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'Unhinged' Haha she's absolutly hilarious, the only one unhinged here is her. That comment was an extremely fair comment and I see she didn't correct the assumption that her son hasn't been able to see his dad because of covid but bloody Jake can tuck him in at night. She's downright shameful.

Also haha we're all jealous of her life. Don't think so! I certainly don't go about inserting strangers sperm into myself. I have a lovely husband whose a teacher and worked his ass off those year and is extremely concerned about whats happening with kids and the school situation 're covid. I admit I've been fortunate to be able to work at home and we have a lovely house. So yeah I don't think any of us here have any reason to be jealous of her. Think we have all made a fair assumption from the snippets of her life we see that she's unhinged and a nasty unlikable person.

In regards to online dating I gave it a go years ago before I met my husband and met what I thought was a wonderful guy. I'll not lie I was probably totally besotted as gemma is now (I didn't have a kid to think about though). We spoke of buying a house and the future etc. 4 months in and totally out of the blue it all ended dramatically and in tears (mine). I learned a lot from that situation about people and about myself and i think shes going about all this the completely wrong way. Though I know from experience it'll be impossible to get that through to her as she'll automatically think everyone is out to break up her wonderful relationship and of course we're just all jealous.

She's totally breaking all the bubble rules as I'm sure she's planning to go to her parents and see Jake. That's more than one bloody bubble.
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She didn’t want the dad to see him because she has an obsession with wanting things to herself. At the time he was born they weren’t together as far as I am aware as she got pregnant in uni, I can only really go off what their closer friends have said/mentioned. He apparently had taken her to court countless times and each time she basically went against the court and didn’t let him see ru. I believe he only sees ru when he is at her parents but ru and his dad do talk and they do have a good relationship. Yes it’s true, she has little to no friends and I think she likes it that way. The reason she wanted a sperm donor is not because of her eggs, it’s because she didn’t want a dad involved like ru. She wanted something to herself that nobody else had to share. She didn’t like the fact ru’s was on the scene and that ru had someone else to love that wasn’t her. I also believe her parents pushed her to allow his dad into his life. When jakey came along, according to her “friend” (not really a friend as she doesn’t even like her lmao) she almost neglected ru in a sense that she wasn’t giving him much attention anymore, she was just shoving him on his iPad and on the Xbox his dad gave him whilst she was getting pissed in the kitchen with her new boyf. That’s as much as I have as I’m not close with either of them, just know through others that are closer to them.
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what is there to be jealous of 😂
She might think living in government housing and getting paid to post shit on socials is worthy of jealousy...however, I much prefer my honest way of living. You, know, working for my own stuff

So if she's bubbled up with her new fuck buddy and his kids does that mean shes stopped seeing her own family? Because, correct me if I'm wrong, you cant have multiple bubbles. I'm a single parent and have chosen to bubble up with my parents because I need them for childcare. I cant then decide to bubble up with others coz I want to
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Anyone else find it a little strange this man who’s been in her life for a year is sleeping in the same bed as her child and she wasn’t even about?
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It’s vile!! She is not a key worker and is not entitled to send him and she shouldn’t be if he’s as vulnerable as she says he is!
I’m a teacher but fortunate enough that I chose not to go back after my maternity leave because of COVID but people like my mum are still in the thick of it and not able to see my daughter because of all this! She had skin cancer this year and was still bloody working throughout! And here’s Gemma abusing the system for selfish reasons yet again. I’m sorry I’m projecting onto you guys, I agree with the lockdown but it doesn’t make it any less shit does it? And people like Gemma are just upsetting me more!

I hope you’re all well and stay safe, thinking of you all x
Nursery and early years setting are staying open for all so she will he allowed to send him. However, if he has asthma as bad as she makes out he will be getting a letter telling him to shield. She just wants him out the way so she can work on getting pregnant. She is sick!
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xoxo GG

VIP Member
omg i cant stand her😂

i wonder what the deleted tweet was?🤨
It was some bullshit about her being glad that she isn’t part of the parenting blogger community because it’s all bitching and judging. Yet she’s happy to use her child to put cash in her pocket by using him for adverts 🤭
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Chatty Member
Oh my word! Could she be any more transparent?!

Every time there's a new post on here I think she's pregnant 😂 guess it's coming soon though!
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xoxo GG

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She’s one of them who thinks having a boyfriend is a personality trait, it’s very quickly becoming her main topic of conversation 🤮
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are you tapped? No body plans to have a kid in uni, it happens. What changes is whether you decide to keep that child or not and she clearly thought the right thing for her to do would be to keep it. I am not disputing the fact that she is self absorbed or selfish but everyone has different views. What does it matter if it’s a council house? At least she’s earning money un like all the other dossers on the dole. Unfortunately some people aren’t financially stable to be able to buy their own home, it’s not comparable.
I don’t agree with dissing the way that people live as that’s personal to each individual like yourself.
I don’t agree with the sperm donor as it’s a selfish way to have a child. It’s selfish that she won’t let her own sons dad see his child “because of COVID” but she’s going shopping in Leeds, going out with her family and going to see other people’s nursery’s. not to mention he is now going to pre school. She clearly doesn’t like sharing. Ru’s dad tries his hardest to see his child. That story the other night about being single when he was conceived is bullshit, she was in a relationship and the dad wanted to be there for her and his child. She makes it sound like he doesn’t/isn’t involved but there is so much behind the scenes that she chooses not to share because she wants the pitty party.
I don’t have an issue with people in council houses, what I have an issue with is people who could easily be out working, and I mean working 9-5 like the rest of us to pay our bills, instead of letting the government pay the rent whilst she plunders thousands into producing another child. If she’s able to put back 4K to then spend on something that will cost the government more money, then she’s not exactly on the bread line is she?

council houses or however she wants to dress it up are there for people who need that financial support. How can someone be in this position but also spending 4K injecting themselves with sperm?

It is selfish and irresponsible. I know of couples who are holding off having a baby until they are in a better financial position. Then you get Gemma.

‘Unfortunately some people aren’t financially stable to be able to buy their own home, it’s not comparable.’

there are LOTS of young people who are desperately trying to get onto the property ladder and they are doing it by working and saving - going without spending £100 in Homesense every week for example! Many of these people would like to be doing an at home, freelance job but that’s not what pays the bills and instead they’re out doing shifts and long hours. Gemma isn’t ‘financially stable’ Because she chooses not to be. She’s too much of a princess to go out and actually save for her own place. She would rather everyone else pay for it. So yeh, I’ll judge her for that.
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Who is their mother mixing with as well though? It gets to a point where it isn’t just 2 single households. In this case it’s 3, you have Gemma, jakey and his baby mum. Then his baby mum more than likely is seeing someone too which then becomes 4. Kids excluded or not, they still carry the virus. She knew she was going to get backlash so why did she share it to everyone? She could’ve made a close friends story and shared it with a few people (doubt anyone would get added but besides the point).
She is meant to be an adult yet she handles things like a 13 year old. I’m sick of hearing ‘this is the rules’ like yes Gemma it is, but doesn’t mean you’re following them. She’s close minded and doesn’t look at the bigger scheme of things. I am with in a household that hasn’t seen anyone. My grandparents live on their own and we aren’t allowed to go see them, I just don’t see the difference?
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The fact is she thinks she is a princess and doesn't need to work for her money. She got that house because she played the system. She didn't need that house but hosted a pity party and got a brand new build when she wasn't in need. I couldn't care less if it's council or housing association she wasn't in need. It annoys me that people like her play the system when there are people out there that are homeless and in need.

But now she wants to add another baby into the mix that she is unable to provide for until Ru and potential new baby turns 18. Yes she earns money from her blog and Instagram but that's hardly going to keep her and two kids going for the next 18 years. I don't know for sure but it's pretty likely she's getting some kind of benefits or not declaring taxes for self employed work. This girl does annoy me so bitter so entitled - a real mean girl.
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Calling people trolls for calling your law breaking out, that’s real great Gemma.
Seems like she doesnt like the truth, hurts her little feelings. Look gemma you can't just create multiple bubbles, 1 is all your allowed. We know your desperate to get knocked up and we know your 'oh I hate men' were just jealous rants.

The shame of her having this man over and breaking rules, letting this man stay in her house. She's bloody pathetic. Poor Rumust be all confused. As I say it was almost 6 months before my friends new partner met her daughter

So she claims to have changed her support bubble. Haha. The family has been chucked for a new man it seems. Think she's making things up as she goes along. Yeah this isn't going to end well. Sjes seems overly attached and clingy already and still hasn't answered the question as to where she met wonderful Jake.
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She might think living in government housing and getting paid to post shit on socials is worthy of jealousy...however, I much prefer my honest way of living. You, know, working for my own stuff

So if she's bubbled up with her new fuck buddy and his kids does that mean shes stopped seeing her own family? Because, correct me if I'm wrong, you cant have multiple bubbles. I'm a single parent and have chosen to bubble up with my parents because I need them for childcare. I cant then decide to bubble up with others coz I want to
I recently found out that she charges £200 per post plus £50 per story (PR contacts 😉) so when she’s going on about how hard she works, and how she makes her own money (and bags of it) the reality is she’s actually not earning that much. Most months she averages an ad a week....
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Literally posting about the fact she’s been kissing her boyfriend and has rash from his beard... as if people really need nor want to know this? Screams desperation 😂
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Omg that person referring to them as a "blended family" on insta makes me cringe so much. A sperm dinor/f**k buddy of a matter of weeks and his tag along kids don't count as a family. Come 2021 he will have dumped her like a sack of hot shit for someone who washes their jumper more than once a week!
I can’t get over her lack of responsibility towards her son and any future child unlucky enough to land her as a mother. One minute she hates men, the next shes chasing after one. All whilst trying for a baby. Surely people must be concerned about her behaviour, why are her friends not pulling her to one side? Oh wait...
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