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Did I just hear that right her dog has a big massive cancer lump and she’s done nothing about it
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one of her mods has made a second account, because they don't want people coming on to their lives, wanting to separate from the drama ? 🧐
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Chatty Member
Yeah, she’s begging for gifts and money using the excuse it’s for hospital lmao! Who needs all the shit she wants for hospital? Sorry, but it’s hilarious that people actually fall for this.
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Her level of begging and lying is above and beyond.
She’s constantly ‘repping’ for someone. God help the people who thing their businesses will grow with a girl like that representing. Pure filth
She isnt too happy with some of the companies she promotes lately, she keeps dropping sly digs at some of them. I did laugh when she was ranting about them not even telling her to take a day off, a day off from what exactly? 🧐 I think I've only seen one of these businesses actually share her "promo vids"
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Swear they was all going yeah wear that it's lush.. erm hello its a hospital. Yeah begging for a quid for tabs now dropping hints about getting to hospital tomorrow 🙄
Well they're crappy friends letting her go out like that, why can't people be honest with her? If she was my mate I'd be telling her to give her head a wobble, get a bath and throw something comfy on.
Course she is, what an absolute melt man! Julie sort you're own shit out love, you're a grown ass woman ffs people can't pay your way in life forever
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Who do you think as bin sending all the takeaways she said she had 4 in one night and taxis today she’s saying someone called Zara has done it and she as the number or something
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Surely they wont give her free ivf right now after shes had her tubes out will they? She made a big deal infront of the Dr about having kids, and the dr said there is always ivf. I just cant imagine Julie being able to bring up a child. look at the state of her house right now and shes screaming on over absolutely nothing she would never cope surely. Also with her drug habbits 😔

How the hell does the house next door put up with her shes non stop shouting. How can you go day to day with no electric expecting your followers to pay for it! her mindset is so wrong. Sell some of your clothes that are way to small for you, sell all that makeup, have some self respect lass.
If I hadn't have already had my own kids I would've been eligible for a round of ivf on the NHS. They are so strict in regards to your weight and health though it can take years for them to refer you for it.
The dog pissed in that room over loads of things last night and I never seen her clean it up not even a window open to let out the smell. When I jumped on there she said how it was soaking wet and then was trying to hoover round all the stuff on the floor. I can only imagine the smell, she's a cheek to fold them clothes they'd be good for the dump or at the very least the washing machine
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