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It fails me that some people lack basic hygiene. Especially when they know they are going for tests at a hospital regarding down below.

Honestly feel sorry for them nurses and Dr's
I have to disagree with this comment and anyone else who says things like this.. as everyone should be educated on mental health and that when your mental health is at a low the last thing on your mind is washing and sometimes it’s impossible to do so. I know this from experience my mental health has been bad for months and I also suffer a chronic illness but due to my mental health being bad I’m only washing once a week when I’m in a good place I wash every day. So I mean I know there’s people out there in the world who do lack basic hygiene but it’s obvious Julie does have some mental health issues and she’s not been in the best place recently so I believe it may be because of
That, I agree with everything else about her and don’t even like the girl but I think assuming she lacks basic hygiene isn’t fair as it could be down to poor mental health. Just saying x

Wtf is with the eye make up 🤦‍♀️😭😭😭
The way she does her makeup is honestly embarrassing eye shadow and glitter right up to her eyebrows not blended properly and how these people use they videos of her makeup for promotion I don’t understand I bet if she was to take all the fliters n smoothing off her makeup would look like shit cos to be honest it is shit , she cannot do make up and half the stuff she does is really embarrassing. As an mua it gives me anxiety to even watch her apply makeup lol. And the thing that confirms she lies about all her free products being amazing etc is because she buys all these cheap makeup and says it’s dupes for this and that but she’s never tried the original one that they’re dupes for because she could never afford to 😂😱 so everything that she says is amazing probably isn’t. I mean how can she say a dupe of something is amazing dupe to it if she’s not tried the original for all she knows it could be nothing like it 😂😂🙈 what I will say though is exactly what she does is she watches everyone’s videos that do stuff like that and she goes and buys it and copy’s their video. I’d love for pip to see how much she can do on her own day to day without it affecting her when John is her “CARER” 😅😅😅😅😅
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Omg girls I’m well pissed off 😡 I bin out all day and missed it please tell me someone got it on video I need updates from today

How dare my mum take me shopping when it’s all kicked off

Who Blocked the nail woman
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Chatty Member
Hahaha she keeps saying how she’s not looking at hate anymore, not blocking people who go in her live etc etc. 😂

Read this... It explain no one is being tracked and it would take a high court order.

Yeah I follow loads of tattle threads now, definitely can’t be traced haha. It’s not like anyone is threatening to murder her
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Chatty Member
I got blocked for saying hiya hope you had a good day, I actually enjoyed watching her now and again but oh well bye than love
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So from what I’ve gathered from watching a few of
Her lives is that she’s been going on and on about this surgery that in her words was emergency and very important surgery is now in 7 days time but isn’t this like the 3rd time it’s not went ahead?? For
Emergency surgery it doesn’t seem very important does it, either she’s making it out to be something it’s not or it’s not an emergency. I don’t even know what the surgery is or what it’s for as I haven’t watched her much but from the last few weeks what I’ve seen is, on a number of occasions like right now she’s out her face on something more than her prescribed medication and weed as I know she smokes that too but no way is she that out of it from weed or her methadone that she gets😅 I mean I’m no expert but I am pretty sure that methadone has the opposite affect to how she is its
Meant to like wake you up kind of thing isn’t it? She’s so drowsy slurred speech and everything. You only have to take one look at her to see she’s under the influence of some illegal drug😱 I think it’s embarrassing especially for all these companies that use her to promote them, imagine using that to promote your products its mind blowing, because most of the time she’s away with the fairies the way she talks n acts in the promotion videos I’m just embarrassed for them. Her and John are an absolute train wreck I remember catching a part of a live where they were talking about having sex, he’s telling her am gonna do this and that and she’s like I’m on my period and they both said along the lines of it doesn’t matter because they’ve done it before 😭😳 on a live stream!!!!
No that’s not methadone and weed that is more than that I know that she’s on blockers as well The same ones as me and they are quite strong so I think she’s taken literally a bit of everything they both have with the looks of it fucking like a crackhouse

Gwnails sending her money for a takeaway now 🤣 couldn't make it up
She always buying her stuff I bet Half there partners don’t know that they do this all the time
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Smarties6547 seems like alot of people got lots to share about this person... Why cant people see what type of person she really is...... 🙈
The amount of people that dislike her I'm suprised she has any supporters left

Cheeky chemist trip for her meth she likes to keep in the fridge 🤣🤣


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She’s getting cheekier! Saying she should be paid for promoting destinations palette lmao! And saying she better say it’s her favourite otherwise destination will kick off basically. So top and bottom of it, she’ll say whatever’s best to whoever she’s getting the most off at the time so they keep sending her shit. So the product could be and probably is absolutely shit but she says it’s amazing cause she doesn’t want to upset them. What a brilliant promoter for makeup you are Julzzzzz x

She also clearly isn’t getting paid for people using her discount code. They’re taking the piss out of her, no wonder they use her to promote lmao!

#AllTheDupesAndSmellsLikePoop sorry not sorry! I've covid and being stuck in this house with these feral kids has knocked out any maturity I had left 😂
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Why is her Internet really bad all of a sudden it’s been fine for weeks I think someone is trying to get people to buy her Internet lol 😂
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Ah zopiclone does fuck you up 😅 so what is wrong with her to be on these meds and need a carer? My husband is my full time carer some I'm intrigued....
She did go through the why's for propranolol, that's for her anxiety, but I forget the rest.
My bloke was on zopiclone for a very short period of time once, it zombified him.
He came off them very quickly😳
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I knew that she’d be like that in this so-called group begging for stuff all the time so all the stuff that we’ve seen on live isn’t even half of the stuff that she’s had

She’s obviously got more haters though because who’s been sending the takeaway is on the taxes because I seem to take aways last night and I seen one taxi this morning
Could be anyone shes given so much information out over her social media
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She’s absolutely mortal, the vile stuff she is spewing live right now
Was she banned? Can’t find her

never mind she’s back, telling John she wants more Prosecco

Well she’s blocked now. I’m glad she didn’t flash the gammon but I definitely didn’t need to see her bare arse. Twice.
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This is my point there is so many single moms out there that struggle on a daily basis to get gas electric food and she get stuff sent to her on a daily basis like the doughnuts and McDonald’s yesterday how many single mum is out there That would’ve love that as a treat for their kids and she never gives anything back to anyone she’s all take take take they are all the same nowadays on that platform it all gets to their head it makes me even more mad because I am a single mum struggling myself so when I’m sat there with £5 in my purse and she’s getting this and getting that it really is so frustrating like I said before they want kids how the hell is she going to have kids when she can’t even look after herself Feed herself or feed the dogs she will gets what’s coming to her trust me
Reading theses kinda post about not havin alot this breaks me.... I wish i could help everyone 😭 but no way of anyone messaging me as ive had to shut me profiles down to private cause of this situation 😭
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