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VIP Member
I agree completely but it is accepted in journalism that a 'bad source' undermines an article somewhat. Disappointing when you think how many people must have needed to approve that article.
especially with how easy it is to check things like this nowadays
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VIP Member
Why does this horrible man hate women so much? Why does he hate that we want rights? Why are women the enemy to him and trans women the absolute bees knees? 🤔🤔🤔 answers on a postcard please.

If I had to guess I'd say he probably loves a bit of cock however he can get it?
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Maybe it's Monday morning blues but I'm feeling quite disheartened to be honest. It feels like the net of compulsion is closing in when you have workplaces preaching wokery and individuals reporting women on twitter for raising concerns. To the point that I regret my post a few up simply for reposting Glinn*er incase that gets reported by individuals. It exasperates me that some individual can go after several people for tweets that aren't actually hateful, and gets taken seriously, yet women who report rape threats, doxx threats etc get told things like "not to use Twitter then" and such. This society actively punishes women and panders to men. I'm sick of it.
If you can, I do recommend coming to a GC meet like Posie's yesterday. It certainly boosts my morale.
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VIP Member
This Twitter thread is doing the rounds
Where are the stats to say trans people are being murdered?!?

The only stats come from a LGBT group which states since 2003( i think) that 11 trans people have been murdered in the UK. In the same time frame around 11/12 trans people have been charged with murder.

As someone below says (or above now) that the majority of trans murders are sadly of sex workers in Brazil and also to a lesser extent in the US. They are more people of colour as obviously in Brazil more people are of colour but also in the US the LGBT community has faced greater criticism from the Black community
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Basically it is just up there with me (a guy) saying to a lesbian or lesbians I guarantee if you try the boaby you will love it. Incidentally as a guy who has been to a few gay places when I was in uni years ago when I had a BI flatmate I was never pestered for sex by guys there. However I guarantee in the same pubs/clubs lesbian woman would have been.

You are just a woman please don't use natural because as a man I am not being forced into using natural man anywhere.
you‘re right. I’m a woman ;)
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Chatty Member
Did they send love to the two woman that where raped in the article? Chloe who stated she was not able to give consent and I forgot the other woman's name
Of course not, they won't have read the article. They'll just have seen others tweeting and jumped on the bandwagon!
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Have any of you written to the Scottish government about self ID laws? Opposing it? I’m wondering if it would be treated the same as MM’s tweets. Surely expressing your concern for the safety of women and girls to your government is allowed and not something you can be arrested for? Beginning to think you can be arrested just for having thoughts that don’t agree with this madness.
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VIP Member
I bet not many 😉 especially as its bloody freezing now.
It's probably been done to accommodate one child.
I find often with these sorts of things it's one super woke person making a suggestion and the decision makers not wanting to say no (for various reasons) as opposed to any real numbers being in support of it at all.
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Watching some of her videos and have to say I find it utterly fascinating. Not sure if it was on here or on a video of hers by a users comments, in which they state about the lack of parents not being their or least trying to be their 'best friend' and being an actual parent, couldn't agree more. Though rather I dont have kids (dont want to possibly give anyone my health problem (have a few but the bigger one), one being a half chance of passing onto offspring) but is when I really truly appreciate my upbringing with the fact that I try to be as realistic as possible vs what I want haha.

The reality is @callurdadurinacult is yeah going to be least sometimes difficult saying no, but you're not there really to be their best friend least all the time anyway, like always a yes to your children. Is what my parents did to me, did least sometimes say no to certain things and looking back would have said the same if I were ever to have kids in the same situation as such. As I like to think I turned out as a level headed person in that sense.

Though not sure from the MTF sense but have read some users comments in a video where she talks to Roe Rogan, where someone said they'd either known or heard of a FTM trans girl (or thinks they were trans) having hormones or hormone blockers I think was the latter, where least one of their reproductive organs atrophied, essentially tissue damage and thats a very risky thing (could even potentially be fatal). Like she said in that interview in the US at least (though here in UK I dont know) there's no real oversight of prescribing hormones, is how (like she mentioned) the opiate/opiod problem of over-prescribing them happened (crisis I think its called) where one of the drugs companies pushing oxycontin were sued for lying about its addictive properties.
Lefty though I may be, I am definitely more old school when it comes to parenting. :LOL: My kids can be my friend when they're all grown up. Until then, they get a mom who is generous with saying yes but also isn't afraid of saying no! There is definitely a lot of people in my circle who let their kids rule the roost, though.

Welcome and I’m glad you’ve found support here in time where it’s affirmation or nothing. I just wanted to pick up on something you said.

I would suggest drawing a line at letting your son borrow your clothes. This is your property that you picked out that represents your taste; your precious clothes are not for your children to play or experiment in.

Women are socialised to be accommodating and nice. Different scenarios but if you read stories of trans widows, they often thought they could help their spouses by lending their make up (even underwear in some cases) thinking it would help their spouse ‘work out’ their identities. The women got shat on anyway, as their MTF spouses are socialised men.

Teens love experimenting with make up, clothing and different looks: it can be on things he has chosen himself and not your property.
This is a really good point that I never would have considered, so thanks for that! He never has taken me up on that offer, anyway, and lives in baggy hoodies and jeans. He also hasn't ever asked to experiment with make up or to paint his nails or anything else I suggested he explore from the comfort and safety of home. If he ever does, I'll be sure to keep these boundaries in mind.
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VIP Member
I do wonder if perhaps going after Ceri opened some eyes as to the game he was playing and helped Marion, or if he went after someone else because he knew the Marion case was about to fall through?
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Aimee Challenor is a fat greasy lump and a disgusting waste of human skin. I can smell him even looking at his photo. Amazing to think he managed to have such influence over the green party
Oh and sorry to quote myself but he can barely string a sentence together. Another reason why it's so shocking he had such sway
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Well-known member
Also bold of him to say Harry is "straight."
I watched something with him*, a few other folk, and Richard Madden. He said something similar to him. It was about straight actors playing gay characters or something if I'm remembering right. Richard Madden hasn't publicly came out but...:cautious:

Anyways. A lot of gay people in my sphere think he's being a plonker. He didn't invent men wearing dresses.

Edit: *Him being Billy Porter, don't think it was clear, sorry!
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Chatty Member
Maybe a little off topic, though this article does raise the pronoun shit:

Sorry to any gen Z here but most seem like utter selfish dicks coming into the workplace.

If you can complete a days work in a few hours maybe either not doing right or not enough work? I work in IT and when there's no planned work some days are just sitting around browsing the internet until something breaks as it's 24\7 public facing applications, simply need to be available for 8 hours a day and on-call rota for the other hours.

Not sure about these mental health days, that an American thing? In the UK we get sick leave but off sick over 4 occasions in a year will result in warnings, but just saying not coming in today cause not feeling in! They really don't consider the impact on other staff. Not sure WFH is a good thing when starting a new job, been WFH the last 18 months and a staff member that started 12 months ago is fucking useless and I discovered how useless management is too :/ no gen Z in the team yet.

Though I do think there should be more help for working people when they are ill, I know some people fired for taking off sick when getting cancer treatment :(

And suggesting the black square for BLM, was nothing more than virtue signalling.

But it was near the end that got me and I think the reason why some are obsessed with pronouns and labelling themselves is that they feel the need to share everything, and don't give a shit about other people, it's all me me me

This became apparent when the staff participated in an exercise she calls the “Suffie Awards”: sitting around a campfire and sharing personal sources of suffering from last year, trying to one-up one another

I'm sure many of us have\had mental health issues and talking is good, but to the right people, not outdoing one another and putting guilt on others.

These pretend trans and the generation themselves need shaken into the real world

The whole cracking up about transwoman rather than trans woman, I start following a few transexual people on twitter that don't care for this new trans shit and they don't bother with the space :) these new trans will hopefully kill each other if the no space doesn't tip them over the edge
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I can't find a link that works but I rewatched Tracey Ullman's woke support group sketch yesterday - very funny.
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