. Are they rough? 🤣 Has she retaliated to what H has said about her?

I feel the same about Tash and she 100% agrees with every word H says, like H is a god. If H said today is Saturday T would say yes, yes it is babe. 😆😆😆 There's trouble to come with this one.

Kay just came across as desperate to me, trying to get her end away 🤣 She seemed more friendly with P.

If she becomes a barber, a fully fledged, fully qualified barber I will show my big fat arse on the town hall steps! 😆😆😆😆😆 I 100% would not trust her near my head with sharps! ✂✂✂
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It was the first time I watched her last night in ages. She said that she had known Ami for a month and peaches for a year and yet Ami had done more for her than Peaches ever did. I didn’t get any bad vibes from the bong girl. Am I wrong?
Nope not wrong, she seemed like the most switched on out of the lot of them.

No, I think Bingbong is the most genuine and likeable out of the lot of em. That Tash gave me the ick though, so far up her arse, agreeing with everything she was cringy to see. And her fucking voice!

She gets rid of people very easily, forgets very easily and uses people.

Let's think back to her moving day, all the people who helped and supported her, sent her money, advised her, phoned her when she was anxious. The majority of them have been cast aside like a saggy spunk filled used jonny 😆😆😆
You’re not wrong there. Kaydee decided Peachy was the best bet. Keisha or whatever her name is was good for occupying her time whilst she had her own bedroom. Jayleigh gone.
But let’s bare in mind she’s been blocking and ignoring girls from way before this. Before peachy came along she had a best friend from tiktok called Marla. She met her too. She had Kim who she stated she used to speak on the phone constantly. She had Char who has been cast aside and probably more, but I don’t keeps tabs. Sometimes

Amy I think has a girl crush on her but has been straight and in a long term relationship too long to be able to escape. She flirts with her so much, it’s sickening to see
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She just said on her live “remember Linda you have more to lose then me, you have 4 kids, I only have one” Oh that’s ok then Hannah you’ve only got one kid to lose 🤦‍♀️🤣
Then she said “ I don’t sit on live all day smoking weed in my daughters bedroom” That is exactly what she is doing seeing as they are in a bedsit 🙄🤣🤣
Literally a direct threat there

well done Hannah you pillock

now anything that happens to Linda deserved or not she has proof Hannah is gunning for her

I got 50pence she can have but she'll have to come to cornwall to get it.
I’ll buy her an extra mini roll so she has 3
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Hannah tried to say she didn’t say anything. I used to think she was sound just misunderstood but she’s as bad as Katie now. She’s a liar and there’s nothing apart from an internet connection that makes her different to a beg on the streets. Modern day low life
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Gossip girl 007

New member
Dad prob thought time sell now S grown up maybe he got problems needs money. Don't matter what reason is his house his money not hers. Looks like always expected everything handed on a plate to her why has the attitude she does. Time to be big girl now sweetie.
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She had months notice to get out and find somewhere. She's always going on about topping herself. One minute she said her cat gone somewhere hat to get rid next her friends got the cat until she finds somewhere. She saod her cat kept her going how would people feel if she killed herself cause she couldn't keep her cat.. shes saying linda got it removed from her.

She said shes rang social services on linda cause she's a bad parent. Think she needs to look at herself before judging there bad as each other.
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I was so glad to see a thread about her as I was honestly thinking it was only me who was seeing how she was acting
I’d sell my kidneys to avoid being in that situation with a teenager in tow
She is going to have a huge reality check when she realises she was very lucky to have a house as nice as the one her parents owned
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I honestly don't know how I watched this woman so much, her voice is really very annoying 😫

I just scroll right past nowadays on the rare occasion she's on my FYP!
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Doesn't worry her when she's dancing around walking to mcdonald's or b&m but when she wants people to feel sorry for her that's when she moans about it. Yeah I used to like her felt sorry for her but now I don't even have one bit on me that feels sorry for her. She's turned so nasty and horrid. She's got no one to blame but herself
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Everyone's toxic in hannahs eyes. Hannah never does anything wrong points the finger at everyone else maybe she needs to give her a head a wobble and maybe reliase no one is the orioles but her!
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Sorry but I can not stand that jess! She's sly as hell! . Wheres that peachy gone? Haven't seen her in hannah live for a ages.. their all muppets
She was in there for a bit yesterday whinging that she can't sleep.

She spends a lot of time in bed for a woman who can't sleep!

Imagine if any of these scrotes ever had to work? Or even just do a half decent job of looking after their kids.

Hannah isn't claiming disability benefit apparently?

Aye right and I haven't eaten 6 cream eggs since Wednesday 😱😱🤣🤣

And Jess is donating the nice amount of money she's made on Tiktok to Hannah, because she called her fat.

They're all puddled.
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She makes me sick, she really is lower than low. Her kids gonna end up even worse than her I bet
Couldn't agree more. She's probably already up to all sorts of shite but Mummy is too busy screeching on TT to notice and then when the shit hits the fan she will take the easy way out and cover for her.
No discipline. No correction, no rules or boundaries. She acts like her mate, not her mum and has zero control over the girl. S's lack of respect is clear for all to see, not just towards her mum but to schooling, the way she said she spoke to the train ticket staff, her grandad...she has an attitude and a sense of entitlement. Good luck with that one Hannah.
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She’s gone onto POF

Hopefully any prospective women check out this thread first

She nearly drove my friend a ex mod to take her own life. Said wicked things about her kids too
I could see the nasty side straight off the bat. First live I ever stumbled apon she was screaming and shouting. My other half would lose his shit if I acted like that online
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Chatty Member
Was she doing her screaming shit?

God she's so fucking boring.
Yer. Swear every time she goes off, her voice box breaks. She is one of those people at the hospital or Dr’s surgery who scream and tantrum the loudest to get what they want, regardless of who is dying in front of them
Katie does this manic squeal where she laughs like she’s playing a lead in some Japanese psycho 80’s movie. But noticed with Katie when she’s manic like that, it’s usually to take away from the fact she’s lying and about to be caught out. Like a nervous act she’s picked up over the years.
They both are actually really uncomfortable to watch
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I mean, that jerked top lip and gun fingers really aren’t doing it for her. I wonder what S does whilst H sleeps the day away 👀 must be pretty bleak.
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What I cannot get my head round is that Hannah you say why do people think they have the right to comment on my life! Erm you accept money and gifts from these sad people on the internet and then have the audacity to say stay outta my life!! Err stop begging you boring blue haired Lee smurf! You have no content the only content you have is this pathetic child co parenting drama with Beggy Bailey who YOU called SS on and came on to the internet to slate her and call her out for being a druggy when there was videos of you off your little blue cake that she shared !!
Ffs this is pathetic!!! Hanna please close ur account down get a WhatsApp group and duck off then we don’t have to see yr shit show continue! I’m bored
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She's lying in her pit until 2pm and then making a big show of cleaning the bedsit. She is trying to make out she has OCD for some we saw your skanky, smoke filled bedroom....there's no OCD, none at all 😅
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Last night she was saying how she had known peachy a long time (6 months 🙄) & it hit her hard losing her best friend.

I can’t help but feel it’s all just very false as in these people are acquaintances that chat online not genuine friends, maybe it’s just because I don’t really like people 😂 so my circle is small.

They just seem to chop & change best friends weekly.
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Hannah mcfanny. What a drip!! Scrounging. Crying. Anger. Fake illnesses. Fibromyalgia my f-ing arse. Dancing if thats what you call it!!!! Blocking people who helped. Preaching about bullying yet her and her chihuahua peachy are bully ambassadors. I’d happily meet the cretin and show her what’s what
Don't hold back love 🤣🤣🤣 You'll fit in well here!
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