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Couldnt someone just make it all go away?? so fed up with women being the brunt of all this bollocks.
It’s starting to really affect me too. I’m anticipating being asked for my pronouns on my signature at work and feel enraged about it before it’s even happened. Need to try and keep my composure!!
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The issue of being expected to use pronouns, or the fear that it might be imposed has been raised a number of times on here. The organisation Sex Matters have just released a helpful guide about legal rights in the UK and strategies for not colluding with the nonsensical bullshit:

Thank you for that . Very interesting.
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I cannot comment on the statistics obviously as I have no idea, but surely this is a disadvantage if trans women want to identify as just "women", this means that none of these statistics would be accurately collected? As usual none of this really makes sense
Yeah exactly, another reason why recording someone's sex is crucial. It's in everyone's interest to do so. Strange how there doesn't seem to be much effort being made by the TRAs to record this kind of stuff, god knows they harp on about it enough...they're probably waiting for women to go and sort it out for them :rolleyes:
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I saw one of the lesbians that spoke to the BBC for that article was talking at speakers corner this morning. A trans woman had sex with her at uni when she was far too drunk to give consent. He then made her persona non grata with her uni's LGBT society for being a TERF s_lag, did the same thing to three other women and then left the university after being there less than 6 months. These people are the absolute worst.
I was there too!
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And another thing.... Genuinely at this point tell me to shut up, it's just got me all riled up today 😂
When I've seen anyone commenting back to disagree with them the response is 'well I don't want to sleep with a terf anyway' 'well no one wants to sleep with you anyway' 'wouldnt touch you with a 10 foot pole' 'no one wants to sleep with you anyway eyespybs' 'who would want to sleep with a terf' etc. (Just a couple of examples attached) And it has the exact same vibe as when men are hitting on a woman and when they reject him they say that actually the woman is ugly/a stuck up bitch/they were just being nice and didn't want to sleep with you anyway. Misogyny is so bloody real...
The one about not being a rapist... Well, yes, that's the fucking point isn't it love? Thanks for making our point for us.
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Very this. Also, if I'm not mistaken, isn't she like 'ground zero' for the cotton ceiling? Wasn't it her saying No to working with a trans woman porn star that led that same trans women porn star to coin the term 'cotton ceiling' in the first place?
Yes, exactly

There's another trans performer she refused to work with (Chelsea Poe) who is now loudly proclaiming that they were interviewed for the BBC article but didn't make it in there, and tried to warn everyone that Cade is a sex offender but no one listened. All of which I'm sure has nothing to do with the fact that they were sexually rejected by a lesbian because they are male
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Ugh. That Lilith is an Irish TiM and the vile male aggression rolls off him in waves

How many women have attacked TiMs? None that I'm aware of. As usual it's DARVO with them
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This is a policeman.... "I'm a man because I decided it!" I mean looking at him if he'd decided he was a woman I doubt he'd have convinced anyone.

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Margaret Atwood is tweeting like the clappers to appease the TRAs. It’s worth looking at her Twitter to see the great retreat.

I don’t expect anything from her at this point. She threw JKR under the bus and enjoyed doing so for days. She’s still trying to point the TRAs in JKs direction to get them off her back. I imagine MA had hundreds of threats in her DM box and is trying to get it to stop. She’s already been doxxed - some TRA is sharing her home address online.
Screenshot 2021-10-24 14.17.37.png

Is she insinuating that trans people are at risk of being shot in the UK or am I misunderstanding her point?
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I'm saying it undermines the article. I don't know how much more simply I can say it.

This is a disgusting thing to say also, but it never fails to amaze me how quickly these discussions descend so quickly into such accusations.
What’s disgusting about it? The murders, rape and paedophilia are disgusting, yes, and there have been countless stories about TRAs doing all of the above, yes. I’m not accusing you of anything; I’m saying that if you go down the route of “you support X so that means you agree fully with Y” then it applies in both directions.
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With things like that i feel like the internet is free and widely available and I’m glad that young people can look and find there are people like themselves so they aren’t strange or weird or however because they might not feel like their friends. That is information to be sought. What some places are starting to do is propaganda of a trans agenda.
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Chapelles latest was lazy, the jokes were flat. The last segment about the trans woman he knew was sad, and if these people got their heads out their arses and actually listened, they may have got the point.
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