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Taking a small (slightly juvenile) aside to LOL that the acronym of Freddy My Love is FML. 🙈 I never noticed that before.
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I do feel for her a little with the video, she’s obviously very disappointed in her life and that she’s gained weight. Otherwise she wouldn’t feel the need to justify any of it.
But things like the tweets above and her snobby, conceited attitude just make any sympathy I would have for her disappear.
She’s very pretty, but I think over the years the compliments she has received have all gone to her head and as a result she thinks she’s much better than she actually is. It’s like that school girl attitude of “I’m pretty, therefore I am”. It gets very sad when you forget to develop a real personality in the process.
Tbh I didn't notice her weight gain until she pointed it out herself (I know I must be blind if everyone else noticed lol). I mean its totally understandable to grow into your curves as you get older, but it seems like Freddy has a hard time embracing her physical changes. Its not like she's even remotely big, or even anywhere near it. She's got a lovely figure but I think she has always wanted to maintain the figure she had when she was a teenager, which is unrealistic to most people tbh. Its just natural for our body to change as we grow older 🤷‍♀️

I agree about the pretty comments getting to her head. Perhaps she feels the pressure to live up to the image that people have created of her--which is this pretty, Barbie princess. And she's afraid to ever lose out on the compliments cos she feels very validated by it, almost like her entire existence revolves around it. Someone needs to bring her back down to reality.

I just about found some time to watch her latest video. She actually revealed alot of details in it, I highly recommend anyone here to watch it if you're wanting to know more about her personal life.

My thoughts on her latest video: I kinda understand now why she only uploads once a week and why she always finds it 'stressful' to work. I imagine that Freddy is really trying to keep her personal life separate from YouTube, which is hard to do, so she's constantly thinking of content and scripts for her videos that do not reveal too much of her life or don't give her viewers much to criticize on. Prepping for her videos probably takes longer than some other YouTubers because she has to dissect every sentence in her video to make sure that she doesn't reveal too much unnecessary detail and that she doesn't say the 'wrong' thing. Her videos are fully rehearsed, and I think she plays up her sassy persona for her videos too. Uploading more than once a week gives her more work to do, as in she has to think of a suitable content and has to double her workload on dissecting her videos. These are just my assumptions.

In the video, she mentioned that she hasn't changed since 2018 and I chuckled at that. I don't think she changed for the better but some parts of her personality did get worse to date. She also mentioned that no one makes her laugh like Amy does, and I kinda felt for Josie when she said that cos Josie's comment in the video is the top comment (she said that she and Freddy should travel together again), imagine someone saying that ifo you when you expect to receive the same compliment. I would have imagined that with all the traveling together, Josie would be the one to make Freddy laugh the most, or even JJ, really.

Freddy said that she upped her YouTube game during the first few months of lockdown because 'there was nothing else to do' but it left her tired and stressed when she did that. So she is indirectly admitting that her work doesn't go much beyond answering emails and prancing around in her room?

I liked that she was more personal in this video because we don't get much of that from her regular videos. It did make me understand her a bit better, but it also showed me that she has failed to realize her privilege in working for herself. In the video, she mentioned all the trips she was able to go on for the past 2 years and I think she forgot just how lucky she is to be in a position where she can afford and is able to do so. I feel like she'd be a very hard person to work with in a corporate environment so thank goodness she's not in one.

She did reveal some very interesting information though, like how she loves her current relationship dynamic with JJ (they're currently long distance I think, I've always assumed that she's clingy in their relationship), JJ can work from anywhere (no one here knows whats his actual job is right? I assumed that he has to stay in a place where he can gain recognition and secure gigs as an artist), she wants to live alone and not together with JJ when she moves out (she wants to have the chance to live somewhere alone and independent for once in her life), she hasn't been ready to move out of her family home til recently (I wonder why though, I assumed she stayed in her parents' home to save up for her own property, which is also one of the reasons that she mentioned).

At the end of the video, she said that there will be many career changes for her in 2021. When she said that, the first thought that came to my mind is that she's going to launch her own line of a product, maybe clothes? Or launch a collection in collaboration with one of her favorite brands. Moving out of her parents' home is one change that some of us have already guessed. She said she feels like she has already reached the peak of her YouTube career (reaching 1 million subs which was her YT goal and having the honor of working with all her favourite brands), so I feel like the next big (plausible) career goal for her is to launch her own line of a product. She's moving away from her YT (not quitting altogether) and onto bigger goals which could also possibly mean acting? I mean I'm just pulling guesses out of my butt at this point 😂

I'd be a super long post (than it already is LMAO) if I were to give every thought I have on the video. It was a pretty long video to go through (50 mins); I'd be super interested to know what you guys' thoughts are on it! 😁
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Both of those Prada bags are 🤢 They need to ask themselves, would you like this bag if it didn’t have the big ass logo on it? Answer is probably no. The small one is basic af, like a canvas tote you find at winners for $15. And the second is just ugly... what is that weird pattern???

Agree with whoever said the big ass logo bags just scream nouveau/fake rich. Not classy at all 😛

I appreciate that, even if she reads and got this idea here, she did donate money to charity from the sales. Deep down I feel like Freddy is a decent human and one of the more “caring” influencers in the sense. Unlike some greed trolls *coughjosie*
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It was so odd to me not unwrapping the Dior book. I have nothing against pretty books used for decor, but you should also read them... very perplexing.

Also it would look so ridiculous having your book out on display wrapped in plastic. 🤦🏼‍♀️ Live a little, Freddy 🤣 the book will be fine.
She can read ?
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I honestly lost it when she posted this story, because the hardest thing for her during lockdown was forcing herself to get out of bed in the afternoon, get dressed and film videos for her YT channel, all from the comfort and warmth of her bedroom. Does her job involve going out daily and risking herself contracting covid? No. Poor Freddy, such a hard life. And again with the eye f*!king 🙄


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When her mom was talking about leaving the the doors to the bird cages open becuase she likes to think they come alive at night, honestly how flipping ADORABLE. she seems so lovely
And yet she calls her mom "the old hippie", which I do not find endearing at all. It's almost as if she's embarrassed by her. I watched the kitchen tour and thought she was absolutely lovely, a perfect balance between fun and mellow.
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We actually got “trying beauty products at home” again. Used to really like the girl but there’s just something not quite right anymore. There’s lots of qualities I can’t stand like selling gifted items and the fact she constantly whinges about how hard her life is making 1 YouTube video a week in her bedroom during a pandemic when people are literally on the front line. Compare her to say inthefrow who makes solid content daily, she’s just got no imagination or anything interesting. So over her.
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I must say, I think her responses are quite good and justified. The commenter was the mean girl here in my opinion.
I think they are both in the wrong here tbh. I really don't get why anyone cares how her shoes were tied, she is obviously not dancing in them, idk I'm not a dancer but it doesn't seem like a big deal to me. That being said this is her professional account, if you work in a shop and a customer starts screaming at you, you don't yell back at them. Her social media accounts essentially are 'customer facing' because she is trying to sell things to her viewers so I think she should be more professional unless someone is actively being abusive to her. A bit of criticism isn't abusive though, she could've just held her head high and ignored the comments. I'm pretty sure she already addressed this in her stories ages ago so if she wants to continue the argument on it doesn't reflect well on her I don't think.
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Chatty Member
“Oh go on then, you guys pulled my leg! This is my little treat to myself for working my absolute behind off non stop for the past three weeks, I am utterly exhausted!”

I just cannot with this girl. She is utterly deluded.

Also, I think she means "you guys twisted my arm" ... what the hell does she mean by "pulled my leg"? An entirely different term 😂
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kind of make sense to me to sell things on to make way for the new if part of your job is to keep buying new clothing to show your audience lol? if you don't need or like something you've been gifted then you'd sell it surely? I don't think it's fair to call someone a elitist just because she is well spoken and isn't from a council estate 😂 anyway only came on this post to see what the crack was, I didn't intend on boring myself by talking about Freddy :censored:
you think its ok for influencers to sell things they get gifted for free? Make a profit on something they spent nothing on or even got paid for??
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Lol this is really amusing to me because I’m not a dancer so tbh I don’t really care how the shoes are tied in a photo (totally get why you ballerinas are bothered by it though!) but now she’s really emphasising how she did ballet for so long even I am why didn’t you tie them properly if you know how 😂 what an idiot!
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She is not a classic pear shape she does carry her very little weight on the bottom half. She is not hourglass by any means.
Ok so i was just looking through this thread, was FED UP with the bitch and looked for smth like this and u all delivered ! Here are my opinions on the social climber princesse wannabe:
1- Bying and returning things is unethical, unsustainable and jus ruuuude, and during A PANDEMIC, and the comment about not owing her viewers anything NO BITCH U DO if not return aaaall paychecks u got from youtube because of views ...
2- Homegirl is racist ( indian man incident) and in a story her sister wanted to twerk and she was like nooo ruuude, like bitch, u love your whitness and feel superior ans it shooooows
3- Girl u ain't no classy woman LOL, when she said the hourglass thing i DIED she be out here confusing fat thighs ( not even hips) for being thick ! And clearly has a veeery limited vocab and she actually thinks she's posh looool
4-instead of being jelous of her beautiful little sister, she should use the one hour commute she does to get to fancy places to take picture and WALK instead of drive, yet i don't think her PrAdA scadales are practical for that.
5-People out there are actually WORKING HARD, even some youtubers are doing real work, u bitch change clothes ( even with that u have a hard time cuz u buy smaller sizes ) and have the audacity to say ooh i'm tired...

Freddy, u an orange entitled racist ( with one eye smaller than the other) two bit social climber cow ( who looks like she's jj's mum not girlfiend despite actively trying to look like a 12 year old ) gold digger if u could only no one would put up with an under educated with teeth she boght at a garage sale ( u should fix those btw u look like a cow when u try to smile all cute ) bitch with botched lips. And girl u will age hoooorribly

bitch should be canceled, maybe then she'll volunteer or get an education or do litteraly anything to make her stop being tonedeaf

Sorry for the rant y'all, it hurts me to see these species ignore so many rules and be tonedeaf when the situation of the world is not ok and ppl are quietly suffering . 💋

Also hope y'all are safe, happy, and healthy ❤
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I agree. I haven't seen one person with actual class and charm incessantly talk about "the rules of being classy". She comes off as tacky and very very shallow.
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I used to watch Freddy’s content all the time, but nowadays everything just seems so repetitive and boring. Her video yesterday just seemed to highlight how out of touch and entitled she really is, and I’m curious to see how she handles it out there in the real world without her parents to do everything for her.

Also her relationship with JJ continues to seem so, so weird. Nothing wrong with not wanting to buy with a partner, or move in with one straight away - I’m the kind of person who gets anxiety at the thought of having to split property and assets in the event of a breakup, so I think having her own property before she and JJ move in together/marry is actually a good idea.

However it’s more the way she’s been talking that makes it seem like this is a high school relationship, rather than the relationship of two people in their late twenties. How she talks about wanting to miss him and being excited when she can see him again - seriously? If you need this to spice up your relationship as an alternative to just being with the person you supposedly want to spend the rest of your life with, I’d be very concerned. And then when she said something along the lines of, ‘you can never go back’ (can’t remember the exact quote) when talking about moving in with a partner, and something about never getting that time in your life back, and...again, once you’ve moved in with the person who you want to spend the rest of your life with, I’d be very concerned if you were suddenly mourning your single life.

Again, there’s nothing wrong with wanting to live at home for a bit, and not being ready to move in with a partner, but with some of Freddy’s statements and phrasing, I got the sense that she just really didn’t want to live with JJ.
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I remember also, Freddy was wearing a t shirt once I think it said 'you can't sit with us' on it or something? Anyway it was something like that and she specifically said her Mum was like 'I don't think that's very nice, I don't get it'. I thought then that her Mum must be quite sweet.
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