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Imagine there being a new adaptation of say of a well beloved romance film like Romeo and Juliet or Pride and Prejudice where the female character is portrayed by Eddie in 'girl mode'. Somehow I can't see people being able to enjoy the romantic scenes 😬 Imagine an older bloke like Eddie playing Elizabeth Bennett opposite Mr Darcy! I really hope they don't start to ruin well known films just to make a woke point.
i would actually welcome that as apart from Guardian reviews most of them would be critical. The general public are not interested in something like that and it would have a niche audience. It might turn more people onto how bonkers it is. It would have to be the BBC or CH4 as Even Hollywood which is super woke at times would not be interested in that.
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Since we’re on the topic, this article I read yesterday is very apt and a good read

It shows the way that Stonewall captures organisations, this example being the Coal Authority (the fact it’s such an archaic industry makes its funnier somehow) but also - like the Stephen Nolan podcast set out - what a bloody racket it is.

The boredom of new user logins and missing invoices does not prepare you for the mania and confusion of the Stonewall Workplace Equality Index, which hundreds of large corporations and government departments sign up to participate in. There are thirty pages of requirements against which Stonewall will judge your compliance. Here are some examples of what EDI staff across the country are being advised to implement across their workplaces:

The Coal Authority should not use gendered language. “Policies should avoid gendered language and pronouns, for example, by using the term ‘partner’ instead of ‘husband’ or ‘wife’.”

Good-bye to women’s right to single sex spaces. “Guidance must make clear that all trans employees can use the facilities (e.g. toilets, changing rooms) they feel most comfortable using.”

Non-binary identities need recognition and protection. People should be offered the chance to share pronouns at the start of meetings.

The Coal Authority might want to un-sex us all now: “You could consider removing gender markers and titles from your systems altogether.”

Staff should be allowed to carry passes identifying them as different genders on different days: “You should include at least one example specific to gender fluid people, for example the ability to have multiple passcards with different forms of gender expression.”

The Coal Authority should mark specific days in the LGBT+ Calendar: “LGBT History Month, Pride and / or IDAHOBIT (International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia)”.

The Coal Authority should have a formal programme to engage all non-LGBT+ employees to become allies. Also a separate bi- allies scheme, requiring “training, programmes and / or resources”. Hang on — “cis” people also need to become “trans allies”, so that’s more “training, programmes and / or resources”.

Spare a thought for the Equalities teams across the country who are living this. I wonder what the Coal Authority employees securing the safety of old mines think — the solidarity of men beneath the ground seems a distant and outdated memory.
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Been scanning the comments in this piece -

Good to see a lot of common sense in the comments and a lot of pain from parents that already have had to deal with the damage.

Hopefully a more open debate will come from it
Saw it on FB yesterday and thought the caption was really irresponsible.

“Some doctors say it’s a barrier to urgently needed care”.

So dodgy to be framing the medical standpoint as being against mental health support before
barrelling in with blockers and hormones.

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Chatty Member
I dread the day I ever break down without a phone. I have a multi charger in my car and always charge my phone up if I’m going on a long drive even if I start with decent levels. I once broke down in daylight with my phone battery dying and was in such a flap. After that I got break down cover (NOT AA!) and bought the charger. It makes me feel so much better, I would urge everyone to get one if you haven’t.

On the car subject, I had to drive alone for a few hours recently and had to stop in a lay-by. Choice was either flash to all passing cars or go further back into some trees which felt a bit scary. I have some puppy pads for absolute emergencies, haven’t had to crack them open yet!
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Any one else annoyed because their favourite colours are baby pink and baby blue but anything with both those colours is classed as 'trans flag' 😂 no just me 🙄
YES!! had this thought the other day 😂

Its actually refreshing to see these types of themes raised here without being attacked for being some sort of '-phobic'
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I've experienced both. One wasn't preferable over the other. Object caused the most damage. Sexual pleasure was had by the perpetrator regardless of method. Only difference I can see is possibility of STD and pregnancy. I'm not sure why that necessarily would legally be important (the possibility I mean, rather than whether the victim actually got pregnant or an STD. By that rationale a prepubescent victim is somehow less violated? ) In many countries penis does not form part of the definition of rape, so I don't think it's as obvious as you make it out to be.
Rape accounts for 37% of sexual offences in England and Wales. A separate definition is needed to record this specific act of penetration by a penis. These horrific acts by men against mostly women (and other men and also children) should be recorded as such, clearly it is a significant and specific crime that it accounts for a over a third of all sexual offences. The penis is being used as a weapon against men, women and children to penetrate without consent.

The law is not reliant on whether rape causes pregnancy or sti’s (although I feel this is part of why it should be recorded separately) but relies on consent. Section 5 makes it an offence for a person intentionally to penetrate with his penis the vagina, anus or mouth of a child under 13 (in response to your note about children).
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has a binder, which is clearly meant for a black person
Excuse my ignorance but how is the binder a black persons one?

If she’s suddenly changed (you said last year she was wearing sparkles and heels) I would wonder if she has experienced something traumatic that has led her to go down this path? Has she been assaulted or worse?
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I may use the wrong terms/pronouns here so bear with me but…

This has probably been discussed already (still catching up, sorry!) but notice how it’s always trans women (so biological born men) who want to compete with women in sports, and not the other way round? I’m a relatively strong woman, and my male partner isn’t particularly strong for a man, but he could easily overpower me if he wanted to because of his natural advantage. Those images of trans women (?) competing against women in boxing are heartbreaking.
You are so right, transmen (women) are largely invisible in the debate.
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Becky Cheatle is a trans woman from Ireland and I believe they have mocked these up in an attempt to poke fun at this article which Graham Lineham called for a ‘TERFMas’.
I’m guessing Becky has just flushed her ‘comedy’ career down the pan. Sick in the head!!
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What the hell is going on in Canada??
Surely as this is the most bonkers country in this regard, won’t the back lash be brutal when it hits? Or is it too far gone with the laws being what they are that it’s just screwed??
Wow. Is this real? I shouldn’t be surprised. Canada is not ok.
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Is it this one you mean? I think they're taking the piss tbf.
No it is the “doctor” (in Canada iirc.) who internally posted a selfie with a patient who had just had their boobs removed (the one who seemed to have used a kitchen knife to do so I think?
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