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955 followers? A guy in the next estate to me has an akita with an insta more clout than that YEP Project.

While I like to see the crazy like this, my only concern is giving clout to cynical play wokesters. In the same way Mumsnet’s Feminist section gives entire threads over to solo crazy tweeters and gets used as a badge of “honour” for being mentioned.

It reads like a project a posh kid on a gap yahh would put together and try to win a little funding they would then use to draw as expenses for their next bender.
That’s a very fair point and I think you’re right that we shouldn’t give too much attention to those with little clout or influence on these matters who would use objections as a ‘badge of honour’
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It's this Orwellian denial of science and reality that really disturbs me with the left.

MMA transgender fighter Fallon Fox was an unrated nobody as a male fighter, but once transitioned and entered the female divisions, pulverised the competition. In one fight (s)he broke his opponent's skull he hit her so hard. Let that sink in - not her jaw, her skull. The woman said later that she'd never felt so overwhelmed and helpless in a fight before. And as you can imagine, this was a big girl, rippling muscles, peak physical condition, trained competitively for years in full contact martial arts - and Fallon Fox just wiped the floor with her. The reigning woman's champ at the time, Rhonda Rousey, refused to fight Fox. That fight looks like what it is too, a man beating the living hell out of a woman, and is uncomfortable to watch.

If you want to say you're a woman, fine. I'll call you one or Miss or Ms or Lady Godiva if you like. But you ain't a woman. This is where it gets Orwellian with the left as you have to just not go along with it and say it, but you have to believe it too. So you get guys winning women's sports, and leftist clowns cheering, seeing this as progress.
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I’ve had a friend online since the age of eleven; we have a mutual friend who while born female identifies as non binary. Because they’re an internet friend they’re not a friend I see often. They’re on a website similar to this but with more customisation in the profile area - name, age, picture of yourself etc. The main area where you chat is forum based and you have to click through to look at their profile. The problem? Being ‘non binary’ to them means switching between male and female presentation/pronouns staunchly each day. I got it mixed up once and referred to them as a dude, “aw dude, how are you?”
Apparently I should’ve looked at their profile and saw which pronouns and name they were going by that day (no photo, and the name thing doesn’t help as they have a ‘purposefully gender neutral name’ e.g. Pencil) because they find terms like ‘man’ and ‘dude’ offensive if they’re presenting as female.
I very nearly lost that other friend - who has ‘known‘ me since I was eleven - because then, in a private conversation talking about our non binary chum, I accidentally used she/her pronouns. Genuinely, the venom I had spat at me that day. I got ignored for weeks, labelled transphobic, had to apologise to my friend (not the NB person) or ‘he’d tell them what i did’, and now only talk to them briefly. 🤷🏻‍♀️
I’ve genuinely had it drummed into me to use they/them and happily will to people I know IRL if that’s what they want but I hate that there’s no leeway whatsoever - you make one mistake, you’re the devil incarnate. And I think if someone changes something big about themselves like their gender identity of COURSE people will find it hard to cope with at first?! How is it okay for the trans/NB person to question, tie themselves in knots, over their identity - but those around them can’t ever mess up? 🤨 It’s not just here, you see it a lot on twitter, oh your transphobic parents didn’t refer to you using your pronouns, they’re EVIL. No!
FFS. Wayyyy too much time on their hands.
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right why not focus on the men who date them then kill them, but no the term female anatomy is offensive
I might have the wrong end of the stick here, but there was a 2018 UK stat that said 61% of women were killed by a current or former partner.

So maybe not just an issue faced by the trans community???

Maybe, as a sisterhood we could work together to find a solution???
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VIP Member
Thanks to you and @cedarpeach for your insights!! :)

I'm still under the impression that transsexual is an offensive term, though? Maybe I've misunderstood it.

I'm also hoping to get out of! Th.D (but don't come for me, I'm an atheist studying the syntax of Ancient Hebrew :ROFLMAO:)
Yeah it’s not commonly used at all these days. From what I have seen, the gender ideologists don’t seem that keen on people who want to actually transition - they’re forcing this whole idea that you can just identify out of your sex and ignore your body, so the people who want to medically transition don’t fit their agenda.
Good luck! Now seems like a great time to get out from what I’ve heard from previous colleagues...sounds like COVID chaos, I do empathise!
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Biden although I think Sanders would have been better. And Hillary in 2016 - I do not believe the Pizzagate/Quanon bullshit...they are lunatics in their own way. I highly recommend the Hillary doc on Netflix. She was attacked as soon as she began her career in law, simply for being a strong outspoken WOMAN.

Trump goes against everything I morally believe in.

My reasons for being against Trump/Republican:
against universal healthcare, pro automatic rifles, caters to religious nuts, thinks immigrants from Muslim countries shouldn't be allowed, against abortion, so many sexual assault allegations, trying to decrease covid testing/was a covid denier, derogatory towards woman. I do not stand with any of those beliefs. But the republicans wouldn't pass the extreme trans bills.

Republicans will shut down this extreme trans shit but having them in office comes at a huge cost.
Yeah I really wouldn't know who to to vote for since I don't believe in rep values from what I've heard of them. But they seem like the only ones powerfull enough to do something...

really torn on one side I'd pick that orange cheeto for this, on the other hand it really wouldn't sit well with me
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@Mamacita, OP also said this:

Like, what the fuck? Many straight men have sex without protection and they also cheat but sure, let’s focus on bi men. What do they think is going to happen if they have sex with a bi man? You can be straight and be with a bi man. His sexuality doesn’t change your sexuality??? Also, straight people get STDs and HIV too. They lie about their sexual history too, whether they’ve been tested, etc. But nah, OP is being blatant with their biphobia.
I don't know, it's a personal preference. Anyone can sleep with who they want and anyone can refuse to sleep with someone for any reason. I wouldn't want to be involved with a bi man due to my own insecurities, not biphobia
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not anti-trans more like we don't let them bully us

I remember watching this a little while ago and being really interested in what she had to say, and then was shocked at about the 56 minute mark where, in answer to the question of why she isn't feminist anymore, Posie replies with "I've meant too many fucking women" and then elaborates on that. I wasn't expecting it at all. I know other people have found her controversial for different reasons - which were discussed on the gc subreddit, until that was taken from us as well.
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I just realised I can think of many famous/prominent figures who are trans women but I struggle with trans men.

Trans women
- Caitlyn Jenner
- Laverne Cox
- Munroe Bergdorf
- Nadia, the one who won Big Brother
- The siblings who made The Matrix and Sense8
- Janet Mock
- Shon Faye
- Alexis Arquette
- Jamie Rose Dee (she was known as Jamjars in the early days of tumblr)
- Jamie Clayton

(I’ll stop here!)

Trans men
- Chaz Bono
- Kenny Ethan Jones (partner of Megan Crabbe aka bodyposipanda)
- Jack Monroe, I don’t know if they count (I don’t keep up with them)
- ???
buck white.. that's all i've got
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Chatty Member
Ah here??!
Masculine women and feminine men are now trans?! If you ever needed proof that transgender ideology is inherently misogynistic.
This is all one big Men's Rights Activism trojan horse.

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I don’t relate to he at all. she’s not a feminist and I do think she’s a transphobe. Yes, some of her criticisms of gender ideology are correct but she’s also derogatory to individuals, and targets trans people for bullying and abuse which I think is outrageous. She’s bad news imo.

she strikes me as someone who started off with genuine concerns but quickly found an identity as an anti trans activist and became more radical. I think she thrives on her image as some sort of outspoken warrior. She strikes me as a bully.
I agree with most of what she's saying but her insistence to use the he instead of she did make me cringe. In a way I understand why she is the way she is, "we give them an inch they take a mile" kind of thing. In a way I can't fault her too much for having a clear cut stand on this since having gray areas has led to whats going on right now.
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