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Just noticed an email from my bank who I get my breakdown cover from and they are changing the provider to the AA from March. Think I’ll need to shop around for a new policy.
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Random question alert...

Has there ever been a woman who became a drag queen?
How would it be received in drag circles?
There was a contestant(Victoria scone) on the most recent series of DRUK. I seem to remember a bit an uproar from SOME people. But when they show started most people really liked her especially after one of the other contestants went after her quite nastily.
I think generally they can be and have been looked down on in some circles. However I think it’s case by case thing and probably an age thing, some people in the community dislike them and some people just aren’t bothered and love that they want to be a part of something.
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What the hell! So basically with her level of offendedness towards words, I bet you would struggle to use any word ever to keep her happy 🙄😱😂

What words are safe these days?!

Seminal means influence doesn't it? To sow seeds, influenced by, etc? I would say that makes sense in a thesis for sure.

I doubt you meant the sperm version of the word 😂
i guess "good" would suffice? 🤣
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In reference to the discussion about the definition of rape and the penalties, in England can someone be charged with penetration with an object?
Yes. Section 2 of the Sexual Offences Act 2003.

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I totally agree! There’s no special ‘woman inside’ feeling or female brain. It’s all just biology. This whole trapped in the wrong body narrative needs to change. It’s all about stereotypes. I was reading on Twitter someone saying that at their kids school if a girl gets her hair cut short that means she’s trans 😩 wtf? So it means the girls all keep their hair long. It’s putting women and girls into even narrower boxes. It honestly feels like we’ve gone from girls can wear trousers, play football and hate the colour pink and that’s a-ok to yeah that all means you must be a boy 🤔 and it’s ADULTS that are pushing this. Beggars belief.
If that was an actual, real 60 year old woman people would be slagging her off and saying she was ‘mutton dressed as lamb’.
exactly. Als he/she(?) is nowbasically just able to stand in any category that suits, in awards etc could be make, female or trans. Does that seem fair?
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Chatty Member
What do you all think about this? Trans man told to leave barbers as they "don't do women's haircuts."

Eta: posted too soon. Was going to say I don't blame them as the individual does look very much like a woman, but I think that spokesman could've done better than "we don't cut long hair" - the person in question seems to have short hair, and also some men have long hair? Would they then turn them away?
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Binders are not like bras, as a general rule they're designed to match the skin tone of the wearer in effect to make breasts 'disappear'. I'm sure they can and do come in other colours of course

@knickerbocker glory I'm so sorry you're going through this xx
See I thought they were like corsets? I evidently have no idea what binders are really like, need to do a Google!
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Where two social contagions intersect: DID and trans-identifying females.
I’m so embarrassed - I’d seen Jesse Singal’s name come up a few times on this topic and initially thought oh, that’s odd, that he’s talking about this in such depth, but maybe he spoke to his co-star who has also spoken out on the subject on Twitter. Then I was trying to rack my brains whether the two were actually in the show at the same time as each other. To cut a long story short, I’ve just googled and the person I am talking about is Jesse BIRDSALL from Hollyoaks 😂 But it did sort of make sense because Joe McGann who was also in Hollyoaks spoke out and was being called a TERF for it so I thought it was like he may have spoken to Jesse and given his opinions and swayed him (or vice versa)
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Note "woman only" too

She's on her own with those posts and pans and all that kitchen stuff

I've got a question, apologies, I'm not sure how to use the spoiler tag, it always goes wrong

If a MTF is raped (so oral or anal rape, not vaginal as there is no vagina), is it recorded as a woman being raped?

If a FTM rapes someone (oral, digital, or with object), is it recorded as being commited by a male assailant?

And vice versa

It's hard to express these questions
In England and Wales, rape requires a penis. So rape of a transwoman (whether involving a surgically created "vagina", or another orifice) likely would be counted as rape of a woman. Transmen don't have penises, some of them have a surgical approximation that gets hard with a pump, I don't know if there's ever been a rape case prosecuted that involved one of those?
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Interesting you tube series that might be of interest. Was pleased to see Sasha Ayad, one of the psychotherapists from the gender a wider lens podcast on it. I wish someone with a lot of influence like Jameela Jamil would watch this. She’s too busy sticking her figures in her ears while shouting trans lives matter though.

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