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Kyle obviously did her in the dark bent over, didn't he?

Chloe's stories sat in bed waring the IH necklace. ALL OR NONE, CHLOE.

You'd think she know this.
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Sorry if I sound completely dense but is she calling out them people because she has trawled through her followers and only the 2 of them didn't like a video on her page???

If I've understood that correctly then she is just beyond help.
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It always makes me really sad when a child has a mother like her, child isn't ready but she certainly is ready for a new insta angle since she no longer pumps herself stupid. Parents that push their child I to being something they aren't or aren't ready for.

It's such a contrast how much Annie and Kyle protect their 3 boys and beggy would sell out that wee lad for 5 more followers on the gram, folk are wise to her, when she first started this journey she was the poor single mami cast aside with a love child and her daft followers lapped it up and now 3 years down the line everyone is sick of her shite and entitled angry behaviour.

Carving a career as an influencer, aye OK Lauryn 😂😂😂
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Haha just caught up on last nights nonsense. I was at a birthday dinner at Luciano’s in London, the sister restaurant where Annie had her birthday and Lozza turned up the next day. I was hoping they had the same set up in the toilets to take a pic of my arse but they let me down and there was no full length mirror 😤

you can see why they might keep their wedding a secret when Lauryn has to ruin everything they do. She couldn’t even let Annie have her 30th in peace without acting like a prick, imagine a wedding!


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I hope this is Lauren tho cos I'm sat in hospital atm afte emergency endometriosis surgery yesterday that went a little wrong... and I'm still stage 4 and need more surgery. I want to know how Lauren is still shut dropping on every man's dick with stage 4 endometriosis (tho she doesn't have pain) when I couldn't even pick up my 9m old without feeling dizzy and exhausted. She's a pillock.
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that makes my skin crawl!!!!! The name kyle gave his prozzies whyyyyyyyyyy!!!!! 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮
🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮 it’s as if she has used her own child to troll the walkers by naming him that. There is no way that she doesn’t know that the prostitutes said in that article that he calls himself Kai when booking, we all know she spends her days searching for anything to read about the walkers 😂 I WISH someone could ask on her Q&As why did you name Kai after the name his dad used to meet prostitutes, but she will just block
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Alpha female - in her fucking dreams the begging cow. Benefit fraud & getting up the duff on purpose to a man with money under her belt. She really does talk a power of shite!!!
An alpha female.. but doesn’t even have a career and own income.. ok lauryn 😂 will there ever be a day she doesn’t humiliate herself
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Can't get over what a lazy smelly bastard she is 😂😂, doesn't work so hires help so that she can sit on her backside instagramming from 10 phones, pretends she's potty training when all she's doing is bullying that lad into doing what she wants for likes and views.

Sad fuck

Bet she's never even changed his nappy, used kyles money to pay folk to do it for her.

Disgrace of a person using her child for money
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Chatty Member
She’s wearing those stinking shorts AGAIN! Her shoes look like those old bowling shoes.

Also, complaining about housing? Fund It yourself like any other single mothers have to!
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The last few days she seems even more unhinged than normal. Think this thread is getting to her plus she clearly cannot parent!! Yes toddlers will sometimes have an accident in the night while they’re potty training it’s what happens but cannot handle it, she’s a lose cannon.
Proper cunty behaviour calling people out for not agreeing that Giro is a potty genius. Silly bloated cunt
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Chatty Member
JDGOL give us a sign if your flapping your fishy prolapse around London … boomerang a shot or something so we know !

That was a fun exchange 🥲

P.s love your glow in the dark crocs. Looks like a reyt nocking shop tha stood in

When lairyn is out hoe’in I do wonder if it’s karen me joolie has curly Kiro orrrr it’s the Spanish nanny is on overtime ? 🤔

Also where has lozza’s anxiety gone ? Disappeared as quick as giros maintenance in Mayfair ….

Funny how the anxiety manifests 3 days before ‘payday’ then all is ok after 🤭 please do a insta highlight on how to rid anxiety in 3 days lozza????? Has 8k in your bank account helped?! ….you rotten slag


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I'm not a parent so it's just me observing her behaviour but I think it's really shameful of her to 'boast' that her son doesn't get chocolate, her son only gets water, her son isn't allowed anything but homeopathy when he's ill or in pain, it just all seems a bit mum shaming to me, like oh look at me I'm better than other mums cos I do this, my son is going to be the 2nd coming of christ because he doesn't get sugar. I just cannot stand almighty folk like her who think her and her son and better than others.

Fuck off lauryn, you only had a child through trapping a man and you inject the biggest load of junk into your own body, get that kW collar round your neck and back in your kennel
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Why is pushing potty training now, poor kid can't even have a shit without the entire world knowing about it.

Anyway was he not just 6 months old when lauryn was telling all and sundry that he was shitting in Spanish? Is he now shitting in English?
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Jumping through hoops…. Get the fuck outta here 🤣 only thing you’ve ever jumped on is a taken man’s cock you utter bint! Such a hard life waiting on your 1mil pound pad getting ready! I just can’t with her 🤯
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Surprised she hasn’t gone to a plastic surgeon with a pic of Annie and said make me look like this. I think it might be @Lizzy who said when she disappears for a few days it’s probably to let the face settle after getting work done, I think you’re spot on. Spending her kids money on a face she still can’t show without a filter 🥴
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ALL THE PROOF THEY ARE MARRIED OR NOTHING AT ALL !!! No wedding, no pics ,no marriage registration, no venue (Mottram Hall denied, ), no witnesses, no secret wedding, denied by him , denied by their friends, denied by him and yes
Wowsers, best mate? Are you fucking kidding? You can't even get you're facts straight, I just said lozza is pityful but so is Annie, I mean fuck me..who lies about being married ? Did you go the wedding? I guess not, because it was in the sun so it must be true? Yeah because we all know they print the truth, I just said I dislike both women, no where in the court docs do their legal team refer to her as his wife because they have
Love a bit of tattle
Calm down 😂

Who Lies about being best mates for 10 years to make it seem like a quick shag was ok. Who lies about agreeing on the baby’s surname. Who lies about finding out about being pregnant at 5 months at a kidney scan, when she was pissing on a stick the moment she came home from Hong Kong. Get fucked

Also, it wasn’t me that printed the sun article. But go ahead…
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Kids are off limits🤣 someone tell slaggy vag LG that. Humiliating her son on a daily basis, that child is going to suffer for the rest of his life because his horrible mother.
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Omg what in the hell! Why has she posted him actually on the potty?!?!? Been deleted now but what the actual fuck

Basically it’s a photo of him on the potty, nappy to his ankles bare leg and captioned ‘getting those insensitives’ she quickly deleted it. Probably because she couldn’t spell incentives 🤣😂😂😂
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