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Yeah, ngl, I think this attitude by Lance really does show how much Lawrence has babied him so far in his career and especially this year.
Judging by that response, when asked about quite literally assaulting a team member, Lance clearly thinks he can get away with that and face no consequences which doesn't surprise me at all considering how the senior management in the team have dealt with him this year. I mean, how many times have Lawrence & Mike Krack said Lance is on the same level as Fernando when he quite clearly isnt 🙄
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So looks like one gossip page could have outed Yuki's gf. They claim she is the AT press officer. Her IG is private and Yuki follows her (but of course since she works for AT so makes sense either way, duh).
Meanwhile Lando posts tiktok from Ryder cup... featuring Carlos, because why of course :LOL:
Not sure why can't I post directly, but here it is
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I’m glad none of the drivers have said anything tbh. They’d 100% say something uneducated and it’d make me mad. Lewis has posted about Palestine and everything that’s been going on there in the past, like way before this current situation so it’s obvious where his views are aligned but everyone else …. Well I’m sure they probably just don’t have one. And if they do it would be along the lines of the generalised neutrality statements that other people of influence have used that are quite frankly, useless and offensive rn. This is an entirely different situation to Russia/Ukraine and therefore requires a more nuanced viewpoint and I trust very few famous people to have the insight to do that tbh
To be entirely honest, I understand them in this particular case.
The Palestine Israel war is so incredibly complicated, and as outsiders we don't even know 10% of the situation
To add to that that both sides are exteemely loud and aggressive on social media (understandable of course, seeing the horrors their people go through), I understand that celebrities are staying out of it.
Even people that simply say: human rights are being broken in the most horrific ways and things like this shouldn't happen, are being attacked online for not "picking a side".
So I'd shut up too 🤷‍♀️
(And also, I'm personally extremely confused because I have friends who are extremely vocal about this, but on other sides. So I really don't believe most people have a clue of what is actually going on)
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Ah I see... they are getting tips from these two then? But they didn't do their research that these two are the cringiest of them all.
Can't believe I'm saying this, (because we all know how I feel about Pierre 😂 ) but I find him and Kika way more amusing and interesting than I find Carlos & Rebecca or Laila and Mick. At least P&K fully embrace and commit to the cringe and a lot of it at least gives us something to laugh at them for. They don't pretend to be on the down low or staying 'private' like C&R, or manage to have the most beige almost corporate pr pdr like L&M.
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Not that I’d excuse violence but Max vs Este, George vs Bottas, Schumi vs Coulthard etc. whilst still very aggressive and a poor sporting attitude, are a direct result of one or both drivers feeling like they could have been seriously hurt/injured. Lance’s reaction to an innocent member of staff was because he is a petulant child and is therefore worse IMO. If max got community service or whatever it was for pushing Este, Lances should be more.
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Jenjen, thank you so much for raising awareness for Palestine. 🥹❤🇵🇸 Hope another beauty influencers are like you. 🥹

She also recently followed Palestine account which Charles unfollowed.
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I understand he's cute and it's nice he understands that he messed up. But yes Lando, it is on you, you didnt do your job basically, do better.
Clearly he knows, and yet didn't feel the need to throw his steering wheel or knock Jon out of the way.
He took responsibility. As he should.
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Omg this is soo true
I was backpacking through SA-Asia earlier this year and I met some girls who were trying to be influencers or something. They weren't even successful (yet) and they did literally what you described. We wanted to go to a small lake so we could have our own place to swim, but they NEEDED to go to a specific extremely busy lake because there were photographers and photo-ops there
Honestly... I respect if you wanna try to become/be an influencer but why does it automatically have to mean that these people lose all the spontaneous, fun, smart and well-thought-out parts of themselves?
I honestly don't think I could be friends with these types of people, I'd start screaming at them sooner than later that life is more than selfies (although I do love a good selfie once in a while)
I had to go to Versailles for work last year (as in the palace, not just the town). We were in this room overlooking the gardens in a succession of boring meetings and one of the guys who worked there suggested that if we wanted a laugh we should look out of the window and pointed to this enormous urn that had a strange shaped gap in the foliage around it that framed the view down the gardens to all the fountains and the lake.

It was the best entertainment I've had in ages - it's obviously a spot on the influencer circuit that's one of THE places to pose for pics and the whole day there was this steady stream of influencers, most with photographers and/or a group of lackeys in tow, who proceeded to primp and pose and twist themselves into strange shapes to get the perfect shot and then left again without looking at anything else in the garden or palace. Some of them even had dressing screens with them so they could do wardrobe changes between shots. It was one of the most hilarious and at the same time depressing things I've ever seen, and me and my colleague and the two students who were with us spent most of the rest of the day trying not to cry laughing at them. My French colleague who works there said it happens every single day the gardens are open and they've even caught influencers trying to break in to the grounds when they're closed so they can get their 'perfect instagram shot' 😂
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Sorry, where is the video? I kinda wanna see it to try and understand why the fuck they would do that! 🙈
Ignore that, seen it now.

it does look like the road is blocked off, which kind of takes out the red light aspect. HOWEVER, the fact that there are pedestrians around, means the sped at which that car is travelling is absolutely ridiculous. There are children here who can be unpredictable and could have stepped out at any minute 🙈
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Oh boy, this is a horrific take with the follow up tweet being even worse. The weight of responsibility shouldn’t be on the drivers? It’s the same as the porpoising thing, they’ll all punish themselves to get the maximum result. Therefore someone else needs to step in when it’s clearly dangerous. The follow up tweet about other athletes having to compete in extreme conditions is ridiculous. It can’t be compared to someone potentially fainting and falling over to someone fainting whilst driving at nearly 200mph. Insanely irresponsible and once again Buxton just shows he tows the company line

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Logan is feeling unwell but sounds desperate to finish. Hope he does what's best for himself :(
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Maybe random - but does someone know if the Alonso's hot seat was also this track to be blamed or was it just random car issue that could have happened anywhere?
I think they said something was overhearing in his car which was causing the seat to heat up. No mention of whether it was because of the heat or a car issue. I'm sure someoe else had a burning seat issue recently as well, can't remember who now.
don't know if this was mentioned (will need to catch up with few last pages) but Charles said it was the toughest race of the drivers' careers and it was toughtr than Singapore

FIA is a joke with this, if anyone of them fainted during the race, not even being able to go to the pitlane, I don;t even want to imagine what could have happened.
Logan barely made it back to the pitlane on his last lap. Watching when they were onboard with him, it genuinely looked like he was about to pass out.
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