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Chatty Member
So I only posted on this thread last month about enjoying her channel, but I've quickly changed my mind! I need to vent! I'll probably think of more points later, but:

I hate how she describes everything as "the best/the most beautiful/the cutest/the comfiest/my favourite [thing] IN THE WORLD /that I've ever felt/used/worn IN MY LIFE". She says this about EVERYTHING!!! And saying "I haven't stopped wearing/using [whatever thing] since I got it" when that's just not true, nor possible! It lacks serious imagination to describe everything like that, and using "in the world" to describe something is so juvenile. Seeing as she goes on about being so smart and having been to the prestigious Sylvia Young Theatre School, surely she should have a broader vocabulary and more imagination for describing things.

Also how she describes things as being so "Freddy". She thinks so highly of herself, the stench of her ego and self-importance is so strong I need an air freshener.

I hate how she looks down on some things too, like black tights and black coats, and acts like she's such an authority on everything she speaks about. She themes her entire life around pink and cream. I like pinks and creams too, but come on!

For a short time I thought she was classic, but I actually think she's kind of chavvy now tbh 😂
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I bought a house and my partner lives with me. My partner pays 'rent' as he does live here as well and uses all the electricity/water and has a roof over his head. He's 30 has a full-time job - why should he live rent-free? Am I too harsh? haha
That’s my thought too. I don’t get why a partner wouldn’t contribute if they live with you. Life ain’t free. They don’t get free rent simply because you own the place. A homeowner has a lot of expenses associated with living there. I honestly think Freddy’s plan (and what you’re doing, basic Bree) is the only logical thing to do. Like the partner would pay a reasonable amount that rent would go for in that area, and that contributes to the house owners monthly expenses.
Just my 2c.

As an interior designer and property junkie, I’m dying to see her place! 🙈🙈 I love looking at real estate listings and designing them in my head, so while I just know her place will be ALL PINK ALL THE TIME and totally not my style, I still can’t wait to see it. I was really disappointed she didn’t show even one photo.

So help me god,if these home vlogs go the route of her beige friend though, I will revolt. I can’t handle another ostrich feather lamp. (Those in the Josie thread will know what I’m referring to🤣)
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No one has said anything negative about her body.

I'd bet good money she has said loads of nasty things off camera. i don't find her likable...very touchy.
She has a nasty personality wrapped in candy pink exterior. Kind of like a log of shit presented in a shiny wrapper.
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Like Freddy I hate to break it to you but you did not create haul videos
The poor girl who may have never watched Freddy’s videos is being attacked for wearing a Victoria secret top and a black skirt.
It’s all fine buying from her links, making Freddy commission, but god forbid you post anything without as she quoted “credit me”
She is a grown woman who can wear what she wants.
People do not need to credit Freddy for wearing a top from the high street.
Freddy did not design the clothes.
Freddy needs to get off her high horse.
All these videos on how to be classy.
I do not see any class in her, I just see her as walking advertisement at this point, begging people during a pandemic when so many lost their jobs how they need (everything and anything she has an affiliate link for)
God forbid anyone wears anything that she put an affiliate link for online like YouTube or Instagram
According to her your not allowed to wear the stuff she recommended online with out “crediting her”
But it’s all sunshine and rose to buy her affiliate links and stay quiet like good little servants.

All the fake giggles, squeals, saying sassy quotes
It’s all an act, it makes me so uncomfortable when I watch her acting like a child than a woman who is in her mid twenties
Just to tell people how they “NEED THIS” in her hauls videos.
As Bianca Del Rio says “Beauty fades, dumb is forever”.
Yes I think this is one of the nastiest things Freddy has done. I looked this girl again (a long time ago) and I think she deleted her channel. Freddy basically bullied this woman to disappearance. I bet the woman did watched Freddy and got tons of inspiration from her, I do think she started a whole trend on YouTube with this girly videos but she did not invented them a mean who do you think you are Freddy 🤣. Is not plagiarism people can copy looks any time, specially small creators a mean COME ON 😑.
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I didn't realize that she doesn't have a lot of followers on her second account. She managed to gain a lot of followers after posting about it on her main IG. Also, the main takeaway that I got from her video was the bit about her relationship with JJ. Honestly, its still so weird to me the way she talks about wanting to miss JJ. I mean I get that couples don't have to be together 24/7 but its gone to the point where I feel like they'll be suffocated with each other if they have to spend more than a week together at a time. Is it possible that their personalities don't really mesh with each other which is why time apart is better for them?
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The way Freddy always eye fucks and pouts her lips like that is so strange. Why go on video if you’re only going to do that and not talk 😂 someone help her
I honestly don't get it... it shows how vain and full of herself she is. I wonder how people close to her stand her because she seems unbearable as a person. She thinks her viewers constantly want to see her pouting face doing practically nothing all day.
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Their relationship is strange to us but it works for them, so I guess that’s good for them.

I am going to be unpopular with this but I think it’s great she moves out on her own to experience that real independence as a young adult without JJ moving in. She needs this for her and there is nothing wrong. She’s been living at home from birth to now with her parents (again, nothing wrong as in my culture- you do this. Live at home until you get married unless you go away for college or work). She will grow and learn a lot. It’s true her and JJ have been together for a long time but they haven’t actually lived with each other but that can always destroy or help a relationship when the time comes. I have seen people move-in and go splitsville shortly after. If they are happy with whatever their relationship is, then that’s all that matters.

I’m kinda split on making JJ pay rent. Honestly, this detail could have been spared because it’s really none of our business.

I am looking forward to her experience the real world of finances (paying a mortgage, utilities, expenses, fixing up things) and maybe see her grow as a person because she does have a lot of growing up to do. Again, this could all be for the camera and her Freddy attitude on YT- is just that- a character she plays. I don’t know her but I use to enjoy her channel but her unapologetic catty behavior really turned me off.
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View attachment 313898
Can all the people that are out of work struggling to eat, keeping a roof over their heads spare a thought for Freddy because her life is really really hard you know!
Honestly crying with laughter at this. Slightly outing but I spent a couple of years working 3 jobs - as a TA, in food retail and at McDonald's, 7 days a week with only Christmas Day off the entire year. My day started at 3am and finished at 11pm. Had a one year old at the same time who I barely got to see because I had to make ends meet. I refuse to believe that even the most productive influencer has it that hard.
Not a woe-is-me kind of thing, just that they can employ people if need be. The rest of us peasants have to graft our way through life on our own.
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Chatty Member
Hi Freddy 👋🏻 imagine being the kind of woman who pretends they’re a size or two smaller than they obviously are when their audience is mostly impressionable young women, and tears down clothes that the majority of people wear 🤷🏻‍♀️ And FYI most of us have said you look great - when you choose clothes that fit, that is.
Imagine being the kind of woman who criticises and makes snide, bitchy comments about her own sister's body, including comparing her to "a gangly piece of salmon". She really is a complete bitch.
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While she certainly does a lot of things that are grating on me of late, I will give Freddy the benefit that I do genuinely feel she puts a lot of thought and effort into her videos. I appreciate that this last one, that was essentially a big Pandora ad, she made an actual useful topic and theme of the video - giving people 5 outfits ideas for the holidays - and didn’t just do one big Pandora unboxing sales pitch flog (cough looking at you, Josie coughcoughpromiseidonthavecovidcough). I appreciate that she brought in items that are hers and that she clearly loves and wears, as we’ve seen her mention them and gush about them over multiple videos over the year instead of just shilling brand new crap all the time. I’m so frustrated with influencers in these times, but I don’t think she is the worst of the worst by far. There’s hope for her.

Nice cap off now.... thank you guys for validating my hatred for Pandora 🤣 She had me questioning my taste. Because I always thought Pandora jewelry was suuuuper tacky gross mall jewelry that teenage boyfriends bought their girlfriends to try to look fancy. Or dated charm bracelets middle aged suburban moms bought to “relive their youth” thinking they’re hip and cool 🤣
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Has anyone seen Freddy’s latest Instagram post? I think I’ve reached my point of unfollowing!
I think she looks absolutely beautiful and I love the dress and aesthetic. Creative, feminine shoots like this is why I used to be a fan.

BUT... the pointe shoes. Don’t know if anyone else here dances/danced, I did ballet for 20 years, at one point semi-professionally. She has tied the shoes completely wrong. It might sound nit picky but getting your pointe shoes is a major right of passage. You are taught from day one how to tie them correctly, to support your ankles properly.

Maybe I’m being too critical, and that’s totally ok if you think so, but I just think that if you wear pointe shoes you should be respectful and wear them how they are meant to be worn. Not least in case some young girl copies and ends up getting injured!

What annoyed me most about the post though is that there were quite a lot of comments on the post echoing the above and she’s deleted them all and kept only comments which shower her with praise.
I managed to screenshot the below where she had replied to one of the comments really snarky.
Dance moms Abby Lee also commented saying “lovely as always Freddy but tie those pointe shoes properly”. But of course, no aggressive comment for her was there Freddy?
I didn’t manage to screenshot that unfortunately!
Her attitude is atrocious, especially considering she says she used to dance, you’d think she’d understand why people would be annoyed.
But it’s everyone else who is wrong, never Freddy, right? :rolleyes:


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So vile Freddy shares on her Insta stories she's putting together a lovely package full of creams and moisturises for a member of her family in the nhs but guess what it's an ad very cleverly hidden in the corner of the screen
What utter trash she is constantly shilling thinking she is wonderful and caring makes me sick
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Chatty Member


She’s made her way back to Kensington and Chelsea again, making sure to get a road sign in so everyone can see and think it’s her turf! She literally would have to drive at least an hour to get there 😂
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Watching her latest videos makes me miss the Freddy of 2014 - 2018. She seemed much more chill back then, very calming in her presenting style and more professional overall. In the last couple of years she has changed so much, and it seems to be a thing with Youtubers that after a while they let the success get to them and change what people liked about them in the first place to conform to the whole Youtuber thing more, which for me is always a change for the worst.
I agree with you, I have enjoyed her content for such a long time that it’s disappointing to see how she’s changed. Like she used be naturally funny in her videos and now she tries soooo hard to include ‘sassy’ quotes that she can clip and put at the start of the video, and you can tell she’s rehearsed / planned them to get people quoting her in the comments. Just comes across very fake now and it’s a shame
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I have a feeling she already bought her apartment like couple years ago or something... the other day I went to snoop at the “Companies House” website and there’s information about her income and stuff like that. My boyfriend actually does finance for some influencers so I told him to look up the info at the website and he told me it seems she acquired 70k in debt in 2019 (according to companies house) and he says it doesn’t seem (by that info) she’s earning that much, which could mean 2 things, either she acquired that debt to buy an apartment or she’s somehow cheating with taxes to make it look as if she’s not “making enough” money... who knows
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Overall I don't actually mind Freddy, and I watch her fashion videos since I usually do always find things I like in her hauls, I think her style all together is a bit over the top sometimes but individually I do like a lot of the clothes she wears, way more my style than the Missguided/Pretty Little Thing style clothes that some YouTubers go for.

But I saw a tweet of hers saying 'do you need to "cover up" when visiting Marrakech?' and someone replied saying yes, knees and shoulders as it's respectful of their religion and Freddy responds with 'I kind of mean like legally?'

I'm dreading her visiting there now and not covering up at all because she cares more about fashion than other people's culture and doesn't think she looks good in anything that isn't really short
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Chatty Member
I know decluttering is popular lately, but don't people keep ANY "work clothes" when they declutter? Maybe I've done more gardening and painting in my life than Freddy, but even when I'm being my most minimal, I always make sure to keep at least one old pair of pants, one old pair of shorts, and one old shirt that I can get dirty.
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I know this is really nitpicky but it bugs me that she always stands with her legs so far apart like she’s either airing out her vagina or can’t stand her thighs touching cos god forbid she doesn’t have a perfect thigh gap. Or I’m just a giant bitch, lol
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I can see where you’re coming from with that but to the eye she looks a classic pear to me. Her top half is much smaller than her bottom, she isn’t busty (again not all hourglasses will have the huge bust and bum of the Kardashians but hourglasses have larger chests on the whole) and she carries/gains weight on her bottom half. Whether her measurements are technically hourglass doesn’t seem to matter, it’s not how she looks at all. If someone else had the same width shoulders and hips but then their torso was all the same (no defined waist for example) they wouldn’t be an hourglass shape either? I personally think she would look much better if she dressed for a pear shape. The fact that she’s posted her measurements to ‘prove’ she is the most ‘desirable’ shape is a bit pathetic anyway IMO.
Yeah I’ve always thought she looked nice in trousers. Would love to see her in some nice black jeans tbh.
Yeah, I actually mentioned in a comment that I thought she looked more pear shaped than an hourglass and her viewers came at me for it 😅 She replied to several comments saying she wish people wouldn't assume things about her body because she's been in the fashion industry for 10 years and she's the only one who's seen her body under all the clothes. I think she's forgetting that she still has her half-naked pics up on the internet from back when she used to do modeling, and its on her Instagram as well lol
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