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Scotch Mist

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He’s just plain old creepy. It’s like he’s trying to be as vile and sleazy as possible. He’s fat, sweaty, pale, hairy and not very attractive. Which believe it or not I’m not judging him for. I’m pretty fat and pale myself 🥴 it’s the fact he’s going out his way to accentuate all his unattractive features and thinks we should all fall at his chubby little trotters. It’s bizarre but I can’t say I’m losing sleep over it. I avoid anything he’s on and would not watch his video if you paid me. No pearl clutching here, more like body swerving.
I'm with you on that, don't like his music and find him physically repulsive.

I'm actually really tired of seeing popsingers trying to be as sexually provocative as they can. Its boring to me now although I know I'm not the target market. Madonna has a lot to answer for because she started the trend and its never gone away since.

I just find it sad that sex has to sell music and female singers think that they have to look like prostitutes to sell music. It's not empowering for women and detracts from their talent.
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People say that it’s to be expected that young people will be dismissive of their elders, but I don’t ever remember it being like this when I was that age, the contempt and the vitriol is off the scale.
I bet most of them spend half their lives being supported and facilitated by women in the exact age group they are describing as ‘crozzled old miserable boomers’ because they are incapable of standing on their own two feet.
I said to my son the other day when we were talking about this that I think middle aged women should just go on fucking strike. If we are that dispensable and useless, no one would notice, right?
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I think what KJK does is beautifully simple - allowing women to speak. She stands for all women whatever their political persuasion. She is a one-cause pressure group.
However, being politically “blind” on purpose and saying that she is not a feminist and going on shows like Tucker Carlson and being a Jordan Peterson fan means she is open to criticism from the left. Fair enough - I think a lot of the people she associates with are terrible too. But she also associates with left wing feminists, black feminists, radical lesbians - she will associate with anyone who will amplify the message that a woman is an adult human female and men cannot be women.
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So biological facts are transphobic?!
I can't cope. Are they going to redefine periods as well? :unsure:
The people arguing with me on the tiktok were all people with pronouns in their bio arguing that tw experience cramping and mood swings as if that’s a period and not just side effects of the unnatural hormones they’re putting into their bodies. Not to mention, I don’t know what cramps they’re experiencing considering they don’t have the anatomy to even get cramps lol. If a (real) woman had her uterus removed she would not have a period anymore, why are these men so adamant that they get periods? I explained that if next month all I experienced was mood swings and an upset stomach I’d either have food poisoning or I’d need to go take a pregnancy test because that would be a missed period and somebody said that I don’t understand how periods work apparently. The mansplaining doesn’t stop when they put on a dress and some makeup, how surprising.
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Scotch Mist

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Apparently the Scottish rapist will now be sent to a male prison Sturgeon has said.
I bet this is only due to all the adverse publicity though 🙄
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I work for a local authority so can't express my opinion publicly without repercussions. But we are now in a world where a MAN with a PENIS is a serial RAPIST and then transitions into a 'woman' and everyone is more concerned with mis-gendering him. Kevin McGuire, who I used to rate, can get in the fucking BIN defending this fucking animal. I hope this is the beginning of the end of this fucking nonsense which is one of the most dangerous and warped ideologies of all time. Hopefully, Owen Warner will wank himself into oblivion soon too.
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Someone has posted I think a tweet with part of a speech by former prison governor about trans prisoners amongst other things….it’s a great speech

When she said 'trans woman is not a sub-set of woman it's a sub-set of man'.
Exactly that!
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So proud to see that Bethany Hamilton has come out and said she will not be competing in the World Surf League because of their new policy to allow TIMs to compete against women. She is made of tough stuff. Some of the comments under her Insta posts are just incredibly WRONG. I am surprised to see how many of the TWAW Brigade just spouting pseudoscience ‘facts’ and screaming at anyone who disagrees with them that they need to ‘do some research’.
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Playing video games means you could be trans?
I played some of my brother's computer games when I was a tyke and I - nor any adult - never questioned my ~identity~.
Zeus could identify as non-binary? Lady Macbeth is neither man or woman?
TF are the teachers on?!?

You get special treatment if you say you are trans or non-binary and suddenly become the centre of attention when you ‘come out’...Now, out of 200 students in my year, at least 20 say they’re trans — almost all are girls claiming to be boys or non-binary.

They're 14.

She mentions her friend who self-ID'd in year 7, affirmed by all teachers, and has lots of time off from self-harming as she has severe mental health issues.

In summary, hello social contagion.
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Another familicide this week, another woman killed by her husband and a little girl killed by her own dad, another crime that’s committed almost exclusively by men. It horrifies me that TRAs and politicians still use the ‘not all men’ strapline or spout lies about trans being the most at risk in society - are they fucking blind? Are we just ignoring crimes against women now? Why would you let any man further infiltrate women’s spaces when we’re already not even safe in our own homes?
It was obvious from the start that the husband had murdered his wife and child, but anyone expressing sadness and anger on social media was shot down by people saying "You don't know that's what happened" (yes we f-ing do) and "Maybe the wife did it" (as if she f-ing did).
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I'd feel a bit guilty trying to argue with these people. They seem like they have intellectual disabilities or have been indoctrinated at school or social media. Maybe all of those. It's like a social experiment that's gone badly wrong.
I'm not even 100% sure they understand what's happening, why there is a counter protest. They seem to think they are anti trans.
The issue is they are brainwashed into believing all trans people are genuine and anyone who opposes their demands are terfs, scum and far right wing Nazi's and they won't change their minds on that.

In my opinion the only way out of this reasonably is for TRA's to accept that there must be some regulations around trans gender and that public opinion is going to turn faster and faster against them all the time they are showing up as they did today at a women's talk.

  • Without a doubt the GRA must be repealed, it conflicts with the Equality Act.
  • All GRC's must be repealed or or amended no longer give men the automatic right to be "all up in women's spaces"
  • All birth certificates that have been changed, must be returned to their original details. They are a statement of fact and being able to lie makes a mockery of them existing.
  • All passports and driving licences must now be returned to state your sex as fact and offer a gender marker if people wish to use it.
  • Online abuse of women must be added to the Hate Crimes list, this can include dick pics
  • It must stop being acceptable for men to be in women's spaces unquestioned. We need to start challenging every man we see in our spaces or be able to call the police if they are there
  • All LGB -T+ shit show organisations must be reviewed and firm, enforceable guidelines put in place to safeguard women and children
  • All safeguarding must be returned and strictly enforced
  • Complete re-education of government bodies, NHS, Education, Police, Local government - all of it.
If the government still wants to pander to TRA's then they grow a pair and state clearly that people either live however they want, but use the facilities for their sex or it's time for these vile TRA orgs to cough up for some spaces of their own.

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It took me far far too long to go to my first smear test, because 1) I am at heart a private person and a bit of a prude when it comes to body stuff. 2) i was scared of the speculum 3) i didn’t want a male doing it

I eventually went, and I was made to feel like a nuisance for being nervous (i was unwittingly clenching, and making the test more difficult), it was difficult for me as a person with what I call lab coat syndrome at the best of times…. If someone rolled my eyes and said there was no female staff to do the test I would have got dressed and gone home without having the test. It’s just too intimate a procedure for me to fathom allowing a man to do (albeit qualified etc). I will happily see my male GP about ear infections, allergies, flu jab etc, but I just can’t when it comes to my bits, you know? I’m fortunate I’ve never been abused, but it’s just innately there, the fear of a strange man (however benevolent they may be), doing such procedures. It’s bad enough when it’s a matronly, impatient female nurse!

For such procedures, women should never be made to feel like a nuisance or ridiculous.

If I needed a life saving procedure or surgery down there then I suppose I would mostly likely have to accept a male surgeon, but imo, if desperate, I would probably get on with it. But for routine, female procedures, tests, etc, I want the choice.
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Scotch Mist

VIP Member
All the comments about age. I know young people are all insufferable know it alls, and we are all the same - but this lot are particularly obtuse.
Perhaps it's because I'm now in the older age group that I notice it more, but why are young people so ageist these days? I know ageism has always existed and young people don't like being 'lectured' by older people but there's not even a veneer of politeness now if anyone voices their experience on any subject.

Young people seem to think that ordinary people like myself who've had to work all their lives are somehow much more privileged than them and are to blame for every ill in the world. Really? Most of us have just been busy trying to keep a roof over our heads and provide for our children.

The other day at work I was in a meeting and it was all centred around young people know best. One woman said that her teenager would think the company website was boring because it contained too much facts and text. She proudly said how her son had been educated by watching Tiktok videos and how he was now able to inform her all about trans rights and pronouns as if this was a good thing!
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In all of this, the one thing that makes me despair the most is the rafts of women supporting it. It wouldn't have taken hold to anything like the extent it has if the stupid bloody cows weren't out there 'being kind' to blokes that fucking hate us who are 'born in the wrong body'.

Did the suffragette movement face a backlash? were there swathes of women saying they didn't want to vote? some of my sex just disgust me. Yes, I agree it's a patriarchal society and women are conditioned to be like this but open your bloody eyes women!
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So they want to include women and girls being able to see men pissing in urinals?
What about women/girls wanting to wash hands after changing bloody sanitary products.
Will they sell sanitary products and expect women to feel comfortable buying emergency supplies in this open toilet?
Don't they realise bodily needs are private and many women hate using public (same sex) loos as it is. This isn't inclusive, its excluding women's fears, vulnerabilities.

Why dont they just have a effing gender neutral loo for whoever wants to use it and still have separate man and women loos.

I'll hold onto my toilet needs for the local pub instead of going into that loo.
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There is a a Diva Magazine survey about sexuality and gender and all things gay, lesbian and "non binary" to celebrate Lesbian Awareness Week, and some of the questions are infuriating. I saved my despair for the 'anything else you'd like to say?' box at the end.
I had a look at this but it’s completely impossible to answer because it’s all about “gender identity.” I don’t have a “gender identity,” I have a sex, and there are various stereotypes and social sanctions placed upon me because of my sex, which women have been fighting against for hundreds of years. I am absolutely sick fed up of this notion that we get to identify out of it.

Another familicide this week, another woman killed by her husband and a little girl killed by her own dad, another crime that’s committed almost exclusively by men. It horrifies me that TRAs and politicians still use the ‘not all men’ strapline or spout lies about trans being the most at risk in society - are they fucking blind? Are we just ignoring crimes against women now? Why would you let any man further infiltrate women’s spaces when we’re already not even safe in our own homes?
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Today on LBC a transwoman rang in and apologised for his deep voice, Dawn, and then went on to say that transwomen are more at risk from sexual violence than ‘cis’ women. I really wished that Tom Swarbrick had had the knowledge to say that’s rubbish, he sounded sceptical but didn’t ask for evidence.
However the good thing about today is the subject has been on all stations and news items and there is genuine pushback. David Blunkett was phenomenal at lunchtime and so was Posie Parker.
This case will make a big difference, the prison issue is trending on Twitter and hopefully it will lead to change.
We must be optimistic for the sake of all those poor vulnerable prisoners. One newspaper says some of them have stopped washing because there are men in the showers. It’s a dystopian nightmare!
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