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Yes, trying to make insurance woke and fun just doesn't work. All it takes is one consumer to say they had thought deliberate damage was covered based on the ad
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Chatty Member
I had a look at Contrapoints Instagram and he is definitely more sensible than most.
I recommend the YouTube channel, they do have a few videos around gender and being trans but a lot of the topics they talk about are unrelated and their videos are always really gorgeous to look at and well-researched. Even when I disagree, I still really enjoy them and they're usually quite funny. There's a great one about incels:

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It’s because he named someone who likes to sue at the slightest provocation, so he’s just removing the mentions of that person and then it will be back up.
People like him and OJ screech about how homophobic the LGB-A and GC people are. The only 'lesbians' they care about are the ones with dicks.
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And it's also ridiculous as it implies that sleeping with someone doesn't mean you can't be transphobic or racist. Er no.
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I watched it last weekend and found it a bit meh, but actually the finale of the show is a long anecdote about a transwoman that Dave once knew. It was genuinely quite touching and really turned the show on its head.

Makes me wonder whether all the TRAs picketing Netflix watched the whole thing too 😄
probably not, like most people have no idea what JKR said
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Thoughts on this?
I think it opens up a can of worms to people putting "Jedi" or NB or the opposite sex tbh. The person in the article was raised male, I understood intersex individuals to be officially one sex with some variance in characteristics? So they should put the sex they are? I do think it is more complicated for intersex than others who live in fantasyland though.
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Lily Madigan seems to have disappeared off the public and social media radar completely - 23 now, so must have finished university, and hopefully disappeared quietly into the world of work and a peaceful life. Last Instagram post was April 2020, signing up to the Royal Voluntary Service to help out the NHS, which I applaud wholeheartedly.
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Men wear kilts in Scotland - equality is not based on what one wears so I think it’s a pointless bit of virtue signalling by that school.
Can't be bothered to click on daily mail article, but seeing I have only boys, I'd struggle to find a skirt for them to wear for a day. Pointless nonsense. Let any child wear whatever they like from the school uniform range.
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There are loads of these on tiktok which, I'm sure entirely co-incidentally, has the youngest, (and most easily influenced by peer pressure) demographic of all social media sites

Take a note of the bit he says at the end - that if a lesbian's refusal to have sex with him comes from being raped, that it is 'maybe forgivable', but it is still transphobic. With the implication that if you are homosexual and do not have past sexual trauma, refusing sex is not forgivable.
Absolutely VILE. Who is this person?
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Scotch Mist

VIP Member
How many boys are going to wear a skirt anyway?! Presumably the girls can wear trousers...

ETA, sorry things have moved on while I was catching up
I bet not many 😉 especially as its bloody freezing now.
It's probably been done to accommodate one child.
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Wackie Jeaver

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I wonder what the JL bigwigs think now. Was all the publicity/social media chat worth it? I think someone's head might roll and they will find they are no longer "partners".
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VIP Member
Just an absolute lunatic

Wayne Couzens just needs to say he’s a trans woman and he’ll go from country’s most hated man to a celebrated stunning and brave victim. You could see that happening the world is so fucked.

He'd probably be out by Xmas.
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BP seems like a pompous twit. Also bold of him to say Harry is "straight." Why is that part needed? Hasn't there been rumours for years that Styles is at least bi? I mean he did apparently beard/PR with Taylor Swift who has been rumoured since her early days to be gay and all her romantic relationships have apparently been beards, even her "muse" Joe had some questionable photos on social media (closeted due to starting in country music like Chely Wright). If you listen to her music from a gay perspective it is quite eye opening (all about secret/forbidden relationships, even early music). It looked like she was going to come out during her Lover era, all the rainbow stuff and saying "gay pride makes me, me" in her documentary and Pride pin on a magazine cover then the Scooter Braun masters stuff happened. A lot of fans refuse to believe it could be true and that she's just an "ally" but if she is an ally then it seems like queerbaiting. Anyway, that is another topic that you can find plenty about online.
also this is the only "conspiracy" I can actually somewhat believe. Hahaha.
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Posted on an Iphone made in an oppressive factory in China potentially using minerals mined by a child which is then sold by a company that does not pay Tax in the UK instead using a loophole to avoid its social responsibilities.

But yeah crack on and try and get Teacakes cancelled

Some of the replies to his tweets are great but the best one has to be " Trans boycotts aren't boycotts "

I love this one of his

" So the cis get upset about the idea of boycotting a cake company but don't get upset at the idea of trans people having their rights taken away. The abuse I have had to put up with today is fucking staggering."
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VIP Member
If it’s a “which side said what” and “if you agree with this then you must agree with 100% of it” then you’re coming across as positioning yourself on the same side (or sympathetic, at least) of convicted rapists, murderers and paedophiles.

How fucking dare you.
What did SV say that was untrue?
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