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I want to see gobbz work in a care home since she loooooves old people so much.
goobz, I’ll give you one of my 13 hour shifts at my care home and see how you do :)
I would worry about the people living there having gabby inflicted upon them! It wouldn't be fair on them... she'd moan and xry and someone else would end up having to do her duties ontop of their own.

It's her entitled attitude, lack of gratitude and complete absence of empathy to towards others that make her so unlikeable. She condenses this down to 'jealously'

Wonder if Hobby and the twins were sent a margo pumpkin lady print?
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Chatty Member
Oh god there’s more. Here you go for those velvetblocked.
these screenshots were just Gabbie finally discovering where the camera lens are 😂

edit: I just watched her stories,didn’t realise she was reading it off a screen haha my bad!

Baffled at how her design work takes hours though?! We’ve seen Margot, she looks shite
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I’m all about layers lol, I wear tshirts all year round 😂
She could have done hoodies or sweatshirts as well and would have probably done well with them. Unless she thinks the price point would be too high so she’s not bothering.
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Wait can someone explaining this shitting in a box story? I’ve not watched her in years and she’s got even worse
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Lol ffs! Straight after gobbys stories this comes on. They’re on to her 💩😝
Wtf is that... the poor dog has to wall around with a poo bag attached to it? That will damage it's intestines long term not squatting.

Or is this a gadget for gabby?
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'The rest of us do bum fuck nothing all day'😂 Amazing. I'm going to use this phrase from now on.

I can't imagine filming and editing a video would take 8 hours. So even when daily filming they can't be doing as many hours as we do. Also it is such EASY money to film yourself in your pjs eating and complaining. I mean you could add 3 hours to our working days by including travel time to get to work. Plus the responsibility we have at work having to meet deadlines and have ACTUAL meetings every week. Reading Gabby's caption made me angry. She hasn't a bum fuck clue. Lol
I follow another youtuber that I still really like and still seems pretty realistic. This specific youtuber worked a full time job in addition to youtube for quite a long time, even though they made enough on youtube. But knew that it's not always a lifelong viable income source. I don't know just someone more relatable then Gab with less negative complaining.

ETA: This youtuber has also been pretty honest about editing.
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Why are people buying t shirts at the start of winter? Surely hoodies would have been a better option at the moment?
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Lollin @ those sausage fingers! Thought she bought them to eat. Now we know she wanted to use them as fingers! That’s also why she had to get two packs 😂😂😂

Why is that mop handle top middle completely different to the rest of them as well?
Yeah on the photo of all the celeste pins half of them have different mops! The broom bristles are either touching or spaced out with black inbetween? Cant attach a photo. Pretty sure it's not how they are stacked. Some look different though
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I have a pin of a black coffee that says "dark like my soul" and if the pink princess puts out something like that I will die laughing. I can totally see her doing that though.

Surely if that is a cup of coffee, it would have made more sense for her to have a super sugary extra syrup extra whip frappucino or whatever the hell it is she drinks. The mind boggles.
Giant nut lattes
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Gabriella Lindley 22: Moving to Manc for a good old stalk, stealing designs and just loving the pork


Gabriella Lindley 22: Watch out Polly, she’s moving next door... munching on sausage, being sick on the floor
'Just loving the pork' SO GOOD - i wonder what other people who dont follow Gabz will think this thread title means :ROFLMAO:
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Honestly whhhhyyyy does she always have bin bags full of rubbish in shot???? Take them out you lazy cretin. Or at the very least just don't expose yourself by having them in shot.

Also this potato looks so unappetising
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VIP Member
Wtf is that... the poor dog has to wall around with a poo bag attached to it? That will damage it's intestines long term not squatting.

Or is this a gadget for gabby?
Tbh I didn’t even look at it I just saw ‘poop picker’ and thought stop giving me shit adverts just because Gobby shits in a box, doesn’t mean I do 😠😂

But yeah, poor dog! Although I think they would still squat to poo anyway as they’re not gonna know there’s a bag stuck to their tail making them look a right dickhead in front of there doggy mates 🐕 🐶😹
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No one knows exactly, but it seems like this is what happened:

They started distancing themselves from Gabby, probably due to her weird behaviours (telling them to go back home when they said their train was delayed, etc)
They ended up having an argument, and the twins cut Gabby out of their lives (unfollowing, etc).
Gabby then accused certain "friends" of using her for subscribers, and being homophobic (I'm sure someone has receipts)
A few months later at Christmas/New Year's time, Gabby tried to reach out to them, but they were not interested.
What was the telling them to go home thing about? How did we know about this? I vaguely remember it but can’t pinpoint it
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been a lurker on this thread for a while, but i watched ingrid goes west last night and ingrid reminds me SO. MUCH. of gobby!!
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This face is pure nightmare fuel
Lollin @ those sausage fingers! Thought she bought them to eat. Now we know she wanted to use them as fingers! That’s also why she had to get two packs 😂😂😂

The other day someone was mentioning that Gabby would need to quality check pins... I just realised that on the promo photo of the pins on her Instagram account, one of them has colour missing from one of the stars below the cats belly... nice work Gabs, can’t even make sure the pins you photograph are up to scratch let alone the ones you send out!
Why is that mop handle top middle completely different to the rest of them as well?
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