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Pole er bear

VIP Member
I think we can gossip about people in a more nuanced way than forever branding them a racist for one tweet they liked as a teenager. Seeing people with nuance–and not just the ones we like–is a good thing. Not only for the subjects (who in the F1 WAG world are not actually evil people in the grand scheme of things), but for ourselves and the way we see/engage with the outside world. Gossiping is fun, but it's still important to try to retain some perspective, awareness of possible biases we and others have, and not forget that the subjects are just as human and complicated as we all are. The things we say and think when gossiping don't just happen in a vacuum.

I mean, we're all on a forum gossiping about women, most of whom we don't even like but still follow closely. That's not really "normal" behaviour or behaviour that I think is particularly healthy or productive–and I'm someone who does it a lot. I can't speak for anyone else, but I'd be embarassed if people irl read some comments I've written. People are inherently complicated , including us, but people often lose sight of this with especially women.

I can't change how the people piling onto Alex and others feel, but I'll just point out how disproportionate, hypocritcal and simplistic it is. I do agree, she really needs to rethink her PR strategy because whatever she's doing now is doing her no favours
Well I didn't call her racist and I dont know or care enough to look into her in general. So it's not everyone. Like I said I think its a bit extreme but opinions are gonna vary. Sharl is too pretty. Young girls literally melt. She's making out with him on a yacht In front of the paparazzi. There is gonna be a lot of hate
You have a right to defend her if it bothers you, or somehow triggers you. I'm all for that too.
But yes I don't like or dislike her, but because I don't care I also am not gonna defend her. It doesn't bother me what iothers think about her when they have opinions based on things she has actually done. She could not have a public account and then no one could judge her on those things.
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So I checked ig, another account mentioned being followed by burner account of someone, that makes it 4 accounts for far (from the ones I know or was on time to catch info in stories, I am sure I don't follow every possible one) ... oh boy...
"Poor" R, who is going to defend her on those evil gossip pages now that she is being kicked out of all of them? 🤣
(I still can't wrap my head around her reading the stuff and possibly sending messages about how she is an angel and how she didn't do that or this (or simply starting discussion about herself) - but then this is Rebecca, why am I even surprised? It's just really interesting how it's all "conspiracy theory" until it's not with her.)
Alex made a choice, or didn't make a choice.
I don't know why these people don't realized that by dating someone famous they become public figures as well. And first step would be deleting or cleaning any public social media. It's "easy" as that if you are not previously publicly known.
(doesn't apply on you know who for obvious reasons even if she tries)
After the criticism I've read lately with (ex)wags possibly wearing real fur and leather, Sara is not taking any chances :sneaky:
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Will has probably been told by FOM to distract from the whole Andretti saga and that man is just a gossip vessel but I’m just tired now. I was already feeling a bit weird because Lewis has been radio silent on socials for so long, the photo Merc used of his seat fit was apparently from last season … idk. I’ve felt odd vibes
Would they even be at seat fitting stage yet though? I don't think I've seen any seat fitting pics from any teams regarding this season's cars yet and the teams usually share them.
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did anyone from here ordered something from Garrix shop? wanted to order hat 25 euros , nice and then i went to pay and shipping is 23 euros (it is express shipping ) 😑 i have only one shipping option . do i have shit country and you have more options or it's everyone 😅
I never buy merch myself so can't help, but I can ask my friends if anyone's doing an order you could piggyback on, but shipping it on to you from the UK may not be much cheaper than you ordering direct, by the time you've paid customs etc
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Would they even be at seat fitting stage yet though? I don't think I've seen any seat fitting pics from any teams regarding this season's cars yet and the teams usually share them.
Not sure tbh I always just assumed they did it when they went back to the factories. Because I think they even seat sit for the simulator? Idk I could be completely wrong
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Yeah but that’s natural speculation. It’s more the constant retirement thing that bothers me tbh because that would actually upset me, if he moved teams I’d deal with it better because my annoyance would allow me to turn off from it all easier
Yeah I can understand being irritated by the retirement talk. Unfortunately I guess it's natural though when he's almost 40, especially as he hasn't been all that happy with the cars lately, plus for years he's always been late on signing extensions. It's annoying but not surprising speculation happens
Not sure tbh I always just assumed they did it when they went back to the factories. Because I think they even seat sit for the simulator? Idk I could be completely wrong
Yeah idk either. Was trying to remember when we usually see pics and can't remember. Teams do usually post about it though, and I don't think any of them have yet that I can recall.
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Chatty Member
To be fair to Kelly here, 1) you don't actually know that she hasn't give money herself and 2) I don't really see the issue with anyone with a large platform, be it a celeb or an influencer, sharing a charity link. She's not holding a gun to anyone's head to get them to donate, or holding fake charity auctions (yes, looking at you Isa...)
It’s more that she’s desperately pleading - she may well have donated, but she’s using a life or death situation to ask people to donate when she could easily save those animals lives herself.
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To be completely honest I don't get why this photo was chosen though. That picture is quite out of blue in this particular photo set.
You have Carlos senior kissing Audi sign. You have a participant crying. You have a podium celebrations. You have other drivers emotional faces. And then you have Rebecca and Ana just posing (if they didn't wear Dakar cap, it could be taken anywhere anytime). Then you have another participant being kissed. Two more close ups of faces. And fist bump.
Seriously that picture of those two doesn't feel like it belongs there at all. The post is captioned as "Emotions". Where are any emotions there? If I exaggerate a bit, it's just two girls posing. Why not using a photo of Sainz family actually celebrating? Why are they trying to make Rebecca more important than, I don't know, the wife of the winner?
it also looks absolutely accidental that this pic is being reposted everywhere (let's ignore the effort that is Dakar for the participants, all the hours, risks and danger, this photo is the most important from the set, right) and F1official posted about Kym's photos (that confirms it for me he posted it to show Carlos has open eyes in both pics) :ROFLMAO:
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I honestly don't know how to react to this...
I cannot cope, tbh, so many aspect of this to analyse. I LOVE it on one hand, on the other, I am now scared it means Lewis goes for 2025 season and that's it and that is why Ferrari would make sense with Charles being their long term investment.

Anyway, this is the biggest news since I don't know when and I need to process it

But look, he's been so silent all winter break and now this, he's been cooking THIS?
Have to say, I do feel bad for Carlos that this has come out before he had a chance to announce his departure. I know it's a leak and Ferrari haven't officially announced anything yet but it doesn't afford him much respect, given someone there must have fed this to the Italian media in the first place. It's not like he hasn't given his all for Ferrari since he's been there.
I agree. Basically noone would care about his contract now for at least some time. Noone can win with the news of Lewis switching teams.

I wonder if he even knew something about it or was it a shock to him too.
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Oh look, Carlos included that trainer in his post (with a tag; while he doesn't even follow him).
View attachment 2720451

Wasn't one wag (I think it was Luisa) sneaking almost invisible #ad tag into her posts at one point? So she could say she tagged it, but unless you looked really hard you wouldn't actually notice it. That was quite a shit move too.
Carlos! if we have to go through all your stories, we at least deserve to get some PIERLUIGI photos, dude!

EDIT: maybe Carlos is softlaunching like only he can. I checked and that guy still has his profile private but Guzman, Roberto and Caco follow him. I want this to be true ;)
Pre season stuff featuring Kika. He really must have done something bad and now he has to love her and only her and must remind everyone of it and her existence at all times. 🤣
View attachment 2720668
PDA is more difficult while wearing helmets, maybe they have silent days :LOL:
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It's not explicit and it mind not be whats happening but its him in a room and he says something and then she comes up and u can tell she was kneeling and his hand is on her head. And she looks at him like "what are you doing" and she's holding her hands like there's something she wants to go wash off on them and she leaves..could be anything but yea..
Edit: found! Go to user joaofelixchats, its the 4th video
Was he streaming or why this video even exists? 🤣 I mean, it's probably out of context if there was something "normal" happening before, but yeah, like this... it's very.. uhm...
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Zack Ashley was never Heidi's friend. Daniel and Zack have been friends for years if you look at Zack's instagram. Definitely a situation of Zack met Heidi through Daniel!
Zack and Daniel don’t follow each other on instagram.🤔
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Pole er bear

VIP Member
Yeah exactly the fact it is going from the summer 😂 it’s January ffs 😂
In the US I've been told Feb 23/24th
def feels so much later than before
but thats just because we are in the dead of winter
a few more weeks and we are back to cars
(which lando more than anyone probably is thankful for)
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