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Barnes Wallace

VIP Member
Well Dave, looks like your good friend KT very publicly and purposefully decided to throw you under the bus mate, to take a bit of heat off their own channel.

She sure wanted everyone to see you were there.

So you know when anyone Google’s BLAB now and the search results all come up looking like a train wreck of lying, cheating and scamming? Whole channels a joke, everyone’s laughing, no credibility at all.

I think it’s safe to say your channels gonna end up looking the same now on google. Exactly what your good friends BLAB wanted. So hope they are worth it buddy, it’s you’re “livelihood” not mine they are playing their games with.

KT made sure that video got seen and you know it.
Friends? Meh, I don’t think so 😉


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His old co-host Sara was spilling the tea on Blab a few days back on Twitter. I wish she’d spill on David. She really helped him build an audience and was so much more likable on air personality than him when walking around park by himself. I watch his vlogs at this point only to be put to sleep.

He is such a fricking wishy washy waffler too. He takes umbrage with Brickey and then in a Thursday Live recently talks friendly tech with him (though Mr. Fresh Baked appeared very surprised to see Brickey in his chat). I feel like David will do about anything to get more views, even throw his supposed friends Blab under the bus. I don’t like Blab in slightest (before haters come at me), just pointing out David follows the “crowd”. He waffles and has no original ideas.

Anyone else think he will cancel his podcast and give up on it like he did his other channel?

I don’t get why he doesn’t go the family vlog way in put the daughter and wife in more. I don’t think it’s not about wanting to overexpose the kid, more like his ego can’t take it. He seems very narcissistic and controlling. I’d rather see him do family vlogging than walk around Disneyland by himself.
I hope he doesn't cancel the podcast but they've gone two weeks without posting one. They're the only videos I watch of his now. I understand it's his channel and that the news types of videos do better in views but I personally found the trip reports much more entertaining. I used to look forward to them. When it became obvious after the park reopened that he was moving in another direction I unsubscribed and stopped supporting his patreon.

I miss Sara, Ian and Ronn. I don't think he's ever fully appreciated what the previous members of FB brought to the videos. This was evident to me when his subscribers would ask him where Ian and Ronn were and he would just dismissively answer. It's as if there was a new season of Seinfeld with no Kramer, Elaine, and George and Jerry would just say "oh, we're not doing that type of show anymore." I know David is not in any way on the same level as Seinfeld, it's just the first example that popped up in my brain. Anyways, the whole thing is disappointing to me. His channel used to be so much fun. It wouldn't surprise me if the podcast gets canceled. He seems to not like having anyone else to share the attention with.

Having said that, I think a lot of the criticism he receives here is seriously reaching. I don't care about his teeth or how he dresses, none of that stuff speaks to who he is as a person. I wish he would cut BLAB out of his life but it's still better than when they would make appearances in his videos all the time. He doesn't seem very drama prone and with Liz being friends with Katie, I get why he's still cordial with them. While it would fill me with joy to see him publicly call them out and cut ties with them, I don't think it's on him to do that and they're doing just fine sinking their own ship.

He's definitely a flawed human but nowhere near that of BLAB. When faced with criticism he doesn't immediately punch back with middle school insults like BLAB. He seems to actually take the time to consider what they are saying and doesn't silence them by blocking them and deleting their comments. This is of course with the exception of his little outburst after being rightfully called out for the covid Knott's fried chicken party. Fortunately, it doesn't seem like he made that into a habit.

I didn't know Brickey was in his chat being friendly with him though. Between Brickey and Carlye, it seems for whatever reason David attracts overreactive narcissists.

-Your resident FB apologist

Edit: He DOES seem very controlling. I remember in his old vlogs he would ask Liz or Sara what they should do next and then shoot down whatever they said. Why even ask then? I understand he has a show to make but man he's so rigid. Part of what makes things fun is to have no plan. That's why the Benjamin Day videos were so entertaining.
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YES that’s what it was. Yeah, same here, that’s when I stopped too. Never watched him that much to begin with, too dull, but that’s the video that made me unsub and never look back.
That’s when I stopped watching too. The Knott’s chicken video, and more importantly the part with them all jamming a pie in their faces and passing it on, was so gross, especially during a pandemic. I think they did some (or all) of that on purpose to create a buzz to get views since the parks were closed. It got views, but it backfired a bit and required damage control. All they had to do was post a video saying something like, “I screwed up, that got out of control, and it won’t happen again”. Done. I think that’s the direction some involved took, but not David.

He went on that live stream and basically said “I’m right and if you disagree, you suck!” I followed along with the chat and which ones he was reading, and he skipped right over a super chat like, “I’m a nurse and you need to be more careful next time” and only read the ones that supported his view. Then he got visibly angry at his infant daughter in the room because she made a noise and interrupted his live stream. The whole thing really showed his true colors and I stopped watching his videos up until last week when I decided to see if anything has changed since he went full time. Nope, he still walks around like an entitled grumpy old man who owns the place.
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I'm still trying to wrap my brain around a grown-ass man whose entire existence seems to revolve around a theme park meant for children run by a multi-billion-dollar global corporation that conducts itself the polar opposite of everything the original founder stood for. And that goes for both BLAB and OA as well. Sure, I watch them I once watched Jerry Springer or Maury for laughs. But Christ...these people are deranged...
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Chatty Member
All this time I thought he was in a room 😂

I hope the car is not parked right next to him. I also wonder if he received funds from strangers to get a new laptop but not better equipment since he’s filming with his iPhone.
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Chatty Member
I’m watching a Disney stream right now - she’s having viewers pay for her trip to Walt Disney World hotel flight I don’t understand these vloggers! I left a comment in the chat why don’t you just pay for it yourself and she just ignored the question. Apparently David is not the only one this is what these Disney people do ask for their viewers to pay for their videos and trips! Now JPike is suddenly added as a moderator.

I am disgusted by these grifters
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View attachment 1204636

Make no mistake, David and BLAB are still tight. They immediately met up today at Disneyland to talk strategy of "the perfect shot" of characters coming out to meet with people and distanced themselves only when they started filming. David was also waving at KT who was standing back in the shade.

David seems desperate for a ‘community’ so he will take whatever attention that Spencer gives him. I get the feeling that he really wants to be a ‘cool kid’ but never was. That’s why he tolerates BLAB waffling back and forth between him and Brickey. Pathetic middle school stuff.
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There's definitely bad blood between him and Sara. I remember watching a vlog or live stream of hers from DCA. She was with Ian, and he was talking about something from a Fresh Baked video and he said "I don't know if you watch that anymore...". And she looked at the camera, rolled her eyes and mouthed "hell no". So, they for sure left on bad terms and ended the friendship.
Good find! So yeah, something must have happened between the two. I remember maybe 5-6 years ago, they had a guy (I think his name was Mike) on FB and they made him an official member. He didn’t last too long and parted ways without much said about it. I’m guessing there was something between him and David because after he left, Sara still hung out with him on his IG. It’s looking like maybe David is difficult to work with, or maybe he’s hard to be around for too long, or maybe… he’s just an asshole.
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VIP Member
Me too I work hard for my money my house my car, while these people just beg and stupid people give them money, I would never give any vlogger any money.... But I bet 99.99% don't own a house don't have new cars..
My thoughts exactly. I just looked up to see how many Patreon members he has. He's got 504 which earns him about $3500 a month. I work my ass off to see a paycheck look like that. All he does is go to the parks. Why do people foolishly donate to these vloggers?
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View attachment 1167585
Looks like his wife’s an alcoholic.
Why does she have to post that she's not drinking anymore? As if the world was on pins and needles wondering if Liz would ever have another drink? She ain't Beyonce or J-Lo she could've just put the bottle down privately.

Christine is in WDW now for 2 weeks but said she is only streaming for 4 days. We were asking in the chat why 4 and she kept ignoring. She fake acts as a Christian as I do not think a true Christian would take advantage of strangers like that. David is working too hard he needs to hit up Christine for tips.
I wonder if she flew Gucci and rad 1st class to FL? 🤔
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First Classholes

Chatty Member
My wife says having bad teeth is a prerequisite for Disney vloging. Pretty much true across the board except for PPP.
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David is gonna shit himself, then cry in his Tatooine Sunrise when he learns Disney scooped him on the Treehouse...

I love this! Maybe this is the start of Disney actually getting ahead of the grifters and snatching the wind from their sales (and some coins from their pockets). I certainly hope so. Maybe GUESTS will actually have a chance on opening day of new attractions without a billion vloggers and wanna-be vloggers obnoxiously pushing their way to the front, holding huge cameras and talking their way through the experience.
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I kind of thought it had more to do with Liz being friends with Katie. David seemed over BLAB at the end of 2021, but then was chummy again. I'd love to know how David and the other California vloggers feel about BLAB screwing over Adam

My assessment is they’re all only loyal to themselves. They want the appearance of being a clique, though. David has always seemed to brown-nose BLAB. They’ve gone to Vegas and celebrated birthdays together. I don’t think their friendship is more to do with Liz and KT, since KT isn’t the type of girl with female friends. Just my opinion, though.
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