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VIP Member
is it one of the ones where she's lip syncing to Justin Bieber and someone stitches it saying how "god has favorites" or something like that ? I've gotten like 10 of those in the past 2 days 😂 😂
i actually swiped so fast that I didn’t even notice 🤣 she was lip syncing though! And wearing black clothes 😂
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VIP Member
This is terrifying 😂

EW MAGUI.. 🤢 This is disgusting trend! 🤮 At this point, I'm thinking she wants to be pregnant.
Pretty sure Lando went ice karting twice in Finland. Once at night, which is what Martin posted a video from and where Magui was (Louis and Ed had already previously posted stories of night karting before Martin did), and a second time later on during the day when he did that thing for that guy's v-log, when everyone else had left and he was there with just Tom and Ed.
I remember this. I also think Magui went to first ice karting. The women who seen that went to second ice karting were Mike Majlak's gf (Sara Maughan) & friend (Alex Swift).
Also Sara was the winner, Lando second. 🤣
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Pole er bear

VIP Member
You know, thinking about it... who was the last one who was single (and slagging) while driving for Ferrari? Irvine? 🤣
at least Hannah got to lay low.
Also today I learned Robert Shwartzman in 'Russo-Israeli' and i thought he was german
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Pole er bear

VIP Member
I’m sad tbh. I know f1 is ruthless and it’s a business etc, and my god that team have annoyed me in recent times, but they fitted Lewis to perfection.
He helped that team immensely and was the reason for their success
But I. So proud of him for putting himself first
Respect because I think he knew merc were the thing holding hom back
Just announced on al jazeera
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Pole er bear

VIP Member
I am so late to the party due to personal life drama but Jason Kelce is the greatest Man alive, was so ready to party with the Bills mafia! ( Im a huge Eagles Fan and hes deciding whether he is going to retire or not and Im so sad about it!)
I love his wife! Glad he'll be around a but more to bring up those 3 little girls. I'm a huge bills fan so I accept him ( and daniel)
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I mean valentines day complete with flowers and rose bears. Everyone is paired up on the grid so I'm looking forward to seeing who can go overboard

I agree with all you've said but you can't change what people say and think. If you don't like it do what i do and just ignore it.

This though?

Magui? That's directly saying people on Tattle are doing something you don't like or agree with. That's fine but NO you and no one else gets to change the tone of other people's posts. That's something that's always been true. I don't love how much crap Rebecca gets but I'm not here to defend her. I just scroll on to the next thing.

I do not mean this condescending at all, but I think you are taking this a little too personally. Women attack women. It happens. If you don't like i, say something, have it heard, then move on. It's not going to stop people so you can't continue to be upset and expect people to change and be upset when they dont
Ah, I see what you mean about the flowers now. It's just that the picture you used was clearly not a romantic one, and you didn't mention Valentine's Day.

People having opinions on stuff and people they can't change isn't new (it's literally what we do on here with the drivers and WAGs). But it can feel different when we feel called out and there's direct communication line with the other person. Do I hope that people develop more self-reflection and more nuanced thinking? Yes, but I'm not demanding anyone change. I don't want to stop expressing certain opinions, even if they're unpopular or make others feel some sort of way. Or if they point out that online gossipers, like the people we discuss: have flaws, contradictions, and blindspots too. I personally don't want Tattle to become an echo chamber where we snark on other women uncritically from our moral high horses. The way the site facilitates complicated discourses–versus anonymous questions and asks on Instagram or Tumblr with word limits–is one of the things that makes Tattle probably the best place to discuss drivers and WAGs IMO.

And this is connected to what I mean about self-reflection. The concept that we should just ignore someone if we don't like what someone does or say literally applies to our gossiping about the WAGs (We even often find glee in hate posting about WAGs and couples). Yet we all still hypocritically do it. Tattle posts aren't immune from commentary and analysis.

And you definitely have a point, I am finding gossiping to be increasingly less light hearted and mindless fun. It's harder for me to reconcile the implications behind gossiping and snarking on other women who usually aren't super problematic (and what that means for the bigger picture and me as a person)
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VIP Member
Well, if she is in Madrid today (did someone check if the picture actually is from today?) and appear in Barcelona tomorrow (for one day) then it'll be way too obvious it's just for appearance and nothing else. 🤣

They lovingly say goodbye before Carlos travels to the first race of the season before he comes back officially single you mean? 🤣
Magui back in Brazil? At least it's not Vietnam.
I have no idea why and who around him came up with that concept that he should not be seen as single, esp.for popularity reasons.
Single Carlos' popularity would skyrocket, imo, he has potential, even commentators who fangirl about his hair would be mentioning in the commentary that he is single, it would be an event, a thing, a great topic for gossips (maybe fueled by many ppl hinting). I have no idea why Caco and Guzman (who I assume help with the image/PR thing) don't see it. F1 (and Carlos himself) deserves single Carlos with slaggin potential!

(unless, according to one of the theories of wtf happened with 2023, he is slaggin anyway but has a cover up)

On a serious note, I wish him well, so I do worry what's up with the contract, it really is starting to be a bit weird there are no news yet
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Pole er bear

VIP Member
nope nothing set up about this

This really looks like the Carlos theory - get someone to pretend to be publicly/officially with and do whatever you actually want (with whoever you want) behind the scenes. 🤷‍♀️
Girls (without morals) who could greatly benefit from this kind of arrangement wouldn't say no to it.
she is an actress.
and a better one than heidi
But hey, Martin got some press to for his 'exclusive' content
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VIP Member
Honestly it feels a bit like you're just looking for things to bitch about her for. I saw what she posted and it didn't seem any worse than any celeb I follow who reposts similar things. She does plenty of shady shit but it doesn't seem like she's doing anything wrong here imo 🤷‍♀️ Each to their own I guess.
Yeah I can’t stand the woman but in this case she hasn’t done anything. I’m always happy for people to spread awareness for important causes and as an animal lover I appreciate it tbh
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Pole er bear

VIP Member
look someone had to print those photos out and perfectly align them on a vision board
Yeah apparently the teams are really going to struggle logistically this year with their sea cargo with everything that’s going on in the Red Sea so they are gonna have to fly out a lot of it which isn’t cheap 😬
i was wondering if that would affect budget cap, but assume its F1 taking the hit on that in general.
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VIP Member
You meant dynamics between Fred and Toto:LOL:

But seriously, I have a lot of worries for how dull this season might be, how atmosphere at Merc will be, how will Lewis be doing, is he set about retirement after 2025 etc. Feels like the end of an era . I am absolutely excited about the news, but it is bittersweet as I have a lot of questions now.

It wohld be the biggest news if McLaren had the best car and was the only one fighting with RB in 2024 :LOL:
The Merc/Lewis and Ferrari/Carlos internal team dynamics are going to be interesting to watch play out, given there's effectively an aggrieved party in both cases!
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