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One of the women who attended college with Adam Graham was on the Scottish news and apparently he spun stories about being raped twice. This is a sick, sick man. It’s making me wonder whether he’s almost cosplaying his victims as part of his depraved fantasies.
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Scotch Mist

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Well done to all the Tattlers in Scotland turning out to support women today.
Looks like a bigger turnout than the last event in London but it's noticeable that more and more are rallying to the cause every time there is an event.
I've been trying to watch on YouTube but the streaming keeps glitching.
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Actually, Sam Smith can't have man boobs as Sam is non-binary. What are they then? They/them boobs - thoobs??

Still disgusting, either way.
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I would honestly say 90% of them have been indoctrinated. I've mentioned here before I have dated a couple of trans men, all of whom were deeply unhappy in a female body but that was also a result of various degrees of trauma. It always felt like they were trying to opt out of being female. They tried their best to live as male but as you say, they've very clearly been socialised as female.
This is my oldest kid :/ I'm going to use male because despite my feelings about everything I do feel a sense of loyalty to respect it.
There is just nothing about him that would even make anyone think he's male. He wears clothes and jewellery that are feminine. But saying he's trans gives him that typical genz Internet high and I suspect makes it easy to be without the pressure girls face. Doesn't matter if he's got body hair when girls are often made fun of for the same thing, because he's a boy. Doesn't matter if he's bad at makeup, etc because he doesn't need to do it at all now, because he's a boy. Despite never having any sense he was in the wrong body growing up, being very happy with typically girls things/clothes, etc, he decided at 14, he's a boy because (i suspect) being a teenage girl generally sucks.
There has to be a reason SO MANY teenage girls are suddenly deciding they're male with zero prior desire, and I think thats a big part of it.
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That's why I think there should be 3 - ie separate male, female and gender neutral options. Never just one.

For absolute clarity, I mean the male and female toilets should both continue to be single sex, which addresses your concerns above.

I think having 3 choices is the 'best' way forward, because then all the people who want a single sex option (which is most) can continue to have that, but trans people who don't feel comfortable in toilets assigned to their birth sex can have another option.

I agree with others that where there's not the space to have 3 - like on trains - then there should be one single occupancy toilet that has everything contained within it.
They wouldn't use it. It's the invasion and entitlement of the trans over the Woman that's the important thing in the radical eyes. They are a Woman so WILL use the Woman's loos, is the trans radicals reasoning, deliberately to invade Woman's space.
It simply wouldn't work.
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The golden shower / face jizzing scenes though I'm not sure anyone wants to see, from either Styles or Smith :LOL:
So you’re saying you don’t want to watch simulations of piss soaked orgies in mainstream media?? Clearly you want a return to Victorian times 🙄 *holds up sarcasm sign you can see from the moon*
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Oh god I’ve just stumbled on a page on insta that had really shocked me. On first glance it looks innocent enough. But I read a bit closer and realised it’s a page set up by a ‘trans dad’ basically this dad with a son who is now his daughter. And he’s set up a company making trans and non binary swimwear!! Which on inspection appears to be padded bikini tops and bottoms that hide the penis. There are toddlers and little kids in there. I’m not kidding. This is a legit company and the dad and ‘daughter’ have been on the today show (as obviously they are American). Just…wow. It’s insane. It is so efffed up that little boys who want to wear unicorn swimwear feel they have to tuck their penis away and become girls to do so. I honestly despair for humanity.
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I had a brilliant time at Glasgow, laughed, cried, cheered, sang.
I got invited to meet up outwith actual events.
I even met a Harrie! , obviously we're in touch!
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Nelly's mum

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It just looks like men's toilets to me. I've definitely been in loos where the sinks are in the middle like that. It doesn't look like the cubicles have doors on them, but I expect that's just because this is designed to show the layout. I'm pretty sure they'd have doors once built.

I'd expect gender neutral toilets to only have cubicles to be honest and I'd also expect them to be provided in addition to male and female toilets, with the implication being that trans people use them. I think third spaces are the answer as most men and women like their single sex spaces, but I do understand why a trans woman might not want to use the men's - so a neutral option seems to be the only solution to me.
TIM's don't want to use third space toilets FFS, nor do they want to use Mens toilets. They want to use the Womens toilet because this affirms their fetish.
If TIM's - men - have a problem with male society and feel unsafe in male spaces then they need to address that. The answer is not to push their way, unwelcomed and uninvited, into women's spaces.
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Weebles Wobble

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Amelia Strickler has spoken out about new rules in her sport.

Fina also aimed to establish an 'open' category at competitions for swimmers whose gender identity is different than their sex recorded at birth.

While such moves have been praised for protecting female sport, some critics have said these rules are discriminatory.

Olympic diving champion Tom Daley [surprise surprise :rolleyes:] said he was "furious" at Fina's approach, saying: "Anyone that's told that they can't compete or can't do something they love just because of who they are, it's not on."

Strickler said:
"It is just something that me, my peers and my colleagues - we all work hard day in, day out - we don't want to see this happen.

"I hope people will just see an open category is still fair and inclusive but we do have to protect female sport and we have to make sure women are not at such a disadvantage."

'Big athletes not yet willing to publicly say they support me'
Strickler, who won silver at the 2017 British Athletics Championships, added she was "hoping for more support" moving forward.
"There have been big names that have spoken to me, they just are not willing to publicly say it yet," said the Ohio-born athlete.
"The more support we get on this, hopefully the rules will be put in space to protect us and our sport.

"Athletics is not football, we don't make big money. The contracts and funding matter. A lot of people don't want to jeopardise that and don't want to be called transphobic.

"That is not about not including people - that is certainly not what I'm saying. I just think we need to protect the female sex and female sport."

When I checked the BBC Sports page this article was at the top - very refreshing for the BBC to have a balanced article so prominently placed.
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If this man is pretending and taking advantage of Self ID for nefarious purposes… how are we all supposed to know? What is the difference between him and a “genuinely” trans person. He has a cock. He wears women’s clothes. He changed his name. How am I supposed to tell him apart from the nice ones in my toilets and changing rooms? Keep men out of single sex spaces.
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So the last few days on Instagram there have been posts about how research spanning the last 10 years has proven that transgender individuals have no advantage when it comes to sport.

Have any of you read this research? If you have read it what do you think of it? I just don't understand how someone who was born a biological man doesn't have the upper hand against women.

Also, I'm assuming that these biological men will at least have to have transitioned and that self ID'ing as a woman without hormones, surgery etc. won't be allowed. I feel like these are questions you can't even ask without being jumped on online.
So I have just seen a tweet saying that recent research shows that trans athletes have no advantage. When asked for their source they linked...cosmo magazine 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
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I know of kids who don't go for a pee at school now because of gender neutral loos, it's just asking for bladder issues 😥

Same, if all public loos become gender neutral because of whiney TRAs , we could soon have thousands and millions of women (and men) who don't use the loos when out, again, causing medical issues. We need safe and separate places. People will stop going shopping or out for the day if they don't feel like there is anywhere safe.
My son won't use the toilets at school because of this. He said he feels bad going in them because he knows girls are in there. They do also have separate male and female toilets but he said they are further away and he doesn't always have time to get to them. First thing he does when he gets home is run to the bathroom.
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Chatty Member
Re furries...if one has a medical emergency, by the logic of TRAs we should be taking them to the vet instead of the hospital, as only complete affirmation and validation will do. I bet they'd soon be asking for an actual doctor.
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On a local Facebook police page to me there was an item earlier about a missing 15 year old, name ‘Calum’. From the description and the photo it seemed like it was a missing girl, but the police were very careful not to say whether it was a boy or a girl, they just kept saying things like “Calum is 4 foot 11 inches talll” “Calum was wearing a black hoodie”. The comments were all people saying “hope he comes home soon” “hope the lad is found safe”. People identifying as other genders isn’t at all helpful when it comes to missing persons, because people will be looking out for a boy now, not a girl.
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I think most people expect neutrality from public services & infrastructure. I wouldn't want a GC painted police car or whatever either. But this is way worse. Something that potentially hinders groups, especially disadvantaged groups like the disabled is disliked for a very good reason.
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