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Ooh look at my kids preferring ryvita to pizza and fruit to chocolate. Come back to me in 8 years time ..... in fairness my son does prefer fruit to chocolate but he makes up for it with his daily chicken nuggets and waffles! But it’s just the anybody else’s children strange like mine. It’s not uncommon for children to not enjoy pizza at that age either so no nothing special there. I agree ryvita is hard on my mouth so for them poor lads. I wouldn’t have given mine ryvita. They had breadsticks and ritz crackers much softer.
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On her recent steak dinner photo she had a bottle of Metatone Tonic on the counter in the background. Has she mentioned that at all? Maybe the boys aren't napping as much as she would like!

"Metatone provides a combination of Vitamin B1 and four essential minerals in a liquid formula - which help provide a gentle boost when you are feeling tired or during and after illness."
That was my photo not Fopps 😂 yep the metatone is for exactly that! I’m absolutely bloody exhausted with my two little ones during lockdown. Could you not tell it wasn’t hers? My plate was full and my kitchen isn’t grey 😂😂😂
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I've just done that..... she's pissed me off too much.... fucking fuming..... something like that would be ideal for my grandson but they are way too expensive - she will hardly use them.... not like she does fuck all with them in the kitchen !
I don’t follow her 🤪 wouldn’t give her the honour of a follow.. and even better her profile is open so we can watch the train wreck from afar!
She looks a state in those pics.. orange grubby face.. frumpy dress and straw bun stuck on her head- she’s filtered them so much to look tanned that Faveson looks ginger (which is the worst in her opinion) 🙄🙄
Am I missing something? What the fuck is a learning tower? Looks like an step ladder to me? And what are the going to be “learning” how to make SW turkey mince surprise?!! She is the beggyest cow on Instagram -desperado
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I’ve never, ever contacted a business before, but I’ve done this time. I’m sick of it, so many more deserving families. If only it was so easy for us all to ask for ‘recommendations’ and end up being gifted expensive stuff.
something else that will no doubt just clutter her already over-cluttered kitchen
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Tagging Budweiser in her pics 🙃😂 is she hoping to be their next brand ambassador....

Can just imagine their next advert. Fopps on the phone to mad Mazza.
"Whaaaaaasup, have you tried this AHHHMAZING low cal, low syn beer mum?!"
"Oh my gorgeous Nikki, no I have not. I will be sure to buy 1 when I'm out buying a Grenade bar since you have never let me try them even though you get boxes and boxes delivered and only have half a bar at a time! Love to gorgeous chris and the boys!" a bit carried away!
DEAD at the whatssssuuup. It don’t get old 😂😂
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Ryvita is quite hard and difficult to eat, for toddler’s little mouths. They’re even too dry for me no matter what is on them. Just give them a normal cream cracker ffs

I’ve said it before, she has loads of stuff because she has hoarded it from her 20s. All the stuff she has bought for vlogs in recent years, she returns - you never see her wearing them. She wears the same Primark things over and over. Spending habit but not the money
I agree, we hardly ever see her wearing anything she pretends to buy, but we do see her in the same clothes over and over again. Come on Nikki, I challenge you to wear every single one of those gorgeousssss outfits in today's haul. Oh, and if you could stop flicking your hair back and forth that would be great. Thank you.
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Did she not say ‘rice cake’ rather then ryvita?

She was was on about getting Sky Q (aulthough I’m sure she said Sky Cubed). With the multi room the second box is just a mini one and works on WiFi from the other box so no need for cables. You can mount them behind the tv on the wall out of site but she’s on about getting a new really slim one so prob won’t be space to attach it behind. She’s also doesn’t realise with Sky Q you get YouTube and Netflix ect as apps intergrated so you don’t need a smart tv to run those things.

Dammit, I’ve given her all the answers.
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So she brought a load of toys because the other ones are too young for them!
My little one has her toys rotated so they are not all out at once, has around 5 toys out (the rest packed away) and every 7-10 days I rotate them and although I have put away her ‘baby’ toys there are toys from her first birthday I’ll get out and she’ll play with them differently because she has new ways of imaginative play! She’s only 3 months younger than the boys!
Nikki - you don’t let the boys play with toys long enough to know they need new ones. As for you didn’t open them straight away, you let them play with the till for less than 24 hours before opening ANOTHER wonder they’ll have no respect for anything. You really are an effing twat!
You are the most materialistic thing I’ve ever seen....its a shame you put more effort into shopping than you do being a genuine parent 👍🏻
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Those sandals remind me of when my mum first allowed me to wear something other than flat shoes. She really has no fashion sense
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her utter disgust for anything not SW friendly is hysterical, you can totally picture her turning her nose up by the tone of voice she uses "I don't eat those" "they're for Chris" "they didn't usually have those" its like anything above 5% fat or 100 calories gives off a foul stench only fopps can smell
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I feel the same about her massive essay captions comparing them- on the internet to strangers... there for everyone to see and know as they grow up. She’s massively over exposing them.. we know what the eat, how long they sleep, how many outfit changes they have, how much their clothes cost, what new toys they have..its too much.
Honestly, she’s a dull as dishwater and she knows it, she is desperately trying to fit in with the young mum blogger crowd, chloe lauren, LJC.. Jayde Jenson Rocco etc, all of those girls are 25-30- younger, fresher, get gifted all the things Fopps dreams of (make up, skincare, designer kids clobber) it’s really quite sad. She’s like their embarrassing Aunty commenting “you look stooonin darling” - she needs to review her target audience and age bracket. She’s a 40 year old, ex slimming world leader who happens to have kids.. nothing more nothing less. Not had an interesting life or career, not cultured or well travelled unless you count that exotic island off Portugal 😩 she pissses her pants over flavoured soft cheese, and has her kids on a low fat diet. Sorry but she’s no influencer to me. She’s a danger to herself and her sheep who may copy and feed their kids this tripe!

phew 😅 rant over.. for today 🤣

You hit the nail on the head there and summed her up perfectly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (see what I did there 😉)
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She's gone from 153,393 followers last night to 153,342 just now - so around 50 gone overnight..... fingers crossed people will keep leaving - though she still has loads !
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You can see without following :) don’t give her the satisfaction of a follow x
She is such a douche.. why would a step ladder be good for your kids development?? What is ACTUALLY good for them is interacting with them, getting them involved, messy, get them to taste and touch what you’re cooking. Not plonking them in it and faffing around taking staged overflitered photos 🤦🏽‍♀️ She’s such a failure honestly

she looks like such an awkward Aunty with them kids.. how any of her sheep call her a “natural” I will never know..she’s a horror; everything a mother shouldn’t be.
Selfish, cold, thick, self centered, ignorant, nutritionally negligent, vain, uneducated, smug.. the list could go on.
The body coach does this with his daughter.. I dont agree with half the stuff he does as a parent i don't really like him and I find him quite pushy and controlling, on the other hand her knowledge of different foods and her vocabulary is excellent and shes a similar age to her boys, she can also ride a scooter better than I probably could 🤣 obviously allot of time and effort goes into nurturing their children rather than fopps just taking them to any and every baby group going so she doesnt have to do anything and can socialise with her mates 🙄

I can’t believe how old and looks in that post, she could be madge off benidorms daughter. That extension is gonna look like a cluttered cupboard because of her incessant spending sorry BEGGING of pointless shite she doesn’t need let the kids bake on the floor fopps don’t worry about the mess cleaners are back working so you can get yours round pronto
She only got the extension because obviously bifolding doors and an extension is part of the mummy youtuber starter pack right? Dont even think it was that necessary for the extension to be honest could of made a play room in that downstairs office thing and used an extra bedroom for their office 🤷‍♀️ it's not even that bug or has much purpose its just there, maybe when its finished I'll get the look they are going for but I cant see it looking good yet x
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I’ve not listened to any of her stories as I can’t bear her voice but why have they put plug sockets half way up the wall?! If they are planning on having a tv there then where is the HDMI cable/sky cable?! Surely you’d have that tunnelled into the wall so it’s not hanging down?!? Another thing no one told her to do?!

and the outfit changes just scream that she’s so uncomfortable with herself.

and as the mother of a toddler - there is no way mine would ever eat a ryvita - let alone “love them” 😂😂
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Id be mortified if my mum wrote comments to me. And yes fopps we are close too, obviously not as close as you and yours as you continually point out how close you are, but do you know what, my mum texts me or she rings me or as she lives across the road from me she talks to me from the end of the path and tells me everything she wants to. Like her your mum has no need to write these embarrassing comments, that is of course of its her writing them
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