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VIP Member
God reading Gemma’s list I really hope this shitty influencer bubble bursts ASAP she’s so undeserving of what she has now never mind all that! She’s lazy as hell and doesn’t know the meaning of hard work!

Shows how money driving the bitch is! And why everything is ad ad ad!
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Chatty Member
A few days to relax ?! Is she taking the piss ?!

Myself and many others have spent the last 9 months working through this pandemic, what has this one actually done ? I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again, a “influencer” IS NOT A JOB. It’s for bone-idled people who can’t be bothered to work and sit on their lazy cosy arses all day.


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Rachel x

This is what she actually looks like. Honestly she edits herself so much it’s crazy!
im also from Peterborough and that’s what I said when this picture was first put up on here afew months ago!!!
Her online self isn’t real it’s what she wants to be

1. [indecipherable] 50K - 3 YR
2. [indecipherable] subscribers -2 YR
3. [indecipherable] sell out -8 Months
4. [indecipherable] £500K - 2 YR
5. ?? Bedroom house - 8 Months
6. £25000 savings - 1 YR
7. Be a millionaire - 2 YR
8. Lose 20 lbs - 6 Months
9. American Road Trip - 2 YR
10. Rent a House (Landlord) - 5 YR
11. Manifest everyday - NOW
12. Villa in Santorini - 5 YR
13. Buy a Range Rover Sport - 5 YR
14. Meditate 2 X per week - NOW
15. Better money management - 3 Months
16. 2 children (boy and girl) - 10 YR
17. [indecipherable] with Primark - 1 YR
18. Gain 1M followers - 3 YRS
19. X Instagram followers - 2 YRS
20. Buy a House in America - 10 YRS
21 [indecipherable] learn piano - 2 YRS
22. Holiday in the Maldives
Wow this makes her even more unlikable.
I don’t understand why anyone would help her achieve this!
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VIP Member
I just think she uses people. Now she wants To portray this insta perfect relationship and get followers by that.
I had heaps of friends at uni and i didnt keep in contact with all. No drama just busy with careers hobbies etc. But my besties stayed and there had to be something massive To happen For us To fall out (like a murder). So either they were not as Best friends as gemma made it out To be or there is something weird about it. I think she used sophie For company and content when she was lonely. I dont know gemma gives bitchy mean girl vibes and loves the spotlight herself.
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Hi I’m new here 🙋🏻‍♀️
Did anyone else watch her new video and quickly pause when she turned to the “life goals” page in her diary? She quickly turned back and didn’t show what they said but I couldn’t believe he ones I could see! (Mainly money related). Be a millionaire in 2 years? 500k savings in a year? 6 bedroom house? 50k monthly income in 6m?? I really appreciate think the fact they were so money focused says a lot about her 🙈


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Chatty Member
Ran a little experiment: This is the second time I’ve voted “no” on one of her polls (I think it was to see a cleaning video) and the second time she’s blocked me (I had two different accounts).
So she’s blocking people now who don’t agree with her? I know she copies Elle Darby a lot but this is taking it to the extreme 😂
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Chatty Member
The assumptions video was a load of wank, the only assumptions her followers would have made is 'you and Sophie aren't friends anymore' and low and behold she didn't even mention typical Gemma :rolleyes:
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What's your point

VIP Member
Oh ffs Gemma change the name of your channel to the Gemma Louise and sad sack channel if your gonna have him on every vlog.

Managed 3 minutes before I thought fuck off. Who else has a fellas that would sit there in beige talking about valentines day gifts? Nobody!!

She needs to get a real job because this isnt content it's a big F U to her subscribers she just cant be arsed anymore.
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Over 10k a month.... fuckin hell these influencers get way too much
Don’t you find it weird that she says she earns this much but owns a basic MANUAL Range Rover, all her designer is fake and her house is basically empty? Or she’s hiding something (shock)
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Most recent vid.. she's hired Jamie?! Youtubers need to stop hiring their boyfriends and have a life of their own, no wonder it seems to be a running trend that none of them have any individual friends because they hire their other halves and spend all their time together it's literally not natural, go have a life of your own omg.

I'd say I'm looking forward to all the 'finding myself again: after divorce' content in 5 years when all of them realise they have no friends, nothing left to talk about with their husbands and no sex life because they've become platonic from spending every second together but they're probs low key hoping for this because of how much ££ they'll be able to make from it

Never addressed the candle business in jamies name or why he resigned when we all found out!
I missed this, can anyone fill me in!?
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VIP Member
I really hope the influencer train comes to an end before she has a chance to make £50k a month! I mean how greedy can she get!!

In the real world she’d be lucky to make £15k a year I mean what skills would she have in a real job!
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Well-known member
Take away the holidays, shopping sprees, meals out, invited paid for events blah blah.. we see exactly how boring and dull a lot of these 'influencer' types are. Still amazes me how popular Gemma is, she just repeats herself day in day out. Even more boring with burglar bill 'shed boy'
Totally agree, I’m flabbergasted by the amount of people curling up under a blanket with a coZy drink to watch this numb skull. I’d rather watch paint fact, 2 weeks ago, I did & I thought this is far more entertaining than Genius & TMJ 😴
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Rachel x

Oh Guys 🥰 U want some more of “old Gemma and Charlie?” Go to Instagram and find this account . It’s used to be old Gemma Instagram page. And checkout their life story on main page 😂 I was laughing so much at Charlie .. He definitely have some personality and he is quite funny tho..
she comes across as someone that just changes her personality to be like whoever she’s with at the time, charley was a bit of a guy and feisty so was she, Sophie was silly and funny so was she, Tiffany seems more prim and proper Gemma is when she’s around, seems like Jamie thinks he’s got the yt/insta business thing down and now Gemmas stuffs all the same all ads all really edited starting businesses etc
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What's your point

VIP Member
I liked Sophie, her and Tilly are/were the best part of GLM vlogs.

I actually used to quite like Gemma but every video is identical now and the over use of cosy, really really and cuuuuttttteeeee is enough to make me want to smash the tv.

Jamie comes across as thick as two short planks and I just hate the immaturity of let's build a tent and sit in it like a pair of tits. My hubby would tell me to sod off.

I dont blame them for milking the 'career' for all that it is worth while they can but I actually wouldnt purchase from most of the brands she promotes just on principal because I hate that most of us have to spend out hard earned cash and these youtube idiots get it merchandise for free AND make money from it as well. Nice work if you can get it I suppose.
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Active member
I used to really like her but she’s so boring and repetitive all she knows is hauls of the same things cosy cosy cosy and ads ads ads and paid ads...
I never watch her vids anymore and her selling some dead filter on ig....
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Rachel x

I heard from someone that knows them (not going to say who) Sophie used to take photos and appear in videos for a fee.
Gemma told her Jamie was going to do it for her now.
Been holding it in for so long but it’s not an interesting story no fall out or anything, Jamie’s just doing it for her now.
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Not being funny but why is she advertising just any old shit now. Like that awful game?! Like really Gemma... how is that fitted for your target audience in anyway. It annoys me she refuses to upload without there being a 5 minute advert in each video but at least keep it vaguely relevant to your target audience instead of games for kids?
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