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God, she just can't be content staying at home can she?! It's utterly ridiculous!

Absolutely loving all the comparison pics of her 'day' outfit :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

She defo didn't eat at the Ivy :ROFLMAO: they would have had to book weeks/months in advance. I can just see the eyes of the people actually dining in there rolling at her posing outside.

What a sad life she leads, I was absolutely knackered yesterday from a hectic week of work and other activities, you couldn't have paid me to go out to the Ivy or anywhere for that matter. Spent the evening with my other half on the sofa in my pyjamas, he had a bottle of red and I a bottle of Prosecco, we got a Chinese and watched utter shite on Channel 5 about the Royal Family. It was great 😂 Fopps would never be happy doing something like that, wouldn't be gram worthy and heaven forbid she might actually do something relatable for once!
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I still don’t get why she went down this route with this two bob pt etc, Slimming World worked for her, she had a successful job with it with the amount of members she pulled in, and she built a big following on social media off of the back of it. Why would she give most of that up and alienate a big majority of her following by pushing that instead. It just doesn’t add up to me, she claims she was never pushed from SW and still has a good relationship with them, so why doesn’t she stop fannying about trying to keep up with the kids on the gram and go back to what she knows?! She’d have a job again, she can preach until the cows come home instead of posting slimming world stuff acting like she still is a consultant, and to be fair to her she is one of the ones who didn’t balloon it back on, like the likes of Jsg and Feebs etc, I mean I know there’s a question mark over her disordered eating etc, but I just don’t get her trying all of this stuff to push this iNfLUeNCeR ‘career’ when she could help people again back at a group like she claimed she loved doing, the boys still goto nursery and she’d be marginally more sufferable than these chavtastic buffoons she keeps associating herself with. No shame in trying new things Nikki but by Christ have a bit more self respect, & get in a lane which actually worked for you.
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Firstly, how many celebrations does one person, or two in her case, need for their birthday? It's a birth-day, not a sodding birth-week! I can kind of understand for big birthdays but this is just excessive. My neighbours are the same, 4 or 5 days out to celebrate one child's birthday then again for the other two. Can we please go back to either a tea party at home or a McDonald's party and that was it 😂😂 It's all for the gram and for people to look at princess prikki!
Secondly, she is looking a lot older than her 39 years at the minute, it's since she started with that twinset twat! And....
Lastly, why is she still tagging Slimming world in all her posts? You don't follow it anymore nikki, you don't work for them anymore either.
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No offence taken, each to their own but I have a Grayson and I just want it noted I had him before Fopps had block and delete so I didn't get the name from her 🤪
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So she tags Gucci & Selfridges but not The Ivy 🤔 she didn’t eat there did she 😂😂😂
She definitely didn’t eat there... old braggy bollocks would have posted all the food photos and bragged about every detail by now if she had... we see through you Fopps you‘re the only self confessed foodie I know who visits Nando’s...
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Okay, so Framptons is not ahhhhmazin food! It looks fabulous but the venue has zero atmosphere and the food I'd give maybe 6/10 and that's being generous. I see she's also posing ourside the private pool at the Thermae Spa, is this whole trip showing lovely places she didn't go to, just stood in front of? 😏🤥 Sums her up, all for show!
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i have said it before but for a woman who bleats on about her much wanted children she really really comes across as resenting them. It's like she expected it to be easy and that they would raise themselves.

If anything I think she is even less maternal now after two years than she was when they were born and she was selling them for cashback.
She is grotesque. I dunno how she gets through the day with how seethingly resentful she is of them. She oozes ugliness from the soul that woman. I couldn't give a shit how she looks on the outside... all I see is a callous bastard.
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Someone has said to the person asking where her trainers are from that you can get similar at Matalan!!! 😂😂
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She looks like she got dressed from a lost property box, each to their own but she really is so up her own arse.Oh and she magically got a tan overnight 🤭
Everything is just for show, I really don’t know how anybody can stand this self obsessed prick :rolleyes:
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Is there anything actually in that LV hold-all or is it just another thing she uses to show how very very rich they are?
Was literally just thinking this 😂 thinks sticking a LV/Gucci/Prada bag on her shoulder makes her a cut above when the both of them are just scrounging cheapos from working class backgrounds. Absolute laughing stalks.
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My random thoughts just from her post:

She only bought it and had it on her - she never washes anything

Night away and calls it date night - they can’t just enjoy each other’s company and have a date night in the house without phones, or posing, or an ad or swipe up. Same when they go away for the night. It’s not date anything, it’s trying to make content because she’s desperate

Cheap sweaty heels and polyester clothes that sweat you, for walking around, on top of all the boiled eggs, and protein ... I’m sure she’s a joy to sit beside
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She probably does it online and just enters a weight that means she’s still ‘in target’ and doesn’t have to pay.
Or changes her target which she’s done about three times this year already. But she’s been “at target” for 20 years...isn’t that right Foppnocchio 🤥
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I wonder if they'll be staying tonight too... will she have 'forced' herself to spend TWO nights away from her precious, misses them so, so , so much babies...... ! Her outfit is very old fashioned for a 40 year old ... especially teamed with them trainers (again) :rolleyes: :rolleyes: she's so pretentious.... I'm at a loss to understand why Chris buys into this taking pics of her posing with that ridiculous handbag too..... pair of pricks !!

Also.. did cross my mind she may of just posed outside The Ivy and gone somewhere else for food ? Wouldn't put anything past her......

Her engagement on them posts it's shocking - less than a 100 comments.. way less than a 100 as half of the comments are her replies.......

Could she love herself anymore ? Bet they haven't done anything cultural or interesting in the beautiful city of Bath - she's probably hoping to bump into Lucy Jessica Carter - she's from down that way isn't she ? Awwww that would be a nice mother/daughter meet up 😂 😂 😂
All of the clothes put with something else are fine. It's the way she styles things I can't even explain it😄😄 that bag just finished it for me 🤣🤣 everyone is looking at autumn wardrobes and here she - spring cruise attire for a saga holiday 😆
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So she could've paid that company who are struggling because of the Pandemic but no, she used her large following (mainly bought) to get them to work hard behind the scenes to supply her boy's party with FREE food. Honestly she has no shame. I struggle commenting on this site because honestly I am not a gossipy person but she makes me soooooo mad!!!! Can't help myself. Nikki if you're reading this, I hope you feel like sh#t! Everyone is struggling at the mo, you're clearly not. Shame on you!!!!!
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My parents hadn’t looked after my son for 4 months (March-July) during lockdown. I’m in wales and work in a school and was called back into work in July for the last 4 weeks of term so a child I’m responsible for at school could have access to the hub (he’s a vulnerable child). For me to go back to work and support a vulnerable child I had to let my parents look after my son. The guilt I felt was terrible because I knew I was technically breaking the rules but I had no choice. Then you get this clown, who drops her children at their grandparents whenever the feeling takes her just so she can go back to the gym. The boys were back at nursery even before schools properly reopened. We can all see where this woman’s priorities lie and it isn’t those boys.
School is a shit show at the moment, class attendance down by about a 1/3rd in most classes because of covid symptoms and you only have to watch the news to see entire year groups having to isolate and do remote learning again because teachers and peers are testing positive for the virus. Wake up Fiona and look at the bigger picture, she never will though because as long as she gets her selfie in the gym and parades those boys around every soft play within a 50 mile radius she’s buzzing her tits off. If her home town ends up being one of the towns that has to go back into stricter lockdown I’d find it hilarious for her. I’m convinced she’d be responsible for a spike in numbers in her area because of all her gallavanting since day 1. She got off that plane from Florida and life hasn’t changed for her at all. She’s basically carried on as normal. Once a selfish bitch, always a selfish bitch.
You have a valid reason for your son going to your parents, you are a key worker doing an amazing job!
This selfish bitch said her dad was vulnerable when she needed a seat on a plane, but all of a sudden they returned to the UK and he was no longer vulnerable 🤷🏼‍♀️.
The boys go to nursery, she is at soft play, at farms, at various parks etc etc. In her world there isn’t a pandemic and she continues to put her family at risk. I blame them all, they all enable her. She isn’t a key worker, she doesn’t require childcare for her work.
She is a vile human being.
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So Bellend Ben and his wiffy wife have gone away to Portugal for the weekend (?) the same week that their kids have gone back to school? Knowing that a) kids are going through an incredibly stressful time worth their safe spaces changing dramatically; b) there’s a fucking pandemic on and chances are they’ll need to quarantine on return (not that they’ll have to IQ to follow those guidelines); and c) he’s meant to be a personal trainer and be training people?

Fucking cuntmuffin.

And he’s 33/34? Sun beds and steroids have done a right job on him!
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