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I honestly don’t know how you can publicly slag your dad off on a regular basis, say you’ve cut him out of your life, and then come to stay in his house with him for a bit.
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The lawyer in question is probably a friend of Jane’s who’s a legal secretary, and Jane has promised to have a chat with her about it, just to shut her whining daughter up.
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I wonder whether Gabby will tell us the truth if they open her up and find no uhdeejuns or endowh?

Just the fermenting remnants of creamed spinach, bacon medallions and her grandad’s special recipe thrice heated, 52 day matured, e-coli bolognaise?
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Okay I'm so late to the party but I've binge-read about 3000 threads and have some things to add.

I dont know exactly where she lives, nor do I want to know as that's mega creepy, but I know she must live near me as she goes to all the places I do. I've seen her walking down George Street in Hove and a) she walks like she has a stick up her arse/that she's shit herself, which is a possibility and b) has a camel toe. Sort it out.

She lives in HOVE, not Brighton. She's desperate to be quirky and associate herself with Brighton but if you actually lived in Hove and claimed to a local you actually lived in Brighton they'd be like.. you live in Hove, don't lie? Its just weird.

In her 'life of a small business owner' tiktok she said about getting a taxi because it would be a half hour walk home. Ugh, Gabbie, why not just say you're lazy? The post offices she's talking about are no more than a 10 minute walk apart, we live in a dense urban area! And sorry but the parcels she's posting are pins and prints, you'd need to be carrying a hell of a lot more than she was to justify a bloody taxi 😂😂 and since she's trying to do more steps, if it was 30 minutes you could get a good 3-4000 steps in if she was actually bothered? Its so jarring to watch her lie about SUCH SMALL THINGS. Say you can't be fucked walking, we'd all take the piss but at least you'd be honest.

Say what you want about Helen Anderson about trying to be quirky or whatever but at least she says outright when she's having a shit day and has done fuck all, and any beef people have with her recently concern FRIENDS which Gabs doesn't have.

I for sure hate-watch her which I get is a bit sad but she's like a train wreck I cant look away from!

Can we all collectively laugh at how she must think to herself 'thank GOD for coronavirus because I can justify having no friends on social media and blame it on a pandemic?'

And to be clear, I dont advocate for online bullying and wouldn't troll the woman on her socials. In fact, when she was having a full on meltdown/mental health breakdown/cry/borderline suicide threats on Instagram about being lonely earlier this year I DMed her to say I thought I was close by and if she ever felt out of control that she could reach out. I didnt expect a reply as I'm sure she had a million, but also she was clearly looking for replies so why wouldn't she take the opportunity to even just say thanks for the offer? Oh yeah, because she just wanted the attention, not the chance to actually interact with people in a real way 😅😅
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View attachment 340382
Bye lmfao what has she done in her life that merits a congratulations from a drama teacher from nigh on 10 years ago who deffo doesn't remember her
OMG anyone else not give a f**k what their teachers think of them now? i can't remember half their names! how wrapped up in yourself can you be. Jeeze.

As for her mum & the train good god the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, they are clearly co-dependant. I was put on a train from Preston to Glasgow on my own at the age of 12 to see my mum who lived there. Lawd some people should have done the same so they're not babies about everything.
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I’m calling bullshit that she didn’t see it before. This is the girl that we’re pretty sure searches her own name/handles to see what people are saying about her on Twitter, reads her own hate forums and finds people’s accounts across different platforms to block them. OF COURSE she has already seen it, she probably just forgot and is trying to save face
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I think this is straight up the weirdest thing I’ve ever seen her post.. I just.. what the fuck...?!
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that is SO RUDE, i'm sure the poor guy will see it :(

but obviously she fell out with her ''boyfriend'' whom she unfollowed because this looks like she's trying to make him jealous?
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Why does she have to put EVERYTHING on SM? It just screams that she has no actual friends to share this stuff with and it’s really sad. It reminds me of when I moved to a new town and I was very active on SM before I made friends, now I barely post. But she’s been in Brighton for how long?
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‘They’ are clearly not understanding the same thing as Gabby considering she doesn’t wear hers properly! Could she possibly be more patronising if she tried? Fuckwit 🙄
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Also the not seeing your friends for a year is your fucking choice.. I’m not even in the UK and I could see that when the first lockdown eased a little bit people tentatively met up with friends for picnics or visits in the garden or whatever. You don’t have any friends because you’re a misery guts and eventually everyone gets sick of always having to focus on you and your problems and puts themselves first. Even during lockdown here in Melbourne that was far more restrictive than yours, I sat in the driveway of a friends place in the car and FaceTimed her on the phone from her front door step just to see each other physically!
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I am FUMING about her tweets!! I live in Barnsley and it’s so not true that people round here don’t care about following the rules!!! Of course it’s going to be busy, it’s a weekend close to Christmas! And our rates are actually lower than a lot of places down south.

I don’t know how she has the nerve when she is the one travelling the country for non essential procedures and forcing her mum to do the same!!
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also this binky bee cow, I agree that having gatherings right now is wrong, but why the fuck would you be 'consoled' by the fact that someone's loved one has died? Very sick and twisted way of thinking if you ask me. The very limited company gabby keeps speaks volumes about her own personality
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Chatty Member
Goddamn she is so intellectually stunted it's unbelievable - I can just picture her sat there with her smug face on, wrapped up on the sofa, occasionally glaring evil-y at her father, turd bun in place, Nellie licking her disgusting smelling fingers, Jane running around tending to every single one of Gobby's needs whilst telling her she's a big brave girl, typing those tweets thinking "yeah, that showed them" - and btw this comes from a 24 year old ;)
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