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VIP Member
Oh so they have been away for the night without the boys. Barely seen them this week
Ah come on, she did spend their birthday weekend away with them and only 1 cot 😜 she needed the break as it makes her a better mum 🙄 I swear shes had more free time in 2 years than I’ve had in 18 years with my 2 kids.
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They are a pair of cheap pricks, I swear to god. I'm not knocking going to these places at all..... in fact, I love a cafe rouge for lunch meetings when we were still in the office, but it's just the fact that they both pretend they live a champagne lifestyle when really they are just your bog standard (beggy) bastard jenny from the block who are frauds.
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If you saw them at the theme park dressed in those shirts you just know you would eye roll 🤣 poor little boys can’t dress as toddlers! Bet they don’t own one T-shirt with their favourite animal/cartoon on!
if I saw them and didn’t know who she was I’d actually think they were a gypsy family 😂
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I also see in the comments someone spotted her in primark this morning. So a weekend away in a beautiful location and she’s in primark buying more polyester. She’s an absolute chav.
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VIP Member
Amazing how she hasn’t been online for two days and yet exactly 35 people each day decided to follow her, despite her having absolutely no content that would attract new people. Spending the money you saved on the boys presents topping up your lost followers eh Fopps?


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Sorry but three separate events for their birthday is over the top in normal circumstances but in the midst of a global pandemic it’s just ridiculous. It really is the Nicola show in that family isn’t it? You can guarantee it wasn’t anyone else’s idea to do all that. The worst part is she’s not even doing it for the boys. They wouldn’t know any different and would be just as happy with a small birthday tea at home. No, this is all for content for the gram for her and a chance for her to show off and pose like a twat.
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VIP Member
Don’t forget guys, time away from the boys makes her a better mum! So she must be a fucking fantastic one this week 😂
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Hi gang hope everyone’s well, just claiming a place after returning from a lovely family break in Cornwall for our ten year anniversary, no social media just buckets and spades and pasties, bliss! But oh my Christ what in the world was that jumping Jelly advert, she’s lost the plot! I wasn’t surprised with the boys birthday decorations as she’s all about going OTT now for the gram’ Wonder what shes got up her sleeve for today. I’m not sure why she had to make the boys two year old birthday post about their weight, is everything about weight with her?! Reiterating about them being 5lb? She’s obsessed. My eldest was 5lbs 4oz but I don’t keep reminding everyone on every birthday of hers, she’s so strange about figures and numbers!
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What planet is she on paying that weapon £600 yet didn't spend a bean (oh sorry forgot £12 on the cake) on the twins' birthday party! She makes me so mad :mad:
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There's something about her that makes me cringe really badly, I'm embarrassed for her to be honest..

I honest to god cannot believe a grown woman can practically beg for "likes, comments and double taps"

she's like that one relative that gets invited to a party and when they arrive everyone else is like "oh fuck me, she's here"

the way she plasters those kids over social media without a care in the world is disgusting, as long as those likes and double taps keep coming in tho eh, I mean whats your childrens safety and privacy worth in exchange for like comments and double taps....

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Chatty Member
RE the challenge with that pumped up twat. Not justifying her here, AT ALL, but if I was doing a fitness challenge and I saw my “trainer” (word used very loosely for Twinset) pissed, holidaying and smoking cigars all the time, I’d certainly not be motivated by them. How he has any sort of business I do not know!
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Argh! Enough already! Long time lurker and I can take NO more! I'm kind of thinking she's trolling the lot of us with all the needless apostrophes...?!

On a separate note: her boy's (sorry, couldn't resist) are just two cash cows who bring in income... she's lazy and self absorbed and by selling her children off to social media, she doesn't have to break a sweat. Irritates the hell out of me. Yes, I'm sure some of her followers only follow her due to the boys, she could be really savvy about not over exposing them. This world - unfortunately - is not as safe as people would like to believe.
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Why’s this idiot got his mask off on the plane absolute bellend

These two definitely fight over the mirror at home pair of pricks! Look Fopps this is where everyone’s £600 is going!!

He looks like that guy from made in Chelsea but more of a pound land version.

Just seen he is lowering the tone in Portugal! My favourite holiday destination and now he's ruining it.
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Chris chris chrrrrriiiiiiissss
Look what they’re saying about my low engagement
I need to do some more polls about Turkey mince
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