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I swear to God destination lashes all her make up looks so cheap and tacky

🙈 Makin her self look a fool im not watching julie i get sent stuff that u say about me.... Cause unlike u i havent upset anyone and wanna be carefull one of your mods is the one sending it to me haha

I dnt need any daily fixes to get me thro the day unlike u girl.... Off ya face most days is not a good look on you or the companys u work for lmao
She’s just obsessed with you Babe I think it’s hilarious 🤣 you are so much better than her
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I wanna know if she’s leaving them white lines under her contour and round her lips lmao! Surely not! Fingers crossed, she’s just baking
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So I’ve been watching her live for about an hour today John isn’t there but he fucked it for her when she mentioned something about the dog pissing and he said something and everyone heard so now we know he’s been there the whole time shes
Just been trying to hide it for whatever reason, oh she’s got someone else to buy her food tonight 😂 and the dogs pissed again. Maybe if she let the poor soul outside he wouldn’t piss inside ffs!
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Queen of lashes is suffering badly with her mental health at the moment and hasn’t made a Tiktoklive since New Year’s Day.
This thread is about Julie, not you laa, and not queen of lashes.
In all due respect, we all understand what has happened with you and Julie, it’s not a nice position for you at all. And I do sympathize with that, but please don’t mention queen of lashes who is going through a lot at the moment.

Shes been live just sayin.....?
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Katie is doing a all green look tomorrow you no fatty will do it too or say I have already done it she’s just copying me lol 😂
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Does anyone on here actually know this half wit personally? Like what drugs is she on? All her little mods and others that she calls her supporters are literally just as bad as her because if they were genuine friends they would not be encouraging and enabling her behaviour as it’s normal 🤯 but she will realise one day all her “GIRLS” are fake as anything.. as if they would let her sit on a live for about an hour that out her face and not say nothing about it. Like it’s not normal and not right so how they call themselves her friends I don’t fucking know, If I was out my face and clearly making a fool of myself and my “FRIENDS” allowed me to do that they would no longer be my friend 😂😂 and for everyone who says her makeup looks are amazing beautiful wow insane are bare faced liars , she does her makeup like a drag queen. I’m an mua and it really gives me anxiety to even look at it!!! There’s no rule to makeup and everyone has different styles im well aware of that but her makeup is just atrocious, I’d feel really mortified if I done my
Makeup horrendous like her and everyone told me it was good 😅😅😅😅
Well that's offensive to all drag Queens 😂😂 I love the Drag Queen type makeup....on Drag Queens 😂
I've said this about all her "girrrrrrls" and John should not be getting paid money to be her carer when he is not caring for her.
There was someone on this thread who said she knew her but she's been quiet for a few days, she let out a few truths about her.
When I was on the live Julie listed the meds she was "prescribed" I only caught pregabs and propranol though
Shes like this all the time on her lives now
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Yes but
The reason she needs a note on PayPal us incase benefits ask as it won't look like an income
Yes but most of the time her PayPal money goes into her bank Because her mod will take it out of her PayPal and put it in her bank so when they check her bank they will see it and they will check her PayPal
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Hey barbie if this is the only way for her to see i show her the conversation seein you think its ok to share private messages 😉 im surprised you remember me barbie u been blocked for so long trying to drag me name thro the mud 🤔 if u read i actually put u in ya place lol remember i messaged you cause your bf was in her live slagging me off so i come to your inbox qnd asked what ya both ya problems was lmao you couldnt make this shit up if u tryed man lmao
I dnt need to make this shit up and if anyone esle would like to share are private messages im happy to show them aswell cause if this is the only way she will see it... Your see that i have nothing to hide.... This is why queenoflashes has gone quite cause was also know to have shared private messages that we all was in funny how shes trying to make out shes innocent too forgets we got that chat too seriously some people you try to help and get it thrown bk in ya face ......
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Hope yous have got your cuppa in hand and your comfortable coz the shitt shows about to begin!!!
When I first came across geordie fuccin princess it was on my fyp when she had that bright green makeup on (you know the look am talking about girls lmfao pmsl lol) and she was being ladged in her comments and I felt sorry for her so I started trolling the trolls for a laugh, she then made me mod on her account and that's where it all started, I then started goin into the lives more often as there was always some kind of drama ( who doesn't like a bit gossip thar) so I stuck around to see why everyone hated on her so much didn't take me long to find out why as she was always hinting or asking for lends of tenna here there an everywhere. Started making frimeds with some of the other mods on her live and we decided to make a mod chat group on watsapp and then the real shit show began!!!
Constant drama about laa and Katie, now before I go any further I will honestly hold my hands up and admit I WAS A FUCCIN FOOL for believing her lies about laa and Katie but mainly laa! I fell for that shit, and I took Julie's side without even knowing everything and that was a big mistake, there's no proof of the things she's said about that woman because the things she said never happened!!!! That's why no one sees the proof coz it's all lies!!
The mod group turned into a troll group wen I look back because it all turned into trolling her haters and stalking them, everyone in the group would watch her haters lives to see if Julie was talked about if she was it went into the group so everyone could hag them off.
Then came the begging!!! The constant voice notes of her crying that she had no tabs "a can't cope anymore av got no tabs" boooohoooo kinda shit, literally leaving voice notes of her screaming coz she had no tabs. Her main cashpoint was Danielle, she sent her hundreds and I mean hundreds, she bought her a makeup table TWICE that cost over 120, she bought her a laptop SHE NEVER USES IT (probs in cash converters by now) she paid her rent a few times, paid for countless takeaways and endless top ups clothes makeup and boots (that she pops out off coz the heffas getting bigger) and then Danielle stepped away for personal reasons and Julie fucks her off and pretends like she never existed, like wen thor sent her gifts and she said no ones sent her big gifts like that before, yet Danielle sent her castle after Castle!!!
(BRB taking a break for 5 mins, hands hurting from typing so much and iv only just began 🥴🤣)
I knew that she’d be like that in this so-called group begging for stuff all the time so all the stuff that we’ve seen on live isn’t even half of the stuff that she’s had

Sounds like u sumed her up 😏 and no delt us girls will get the blame for it lol
She’s obviously got more haters though because who’s been sending the takeaway is on the taxes because I seem to take aways last night and I seen one taxi this morning
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Doses anyone esle feel like they cant trust the companys not to give ya address out if u order from the ones she promotes like i would love to order to help there businesses out but i cant trust they wont give address...!!! I could quite easy put a good order in im so glad i trust beau beauty shes got some really nice items at great prices fast delivery too check her web site out beaucosmetics_bylauren 😍
I was thinking exactly the same today I wanted to order from the nail place I was going to order a load of nails but I feel like I cannot trust the company or her because I know what she’s like and I hope that the businesses read this page because there is lots of people like us that would order from people like that but Julie makes us not want to
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I’ll be surprised if she hasn’t lost a ton of followers after yesterday. Her true self really showed the more drunk she got. Threatening people, asking people for money for a taxi so she could go to Katie bees and chin her, flashing, demanding poor mrglasgow who was actually working and in the middle of a reading to go live with her to fix their friendship, hurling abuse at people in the comments section.

that poor lass Danielle who was meant to be going out with her ended up threatening to harm herself and calling an ambulance apparently and Julie didn’t care one drop. Not as supportive for people’s mental health as she likes to claim huh.

I expect radio silence today from her where she thinks people won’t remember her vile behaviour
She is f*cking disgusting! Wtf!!!
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I was thinking the same where is her friend I bet when she comes back live she doesn’t even mention it too busy talking about Lala lol 😂 that video though take it as a compliment babe she’s getting you more famous if anything honestly don’t let her get to you xxxxx me and my friend on here though i’m not going to say who it is but we get a kick out of this shit I love to see how far you can push them before they bite back it gives me a buzz lol 😂 I could do this shit all day

Don’t forget she had a business meeting that’s right a business meeting lol 😂 with Mad house and then she was ringing her friend
Why does she think that lala is the only one who could be doing what she says is happening? Its plain to see if she reads this thread there is multiple people here its not just her. And tattle wont be the only place she is being talked about either!

If katie wants to move on from it to end the bitching then all good but ffs the pair of them need to stick to it for once.

Everybody can make there own minds up about if they want to make up but if that person doses i wouldnt worry just moving on isnt it katie did message and say shes was blocking me as she dont want drama and i said thats fine we have all had enough of it.. Ive made some friends and lost some friends too but people will make there own decisions and if thats what right for katie then we should be happy for her i think katies mint 😏
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She said she's on zopiclone too, propanolol and pregabs, I think this was yesterday when she was going through her medication bag..
I might of missed what she said before those, if there were more
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Seems you have to have posted a certain number of times before it’ll allow you to create one. Has anyone been on tattle for ages that could try?
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