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Lego hair! ROTFLMFAO
Wut? Lego hair has volume!
I think this needs to go on the wiki glossary. lol
Nobody saw it coming, and nobody wants to watch it. 😱
Even Loopy doesn't want to see it, it's that unwanted. And who would it be with anyway??
Several of her? Has she got an imaginary friend socking for her now? She knows all of her handful of FMs too and tips them off when she makes a new sock.

now she's saying he just wanted to replace Alice, but keep the kids?
Occasionally, she forgets to lie. AE admits IG wanted the kids but she was going to withhold them as 50% custody to her is "nothing" and she would get less child support on it too. The only card she had that he wanted was the kids so she PAed them. Cunt.

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It can be a hard time as a parent to deal with a kid that is acting out “absolutely for sure”. I agree with you that he is honestly doing the best he can with input from professionals. And he is doing the best in the “actual” situations where this behaviour is occurring without making it worse.

I’ll put my hand up and say my daughter hit the pits of lowest behaviour 2 yrs ago - (and it was horrible, truly fucking horrible for me specifically as the acting parent, for us both as parents in our situation - [middle class, if not considered rather bloody privileged, no abuse issues, perfect home situation]). I never thought it would happen to us. But it did.

The lies she told about us both (after being influenced by shitty older peers to fit in with their shitty lives) to others online and in person, including police officers, it was just heartbreaking - and I must admit I truly got to a point that I was honestly thinking of how to step away from her for her own sake if she hated me so much, and how to keep my other younger child & myself safe - and then I did ... (there is a lot more of this situation I’m not sharing obviously)

thankfully, the professional people involved in our situation helped the situation and at almost 16 now, she is a massively delightful person and human being that I enjoy being around on a minute by minute basis every day.

My concern with both E‘s honestly, is that the call is coming from inside the house at this point… She doesn’t have both parents looking out for her best self 😢, just one.

It was nightmare level here, even with both parents being on the same page for our daughter‘s well-being …
It’s been nightmare level here for four years. Things seem to be going a bit better lately but we have a long way to go…
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Ninas purse

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It was under her real Twitter account that she said before this event Yo told her he didn't love her. I think there's video of her speaking here and she's drunk or high.

This was in 2016.

Imagine how many years before that he privately held he didn't love her.
Every time I see this picture those crazy lashes just gets me. Did she put it on in the dark? What is going on there?
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Foster care would offer more stability than staying with Alice. They wpuld no longer be walking on eggshells and living with her anger and social media obsession.
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I asked the other day if Alice ever talked shit about Ioan-Daddy. No one said she had. He must be a really good man if even Alice hasn’t a bad thing to say 😂🥰
Before she blocked me 😂, I don't remember her ever saying anything negative about ‘Pete’.
I was looking for something last night and found something else I had said but totally forgot that I had even noticed it or written about it.
I guess it’s been bugging me for a while lol
Alice said the girls switch accents, sometimes a British accent, sometimes an American accent. I thought Ella’s accent sounded like an American trying to talk in a British accent and not quite getting it right.
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If it gets to the DM that’s solid evidence of her use of the kids to publicly harass him and breach her RO. If it’s just on an anonymous twitter account for a few hours .. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I think it’s overstepping and unhelpful to report it. But that’s just me.
I totally see your point, I'm just horrified that it's been posted 😔
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Wowser those pink shorts are short. I'm scared to zoom in in case of what I see (calm down Malice I'm joking and you won't be able to see his knob. Only Bianca can these days)
A man that can rock pink shorts 👌🏻🩷
Usually reserved for the gays, but he does rock them. And no I'm not being homaphobic by saying this, before a sock jumps on me 🙄. I'm really against any kinda "ism", but you know how mAlice likes yo twist shit 🙄
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btw what does everyone think about Bianca's (I suspect it's her, but it's generally hard to attribute the voices, it actually sounded like the same voice that said "my god/dog" but it definitely wasnt said by Ella). "Close the door completely" maybe?
@welp This one should have a working link to the CHRO filing.

All, please download this instead. And I was very remiss in not thanking @sweetnessfollows and @ButterTart and others who have purchased these documents for us! Thank you, you are awesome!! 💜💜
now I cannot open anything :ROFLMAO:

I’ve always thought the time away gave him the chance to breathe and reflect.

What does surprise me is the lack of family visits.

I’ve worked with lots of people who do long overseas contracts and families normally come out several times a year.

He was on ok money for Harrow so it should have been the norm. My guess is Alice got sloppy and lazy drunk and couldn’t be bothered with the effort and he didn’t push it.
apparently he was allowed to take a week off on every project he did. Sometimes he used it to travel back to LA, sometimes he flew his family in for two weeks (basically spend his free week with them and then they visited him on set the 2nd week)

I suspect it's far easier when you have either a lot of money to pay tutors or if the kids are small enough for longer trips.
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By the way, I think I learned last night why Alice hates Iris so much. Check out Ioan's witness list. She's the only one on there other than Ioan and Alice, so I expect she's witnessed a lot.

Thanks! Will fix, one sec.
@Hiraeth, when do we get to see Alice's witness list? Is it only before the custody trial? And could Ioan also put in new witness?
And Ioan, as far as the public is concerned, would be excoriated for that happening.
If the girls are removed from Alice, there will be shit ton of socks and dubious characters like Loopy, Robbie Harvey and his ilk going batshit and trying to cancel Ioan. But the only thing that happens if Ioan is cancelled is Alice can't afford to live. So yeah, Alice, I know you are not a strategic thinker, but if the kids are removed from you, loads of people are going to believe there is a reason why, so you, Alice, will be cancelled alongside Ioan. Ioan will probably move to Australia with the girls. Alice, Home Depot is your best friend long term. Because Loopy, your loyal, loving friends who have been so amazing and your FM's are clearly not going to support you more than $5,524.
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Wow, just seen the final day of Betty. Damn it is so bad for her
PS Betty had a reason to be angry in that she supported him and he lied
about Linder.
But the afterfect is just insane how Betty was insane and determined to kill Dan
Why keep bringing up Betty Broadrick? That's a whole different can of worms and life in jail. Since Alice likes to control everyone around her that will be a huge awakening if she tries it. Plus, her kids will hate her for sure then. Leaving a marriage is not against the law. Nobody owns anybody no matter length of marriage. Being under same roof is not a marriage. It's the support, love and respect that makes it.
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Is Alice seriously jealous about how many letters Ioan and Bianca have in their nickname?
Why not Coglette baby? Ugh ok that one flew in 2020. Pity that cute baby talk among former partners does not continue to be a new thing. New partners usually create their own special relationship names, which notifies that the old relationships have no boundaries into their new relationship.
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Also we no longer have housing benefit for new applications, usually just the housing element of Universal Credit- which you aren’t eligible for if you have a certain level of savings and which is capped at the local (low) housing rate. It also deducts existing income - if you’re earning over 1400 a month you will generally get nothing.
Yeah I said she wasn't high priority for a council flat and they are hard to come by. That said, I know a single, able bodied, working man with no dependents who was able to get a council property a few years ago but that was Scotland. So it depends on the housing pressure in the area you want to live in too.

I checked on HB - Housing Benefit can help you pay your rent if you’re unemployed, on a low income or claiming benefits. It’s being replaced by Universal Credit. You can only make a new claim for Housing Benefit if either of the following apply:
  • you have reached State Pension age
  • you’re in supported, sheltered or temporary housing
So people still get HB but it's encompassed within UC now. You can get help paying for your housing if you’re eligible for Universal Credit. This is called your housing payment.

The council I work for have emergency accommodation and also pay for people to be in hotels and B&Bs. Then they tend to get them council accommodation but it may be in areas outside London/Bristol etc. Alice would definitely get something unless she has savings of over £16,000 which she won't given the way she's spending. Also, there is no way Alice will be earning £1,400 a month either. £0 a month is more like it.

This is kind of a moot point unless she returns to the UK which I don't see happening short term, but maybe long term.
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