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Chatty Member
I would be mortified if I shagged someone and made him pay all this for me to then be plastering it all over socials. I can’t.
What a proper skank man 🤣.
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There are some pictures of the back of kairo head at a spider man party, farm and soft play but I won’t include those.
Ahhhh she is fucking scum drives me mad !!! He isn’t playing happy families lauryn it is his family you stupid cow !!!!! Fuck me somebody sort this crazy cow out she is mental her whole life is Kyle that blog is Kyle Kyle Kyle she needs sectioning
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If I was Annie I'd be like ill get back with you (for now) if you take it back to court and tell her to prove her spending has benefited her 2 unwanted pmsl #pettybetty #golowillgolower #tramp
I still don't get why people on here say they should get custody of them 2 kids. Absolutely fucking not. If I was Annie that would be a deal breaker. Even in the beginning & I don't give a fuck if that makes me look bad. If my husband had kids with someone else & the suggestion was made for contact I'd do time.
I would hate them & her!
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I lurk a lot here but rarely post so I hope you don't mind me sticking my 2p worth in...

I've read many times that footballers are warned about entrapment, blackmail etc. If you give in to blackmail it will only escalate and the demands get bigger. I think when Proz started blackmailing him he didn't keep it to himself, he would have spoken in confidence to a lawyer or adviser at Man City and a plan was hatched to trip Proz up. I reckon he would have been advised to come clean about everything to Annie - tell the truth and shame the devil - but pretend to Loz that he'd go along with it. Then he appeared to give in to all Proz' demands but this was all being monitored and logged by lawyers, every text message saved and every phone call recorded, building a case against her. I think Annie knew about the blackmail for quite some time but everyone kept schtum to let Proz dig herself an even bigger hole. They set a trap to catch a rat and the stupid bitch walked straight into it.
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Its the wheeling out his kids they are always at every game and always on the pitch wtf is she on about she needs to stop mentioning those boys they are fuck all to do with her and the KWs will never be RRRR this is why u dont make babies with someone elses man
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Still can't get over that the big daft fanny went to her scans and put lauryn and Kyle as the name 😂😂😂😂

She just loves making an absolute fucking show of herself 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
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Awwwww bless her wee cotton socks did she really think kyle was gna be at baby girls birth this time around holding her hand??????? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
I love how she's desperately trying to justify him not being there for Kerching. "You could only have one partner not two". Side note: A bit like a marriage, Liaren.

Let's be honest though, she could have been allowed a hundred people in there whilst she gave birth and Kyle still wouldn't have been there.
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You know how your parents used to tell you not to watch too much TV or your eyes will go square, I’m going to tell my kids not commit benefit fraud, pine after married men or try to destroy another Woman’s life or you’ll end up looking like this…


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Why is Kyle, who doesn't want a relationship with her children, going to block a move abroad?

Is she thinking Kyle is going to be moving abroad and is planning on the same area? That is literally the only reason he would try and block it.

Also what business is it of a parent who has no contact with his children which school they go to or how to get them into that school? Just go to the local school like everyone else does. Ridiculous. Sort ya shit out and stop blaming everyone else for your failings.

Kyle showing off his kids looks like something he's always done, why does she think Kyle is digging at her. He wants well away from her. Wishes that mistake had never happened. Why would he want to repeatedly punish her. She knew what she's doing the only person who's hurt her is her.
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She missed school placed cos she wouldn’t pay the registration fee herself and has the cheek to blame K&A .
She’s a clown of a woman 😂
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There are some pictures of the back of kairo head at a spider man party, farm and soft play but I won’t include those.
Wtf does it mean delays on the other side? I’m a single mum and I didn’t need the “other side” to put my own kids into a school 😒 he missed out on an opportunity to be assessed? Sorry, I didn’t realise he was the Second Coming, it really is pushing it that he’s something special isn’t it 😂

Getting used to the punishing behaviour? And breaching a current court order? Fuck right off! It’s talking like it’s the victim and got a restraining order on him ffs! It will never accept that it and its spawn are nothing more than a horrible, horrible mistake. It needs locking up.
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I thought she only used all natural medicine’s 👀 she’s Collecting a lot of prescriptions for someone who only uses syrup & honey.

How’s the stem cells & placenta tablets working out then Loz? 🤡

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I genuinely cannot imagine sleeping with a man in a long-term/relationship marriage. Especially if I'd known him for years, as she claims, I'd know/know of the girlfriend too.

She is a poisonous little toad. All the aesthetics she can buy and she still looks awful.
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A quick skim of the blog sounds like Kyle has stopped being such a soft touch and getting tough on the legal side of things about time!

One thing I noted, which is suspect 'legal' advised she's stopped the pretence that Kyle was a firm fixture in Kairo's life and now it was 'talking' to his daddy.
What happened to all those family moments that were suppose to happened? So likely it was just those couple of meetings and some video calls.

Also note no mention of contact with the girl suggesting that he didn't meet her after all.

Some of that blog was written directly to Kyle to guilt trip him, the asking for daddy and the little girl telling him he doesn't have one. She knows that Kyle loves being a father and feels guilty about the KWs if she can guilt him into contact she will do it.

But from what she's saying Kyle is ANGRY this time. It's about bloody time!
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I've only been following this fiasco since Annie revealed that she'd kicked him out in December, and like many others, it took me a couple of weeks to realise that we're weren't talking about Lauren Goodger, but I think I'm caught up now. And I don't do pilates, always use the NHS and am regularly called a lunatic.

I honestly don't think there's a right or wrong thing for Annie to do here. She's known him since she was 15, and although he's a complete plonker, he's her plonker. He was her best friend, lover, husband, and father of her kids. Absolutely everything. Now obviously we can say look what he's done, but he's not much different from Rooney, Terry, Ferdinand, Giggs etc. The only difference is that he didn't get injunctions like Ferdinand and Giggs, and more importantly none of their side-pieces got pregnant or they had abortions.

Her head must be all over the place right now as she's looking after three upset and confused young boys and is pregnant (or maybe even has given birth). I actually thought that the Sun interview was an ultimatum from her. She wanted it out there that he had made huge mistakes and wanted his family back. Now they're fighting this skank together for the first time as he realises just how close he is to losing absolutely everything. Imagine being 33 years old and facing the prospect of being a part-time dad to your 4 longed for kids and having two other kids whose mother is a nutter. He was really genuine when he said that he'd never imagined that he'd be a father of six at this age with the prospect of also being single.

Whether he can keep it in his pants in the future is debatable. Some people just can't. But there's no denying that Annie and their 4 kids are his priority. If she takes him back, I wouldn't blame her and would just hope he's learnt his lesson. On a purely selfish level, I'd love it just for the skank's reaction. I think @Lucyxxxx's Vanessa from EE gif would be very much in order. 😂
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how can she blame Annie and Kyle for him not having a school 🤣 he starts in just over 5 months and you wait till NOW to sort it 🤦🏼‍♀️ The private school near me has people signing their unborn kids up just to secure a place there’s absolutely no reason she couldn’t of sorted this herself sooner but of course it’s easier to blame everything on Annie as usual 🥱
Or lauryn send him to a normal public school because nobody gives a fuck who either of you are! I don’t know of many unemployed benefit cheats who get to send their kid to private school
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What Kyle and Annie need to do is block Kairo’s IG account so the link is removed and their legal team can say they don’t agree with toddlers having IG accounts! That would bury proz and she would self combust 🤯🤯🤯 J
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