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Pole er bear

VIP Member
so Alex started following a 'creative agency'
so lily z is the only one without an agent?
(im including professional agents for lily and tiffany and melissa)
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Alex liked as a teenager: not so valid. It only became a "scandal" because Charles' fangirls kept searching for a reason to justify their hatred of her and finally found it
Nah, people are genuinely upset because it was a tweet from a n*zi account... Also, it wasn't just Charles' fans expressing their issues. Alex fan accounts were disappointed too when the tweet was found.

I would buy the "she was only young" excuse if it was some "haha racism is funny" post, but it wasn't? It was a controversial opinion about multiculturalism. You wouldn't like something like that if you didn't know the meaning. And for that to come on your timeline, you're interacting with accounts that share similar things.

There was another tweet as well about the French retirement laws, she would've been 20, but I don't know much on the topic. A lot of French fans dislike her for that though, and call her "elitist."
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I agree! I said it from the start. Lando didn't want the same arrangement he had with Luisa, meaning a full on pretend relationship. So they arranged this hinting thing. People will think they are together, focus on that and then he can travel the world with however many girls and boys he wants. I'm not forgetting the brown coat man he soft launched in those pictures in London
lol that was his friend Ali Elbasir, not some random 'brown coat man'
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I also get it was the rally page that chose photos to publish
To be completely honest I don't get why this photo was chosen though. That picture is quite out of blue in this particular photo set.
You have Carlos senior kissing Audi sign. You have a participant crying. You have a podium celebrations. You have other drivers emotional faces. And then you have Rebecca and Ana just posing (if they didn't wear Dakar cap, it could be taken anywhere anytime). Then you have another participant being kissed. Two more close ups of faces. And fist bump.
Seriously that picture of those two doesn't feel like it belongs there at all. The post is captioned as "Emotions". Where are any emotions there? If I exaggerate a bit, it's just two girls posing. Why not using a photo of Sainz family actually celebrating? Why are they trying to make Rebecca more important than, I don't know, the wife of the winner?
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Honestly it's purely rumour at this point. They may not even be looking at him. So far no source in Italian media who has strong links to Ferrari has reported on this. The same rumour was floating around from similar sources about Lando not long ago. There was another rumour last week about Ferrari approaching Alex Albon. I really wouldn't overthink it right now. If Ferrari's usual 'leaks' in the media start reporting it, then worry about it imo.
The guy you mentioned tweeted it too - same article though so I’m guessing it’s not his original source? No idea tbh I don’t pay the Italian media much attention
I think it’s more because it’s combined with Wills tweet from earlier
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For Ferrari though its a matter of who they replace Carlos with. With only giving him a 1 year they are pretty much banking on Bearman getting a Haas seat for 25 (assuming he does well in F2 this season) then moving up to Ferrari in 2026. Which, as good as Bearman seems, I don’t think he will be ready for a Ferrari seat in 2026 considering consistency is probably his main weakness.
There's also the Alex rumour. They might want to nick him for 2025. Personally, I would LOVE that
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In the meantime Flavy is informing us that Estie likes french toasts and shows herself making one. So beauty, lifestyle and food influencer now, in between studies. Others need to step their games up. 😅
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She was also outed as following one of the gossip pages 😂
Honestly, I laughed about it (I think rd is already caught by 3 pages, girl probably follows more than we do) but when you think about is a bit sus, sad, showing some intentions, but at the same time kind of self harming..., I mean assuming real feelings are involved and not just clout chasing...
(I am talking about not just Becky now).

if you care about your bf driver, do you really care about gossip? Isn't it doing more hurt to yourself, checking what people write? Why torture yourself reading what people write about you, many celebs admit that at some point they stopped googling themselves to stay sane. As I said, I find it partly hilarious that it was discovered (even if we suspected this), but at the same time I wonder if they stop for their own good or just start following the same pages in different way somehow...
Oh Carlos, late night plans 😂 :love:there is a different guy with them, wonder who that is
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I actually kind of like it, it will be funny to see Daniel promoting it and I hope he involves Pierre and Estie, so they could shout mon bebe to Daniel with proper French accent :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
Yeah just from the poster i feel like i will like this collection 🤦🏻‍♀️ Oh Pierre will laugh when he will see him in the paddock 😂
Alpha tauri posted full film on YouTube 🙂
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I’ve just thought about seeing Lewis without the Merc badge on his clothes …. I can’t do it
I felt that way when he left McLaren, seeing him in Merc kit felt all kinds of wrong. Soon got used to it though.
If it helps, you'll get over it soon enough if he starts winning races again!
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If true, then something at Merc must have seriously made Lewis lose faith. Whether it's car progress, team internal dynamics or something else.

Regarding Ferrari and Charles, I would assume he knew of this before now, if Carlos did, probably before he was announced so maybe he's not bothered if it's not long-term and sees it as an opportunity for himself and the team to learn from Lewis and all his experience. Charles is massively competitive but he's never struck me as someone who is particularly arrogant or thinks he knows everything, I could see him being happy to learn from Lewis given the opportunity as long as he believes it's not a long-term situation. And to be fair to Ferrari, they've never said they are going to have a no1/no2 driver situation. That's a fan narrative, mainly from certain Charles fans who want to see him offficially declared the No 1 there. If they are hoping their future, as many suspect, is going to be Leclerc and Bearman that doesn't scream No1/No2 either.
I’m not so sure it’s performance based. A part of me thinks maybe he’s finally lost motivation. So a year in a team he’s said multiple times he admires and would love to drive for would be a nice way for him to round off his career.

Agree about Charles. I don’t think he’s ever seen himself as someone who should automatically be no1 or anything, it’s some of his fans that think like that
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Pole er bear

VIP Member
I don't really see much Alex hate on here, that's mostly on Instagram. Maybe it's just my algorithim but I've noticed that different sites/apps tend to focus on different wags. It's Alex on Instagram, Lando's potential partners on Tattle, Kelly on Twitter & Tumblr, the ex-wags on TikTok. But Tattle users, myself included, aren't immune for the criticisms even if the discourse on Tattle is way better. I've also come across on things here that are questionable too. But I'm not going act all high and mighty. I've also left comments that I find questionable now.

I just hope people in general, myself included, work to cultivate more self reflection on our own behavior and see others, especially those we don't like, with some more nuance. I feel like hardly anyone self reflects (at least publicly) on how weird it is to be following and gossiping about women that they don't even like. Like if most of us were placed under the same scrutiny as the wags were, if our anonymous social media accounts were exposed, we'd be cancelled for being weird/mean/bullies/not girl's girls/etc.

What's coming soon? Do you mean hinting at a relationship? Or do you mean the typical influencer freebies? If it's the relationship thing, a guy clearly didn't send her those. She tags the flower company (which is a really popular company on social media) and thanks them.

Or do you mean her starting to behave like a stereotypical influencer? I've never followed Juliana but I can see that many fashion brands I follow also follow her. She's definitely gotten lots of freebies before Lewis. I don't follow her so IDK if she's always shared them (if that's what you're getting at) on her stories.
I mean valentines day complete with flowers and rose bears. Everyone is paired up on the grid so I'm looking forward to seeing who can go overboard

I agree with all you've said but you can't change what people say and think. If you don't like it do what i do and just ignore it.

This though?

Lando's potential partners on Tattle
Magui? That's directly saying people on Tattle are doing something you don't like or agree with. That's fine but NO you and no one else gets to change the tone of other people's posts. That's something that's always been true. I don't love how much crap Rebecca gets but I'm not here to defend her. I just scroll on to the next thing.

I do not mean this condescending at all, but I think you are taking this a little too personally. Women attack women. It happens. If you don't like i, say something, have it heard, then move on. It's not going to stop people so you can't continue to be upset and expect people to change and be upset when they dont
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