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VIP Member
Here’s the article without the paywall. I hope the link works

It’s like Lauren has contributed to this article
That’s all Lauren she’s insane!! She’s really a danger to her kids I truly believe it. If you can really believe a man taking his boys on the football pitch when he is captain at Wembley is an attempt at provoking a reaction from a brass he used to use, if you can truly believe it enough to go to the papers and write about it in your shitty blog, then you are fucked in the head and not fit to be responsible for children. He’s begged her to fuck off and leave him alone and she still believes he wants a reaction from her.
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I will never get over the amount of self delusion she has. Kyle takes his 3 boys onto the pitch for an important match.. something he's done many times before, yet now because he's doing it he's just playing games 🤣🤣.

Can't quite figure out why she refused to let kairo meet RRR in private when offered but then cries to the papers when he then isn't included in public things like this?

Also please can we all just take a moment for Liaryn 'my expectations are too high' Goodman. The woman who was running about in a secret 'relationship' having 2 children behind Annie's back, 1 of which she tried ,(and failed) to set up a 'refuse to be abused' movement as his father was taking nothing to do with him, the woman who kyle publicly came out and said he had never so much as taken out for a coffee.
You set the bar unbelievably high, you melt 🤣
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Reading the DM piece from Friday again and I picked up on something I didn't notice beforehand

'Lauryn wants her children to be a big part of Kyle’s life,’ the source told me. ‘She wants her two to know their siblings and have a relationship with them. Lauryn doesn’t see why they can’t be one big family, but obviously for Annie that has all manner of difficulties.
‘And for Annie, it means that Lauryn will be in their lives for ever, which seems like a nightmare.
‘It’s tricky because it should be all about the children but when there is so much hurt involved in a situation it is hard. Very hard.’

Her tactic of trying shame Kyle into publicly acknowledging Kairo failed so now her tactic is to go after the kids having a sibling relationship.
She thinks she can force him to hide his kids or she will constantly go on the attack. I think she will find the public won't support that and I'm betting K + A might just go for those restraining orders.
Also noted still bloody blaming Annie! It's Annie's fault Kyle doesn't see the kids, now it's her fault they aren't allowed to see their bothers despite Sian exposing that lie already. :cautious:

I can't see K+A allowing their kids anywhere near anything involving Lauren she's far too volatile.
Lauren wants this and Lauren wants that …. She is such a control freak. Why does everything have to be about what she wants. She is vile.
Also Lauren can’t see why they can’t be one big family 🤯 even stevie wonder could see why that could never happen !
She expects Annie and the R’s to just accept her and the KW’s no questions but she can’t accept why this could never is wrong with this woman … really though !
She is going to go off like a rocket when she hears of the birth of the new baby.
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She means moving abroad met with difficulty cos Kyle won’t buy her a house abroad. Talking about confusing Kairo get him settled in school Loz then let him move country😂 honestly this woman hasn’t got a clue what day it is
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I think she gunning for home schooling / private home tutoring based on this comment of the ✨ blog ✨ J
She’s got some cheek saying she won’t know how to explain to kairo why he doesn’t have a dad 🤮 lauryn YOU are the reason he doesn’t have a dad. The end. Simple. You continuously put your own wants before his needs. He probably by this point could of been having a relationship with his dad and stepmom but because you’re a control freak who wants the limelight you stripped kairo of that opportunity. We have seen the video of them together he clearly at some point had an interest in wanting to know kairo but lozza ruined it for him with her demands instead of taking a step back and allowing him to bond with his dad
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Lizzy 93

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Before Walker
She was in her mums boxroom
No car
Debt galore
She wants to be more fukin grateful
Lady shark
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Bet the J’s are to catch who is sharing on here! Each subscriber may have got a different letter? Is that possible?
I don’t believe the tv approach one bit, it’s a rumour started by that Simon Boyle to put stress on the Walkers, oh and when he stepped out with his 3 wanted sons, everything was exactly as it should be proz, Kyle, his planned and wanted children, and his wife supporting, always supporting! She just doesn’t get her total irrelevance! The mention of moving abroad, I wonder if that’s a ‘make me an offer’ to go away forever … who knows, she’s actually insane! I assess and section people for a living, she’s up there with every PD imaginable , histrionic, narcissistic, emotionally unstable, with a delusional disorder thrown in!
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If only Lauryn’s willpower to not shag a married man who ‘abused’ her firstborn was as strong as her kids legs then she wouldn’t be in this fucking mess
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Is she alrate her?! “Not you as well”
Does she genuinely think only children that kicks balls are messiahs of footballers? She’s radged in head the dumb bitch 🤯
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This kills me🤣 carnage and calling her baby a dark horse for throwing abit of pasta on the floor which every single baby in the world has done, dull bitch


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Lizzy 93

VIP Member
Considering loz and Kyle were allegedly still in contact up until December 25th I’m struggling to understand why the child has no school 😂
Too busy shagging
Sort your child’s school out
Dailymail laughed
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Chatty Member
I honestly think her blogs are so boring. She just wants to slag off Kyle (yawn 🥱) never actually reveals anything that she has spent years alluding to and just repeats the same bullshit.
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I hope Annie and Kyle are silent and have 0 stories written about them next month. It’s like lauryn waits for something to happen with them so she has something to write about in her blog. Her whole life is Annie and Kyle could you imagine if Annie had a blog and she wrote about lauryn on there every month 🤦🏼‍♀️ She’s a legit stalker don’t know how she gets away with it
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Symptoms of narcissistic personality disorder and how severe they are can vary. People with the disorder can:

  • Have an unreasonably high sense of self-importance and require constant, excessive admiration.
  • Feel that they deserve privileges and special treatment.
  • Expect to be recognized as superior even without achievements.
  • Make achievements and talents seem bigger than they are.
  • Be preoccupied with fantasies about success, power, brilliance, beauty or the perfect mate.
  • Believe they are superior to others and can only spend time with or be understood by equally special people.
  • Be critical of and look down on people they feel are not important.
  • Expect special favors and expect other people to do what they want without questioning them.
  • Take advantage of others to get what they want.
  • Have an inability or unwillingness to recognize the needs and feelings of others.
  • Be envious of others and believe others envy them.
  • Behave in an arrogant way, brag a lot and come across as conceited.
  • Insist on having the best of everything — for instance, the best car or office.
At the same time, people with narcissistic personality disorder have trouble handling anything they view as criticism. They can:

  • Become impatient or angry when they don't receive special recognition or treatment.
  • Have major problems interacting with others and easily feel slighted.
  • React with rage or contempt and try to belittle other people to make themselves appear superior.
  • Have difficulty managing their emotions and behavior.
  • Experience major problems dealing with stress and adapting to change.
  • Withdraw from or avoid situations in which they might fail.
  • Feel depressed and moody because they fall short of perfection.
  • Have secret feelings of insecurity, shame, humiliation and fear of being exposed as a failure.

And she thinks Kyles the narcissist in this situation 😂😂😂. No Lauren, its you!
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VIP Member
She’s not gagged is she she’s deffo saving it for the show that she was apparently approached for

fuck off loz you dick
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Chatty Member
The parent would be expected to attend school & change their child’s nappy. A family friends son has ASD & still drinks milk from a bottle & wears a nappy (in Y1 of a local council mainstream school) but he has reduced hours & she goes in for all nappy changes.

Unless there is a medical reason for the child still being in a nappy the won’t have staff or the proper provision (changing stations) to cater at a council school without a medical need & a dedicated member of staff, I doubt it would be acceptable in a private school either!

Liaryn says he is dry in the day & only wears nappy’s at night (although she has posted a TikTok of him kicking a ball in the house playing in a nappy). If what she says is true that he only wears them at night that will be down to the nursery potty training him. Just like Charlotte Dawson she probably has him in a nappy in the house because she is too lazy to parent!!
Liaryn, Charlotte Dawson and a lot of other idiots on social media are far too lazy to parent. A recent report was in the news which was shocking reading -
“School staff reported that 39% of Reception children struggle to hold a pencil, 37% can't dress themselves, 25% lack basic language skills, and 24% aren't toilet trained. Primary school staff also noted that 28% of Reception children incorrectly use books - they swipe or tap them as if they were electronic devices”
Worryingly over half of parents think school should help with potty training!!
It’s an absolutely disgrace.
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